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ACRE v1.0 - Advanced Combat Radio Environment - Official Thread (ArmA2 to TS3 Plugin)

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The installer just puts the dll's in a newly made up ts3 folder in the x86 program files on my win 7 64 build.

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Hey, fellas.

I'm getting incompatibility errors with the TS dll and Teamspeak 3.0.0 Beta29

This normal for ACRE 1.0.10 at the moment?

I know, I know, don't update TS until it's given the ok. I just did it by mistake without thinking.


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use search function .... and stay tuned before posting , new installer with new dll files

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New release will be in a few hours, after I get some sleep.

Unfortunately there will not an installer for this release. Jaynus has to take care of some personal business right now and is unavailable to make the new installer. Hopefully he will return soon, but it will be at his leisure so he can take as much time as he needs to deal with the situation at hand.

I hope you guys can understand.

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hum noubernou you can't release the same installer of the 1.0.10 (beta 29 compat) ? because it's not really bugged , sometimes you have a little probleme but it's enought ;)

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hum noubernou you can't release the same installer of the 1.0.10 (beta 29 compat) ? because it's not really bugged , sometimes you have a little probleme but it's enought ;)

No, Jaynus has the environment on his laptop, he has not commited it to our repo either.

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hum oki when you release the udapte i make a yoma with the udapte ;)

edit : for french only sorry it's an ftp of a friends team

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Big update guys! This will probably be the last release before version 1.1 as well! That should be out within a week or two.

!Important Notice!

There is NO INSTALLER for this weeks release as of right now. Sadly, Jaynus is unavailable right now, having had his mother pass away this week. He is taking time off to take care of this tragic business. We hope you understand, and join me in wishing him and his family the best!

If you need any help installing from the rar package let me know or post on the forums, or join me on the UO teamspeak server and I can help get you sorted. If there are any issues with the DLL builds this week I apologize in advance, as I am not the one to normally build them.

You will have to update the TS3 plugin and the @ACRE install folder manually, as well as the @JayArma2lib folder if you want the latest beta compat.

Change log is as follows...

-- 1.0.11 --

* Updated for TS3 beta 28

* Updated for TS3 beta 29

* Implemented new TS3 "autoload" functionality; the plugin with auto-enable and load on first install

* fixed bug where sometimes you could hear a radio when you shouldnt

* Added ACRE version text to main menu screen

* Modified signal code to be more lossy. Range is not affected, just distortion is greater and more common

* Implemented antenna code which realistically affects signal quality

* ACRE_PRC343 implemented and functional. 2.4ghz band PRR @ 50mW

* Major scoping fixes in ACRE_PRC148

* ACRE_PRC148 now checks to make sure the frequency programmed is valid before saving it

* Fixed a delayed crash when reloading or disabling the ACRE plugin

* Fixed an issue where you wouldnt hear a person on direct if they were on radio and your volume = 0

* Enabled half-duplex transmitting; if you talk, you can hear no radio transmissions on that radio

* Changed display names and descriptions of radios to be accurate, real titles

* Added ACRE_PRC148_UHF This radio is best in higher frequencies; the ACRE_148 is VHF, better in lower frequencies.

* Implemented custom ACRE models for radios; you should use ACRE_PRC119 and ACRE_1117F. They look have their real antennas

* Implemented double-antenna gains which exist on the real 117F

* Fixed an issue where swapping channels while someone was talking wouldn't silence them

* Fixed a performance issue where sometimes a persons direct position would noticably lag (~200ms)

Note: VERSION.txt still states the previous version, but the DLL and PBO builds are tagged correctly. Sorry! :P

Edited by NouberNou

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I´m just finishing a guide about ACRE to my squad, and now you add all this stuff?? ¬¬


Thank you for all your hard work on this mate!

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whats the classnames for the new radios?

---------- Post added at 03:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:43 PM ----------

speficly for the new radios cause im not seeing them in any crates

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thanks for the new version guys

Sad to hear about Jaynus's mother, be strong and I hope you get through this difficult period...

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whats the classnames for the new radios?

---------- Post added at 03:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:43 PM ----------

speficly for the new radios cause im not seeing them in any crates

They will not be in crates... We do not add any of our own radios to crates at the moment.

The new radios are:

ACRE_PRC148_UHF (see the antenna wiki about the difference)


These are also in the change log I posted a few posts back. ;)

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Just tried the new version and the acre_x64.dll for some reason will not load with b29, the 32 bit version does though.

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hum noubernou i can't use prc148 uhf (it doesn't appear ine the radio menu)

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Do you have the radio in your item inventory ?

---------- Post added at 11:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 AM ----------

Little problem with BAF:


Edited by Le_CuLtO

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Thank you for the latest release, Noubernou. Best regards to Jaynus & his family.

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Le_Culto acre showing version bug already reported and jay is on the way , yeah i have radio on my inventory but still bug

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give jay a timeout, his mother passed away. i wouldn´t be back so fast, it hurts, maybe he want some time alone.

my best regards to him and his fam

thx nou for releasing this version. love this addon !!

cant play arma without ace and acre anymore ;)

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one bug is that u can use PA mode in ATV's DirtBike and Bicycle

---------- Post added at 12:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 AM ----------

thx nou for releasing this version. love this addon !!cant play arma without ace and acre anymore ;)

Same here as well.

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Hey guys, we've finally got people that have used 1.0.11 a lot and it appears there is some serious regression in stability.

I'd advise continuing to use V1.0.10 which can be found here: http://raceriv.com/arma2/acre/ACRE_V1.0.10.137_TS_BETA_29_DLL.rar

This version is compat with Beta 29 of TS3.

---------- Post added at 06:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 PM ----------

Here is an installer as well provided by Bone from the 7th cav as a temp... :)


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Thanks NouberNou!

We had our weekly Op last night and found similar results.

Thanks for your efforts though! This is by far one of the most immersive mods I've ever seen.

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Some mates got mute in teamspeak when they were joining the server while running acre. Is it because they have winXP or is it something else?

thx for every help


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