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Everything posted by lordfrith

  1. lordfrith

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    there is the 'community texture template' thread or something similar for sharing individual texture files. So if a screen shot needs a custom texture just post that as well. peace :D
  2. lordfrith

    Uniform config for unit

    this config seems to work, its based on yours, but i created a cfgweapons entry for the uniform using original VSM uniform as inheritance: this is far from ideal solution, possibly its because the cfgPatches in VSM has no list of units and weapons? like i say no expert so maybe that gets done elsewhere in VSM mod. it is a huge mod so possibly i just can't find it. note! i removed ace items as i don't have that mod. i've fickered around with the faction name as i'm not sure you can put spaces in classnames. I got an error and blank faction entry when testing till i changed it it might be worth checking another mod that makes factions using VSM and see how they got it to work.
  3. lordfrith

    Uniform config for unit

    well i think that should be its not the name of the PBO but the title given in cfgPatches that gets listed but i just tried making a test config and i can't get the uniform working either! hmmm
  4. lordfrith

    Uniform config for unit

    do you have the VSM patch name listed in the 'required addons' part of config? maybe its loading your mod before VSM and this is causing the cfgWeapons entry to weird out. from the screenshots it works ok apart from the uniform item showing up in inventory right?
  5. just to check, have you moved your TPW config from @TPW into main arma userconfigs folder?
  6. my experience is maybe not such a good computer because i do have performance issues running/playing missions with hundreds of EOS zones. to use your example if you have 400 zones then there are 800 things waiting to be triggered and a whole bunch of global variables that need to be passed outside of the trigger. i'd need to try and write it out and test it before we could see how much difference it actually made anyway, it was just an idea. No disrespect to bangabob or EOS, it works fekin fantastic or i wouldn't be reading through it trying to see how it works in the first place ;)
  7. excuse this ramble: in 'eos_core.sqf' it creates every zone by making a trigger, setting the statements to and then creating and passing a triggerActivated variable and starting: which means theres both a trigger and a waitUntil for every zone and some global variable passing. by the time you've got 40 zones + thats a fair bit of traffic, (see BMRinsurgency etc). but theres a handy wizz i found once on these forums to pass local variable to triggers using 'format' command like so: what if each EOS zone could be spawned using one trigger and all the cache/dechache code could be called from the trigger statements removing the need for the double wating and a bunch of variable calling? tbh a lot of EOS is a bit still a bit over my level ;) but this seems like it could improve performance for big missions quite substantially. i may attempt it myself but i thought i'd put the idea out there...
  8. lordfrith


    name the vehicle, move that to the random marker point like above (make sure markers are on road or open space ;) ), then do moveInDriver etc on each of your players
  9. lordfrith


    yeah i was working on some assumptions: that all the playable units are present at mission start (regardless of if a player is 'using' them) and that all are named. If so then it should just run through the init in sequence, setting the first player to random marker x, then moving player 2 beside him, then player 3 and so on. and as Vandeanson pointed out only run this once (or from 1 player). It may need tweaked depending on mission set up but the commands should be right ;) also if you have more than 2 players then you would want to change the offset in "modelToWorld [1,-2,0];" for each extra player so they don't all spawn IN each other (freaky)
  10. lordfrith


    the code i suggested would just be run in player1 otherwise yeah it would select a random start for each starting unit. if all player units are on map at mission start it should work as intended.... should....
  11. lordfrith


    try something like : and so on for each player.
  12. yeah thats why you'd need a pretty bomb proof player presence condition check otherwise they would be firing triggers everywhere! good luck though, Liberation is a huge complex beast of a mission but would be very cool with this undercover script as well.
  13. could you change the mission triggers to be activated by 'anybody' and then check for player presence (or presence of a defined array of units) in condition field? this way zones would still spawn regardless of player side
  14. hi zagor, i was looking for these scripts but can't find them, are they packed with mods and included in your mission with permission (or mod dependencies)? I just ask as i fancied playing around with them myself, if they aren't available separately no worries, i got plenty other scripting headaches to keep me busy ;) i'll happily do some SP or COOP test runs if and when needed :D
  15. Is it possible to add a 'custom user expression' field in TPW userconfig? i have custom scripts i'm calling on placed civilians but i can't add these to TPW civilians without running a messy 'while' loop parallel to TPW spawning. Adding an option in userconfig to define scripts called on each unit spawned would be really cool if that's possible/viable. or is there another easy way to do it already? Apologies if this has been asked already, i confess i maybe haven't read all 184 pages of the thread ;) Great 'vanilla' mod, breaths life into Altis, thanks for your hard work still developing it :D
  16. lordfrith

    Tanks DLC: Premium Content Discussion

    Aww yeah, i've been watching the dev branch threads progress with interest and i'm very stoked for this now, especially that fun size tank :D and the vehicle interiors are very welcome. good work BI and i can't wait to get my hands on. x
  17. hi sputnik munroe, convert to .paa format using the texture viewer that comes with arma tools so you don't need PS plugin :D I don't use custom faces so not sure about your problem aside from this :(
  18. lordfrith

    Need help....

    a lot of the user actions for opening doors on choppers etc are disabled at config level, the animations can still be accessed by scripts though using animate source. It should be possible to activate the existing actions by modding the configs but i've not got that working yet so not much help there : (
  19. oh right it'll be still in .bin if you de-pbo'd it... use arma tools 'CfgConvert' to convert to .cpp and it should be human readable :D ... the config worked calling 'rifleman' as base class? either way for a replacer you're best to match the inheritance as accurate as you can
  20. 'Riflemen' isn't a nato unit class so it won't load for a replacer you'll have to match the inheritance of the original config for your changes to work B_soldier_F inherits from B_Soldier_base_F so try : your grenade guy also inherits from 'B_Soldier_base_F'. I think there are 2 or 3 other base classes for NATO units so you'll have to declare each one. All the Blufor unit configs are in "Characters_F/config.cpp", have you checked that out already ?
  21. if you're spawning the custom composition with "_compObjects = [params] call BIS_fnc_ObjectsMapper" then it should return an array of all the spawned objects into _compObjects. then you could find the object you want out of this array and spawn units and run scripts. 9 compositions doesn't sound like too much, are they enormous compositions that could deploy 90 units each?
  22. i agree its not mandatory no but it was the first suggested solution (and possibly technically most correct?). maybe i'm just an old prude but i found @gc8's carefree rejection of function naming conventions slightly alarming ;) yeah that works nice one absolutely this! you and the other folks that commented on this thread are a great source of knowledge for me and my hobby over the years. Thanks guys :D
  23. haha fair enough, i wasn't sure where you at in the great .sqf adventure, apologies for accidentally patronizing you ;) you could try defining them in init.sqf but regardless of where they are called from its better to give your functions a unique identifier anyway (hence why the whole TAG_fnc_funcName thing exists) as if you just call all your functions by nice simple human names then there is a far greater chance of conflicts once your content is released. so for example if i have a function called 'unitRedress' and some other mod has similar function with same name that will cause conflict/overwrite. calling it 'LF_fnc_unitRedress' solves this problem.
  24. lordfrith

    RDS A2 Civilian Pack

    yarp that makes sense, it was jus the arma 2 stuff i was looking for as i'm interested in how it gets ported, maybe i can learn myself something while i'm snowed off work ;) EDIT: yeah its all in the MLOD link on OP here, maybe its just the links on armaholic description need updated
  25. lordfrith

    RDS A2 Civilian Pack

    Is that the 2 MLOD links on the armaholic page? i just tried to download and am getting 'file is no longer available' from megaupload site for both options. the MLOD link on page 1 of this thread works fine but there is only 1 link, cheers