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Everything posted by scottb613

  1. Hi Gerhart, Thanks for taking the time to respond - let me take a look... :) Regards, Scott
  2. Hi Folks, Hah - got ALiVE working on my machine and I must say - it makes an impressively realistic WWII experience with your mod... Thanks one and all for all your contributions... Really appreciated folks... Guess you know about the duplicated reload sounds playing on many of the rifles ??? Question: Where are the IFL3 ammo boxes to resupply troops ??? Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. scottb613

    Squad Commands ?

    Hi Silent, Thanks for your response as well... I'll play around with it... In the video I recently watched - the author was highly recommending C2... I'll download and try that as well... After all these years - I'm surprised the two features I mentioned haven't been included - maybe the new Tanoa might make the need apparent... Close jungle warfare - where you can't see very far ahead - point man is almost essential to avoid an ambush... It can get tedious manually positioning your point... Appreciate all your insights and help - everyone.... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. scottb613

    Squad Commands ?

    Hi Folks, Thanks for your responses... I'll try your suggestions as see how I can make out... Been watching a video on arma squat tactics on YouTube and it seems to be recommending the use of a voice control program for this... The menus are truly awkward to use in the heat of battle... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. scottb613

    Missing Squad Icons ?

    Hi Folks, Looks like ACE was doing it - removed ACE - got my command bar back... Regards, Scott
  6. Hi Hero, Thanks - I'll look more closely... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Hi Folks, I normally use ALiVE but I don't think this is related... If I order reinforcements - ALiVE delivers them as it should - how to I get them to merge with my group so I can give them orders - there must be a keystroke or menu item - right ? I know there is a "join" in scripts but this is dynamic... Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. scottb613

    Forums migration/update status items

    OMG - Tapatalk --- FINALLY --- thank you... :) Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Hi Folks, Just thanks for all the assistance - much appreciated - looks like I have some poking around to do... Regards, Scott
  10. Roger that - thanks ! Regards, Scott
  11. Hi Folks, Hah - looking forward to my next tour... Question - if a "FNG" wants to try a multiplayer session - is there a server setup for me to get my feet wet... Again - never tried multiplayer - so some patience would be required... Are the voice coms built into Arma or do I need some third party app (shows you how much I know about multiplayer) ? I only get time to mess with this on weekend at night - EDT... My ultimate goal would be to participate in sessions that are as realistic as practical... Might solve my stupid AI problem as well... Thanks... Regards, Scott
  12. Hi Kju, Thanks for the prompt response - I'll check the link you posted... I'm not sure I fully understand your response... With the old IF3 - we would have to specify the faction listed below so ALiVE would know what units to populate on the field... I tried using these names and they don't seem to work... Are there new names and if so - would you have a list ? LIB_LUFTWAFFE LNRD_Luft LIB_PANZERWAFFE LIB_WEHRMACHT SG_STURM LIB_RKKA LIB_USSR_AIRFORCE LIB_USSR_TANK_TROOPS LIB_GUER LIB_US_AIRFORCE LIB_US_ARMY LIB_US_TANK_TROOPS Thanks... Regards, Scott
  13. Hi Folks, Wow - superb effort - I had set this up the old way in A3 and it was a bit of a pain.... Thanks so much ! Anyone using this with ALiVE ? I tried using the faction names listed on the ALiVE Wiki for the old IF - but they don't seem to work for me... Have the faction names been changed at all ? Thanks... Regards, Scott
  14. Hi Folks, Thanks Nakkas for your very detailed response – much appreciated – sir… LAW: Hah – oops – I may have has a gross conceptual error on that one – I thought the LAW was a one shot deal with a preloaded rocket – I didn’t even look for ammo… I’ll check the ammo crates more carefully… Thanks… LOL – Eggbeast – if I manage to load it without blowing myself up… One other observation on my PBR mission down the river… I’ve been playing it over and over again – as I keep dying… When I do get both PBR’s - twin 50’s in each boat - to their first real encounter – single enemy patrol boat with a single machine gun fore and aft… We come around the bend and everyone is firing – the enemy always kills both my boats even though I have twice the fire power… It seems that the enemy AI if far superior to my AI… If I switch it up and I man the forward gun – I win every time – even if I use just a single boat… On the map that’s not an island – don’t have names handy – the airbase on the northern edge – doesn’t seem to have any AI path for tracked vehicles to make it to the road… I can’t order AI tracked vehicles to leave the base… If use one of the amphibious vehicles – it chooses a route going through the water… Just a heads up in case this wasn’t intended… On the mission I am playing – there are a bunch of tracked vehicles on the base – and with a road so near – they should be able to get there… I like your jungles better than the new Tanos jungles – the darker colors makes for a much more foreboding atmosphere than the brighter ones on Tanos – especially on a gloomy rainy day – which seems oh so fitting for Nam… Anyway – again – just trying to provide some constructive feedback… I’ll have to pick up some Stones and CCR for atmosphere… You’ve got me hooked… Regards, Scott
  15. scottb613

    Arma 3 and 21:9 monitors ?

