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Everything posted by easyeb

  1. Hello! I have a script that adds custom ACRE racks to a vehicle. It works well when previewing the mission from Eden, but when I run it on my dedicated server, with ALiVE persistance activated, the custom racks will not be added for some reason. I suspect it's a timing issue, since I'm running the script from the vehicles init fields. But I did not write this script, nor do I know how I could try to run the script somewhere else. So my questions are: 1. Any idea why it won't work with ALiVE? 2. How do I convert this script to work on the vehicle, named VEHICLE1, from for instance a trigger in the mission or something of that kind? Here is the script: if (isServer) then { [ { params ["_vehicle"]; [_vehicle, "ODIN"] call acre_api_fnc_setVehicleRacksPreset; [_vehicle, {}] call acre_api_fnc_initVehicleRacks; [ { params ["_vehicle"]; !alive _vehicle || {[_vehicle] call acre_api_fnc_areVehicleRacksInitialized} }, { params ["_vehicle"]; if (!alive _vehicle) exitWith {}; private _vehicleRacks = [_vehicle] call acre_api_fnc_getVehicleRacks; for "_i" from (count _vehicleRacks) - 1 to 0 step -1 do { [_vehicle, _vehicleRacks select _i] call acre_api_fnc_removeRackFromVehicle; }; [_vehicle, ["ACRE_VRC103", "Lower Dash", "Dash", false, ["inside","external"], [], "ACRE_PRC117F", [], []], true] call acre_api_fnc_addRackToVehicle; _vehicle setVariable ["Dro_customRacksAdded", true, true]; }, [_vehicle] ] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute; }, [this], 0.1 ] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute; [ { params ["_vehicle"]; !alive _vehicle || {_vehicle getVariable ["Dro_customRacksAdded", false]} }, { params ["_vehicle"]; if (!alive _vehicle) exitWith {}; [_vehicle, {}] call acre_api_fnc_initVehicleRacks }, [this] ] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute; }; Thanks in advance.
  2. easyeb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    So when do we get a PC with Arma 3 runnibg RHS simulated in Arma 3?
  3. easyeb

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Yeah but like, his group man...
  4. Hi! Is there a way to create a marker on a players current position and leave it where it was created? I want to make the dot marker on my current location to mark out a house I've searched, and then make another marker on another house I've searched to keep track on which buildings in a city I've looked through. Note, I do not want to move one and the same marker to my current position, I want to create a new one each time.
  5. I appreciate the input guys! But this: is only good for one marker. That marker is named "markername" and since that name is taken by the first marker created, no further markers will be created. I guess what I need is a counter and to insert that to "markername" so that the first one will be "markername1" and the second "markername2" for instance.
  6. Well, no that's not what I want. That example is for making one marker once. I want to make a new marker every time. A little reading before replying wouldn't hurt 😉
  7. easyeb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Can you open/close the doors of vehicles via script? In my case the M1238.
  8. easyeb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks! I look forward to it! Edit: Also noticed that the spare wheel hanging on the vehicles right side is not visible from inside (gunners position). The attachment hardware is there, but the wheel itself is not.
  9. Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to step on any toes. I know you guys are real sensitive about this stuff and I should know better.
  10. easyeb

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Love the new update, especially the new M1238 and M1239. The deployment versions look absolutely killer and I’d love to see that kind of stuff on more vehicles sith cargo and bits and bobs added! Is it possible to have the ammo cans on the roof show on the versions that don’t have it? The empty racks look like it’s low on ammo. anyway, great update. Can’t thank you guys enough.
  11. It was four weeks till Alpha like eight weeks ago 😂
  12. So I’ve got a decked out vehicle with items attached to it using attachtorelative, but I’m having problems with my AI driver. When the vehicle is off road he’ll follow his orders and drive where I want him, but when he’s on a road, and when he’s stopped and turned off his engine he’ll not drive any more. looking at his status in the group status bar it goes to ”moving” when I give him an order to move, and after a couple of seconds his status will change to ”Ready” without him moving. has anyone of you encountered this? How did you solve it?
  13. I'm super-duper-sure. I tried disabling simulation and damage in the checkboxes for each item, no change. Here's a clip of the problem:
  14. The AI units are part of the group from mission start. If I remove the attached objects everything works fine.
  15. Thanks alot for the help guys. None of it works unfortunately. The AI driver is compliant for a couple of minutes in but after a while he refuses to move after a given order. If I get in the vehicle (that has a commander spot) and orders him to move forward he will, and when he's already started rolling I can give him map click orders which he will obey, but when he stops again he won't move any more. The vehicle is a UK3CB Maxxpro (MRAP1), and the items attached to it are four fuel cans (FUELCAN1 through 4) and a stretcher (STRETCHER1). MRAP1 init: [this, FUELCAN1] remoteExecCall ["disableCollisionWith", 0, FUELCAN1]; [this, FUELCAN2] remoteExecCall ["disableCollisionWith", 0, FUELCAN2]; [this, FUELCAN3] remoteExecCall ["disableCollisionWith", 0, FUELCAN3]; [this, FUELCAN4] remoteExecCall ["disableCollisionWith", 0, FUELCAN4]; [this, STRETCHER1] remoteExecCall ["disableCollisionWith", 0, STRETCHER1]; FUELCAN1 init (same for all other items except different names): this enablesimulation false; [FUELCAN1, MRAP1] call BIS_fnc_attachToRelative;
  16. Thanks for the tip! Tried it out but it didn’t work sadly.
  17. My vacation starts today. Just saying.
  18. Is there any way to use the attach ir strobe function on units that are not in the players group?
  19. Anyone know how to add AI vehicles to persistance so their location is saved (local) without syncing them to the Virtual AI module? I do not want them virtualized, only save their position.
  20. easyeb

    3CB Factions

    Anyone have any working blacklists for ALiVE to get rid of all the AA units and groups from Takistani Insurgents?
  21. easyeb

    3CB Factions

    Sorry I missed the question had been asked so recently. Using the above method I'm drawing blanks. I can't find CfgGroups anywhere, and all the 3CB content seems scribbled, binarized? I have a feeling I'm missing something though, as I can't find CfgGroups, so I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. EDIT: Got it! You hit "Config" on the debug console, not "Function".
  22. easyeb

    3CB Factions

    Enjoying this mod quite alot with Alive! Thanks for taking the time and making in! I'm trying to find the group class names to blacklist the AA teams of the Taki insurgents: Fire Team (AA) and Section (AA). Are the groups class names available anywhere so I can take a look at them? Cheers!
  23. easyeb


    What helo are you using in the clip?
  24. I'm having trouble getting the sync waypoint to work. I'm using middle mouse button as per instruction, but no syncing is appearing. My middle mouse button seems to work just fine, but is it possible to remap the key somehow or is there something I'm missing?