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Everything posted by palatine

  1. Hi MrCrazyDude115, Do you have a lite version of this mission? (Without heavy mod like RHS or CUPS)? I like RHS & CUPS but my laptop can't support loading heavy mods, fps drops significantly. Thanks.
  2. palatine

    DualArms - Two Primary Weapons

    Thanks Andrew for making this. Just a question, is it possible to use the pistol slot instead of launcher slot? I think pistol is not really that useful when you have rifles already. Cheers.
  3. Hi guys, im trying to create a script that transfers inventory of dead soldier to a container name "MyBox"; 1) Im trying this, but it will only transfer the main weapon of dead unit to "MyBox" { [_x, MyBox] call W_fnc_doTransfer; // this function using simple addItemCargo from _x to _Dest } forEach (nearestObjects [getPos player, ["WeaponHolderSimulated", "GroundWeaponHolder", "Default"], 400] ); 2) I'm trying this below, but it won't transfer from dead unit inventory. When trying in alive unit, it work. { _source = _this select 0; _dest = _this select 1; if (!alive _x) then { // sample code to transfer from Vest to Box _itemSource = count (vestItems (_source)); systemChat format ["VEST -> Target: %1 items.", _itemSource]; _itemDest = count (itemCargo _dest) + count (magazineCargo _dest) + count (weaponCargo _dest); { _dest addItemCargo [_x, 1]; } forEach vestItems (_source); if ( (_itemDest + _itemSource) == (count (itemCargo _dest) + count (magazineCargo _dest) + count (weaponCargo _dest)) ) then { clearItemCargo vestContainer (_source); clearMagazineCargo vestContainer (_source); clearWeaponCargo vestContainer (_source); systemChat format ["%1 item(s) transferred.", _itemSource]; } else { systemChat format ["Error detected during items transfer."]; }; }; } forEach ( (position player) nearEntities ["Man", 400] ); Any suggestion? Thanks
  4. It probably you saved a loadout that uses specific items from a mod/addon, and then you're not using that mod/addon anymore so it greyed.
  5. palatine

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    Hey bro, nice gameplay, thanks for releasing this :D
  6. Hi @gc8, just a question: is there any way to move a container (e.g: backpack) to another container (e.g: car) by using reference? For example: a backpack contain "1 pistol + 5 mags" - need to be transferred into a car. in game, we can easily do this by equipping the backpack and drop the backpack to car inventory. the content would remain. However if using "addWeaponCargo, addMagazineCargo, and stuff" it would take some try and error to correctly doing this. Any suggestion on the best way to do this? If it has to be done using "everyContainer, addWeaponCargo, additemCargo, addmagazineCargo... then it's ok.. I just wonder if there are any simple and better way :D
  7. Hi @gc8 yes you're right.. it worked. I need to tidy up all my messy codes little bit, and will see if there are another problem that might need your expertise related to this.. thanks :)
  8. Hi @gc8, thanks... but no luck :( I tried something like this and so for magazinesAmmoFull _x and items _x; { if (!alive _x) then { _Array = weapons _x; { MyBox addWeaponCargo [_x, 1]; } forEach _Array; }; } forEach ( (position player) nearEntities ["Man", 400] ); Also, do you think my "forEach" criteria is okay?
  9. Whoa... I just know about that faction & side.. I wast thought fia=resistant, nato=west, csat=east.. I thought it was that simple. And I didn't change the mission setting too much... my game just kinda point and shoot. Thanks for the info :)
  10. Hi guys, sorry for a noob question.. I had a code to spawn a HMG turret something like this, but it didn't work as intended... Original code: spawnHMG.sqf _pos = player getPos [2, getDir player]; switch (side player) do { case west: { _turret = createVehicle ["B_HMG_01_A_F", _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; }; case east: { _turret = createVehicle ["O_HMG_01_A_F", _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; }; case resistance; case independent: { _turret = createVehicle ["I_HMG_01_A_F", _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; } }; _turret allowDamage false; _turret setPosATL [(_pos select 0), (_pos select 1), (getPosATL player select 2) + 0.2]; _turret setDir direction player; createVehicleCrew _turret; _turret addeventhandler ["fired", {_this select 0 setVehicleAmmo 1}]; _turret addAction ["<t color='#FFAA7F'>Send unit back to HQ</t>.", "deleteVehicle (_this select 0);"]; --------- end of file ------------ But then the code seem like broken when executing "allowDamage" part to the rest of the code. So the vehicle created still take damage and don't have crew. So then I modify the code to something like this: new_spawnHMG.sqf _pos = player getPos [2, getDir player]; _unitStr = "B_HMG_01_A_F"; switch (side player) do { case west: { _unitStr = "B_HMG_01_A_F"; }; case east: { _unitStr = "O_HMG_01_A_F"; }; case resistance; case independent: { _unitStr = "I_HMG_01_A_F"; } }; _turret = createVehicle [_unitStr, _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _turret allowDamage false; _turret setPosATL [(_pos select 0), (_pos select 1), (getPosATL player select 2) + 0.2]; _turret setDir direction player; createVehicleCrew _turret; _turret addeventhandler ["fired", {_this select 0 setVehicleAmmo 1}]; _turret addAction ["<t color='#FFAA7F'>Send unit back to HQ</t>.", "deleteVehicle (_this select 0);"]; --------- end of file ------------ Then this work fine. Could somebody explain what's wrong with first one? Thank you. Cheers
  11. Wow thanks @Grumpy Old Man that's really help :) Just a another noob question if you don't mind: is the side "resistant" and "independent" actually the same side or they're different? On the wiki says they're just alias or the same. But if they're the same, then how FIA enemy to AAF?
  12. Ah ic now, thanks alot @pierremgi ! :)
  13. Hey bro, try this :) getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf xXxXx >> "displayName")
  14. palatine

