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Everything posted by Jnr4817

  1. Jnr4817

    GF Missions Script

    For enemy occupation there are multiple scripts to help with that. DAC itself, plus DEP and EOS and SLP. https://fluitarma.wordpress.com/ I don't like using zones that I have to place, so my default is DEP. It scans the map on a every mission for whitelisted places and then populates those areas. there are to many settings to discuss here, but it makes the map and mission feel populated by enemy and civilian that is not over or under whelming. Thanks,
  2. Having healing automatic is awesome. But an option to order a specific unit to auto heal would be helpful, in some cases. INS Revive, does this. The unit selected can be given a command to autoheal his bro's, if he is not autohealing already, kind of like a reinforcement command. Thanks for all your hard work.
  3. Jnr4817

    What is your AI settings?

    How would you turn this into a lobby parameter and have 1-5 settings to choose from for MP, Dedicated, etc?
  4. Having issues using towing and sling loading on the USS Freedom and USS Liberty. Sling loading, it wont allow to pick up ropes on the ships for sling loading. Towing it works sometimes. Thanks
  5. Jnr4817

    Ghost Missions

    Ok, thank you.
  6. Jnr4817

    Ghost Missions

    Are you going to update dropbox? Any other updates coming for enemy assault, since the Encore release? Thanks again for an awesome mission.
  7. You mentioned maybe making a non-dependent version. I'd love a vanilla version for a mission I have planned. Blufor is traveling to a mission, aircraft crashes, Team must now figure a way out of the place they crashed. They only have what they were carrying and don't know if locals are hostile. Anyway, your script would be very useful. Thanks
  8. Jnr4817

    GF Missions Script

    How often do you plan to update the missions script?
  9. Jnr4817

    GF Missions Script

    Can we make the reward system optional? Maybe even off or false by default. Thanks for considering.
  10. I love this way of adding support. How would I still enable the use of lobby params to change the cooldown for supports. Or should this method still work. class PARAM_Supports { title = ":: Support Settings"; values[] = {0,0}; texts[] = {"",""}; default = 0; }; class PARAM_Supports_Ammo { title = " Ammo Drop:"; values[] = {0,2,5,10,15,20,30}; texts[] = {"Disabled","Every 2 Mins","Every 5 Mins","Every 10 Mins","Every 15 Mins","Every 20 Mins","Every 30 Mins"}; default = 10; }; class PARAM_Supports_Transport { title = " Helicopter Transport:"; values[] = {0,2,5,10,15,20,30}; texts[] = {"Disabled","Every 2 Mins","Every 5 Mins","Every 10 Mins","Every 15 Mins","Every 20 Mins","Every 30 Mins"}; default = 10; }; class PARAM_Supports_CAS_Heli { title = " CAS (Helicopter Attack):"; values[] = {0,2,5,10,15,20,30}; texts[] = {"Disabled","Every 2 Mins","Every 5 Mins","Every 10 Mins","Every 15 Mins","Every 20 Mins","Every 30 Mins"}; default = 10; }; class PARAM_Supports_CAS_Bomb { title = " CAS (Bombing Run):"; values[] = {0,2,5,10,15,20,30}; texts[] = {"Disabled","Every 2 Mins","Every 5 Mins","Every 10 Mins","Every 15 Mins","Every 20 Mins","Every 30 Mins"}; default = 10; }; class PARAM_Supports_Artillery { title = " Artillery:"; values[] = {0,2,5,10,15,20,30}; texts[] = {"Disabled","Every 2 Mins","Every 5 Mins","Every 10 Mins","Every 15 Mins","Every 20 Mins","Every 30 Mins"}; default = 10; };
  11. Jnr4817

