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FRL Airforce Addons release thread

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Myke;2101891']I see' date=' will look into it. Maybe Gnat has something useful what i could use at least as template for a own version. Will ask him for it.


If nothing else, you can look at the MER models used on Eastern bloc aircraft LOMAC for reference.

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HI Myke,

Thanks for your hard work with your many addons. I am not sure where you find the time to do it all.

The v2.1 of Meatballs f/a-18 doesn't seem to show the GPS/INS system under "avionics"when you add the GPS weapons to an aircraft. Would you have any idea if this is a missilebox issue or an F/A-18 issue? I didn't seem to have this issue with v1.8. I am not sure how missilebox is implemented from an addons makers point of view, so I guess the question comes from there.

My "Carrier Operations - Duala" relies on the GPS/INS system for a number of it's missions Is there any other way you know of to show the action for the GPS/INS system if this is indeed an addon problem?

Any guidance at all would be much appreciated [excuse the pun] :D


Rough Knight

aka j_frost

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HI Myke,

Thanks for your hard work with your many addons. I am not sure where you find the time to do it all.

The v2.1 of Meatballs f/a-18 doesn't seem to show the GPS/INS system under "avionics"when you add the GPS weapons to an aircraft. Would you have any idea if this is a missilebox issue or an F/A-18 issue? I didn't seem to have this issue with v1.8. I am not sure how missilebox is implemented from an addons makers point of view, so I guess the question comes from there.

My "Carrier Operations - Duala" relies on the GPS/INS system for a number of it's missions Is there any other way you know of to show the action for the GPS/INS system if this is indeed an addon problem?

Any guidance at all would be much appreciated [excuse the pun] :D


Rough Knight

aka j_frost

You might check if the GPS/INS dialogue is working in general by using addaction scriptcommand. I guess the following config copy/paste will give you the required code to set it up roughly:

			condition = "(isengineon this) && ((player == (driver this)) or (player == (gunner this)))";
			statement = "createDialog 'glt_airgpsmfd'";

As a update progress report: reworked the Mk82 UV mapping and textures. Pic is larger than 100kb (i can't get it below 100kb with a acceptable quality, so no hotlink but URL):


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I gotta say your work has really progressed loads myke.... It was always good but its brilliant now..... That MK82 might as well be a photo...

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I wanted to redo at least the textures of the US ordonance before releasing the 4.0 and i think the delay is worth it. Pictures with URL since i don't get them below 100kb without drastically reducing quality:









and since i think that VectorX96' F-14 is worth it, a retex for the AIM-54:


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condition = "(isengineon this) && ((player == (driver this)) or (player == (gunner this)))";

statement = "createDialog 'glt_airgpsmfd'";

Thanks Myke,

I wrote a script to get around the issue using the code you provided so thanks very much for your help.


//Script to enable GPS/INS system for a GLT_Missilebox enabled vehicle.
//Initiated by trigger with- 
// condition: (vehicle player != player) && !(vehicle player getvariable ["GLTGPSINSACTIVE", false]) && ((vehicle player) isKindOf "Air")
//activation: (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#FF9D00"">" + ("GPS\INS System") + "</t>"), "gpsins.sqf", [(vehicle player)], 0.95, false, false, "", "(isengineon _target) && ((player == (driver _target)) || (player == (gunner _target)))"];

private ["_vehicle"];

_gen 		= _this select 0;
_caller 	= _this select 1;
_id	 	= _this select 2;
_args 		= _this select 3;

_vehicle	= _args select 0;

//Set a variable on the plane so multiple actions do not appear.
if (!(_vehicle getVariable ["GLTGPSINSACTIVE", false])) then {_vehicle setVariable ["GLTGPSINSACTIVE", true, true];};

//Initiate GLT_GPSINS console.
createDialog "glt_airgpsmfd";

_vehicle addAction [("<t color=""#FF9D00"">" + ("GPS\INS System") + "</t>"), "gpsins.sqf", [(vehicle player)], 0.95, false, true, "", "(isengineon _target) && ((player == (driver _target)) || (player == (gunner _target)))"];

//remove the action.
_gen removeAction _id;

Edited by Rough Knight
scriptname added.

