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About -J0hnny-

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    Private First Class

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  1. Whats wrong is that believe it or not, not all the mods that are on PwS are on SW, plus PwS gives you the ability to decide which version of a mod you want to use...anyway, lots of individuals still use it and mod devs are usually cooperative and warm towards their fanbase...it really wouldnt be much of trouble from your end if you decided to do so yourself and be one of those devs...we re all here united because of our passion for ww2 and we should build on it...asking me to put up a mirror?! I dont even know what a mirror is and thats why myself and others were introduced to PwS by many devs lol...
  2. Its a shame making such a wonderful mod and not making it available for all sub-communities then...most other ww2 mods are in PwS as it was the first application that was easy to use and everybody was at some point introduced to it by the current devs-members of the ww2 community. Many groups still use it
  3. This seems like a MUST!!!!!! Could you upload it to PlayWithSix too?? Lots of us use it for years now
  4. -J0hnny-

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Being military personnel myself, ww2 historian and reenactor, coming from an island near "Altis", and because my grandfather fought in the entire ww2 greek involvement (1940-1949) it d be great to see ww2 era greek units. To provide some historical info, greece was never a british colony. After the greek-italian war (1940-1941), and the greek-german war (1941) the greek army was disbanded due to the german-italian occupation(1941-1944)...a few fleeing troops that escaped from greece formed the 1st and 2nd Greek Infantry Brigades in the middle east, under british 8th army's command. Most of them received commando training from the british commandos-sas. the 1st Brigade fought in the frontline of El-Alamein and Tobruk. Following some uprisal and slaughter incidents by communist elements among the troops of the 2 brigades, the communist viewing soldiers were disarmed and sent to military concentration camps. The current 2 brigades were disbanded by the British command, and the following 2 legendary units were formed by the remaining royalist-nationalist troops. 1. The Greek Sacred Squadron was formed as part of the most famous british commandos-sas jeep raiding groups. On top of Africa operations and daring raids the Squadron was also sent in the aegean to partake in operations, raids and sabotage missions across the greek islands and was the only greek military presence on the greek islands. The Sacred Squadron was disbanded in 1944 and in 1947 members of the Sacred Squadron and the 3rd Mountain Rimini Brigade (read below) formed the Greek Commandos that were needed for the rest of the war and the unit is still dating to this day. 2. The 3rd Greek Mountain Brigade (3337 men) landed in Taranto and fought all the way up the italian european war theatre (Bari, Riccione, Rimini, Bellaria) alongside other famous units like the Gurkhas, Canadians, New Zealanders and others. For their heroic liberation of Rimini (september 1944) and the battles of the city of Rimini, Rimini airfield, Rimini outskirts and nearby rivers, villages and settlements (where each battalion got its renowned name) against 1st Fallschirmjager Regiment, Turkomen, 162 infantry division, and SS elements , the allied high command changed the brigade's name into 3rd Greek Mountain Brigade Rimini and awarded every single one of the troops a medal with the brigade's emblem on it (Goddess Athenas head) to be worn on their right chest pocket. Immediately after this, the Brigade was sent in Athens to reinforce the government, and the British Royal Paras reestablish democracy, and fight in the first cold war battle, also known as Battle of Athens - dekemvriana (december 1944) against armed forces of the Greek Communist party led by present soviet commisars whos purpose was to attach Greece to the Soviet Union pact. The remaining members of the brigade ( being fierced and highly decorated warriors ) were scattered later to form and train the new greek army. The war ended in 1949 , marking the end of ww2, greek anti-partisan war and the first cold war for the greek troops, after the communist army was pushed over the borders towards balkan soviet countries. So, it would indeed be just uniform reskins for the game. the units that could be depicted are, the 1st Brigade, The Rimini Brigade and The Sacred Squadron, all wearing both desert and winter british equipment, and armed with british and american weapons. They only had slightly different insignias and emblems on them WHICH i can provide historical references and photos of the real items. I can also provide extra in-depth information.
  5. -J0hnny-


    Hello, me and my group have been huge fans of this Stunning mod for a very long time and the effort that has been put into this, and we ve been using it from PWS since it contains vital assets for modern warfare conflicts (and ofc the BW). Unfortunately the mod has broken the game since the latest update, and it gives us all the same error "BWA3 error: please change your SWS abonnement". That message appears both in the loading screen just before the main menu, and when you press the play button in an editor scenario. Then it just throws you back at the editor, making the game unplayable and crippled. Ofc before just posting here like most inpatient people do in arma community, i personally researched the web for a solution for hours during the last days but there appears to be nothing except some messages in forums written in german, probably refering to the same problem, but its google translation got out a little funny and wouldn't help at all. What is causing this, and can we hope for a fix on PlayWithSix so we can turn this wonderful mod back on??
  6. Hi Catsy and Joarius, me and my group have been enjoying the Geist lite pack since it first came out on PwS..its a real gift to the ww2 community and we definetely recommend it to everyone...its a must if u re a ww2 fan and you re looking for a wide uniform variety! For everyone that is reading this...GO download it immediately! We recently noticed an expansion on Steam Workshop that focuses on reskins of FoW mod's wonderful assets but there is no description, photos or information..what does it contain? And the main question, could you upload it on PlayWithSix too for all of us? (we re all pre-guessing we ll love it)
  7. I'm searching six to find it sabre but all i can find is your base mod requirement, the aircraft lib...i cant find the ww2 planes pack(Secret Weapons). What is the name i should be looking for?
  8. Great looking mod and very useful addition to our ww2 experience!! could you upload it to PlayWithSix for all of us to enjoy too?? :D
  9. Madsheperd could you please upload it to PlayWithSix too so all of us can enjoy it and expand our ww2 mods? do you have a page for it on these forums to check it out?
  10. -J0hnny-

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Indeed! whats the situation with PwS? when is version II coming out?? its almost a month since manual release and lots of us havent seen the goodies yet...thats torture
  11. -J0hnny-

    Faces of War [WW2]

    oh thanks eggbeast! we ll keep it in mind too as a secondary..i know its off topic here but your unsung mod is perfect too and most enjoyable and we always have it on the playlist in my team since it first came out!! i have got 2 issues/bugs that we ve noticed when combining unsung with other mods on PWS to report. Shall i report them on your tread or in a pm?
  12. -J0hnny-

    Faces of War [WW2]

    mozzarellaccia is right, PWS eases things up when using lots of other mods too, and it also helps people who are unfamiliar with all those magic tricks on folder managing and modding etc :p I remember years ago since the arma2 days when lots of ww2 enthusiasts wanted to make the arma experience more interesting, all the mods devs used to massively suggest PWS to us and indeed it made things easier. Anyway thank you lads for keeping ww2 alive and all the effort you ve put into this,everything looks truly fantastic! we ll be waiting for it to hit PWS to gear up and pack our chutes!
  13. -J0hnny-

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Wow thats great news!! :D :D We 're waiting for it to hit PlaywithSix too!
  14. Wow thats great news! We ve all been waiting like crazy for this one! Cant wait to try the new update!!Everything seems perfect from the pics ..i hope you havent forgotten about those of us using PLAYwithSIX again :p
  15. Everything seems perfect as always!!,so eager to get the new goodies! I hope you havent forgot about those of us who use PlayWithSix :)