    Execute scripts when map is open

    Hey bro, you don't need that clunky "while do wait until in EH" - just to reveal empty vehicles on map. Those empty vehicles wont move anywhere so you don't need to run the script over and over to update its position. It might be a different story if you want to track the movement all vehicles (not empty one) real time on map. All you need is execute the mission event handler, so everytime you open the map the code executed. The sample code I gave you do the trick.I've adopted it into my own addons and run the code with over 400 empty vehicles on map. No worries, I like the idea of displaying empty vehicles on the map. I have adopted this into my own addons. This will help a lot during zombie missions. :D Then you can add the "reveal" command back into the code, just replace those markers with reveal. The point is you dont need any "while do" just to do the work described in this thread. Anyway good luck for your quest. :)
  15. I'm just a noob so what I can suggest just a simple script, just to show you how it could be done. Place an object let's say a flag.... in it's init field : this addAction ["Capture Me", "[_this, 1000] execVM ""captureMe.sqf"" "]; captureMe.sqf : _theFlag = _this select 0; _pos = getPos (_theFlag); _range = _this select 1; hint "Go make a coffee as this process took 10 minutes of real life time to complete"; sleep 5; hint ""; sleep 595; _doomArea = createMarker ["Doom Area", _pos]; _doomArea setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "Doom Area" setMarkerSize [_range, _range]; "Doom Area" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"; "Doom Area" setMarkerText "This is my area, dont messed up with me, Ive warned you!"; "Doom Area" setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; _doomed = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _pos]; _doomed setTriggerArea [_range, _range, 0, false]; _doomed setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", false]; _doomed setTriggerStatements ["call {if (count thisList > 0) then {{if (([playerSide, side _x] call BIS_fnc_sideIsEnemy) && (alive _x)) then {_x setDamage 1}} forEach thisList}; false}", "", ""]; hint "Area captured, any enemy entering your beloved area will be doomed. Thanks for the coffee."; sleep 5; hint ""; Cheers :D
  16. palatine

    Execute scripts when map is open

    Hi, this is a noob version of the script. As a noob, I can't get it working with "reveal" command, so I replace it with marker. init.sqf : _id = addMissionEventHandler ["Map", {_this execVM "placeVehMarker.sqf"} ]; placeVehMarker.sqf : _allVehs = player nearObjects ["allVehicles", 1000]; _allEmptyVehs = _allVehs select { (alive _x) && (count crew _x == 0) }; { _vehMarker = str _x; deleteMarkerLocal _vehMarker; _vehMarker = createMarkerLocal [_vehMarker, getPos _x]; if (_x isKindOf "Land") then { _vehMarker setMarkerTypeLocal "c_car"; _vehMarker setMarkerColorLocal("ColorBlue"); }; if (_x isKindOf "Tank") then { _vehMarker setMarkerTypeLocal "b_armor"; _vehMarker setMarkerColorLocal("ColorRed"); }; if (_x isKindOf "Ship") then { _vehMarker setMarkerTypeLocal "c_ship"; _vehMarker setMarkerColorLocal("ColorYellow"); }; if (_x isKindOf "Air") then { _vehMarker setMarkerTypeLocal "o_air"; _vehMarker setMarkerColorLocal("ColorGreen"); }; _vehMarker setMarkerSizeLocal [1, 1]; } forEach _allEmptyVehs;
  17. palatine

    Execute scripts when map is open

    Hey, I think empty vehicles won't be able to move by themselves, if somebody or AI take it then it's not empty anymore. I like the idea of "scanning vehicles and showed it on the map", but I'll rather use much simpler noob approach. Btw, I placed several vehicles in Stratis Agia Marina and found "reveal" command won't actually reveal all vehicles in the given region. Did u manage to get all vehicles showed on map? However I get everything showed up when using marker.
  18. I think I got the solution...I just know that actually we can add/remove vehicle weapons during game runtime (without mod/addons). So a mere simple script like this will make the phalanx noisy :D this addWeapon "gatling_20mm"; this addMagazine "2000Rnd_20mm_shells"; this addMagazine "2000Rnd_20mm_shells";
  19. Whoa thanks KK, I just know that vehicle weapon can be added / removed that easily without mod/addon even at the game runtime. I think this gonna solved my problem with the phalanx. Thanks :)
  20. Yes u can, but u need to make an addon / mod to the buzzard, then u can load any weapon u want to your super Godly buzzard.
  21. Hi Grumpy, thanks, but still phalanx won't fire at the target. Is there any restriction in the weapon/ammo that makes phalanx only firing on air target? This site https://configs.arma3.ru/ was helpful to me, but it's only up to 1.62, so I can't find phalanx config. :(
  22. Hey bro, i'm no expert just a noob, but this is what I did in my addon. Hope this can help, but if it's not then I'm sorry for that ;) class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers { class SFTacticalSupport { clientInit = "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\SFTacticalSupport\init.sqf'"; }; }; Edit: Sorry forgot to add, the required addon: CBA_Extended_EventHandlers
  23. Hi sorry to bring up this old stuff again. I need to make a Praetorian1C to fire at ground unit (sodier, zombie, etc). I tried using trigger combine with doTarget, doFire, but no luck. Also have tried Bangabob's script above - but returned error on forceWeaponFire. Any advice? Thanks
  24. Hey Goro, thanks for the mission ;) I know this has been a year, just drop by to say thanks. That f*cking pilot b*st*rd go away with the chopper and left me behind while im busy protecting his *ss from the z. lolz.
  25. palatine

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    With all experts around, I'm not sure if this is a hard question after all...