    Hi Folks, Think you sold me on 21:9 - just out of curiosity - anyone know if the 21:9 FOV near what our normal FOV is in real life ? Been looking at the posted images and it appears in the same ball park... The one drawback I've seen mentioned with the really wide monitors is that light bleed on the edges... I've been leaning towards the Dell model as I've had good experiences with them on monitors... Regards, Scott
  16. Hi Folks, Hah - they sure made some funny looking helicopters back in the day - nice work... So - been getting my feet wet again in Unsung - it really is some immersive mod and I'm amazed around every turn... Just a heads up - in case you're not aware... I think (beginner level) these may be issues from my experience running some SP missions... Issue: The LAW rocket is messed up (points at ground) and is unusable... Issue: Getting occasional missing sound files such as coughs or laughs... Issue: The PBR's - when loading with AI Crew - doesn't man the gun positions first - so the heavy guns sit idle while the crew sits in seats... Also on the Flame Thrower PBR - the middle gun doesn't seem capable of being used... Question: Running the "Platoon" SP mission and it has us use (2) PBR's to get down river - I have the basics of ordering the boats to move down river - by aiming and ordering "move there" or similarly on the map - but man it's tedious - I usually get the boat I'm not in - jammed up and unable to proceed - is there some trick to get two boats to make a fast sweeping attack run down river in SP ? Question: Should I be using any addon AI to improve AI performance ? Thanks again for this incredible effort - really takes you back in time... :) Regards, Scott
  17. Hi Folks, Really appreciate all the help... That last point may be my issue - I didn't realize there was a mission folder in the "documents" directory - I was only copying the file into the ArmA sub directories... I'll give it a shot... No biggie now - I pulled an all nighter and created a nice little RHS Alive Insurgency on Stratis - it's starting to come back to me now... Part of it was my first time use of Eden as well... Thanks again... Regards, Scott
  18. Hi Folks, Been a way for a bit - a bit rusty - rebuilt my machine and loaded ArmA - copied an old mission into the mission folder - it's available to play but I can't load it into the editor because it's not listed... Any ideas ? It's my own mission... Thanks... Regards, Scott
  19. Hi... Thanks so much for the response - it's a big Alive scenario I built a year or so ago on one of the default terrains (Altis/Stratis) - I know ArmA has been updated since then - could that still be the cause ? Again - it does open when I just want to play it... I'm also using the 2D editor... When I select the appropriate terrain in the edior - then click open - there are no missions listed for it... Really - just trying to refresh my memory on how to setup Alive... Regards, Scott
  20. scottb613

    Arma 3 and 21:9 monitors ?

    HI Folks, Hmm - sounds really promising - appreciate the feedback... I'm still running my old 4:3 1600x1200 on a top end GTX970 - so this will be a major step for me... Regards, Scott
  21. HI Folks, First I've seen this... Superb effort - historical combat always interested me more than the modern stuff... Did any of you guys see that TV program for the first Chinese American Officer accepted into the Marines ? I don't have his name handy but what an incredible guy... Grew up and CA I believe - his dad had a "Death before Dishonor" tattoo on his arm and he took it to heart... After overcoming the typical racial bias back then by becoming an exceptional officer - he was completely respected by his men "who would follow him to hell and back"... He served in Korea and would wear a blaze orange vest in combat (ignoring the target aspect) so his men would always know where he was at all times- usually where the fighting was the thickest... He used his Chinese language skills to fool the enemy and take advantage on a few occasions... He was instrumental in saving countless lives by leading a blocking force to hold back the horde bent on destroying the Frozen Chosin on their famous march... I thought it spoke volumes that he was trusted so completely with such a critical mission - fighting the Chinese - so much for the internment camp mentality... He died fairly recently - I remember seeing the article... What an amazing guy - really struck a chord with me - unfortunately - we don't make many like that anymore... Looking forward to this mod... Regards, Scott
  22. scottb613

    CH-46 Knight

    Hi Folks, Go Navy ! Superb model and thanks for contributing to Unsung - my favorite mod... Regards, Scott
  23. Hi Folks, Thanks for the help - let me give it a try... While I'm no expert - I think the last piece of the puzzle would be to index the maps for use with Alive... I'll play around with this info... Always amazed by this community at how many people do so much for this community - for no money... Kind of refreshing... Thanks one and all... Regards, Scott
  24. Man Eggbeast - what a great set of shots... I just noticed that large area on the map without foliage... Is that still a work in progress ? Are there any Jolly Greens - planned or included ? Regards, Scott
  25. Hi... Thanks for the help as well - let me poke around to reaclimate myself... Regards, Scott