    GF Missions Script

    Excellent mission set. I can't wait till more are added. You are putting together some very user friendly scripts for mission makers. A few thoughts, It would be nice to have some lobby parameters to adjust. For example, several of the mission_init and dac_config settings could be changed in the lobby changing the scope of the total game itself. Another cool feature would be the ability to have 1-4 missions pop up at a given time or let the user choose in lobby. This way a larger group could split task up between squads. These are my humble thoughts. Again great work.
  12. Here is the SA_fnc_makevirtualammo from the sa_respawnable.sqf /* Author: [SA] Duda Description: Update a task Parameters: 0: OBJECT - Object to add virtual ammo to Returns: BOOL */ private ["_obj"]; _obj = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param; [_obj] call VAS_fnc_createVasContainer; _obj addaction ["<t color='#ff1111'>Open Virtual Arsenal</t>", { ["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; }]; It creates addactions for an arsenal and virtual ammo box. Also makes the box or vehicle respawn if destroyed. I guess I just need to call sa_fnc_makevirtualammo in your _cratecode, just not sure how.
  13. @pierremgi How do I add my code to the crate that we use for VAS and Arsenal, instead of the current arsenal code in your _cratecode= Currently I am using this code in the init field of a box or vehicle. veh = [this] execVM "SA\scripts\sa_respawnable_veh.sqf" Here is the script private ["_veh","_includeAmmoBox","_initRespawn"]; _veh = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param; _includeAmmoBox = [_this,1,true] call BIS_fnc_param; _initRespawn = [_this,2,true] call BIS_fnc_param; if(_includeAmmoBox) then { [_veh] call SA_fnc_makeVirtualAmmo; }; if(_initRespawn) then { if(_includeAmmoBox) then { [_veh, 30, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE, "[this, true, false] execVM ""SA\scripts\sa_respawnable_veh.sqf"""] execVM "SA\scripts\vehicle.sqf"; } else { [_veh, 30, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE, "[this, false, false] execVM ""SA\scripts\sa_respawnable_veh.sqf"""] execVM "SA\scripts\vehicle.sqf"; }; }; This is line of code I am trying to edit. _crateCode = compile ""[_this,{_this addAction ['Arsenal',{['Open',true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal},nil,10,false,true,'', '']}] remoteExec ['call']; _flare = if (sunOrMoon <0.5) then [{'F_20mm_Yellow'},{'smokeShellYellow'}]; _fumi = _flare createvehicle getPosATL _this; _fumi attachTo [_this,[0,0,-2]]""; comment 'optional remove the _crateCode line if you dont want an arsenal'; Thank you so very much,
  14. Jnr4817

    GF Missions Script

    I can't wait to try this. DAC is an excellent choice. DEP is also an excellent way to spawn dynamic AI enemy for missions. Reed
  15. Jnr4817

    [CTI,TvT,CooP] Dissension

    We have this problem on our server too. Especially when spawning a group to halo.
  16. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Unflip script

    I figured it out, not sure why it works, but I changed the vectorCos >0.5, instead of <0.5. Works now. Thanks
  17. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Unflip script

    I am putting it in the init code of the vehicle, also without _. I was sitting the vehicle upside down completely. Ill test 0.9 Thanks
  18. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Unflip script

    I have tried and tried to get this to work. 7erra code gives an add action but wont flip vehicle back pierremgi new condition wont work for me either, I don't even get an addaction I know it should be simplet but it is not for some reason. I am hosting a mulitplayer to test, but it will be used on a dedicated server. Thanks for any help.
  19. We use Duda's Towing and place a ATV in the Bay to pull the aircraft.
  20. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Unflip script

    I tried again. I’m using a prowler that I’ve placed upside as a flipped vehicle and set damage to false. Still doesn’t work. When I get home I’ll try again without the 5. does my code look correct I posted above?
  21. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Unflip script

    No, I am inside. I used all positions. I even looked right at the flipped vehicle I placed in editor. Never get an action to flip. Tired again with no success. I am not sure why. I am not getting any errors either. this addAction ["Flip vehicle",{ params ["_vehicle", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"]; _normalVec = surfaceNormal getPos _vehicle; if (!local _vehicle) then { [_vehicle,_normalVec] remoteExec ["setVectorUp",_vehicle]; } else { _vehicle setVectorUp _normalVec; }; _vehicle setPosATL [getPosATL _vehicle select 0, getPosATL _vehicle select 1, 0]; },[],1.5,true,true,"","(vectorUp _target) vectorCos (surfaceNormal getPos _target) <0.5 && _target == vehicle _this"];
  22. Jnr4817

    No Grass Mod

    A script version of this would be much appreciated.