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Thanks for the script, hopefully some others might have use for it aswell as it can be used to add GPS/INS function to any plane that isn't already set to use it.


a extremely generous contribution from eddyD and Darkhors1-6 for the Missilebox. Thanks a lot, lads:

Pic > 100kb: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9367994/ammocart.png

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once the release is out you might delete the glt_missilebox.pbo and the glt_missilebox_config.pbo and replace it with the update. I kept the GLT_ classnames for compatbility so addons and missions that depend on them should still work without problems. Also the pbo will still have the GLT_ tag for compatibiltis sake. The change of the tag was/is necessary because i left the clan GLT but everyone surely understands that i can't just delete all GLT tags.

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Nice work Myke. Any plans for the APKWS II for light helos such as the Little Bird?

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Nice work Myke. Any plans for the APKWS II for light helos such as the Little Bird?

No such plans. In the Missilebox will be a AH-1Z APKWS with working (hopefully) Laser designator (yes, self- and buddylasing possible) and laserguided Hydra70 rockets.

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beautiful, did you add the Napalm?

Nope, Napalm is quite down on my "Nice-to-have"-feature list. First i want those things already present to work correctly, this is my highest priority. Second is to add additional ammunition of already existing systems (like JDAM).

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wow stunning work Myke i really appreciate your hard work will these come ready loaded or can we load our own plus can they also rearm the aircraft.thank you

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wow stunning work Myke i really appreciate your hard work will these come ready loaded or can we load our own plus can they also rearm the aircraft.thank you

Thanks for the compliment.

They come already loaded but you can change the loadout with some limitations: the new weapons should have similar sizes as the actual, else the proxy positioning wont fit. Actually, the carts with the west AA missiles are the same with just different magazines loaded (yes, removeMagazine/addMagazine is your friend here), same goes for tha AGM and bomb carts, all the same with just different magazines.

And also they can rearm vehicles (would be illogical if they couldn't). I even thought about using the missiles as some kind of "remaining ammo indicator" where you could actually see if a cart has some ammo left to refill a vehicle or it is empty. Sadly there isn't any way to read out the actual ammocargo. If someone knows a way i would be happy to hear about it.

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Had some fun with the MOAB today. Couldn't find the MOAB in VTS, so I had to improvise. ;)


this addMagazine "1Rnd_GBU43_GLT"; this addWeapon "GLT_MOAB_Launcher";

Works in ANY vehicle.


Speaking of which, would it be possible to make the MOAB detonate at a certain height above ground? After all the AB stands for Air Burst. :p

Edited by b00ce

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Haha, nice, i wonder if someone could write up something that would allow Re arming of the cart at one point and depleating off the cart when reloading the aircraft, something simmilar to the ACE reloading system (but something that actually works :P)

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hehehe, nice area flatening. :D

Hell yes, addMagazine/addWeapon works basically with every weapon on every vehicle. You can (functionally, not visually) equip a Skoda with the M1A1 main gun, although you can only fire straight forward. :D

The system i used with the MOAB as you have to manually place it in the editor was intentional to prevent MOAB-spamming as it is a really powerful weapon. So players would have to think twice if a potential target is worth the use of the probably only MOAB they have.

Also, the MOAB does actually work as intended. "Air blast" doesn't mean it explodes high above ground, it just means it doesn't penetrate any target but explodes on the surface. Usually bombs do penetrate a potential target and detonate inside them to have maximum effect on destroying a single target.

Watch this: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/news/2003/03/mil-030311-dod02.htm


actually i tried to represent the remaining reammo cargo on the ammocarts but sadly there is no way to read out the remaining ammo load. Still investigating if and how this could be done but right now i don't think we will see this in A2.

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