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Everything posted by major-stiffy

  1. major-stiffy

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Currently working on porting Beketov. It is a land locked terrain but instead of spawning with a car you'll spawn at various lakes with a boat. I decided to make only 4 spawn points, 1 each N,S,E & W. CUP core will be required. Stay tuned.
  2. major-stiffy

    GF Holster script - Mod

    Myself, I prefer it through addAction like this guy did. /*_______________________________________ Author: Phantom Wolf Parameters: Nil Syntax: [] execVM "PW_holsterAction.sqf"; Usage: init.sqf, onPlayerRespawn.sqf or via Trigger __________________________________________*/ waitUntil {(!isNull player) and (alive player)}; player addAction [ "<t color='#FF1493'>Holster Weapon" , { player action [ "hideWeapon", player, player, 101 ] }, [], 1, false, true, "", "currentWeapon player != '' && vehicle player == player", -1, false ]; player addAction [ "<t color='#FF1493'>Weapon in hands", { player action [ "hideWeapon", player, player, 0 ] }, [], 1, false, true, "", "currentWeapon player == '' && vehicle player == player && { primaryWeapon player != '' } ", -1, false ];
  3. major-stiffy

    [SP] Warping Plague

    Hopefully find time tomorrow to test. (or maybe later today)
  4. major-stiffy

    Breaking Glass Sound

  5. major-stiffy

    How do I improve mission performance?

    Maybe ? Windows 10 KB4482887 can negatively influence graphics and mouse performance with desktop gaming when playing certain games, such as Destiny 2, after installing KB4482887. Fix Install KB4489899.
  6. major-stiffy

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Since I played a few rounds of Anizay I added more structures at key locations to give AI places to hide. Link to Anizay Pilgrimage SP RC4 PM to Alky.
  7. major-stiffy

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Anizay. Managed to take over a stronghold but I was too late for this fellow. Looks like they chopped off his head. Armed Rebels Mangle Aid. where is the nearest filling station
  8. major-stiffy

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Anizay What a blast with tons of armor flying around at me. I guess this little guy was thirsty. 😁
  9. major-stiffy

    Notepad++ problem

    If I close the SQF then reopen it .... fixes it.
  10. major-stiffy

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Ok, thx guys
  11. major-stiffy

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Rydygier Is my player complaining about critical damage due to your code or is it vanilla Arma? The vehicle is shown fully repaired.
  12. major-stiffy

    Script: draw and write to map

    I'm not. I read some where holding left ctrl and LMB should work but nadda. Maybe I'm missing something? EDIT: read also holding ctrl+shift to draw straight line....no work either.
  13. major-stiffy

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Napf - Napf by Alky Lee download the same file. Is this intended? Is Napf the terrain required?
  14. I know there are easier ways but this method will get you to understand more about scripts.
  15. Create an sqf file say molbath_marker.sqf (Not a txt file) in your mission folder in C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\PLAYERNAME\missions. Place the desired marker on the terrain in the editor. Give it a variableName in the markers properties. (say mkr1) Create an init.sqf in the same mission folder assuming you don't have one now. Add a line: "mkr1" setMarkerAlpha 0; Save it. On mission start this will make the marker invisible. Open molbath_marker.sqf with a text editor preferably Notepad++. Add lines: "mkr1" setMarkerAlpha 1; sleep 30; "mkr1" setMarkerAlpha 0; Save the sqf. In the activation field of the trigger add a line: nul = execVM "molbath_marker.sqf"; Whoever enters the trigger based on who you picked in the trigger to activate it will start the molbath_marker.sqf script. The marker will be set to true and be visible for 30 seconds then be invisible.
  16. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setMarkerAlpha
  17. major-stiffy

    Saving loadout in multiplayer

    //////////////////////////////save and restore loadout by HAZJ. All credit to him. player addEventHandler ["Killed", { params ["_unit"]; [_unit, [missionNamespace, "savedLoadout"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory; }]; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { params ["_unit"]; if (!isNil {missionNamespace getVariable "savedLoadout"}) exitWith {}; [_unit, [missionNamespace, "savedLoadout"]] call BIS_fnc_loadInventory; hintSilent "Gear loaded"; }]; /////////////////////////////////////////// In init.sqf
  18. major-stiffy

    Timer within trigger activation

    Found this some where on the internet some time ago and Activated via SQF inside a trigger. Worked in MP. if (isServer) then { _timeForRepair = 5; _vehicle = vehicle player; hint format ["Please wait %1 seconds for repair",_timeForRepair]; sleep _timeForRepair; if (_vehicle == player) then {_vehicle = cursorTarget;}; _vehicle setfuel 1; _vehicle setdamage 0; _vehicle = nil; }; Can't help with ammo part. Not exactly what you want but might help you further.
  19. Admit it, those are photo's from some place on earth....right?
  20. Maybe this? Give the chair a variable name...say chair chair addAction ["<t align='left' color='#F7D358'>Start video</t>","startvideo.sqf"]; Assuming you are using a script to start the video. I think you'll have to look at the chair first to start the action. You could also put in the init field of the chair. this addAction ["<t align='left' color='#F7D358'>Start video</t>","startvideo.sqf"];
  21. major-stiffy

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    I tested this more and in order to end the mission you have to unload the body into the 4WD car you spawn with. So, caution...if it's destroyed me thinks you're screwed. Alky please delete the notes\document in the OP and replace it with the above statement or however you feel gets the point across. Thanks a lot.
  22. major-stiffy

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Or I should say that's how it might work. Haven't tested other scenarios with other vehicles. 🤔
  23. major-stiffy

    Switch On PC - USB Stick

    Signature, like what you see at the bottom of pierremgi posts. 😎
  24. major-stiffy

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Lythium SP updated. Link to Alky. Be sure to read the text file because there are two ways of ending the mission. Pictures are inside the text file to show the different ways to load/unload the body.
  25. major-stiffy

    Switch On PC - USB Stick

    You should have this kind of info in your sig. 😁