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Everything posted by infrareddimming

  1. infrareddimming

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Awesome work! Happy to see a resurgence of WWII mods.
  2. infrareddimming

    Folders in Virtual Arsenal

    We need more sorting options in the virtual arsenal. A search function would be nice as well. It would be awesome if we could have a adobe lightroom-esqe sorting system. Give the user and addon maker the ability to tag addons with specific words and/or colors.
  3. infrareddimming


    It really is a nice model and we could definitely use some more civilian vehicles in Arma.
  4. Alright, no biggie. Are they mutally exclusive due to arma's coding?
  5. Honestly I thought the changes made the lighting look less realistic. Real life isnt brown. Don't get me wrong I understand what the team was trying to do, but clear weather conditions should mean blue skies. Dust/sand particles don't just magically manifest themselves in the air. I mean if people are hellbent on getting that brownish tint to their game, there's always that post processing module option.
  6. Excellent release toadie! I'm particularly happy with the new sound effects as they really do transform the Arma experience. Another personal favorite of mine is the surefire weaponlight for the MP5. Finally I can have my 90s era SWAT and SEAL teams. However, the MP5N currently does not have the ability to mount that particular surefire light. Was this an oversight or a deliberate decision? Another small request would be the ability to mount bipods on the AWM with the integral suppressor (as well as open all AWM weapon platforms up to mounting IR lasers or flashlights). I'm not sure the animations can be changed. Arma lacks a 'resting' animation for LMGs. I'd love to see those weapons carried at the hip as well, but perhaps that's something only BIS can do? That said, a mod 1 would be amazing but we'll just have to wait patiently for one.
  7. infrareddimming


    Right now there's a model of a destroyed van in Arma III, but it has no functional counterpart. Was it scrapped due to time constraints and if so, will it make an appearance in the APEX expansion?
  8. infrareddimming

    Weapon Switching on the Move

    Hence the need to introduce a weapon switch skill value. Have the speed with which a character transitions to his secondary weapon depend on that variable. Like I said earlier in the thread, ideally BIS should introduce character classes in addition to a weapon transition skill. For example having a number of different classes (SF, regular soldier, militia) would allow for the introduction of different animations as well. This would counteract poorly trained third world militia utilizing the same drills as Delta Force operators. Yeah, the 'proper' animation is already used in certain circumstances. I think switching to your binos will also trigger a similar animations.
  9. Oh god, don't do that. Arma 2's lighting was atrocious. Dull and flat looking. Prior to using the excellent CUP terrain pack I was using the A3MP mod. I loved that the latter used Altis lighting configs on the Arma 2 maps. It made everything look a lot more vibrant and realistic. It was especially noticeable during clear skies weather conditions. Honestly, the dusty and brown lighting is my one beef with CUP terrains (well, that and the untextured birch tree bug). That said, Im very anxious to see what the CUP team will be able to do with the new lighting options.
  10. infrareddimming

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Actually War Thunder's map fidelity is quite high. Some of the maps feature large, dense urban areas with destructable terrain. The thing that makes it impressive is the seamless transition from ground to air gameplay, especially on the large SB maps. However, you're right that the comparison is not entirely fair. I'm sure the Arma infantry part is very complex and takes up an enormous amount of resources. I lack the technical background to compare both engines (and even if I did have that competency, I still wouldnt be able to look under the proverbial hoods), but War Thunder does feature massive terrain and complex flight and damage models. Flying planes and driving tanks is a joy in that game and it's somethat that Bohemia should try to emulate. Moreso because it's based on using the mouse and keyboard combination, which would fit in very well with Arma's control scheme (for planes atleast, tanks are more complex simply because they're multi crew vehicles). Honestly I'm not entirely sure, I think it's full implementation is still pending. War Thunder is a great game, but the developers are utterly incompetent. They seem to be hellbent on trying to transform the game into World of Tanks 2.0 (arcade mechanics, MOBA maps and generally doing the exact opposite of what their RB and SB players want (realism oriented). Truth be told, it has really solidified my faith in BIS. A developer improving their game on an almost daily basis and in constant communication with their community.
  11. infrareddimming

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    It's unfortunate that BIS was unable to tackle this issue. Graphically Arma is fantastic, save for the midrange texture problem and viewdistance. It makes me jealous every time I play War Thunder and enjoy those massive draw distances. Guess we'll have to wait for Arma 4. Then again, Arma 3 has seen some groundbreaking new features added since its alpha release, so Ive not entirely given up hope. PS Whatever happened to kegetys? He was huge during the OFP days, but I dont remember him sticking around for Arma (1,2 and 3).
  12. infrareddimming


