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Everything posted by wsxcgy

  1. wsxcgy

    US 75th Rangers

    I was going to ask if you guys would make an LBT 1961, guess I don't have to though. looks awesome! that'll look real badass with the crye lovis you showed off. a slick LBT 6094 would kill too. what if you guys were to make the chest rig as a backpack item, so it could fit over a variety of bare PCs rather than making a bunch of near-duplicates?
  2. Looking absolutely stunning.
  3. http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkish-armed-forces-continue-to-fight-soldier-suicides-says-minister--43104 hahaha another news article with an arma 2 screenshot.
  4. wsxcgy

    US 75th Rangers

    If we're talking rangers, MICH 2000, not 2001. I'd still love to see 2001's and 2002's at some point though, since other units did use them. Have you guys thought about how you're going to organize this project? I feel like the best way to go would be a core pack with all the vests, uniforms, helmets, and other gear in some general styles like flat colors and multicam, and then separate factions that depend on the core assets and include their own unit-specific textures like AOR for NSW or M81 for MARSOC.
  5. no, no engineer tovarish. imagine of the to invade with 80kph vehicle! we become unstoppable!
  6. wsxcgy

    US 75th Rangers

    I also agree they're off, I think a big psrt of it is they're oversized and positioned too far back on the head. warden_1's opscore is the best around imo. but these problems are fixable, with just a little rescaling, repositioning, and maybe a little reshaping.
  7. Hey, while we're out here posting screenshots of illegal,stolen game content, why don't we all go out and post pictures of the cars we stole to instagram and twitter!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!
  8. wsxcgy

    Project Infinite [Poll]

    there's FG-42s in the various WW2 mods, that might've had something to do with it.
  9. Russian Security Forces in South Zagoria in the aftermath of the Chernarussian Civil War, June 2010 RHS, CUP Bystrica, YuEmod, Caucasus Insurgency, RDS Civil Pack
  10. wsxcgy

    US 75th Rangers

    That is definitely a 6094 but I'd say its also almost definitely not standard kit, probably privately bought. as far as I know the succession of vests for the rangers was Eagle CIRAS to Eagle MBAV to Crye AVS. thats the order of standard SOCOM vests, or at least as close to standard as you can get when it comes to SOCOM. A lot of guys get their own stuff and that can vary with what unit you're looking at. there's already a lot of 6094 mods floating around so I'd say put your efforts and time toward something else, personally.
  11. wsxcgy

    US 75th Rangers

    can we see these photos you are referring to?
  12. wsxcgy

    US 75th Rangers

    wow thats looking great. just imagine how it'll be once the diffuses are done and the normals are baked. looks like you guys have got the makings for a premier addon here. excellent work and thank you.
  13. finding animations that fit the bullpup PKP or making new ones for it is probably very difficult.
  14. Something compelled me to go back and reinstall Arma 2/OA and it brought something to my attention. I noticed that they had in place a way of almost overlaying the satmap on the close-range ground textures and the clutter/grass, and predictably, it made everything blend really, really well. is that at all possible with arma 3? I just keep finding myself disappointed with how arma 2 ported terrains have been looking. though unfortunately as I understand it, the process of fixing everything up is long tedious, and often without guide. I feel like I recall seeing lighting and clutter parameters in config examples on the wiki that seemed to work in this direction but I've never really tried any of that. I have a feeling that part of the reason a lot of things look off in arma 3 opposed to arma 2 is because they were made to work with this system of sat blending but that didn't get carried over in porting. edit: upon review, it appears this is at work on CUP chernarus, but not so much takistan.
  15. wsxcgy

    US 75th Rangers

    are you sure man? I'd be more than happy to oblige...
  16. the mechanic clothes are not unique to Orange, you can find a similar outfit in APEX.
  17. yeah, I understand how that can be difficult without messing up everything else. not sure what image editor you use, but I know that in paint.NET if you hold shift while selecting regions with the magic wand tool, it will only select everything of that color in the image. you could then copy that selection in to a new layer on top, and then modify that layer, only changing things within the color range of your choosing. if the edges of the colors get too sharp and defined after the color change, you could try duplicating the color-fixed layer so there's two, and then blur the lower one so the color blends better. after that just merge all the layers down and save.
  18. the greens in the satmap are looking too dark and in terms of RGB theres way too much blue and not enough red, it looks like a dark teal almost and that not only clashes with your grass and foliage since theyre more of a red-ish green, but generally looks a bit unnatural. I also kind of dislike the choice to use those Arma 1 houses and would have replaced them with Arma 3 and malden ones, because the old ones look dated and their styling is inconsistent with the others. just some constructive criticisms, everything else is very very well executed though and I highly look forward to this release.
  19. well you could always just rip the textures, greyscale them, and work from there. they dont have camouflage patterns on them so you don't necessarily need a template, you can just make your own pretty quick.
  20. I have a theory that the "Altian" voices might actually just be Czech voice actors or BI employees. if Bohemia Interactive terrains had access to legitimate greek VAs, they would have probably opted for Greek being spoken. perhaps that was the plan but then after their spying fiasco on Limnos they weren't able to make it happen so they switched over to english. in the game lore, Altis is a former british colony so it makes sense I suppose. you could argue that the greek signs are traditional names but english became the lingua franca of the area over years of subservience to britain and eventually became standard. maybe the greek language came in from greek occupation in ancient times, repressing the originally Phoenician culture. there's all kinds of ways we can fill the plot holes BI left us.
  21. wsxcgy

    US 75th Rangers

    this sure is shaping up to be quite the addon. perhaps you could eve spread out to include other SOCOM units as well, theres a lot of gear crossover. it'd be cool to see newer vests like the Crye AVS at some point. good work with all these new uniforms. its really nice to see some new progress, as we havent gotten anything for a long time.
  22. a nice fn fnc would really make me nut. by most people's standards its probably just another boring semi-ugly 5.56 rifle but idk there's just something about it. https://imgur.com/a/gqWh9 this blog post has a lot of pictures at a lot of angles as well http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2013/01/08/the-fn-fnc-affordable-select-fire-5-56/
  23. wsxcgy

    US Forces 2000s

    randomization scripts are really annoying to me, I often tweak loadouts in the editor and the script overrides them.