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Everything posted by Alex150201

  1. Hi, I am having trouble loading my premade loadouts from the VA. The loadout name is white meaning I am not missing any gear but the "LOAD" button is unavailable and double clicking the loadout name won't load it neither. Any idea on what's wrong or how I can fix it is appreciated, thanks.
  2. Alex150201

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    How sneaky! Very good idea direone and very well made, I don't think no one would noticed it was photoshoped if you hadn't stated it below your picture :D
  3. Oh no I was not using task force radio, I was using the task force black uniforms which were not included inthe saved loadouts.
  4. Alex150201

    US 75th Rangers

    Please remember to remove images when quoting. Thanks
  5. Thank you, it fixed it but I don't see why it is that why when the loadouts don't have anything from that particular mod. Also how did you know it was task force something? :D
  6. Alex150201

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    But why would it say repost, I mean it doesn't make sense to me :D
  7. Alex150201

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    I am pretty sure it has been hidden for a while now
  8. Alex150201


    I think he means "god damn" :)
  9. Alex150201

    [Beta] Altis Armed Forces 2017

    It's late here and I am tired, don't mind me :)
  10. Alex150201

    Project CTRG

    I really like the South Korean digital camo, it is really fitting to a jungle enviroment like Tanoa and a great change to the woodland camo that we are used to see!
  11. Alex150201

    [Beta] Altis Armed Forces 2017

    I like that idea with the only part I dislike being the van and that off road saying "Gendarmerie" on it. Police would definately be more fitting
  12. Alex150201

    [Beta] Altis Armed Forces 2017

    PM me a link I am interested in the lore. Around 1800 hrs in arma 3 gone through the campaign a couple of times and I still really don't know what happened before the main story :D
  13. Alex150201

    [Beta] Altis Armed Forces 2017

    Yes indeed, in game they are near Sicily and Libya but I am pretty sure they still maintain their Greek identity since all signs are written in Greek, all character names that are from Altis or Stratis are Greek but I will disagree @yevgeni89 that they speak with neither a Greek nor an Italian accent as from what I've heard from my time in both countries English with those accents sounds nothing like it sounds in game :)
  14. Alex150201

    [Beta] Altis Armed Forces 2017

    Are we talking in game or in real life?
  15. Alex150201

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    Well if you made the mod and you have proof that you made it and you post it under the screenshot as "XYZ Unreleased Mod" you can definately do that.
  16. Alex150201

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    Alright so you would prefer if we allowed you to post whatever you wanted, you know take your time to dress all the characters up put them in the poses you want them just set them up for a picture, take it, edit it if you want, post it and then having it deleted off the page because as moderators we have the power to do so and some of us pretty much live on these forums. I haven't posted too many photographs on the A3 Photography topic but the ones I did despite them being really average I spent a good half a day to get them looking as I wanted and people like let's say direone for example who have phenomenal photographs and probably spend a lifetime on them just because they used 1 "Private" mod they have all their time gone to waste because we have to delete the photograph. Also, RR is okay with this change and as far as I can tell he prefers it that why so why mention him?
  17. Alex150201

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    It's more like you don't have permission to drive the car. I can understand someone disliking this change, to an extend I don't agree with it either but stealing models and porting them into arma 3 is straight up illegal and the law is beyond us. I don't think you've seen a lot of photographs showcasing stolen automobiles in let's say a magazine or a news paper unless it's for the PD.
  18. Alex150201

    [Beta] Altis Armed Forces 2017

    I really like how you have an entire background story for this! I enjoyed reading through the lore and it gave me that feeling again that I used to get back when I was really into arma making scenarions etc. Now if I can only get my lazy ass into the game editor and make something that'd be great for me.
  19. Alex150201

    Original Ghost Recon Campaign - Released!!

    I also vote for Frostbite, despite it being great, Arma lacks in Winter scenarios
  20. You could try a few things. The ones that I can think off are to check for the damge that is being done to a vehicle and after that certain damage you set has happened, the vehicle becomes invulnerable (allowdamage false). Next wait until it gets repaired so the vehicle's damage is above a certain point that you again set and make it vulnerable again (allowdamage true). Another thing you could try but more advanced in my opinion. You are going to be checking everytime the vehicle gets damaged and where. You are going to be saving that somewhere in the script and when the vehicle explodes get the wreck's location spawn the same vehicle and apply the damage at the places that it has happened. So for example no wheels or no turret etc.
  21. Alex150201

    Vortorsk Terrain

    Thank you I didn't know it had been released :)
  22. Alex150201

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Good luck on your bachelor assignment Adacas, take your time off, real life always comes first.
  23. Alex150201

    Vortorsk Terrain

    Where did you get the download link?
  24. Alex150201

    Faces of War [WW2]

    It looks great but one thing that is arma related is that AI will just sit on the beach and cry. This is off topic but I would reccommend you use the following command: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/allowFleeing