    Yeah they look crap up close. Looks amazing at range though. That said Arma's clouds lack the high/middle cirriform, stratocumuliform types. It seemed War Thunder's version of Truesky added those in.
  13. infrareddimming

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    No, I think those remain unchanged. Great visuals BIS, I'm very impressed! I love my orange clouds. Been a while since we've seen those. Hopefully clouds casting shadows and increased view distance are somewhere in the pipeline as well. War Thunder has really spoiled me on that, especially the amazing view distance. In any case, looking forwards to the official release of APEX.
  14. infrareddimming

    Weapon Switching on the Move

    You can run with rifles slung on your chest, you just need to hold it with your arm. Firing with your sidearm should obviously be disabled during these moves. However you should be able to switch when using slow jog and definitely during tactical pace. Check out Pat McNamara demontrating running with his carbine (around the 0:30 mark) we need a holstering option back though. For both primary weapon and sidearm. Pistols should obviously go in their holsters, but a holstering a rifle could have that weapon slung across the back
  15. infrareddimming

    Zee Identity Pack

    Amazing work on those faces Zeealex (not to mention the other stuff), can't believe this gem slipped under my radar. In the context of RHS (and specifically the AFRF part) will you consider doing some of the ethnic Asian peoples in Russia's southern and eastern areas? Would be great to see these ethnicities represented as well as the current (default) Asian models are probably more accurate for eastern Asians. Not a specific request or anything, just wondering since you already tackeled an African-American character.
  16. infrareddimming

    [MELB] Mission Enhanced Little Bird

    Both player group and non player groups. Basically the action initiated by using the 'transport unload' waypoint. It can be used using an eject trigger, but it's rather clunky. Anyway, it's not really linked to the MELB addon itself.
  17. infrareddimming

    Weapon Switching on the Move

    I was going to address the issue of weapon transitions, but I see you guys already brought it up. Even using the same youtube vid I wanted to use ;) Obviously I would support such a change. I'm not sure if it's already in the game, but perhaps reload and transitions can be linked to character skills? A max level value would allow the character to basically do SOF levels of speed, while a low value would be very slow in comparison. In an ideal world I'd love to see different sets of animations used depending on skill levels (SF operator, infantryman, militia and civilian). This would also counteract the weird effect of having a ragtag bunch of units using advanced fire drills. However, I realize this might require an extraordinary amount of resources.
  18. infrareddimming

    Crye JPC & AirFrame Mod

    True, there are plenty of recent pictures of HRT with airframes. But like I said, I'm just glad you're developing both so we have all the options when playing operator dress up. But I dont want to derail your topic any further :D
  19. infrareddimming

    [CLOSED] FFAA V6 (Spanish Army Mod)

    Very cool update. The ship is looking beautiful. Without doubt one of the best naval assets I've seen for the Arma series. Will it have interior lighting? Speaking of lighting, can you post nighttime pictures of the airfields on the Lythium map when you get around to it? Can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to that map. Large and full of new assets. Keep up the great work.
  20. infrareddimming

    Crye JPC & AirFrame Mod

    Well I guess it's hard to say definitively given the clandestine nature of the units in question, but it would seem HRT certainly favors the opscore lately if you look at the dates of released media. Only airframes in 2013 Hostage Rescue Team Marks 30 Years and in Boston. Opscores in 2014 during the Frein manhunt and recent promo images. CAG is almost impossible to confirm unfortunately, but there are some images in which some people looking like cool army guys are wearing opscores, e.g. this one or this one. The second one is interesting as he has an airframe helmetcover and all of the trademark delta gear. Then again they could be CIF guys on a break from the unit. Ultimately it doesn't really matter though, Im just glad you've made (and are working on) both.
  21. infrareddimming

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Since I have no facebook account, I might as well use this thread to ask some question regarding the recent previews. You have recently released this picture of the m107. Are those custom static animations or have you reworked the animations for handling the rifle? Also, are my eyes deceiving me or is that a sexy looking desert camo on the m107?
  22. infrareddimming

    Crye JPC & AirFrame Mod

    Excellent news, when you put as much detail and effort into a simple nvg mount I can only imagine what a fully fledged tricked out helmet looks like. Incidentally arn't airframes on their way out? Both CAG and FBI HRT have been seen using opscores lately, but I digress.
  23. That looks about right I think, unless you want to include suppressors, optics, IR lasers and flashlights.
  24. infrareddimming

    [MELB] Mission Enhanced Little Bird

    Yeah, I figured it was probably engine related. Might have to bug BI about it then.