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FRL Airforce Addons release thread

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Myke;1867831']I could adapt the gun movement to this head movement but i think it is rather pointless as everyone might have different TrackIR settings (curves) so what works for one wouldn't work for others and vice versa.

I suspect this could be done for any setup using ScreenToWorld and some trig, I could probably sweat my way through it but Mandoble could deliver a solution in moments.

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I suspect this could be done for any setup using ScreenToWorld and some trig, I could probably sweat my way through it but Mandoble could deliver a solution in moments.

Too late. already solved that one. Actually i'm trying to stabilize the gun against chopper movements on acceleration/brake, Already works fine, just have to tweak it according to aim direction.

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Myke;1868656']The one on my HD.

Sorry, Uber forum noob. whats your HD?

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Myke;1868688']WIP = Work In Progress = i'm working on it

HD = HardDisk

OOOOOOH ok I get it now thanks. So is that the one your planning to release?

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OOOOOOH ok I get it now thanks. So is that the one your planning to release?

Noooooooo....i just work on it here and there and show you pics and vids of the progress just to show you what you'll never get. :p:rolleyes:

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Lol, nice work and keep the goods going [GLT]Myke.

Too true... :)

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Myke;1868692']Noooooooo....i just work on it here and there and show you pics and vids of the progress just to show you what you'll never get. :p:rolleyes:

You little tinker :)

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Sorry guys I've tried to find a solution to this and I still am having problems with it.

How do you load the MOAB into the C-130 or Gnat's B-52?

I placed the MOAB within 25m of the C-130 and nothing.

Cheers in advance

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Sorry guys I've tried to find a solution to this and I still am having problems with it.

How do you load the MOAB into the C-130 or Gnat's B-52?

I placed the MOAB within 25m of the C-130 and nothing.

Cheers in advance

The GBU-43/B can't be loaded into the B-52, only the C-130.

And excellent error description. What did you try or what did you expected to happen?

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@Myke: A basic RepoBuilder UI is ready and documentation prepared; http://six.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Six_Updater+zSync_Setup+UI

Currently doing finalizations, testing etc.

The section for DropBox is at the end "HTTP Repo - DropBox".

Initial section is a one time needed step.

Will let you know once available.

Further simplifications and improvements planned, no eta.

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@Myke: A basic RepoBuilder UI is ready and documentation prepared; http://six.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Six_Updater+zSync_Setup+UI

Currently doing finalizations, testing etc.

The section for DropBox is at the end "HTTP Repo - DropBox".

Initial section is a one time needed step.

Will let you know once available.

Further simplifications and improvements planned, no eta.

Don't you hate it if someone hardly tries to please you and put hard work into it......but you fail to enjoy it? I really hate that feeling, i really do.

I really appreciate your efforts, i really do, but....i don't use SixUpdater and after looking at it again, i don't see that i'll using it in the future.

There are already download links for my stuff on dropbox. If it isn't possible that these links will do then i'm affraid it's of no value for me personally.

I'm really sorry and please do not think i do not appreciate your work.:sad:

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Myke;1869085']Don't you hate it if someone hardly tries to please you and put hard work into it......but you fail to enjoy it? I really hate that feeling' date=' i really do.

I really appreciate your efforts, i really do, but....i don't use SixUpdater and after looking at it again, i don't see that i'll using it in the future.

There are already download links for my stuff on dropbox. If it isn't possible that these links will do then i'm affraid it's of no value for me personally.

I'm really sorry and please do not think i do not appreciate your work.:sad:[/quote']

Lol, you're hard to please aren'tcha? :D Some flexibility on your part is not an option?

Perhaps next time we'll start with a spec, for requirements and wishes.

NP, the more hosting formats/options SU provides, the better, i'm sure someone else will find it useful.

Obviously I can't support just any format/structure - the updater will need to be able to make sense of what it will process.

How do those dropBox folders/links look like? Are they single archives, multiple archives, raw files (with or without a folder structure).

Could you elaborate on why you think you will never use SU yourself?

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Lol, you're hard to please aren'tcha? :D Some flexibility on your part is not an option?

Perhaps next time we'll start with a spec, for requirements and wishes.

NP, the more hosting formats/options SU provides, the better, i'm sure someone else will find it useful.

Obviously I can't support just any format/structure - the updater will need to be able to make sense of what it will process.

How do those dropBox folders/links look like? Are they single archives, multiple archives, raw files (with or without a folder structure).

Could you elaborate on why you think you will never use SU yourself?

Hehe, it's not a matter of flexibility, rather a matter of incompetence (at my side, just to have this point clear). :D

You know, i'm not a programmer at all. I know scripting a little although i often have hard times to get it work right. Also math, anything that is more complicated than 1+1 gives me a hard time to figure out. Actually i see it on the turret controls. Putting the required input data into a senseful relation to each other gives me work for hours where others (like you or Mandoble) would be finished in minutes. But it is okay, i could ask for help and surely would receive a ready-to-use solution in no time but this way i can't learn, I learn best by doin it myself although mostly it is trial&error.

Also i refuse to read manuals (if ever possible). :D

A system that is meant for average end user shouldn't require any sort of manual at all, else it failed to be user friendly. But this is a very personal opinion, don't put too much weight on it.

As from my side, if a certain folder structure is required, like:


i could deal with.

Could you elaborate on why you think you will never use SU yourself?

No need for it. I just play on our clanserver so i have a modfolder with allrequired addons for this server. Also we don't want to have always the latest updates as often enough a update of addon A messes up something with addon B and then missions wont work anymore as intended.

So every addon update get's tested before it get's sond to the clanmembers.

Also i have to say, it took me 45 minutes to find out how to download my own addons, just to find out that also ACE was downloaded which i can't remember to have selected at any point. (waiting for the flamers to come in "ahaha, ACEhater is too stupid to download his own stuff, ahahaha")

Again, i'm not a programmer so i wont criticize your work ever, as i just lack knowledge to be in a position to put up critics. IMHO one should have a minimum of knowledge of the matter he is about to put critics in. I don't have the knowledge so i keep my mouth shut.

Just tried to answer your questions.

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Thanks, I will consider what you've said and see what I can do about it.



should be easily possible.

Will get back to you on that.

In any case, things on the user-end should already be better than on the hoster end.

Also still planning to simplify and improve things :)

Re the ACE downloads; this only happens if you have a preset selected with the ACE mods included - or due to dependency management but I'd say the first is probably the case.

You can create a new empty preset in the Presets datagrid, or just work with the dynamic preset :)

Edited by Sickboy

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Anyone have problems with people crashing when changeing the loadout during a mission?

I use the F16 on our Domination and when we change the loadout of the F16 using the easa it crashes multiple people at once. The one changing the loadout does not ctd though.

I also added a script to change the loadout and same thing happens with that. Script is called through addaction using the example form first page.

_plane = _this select 0;
_plane action ["engineOff", _plane];
_plane setVehicleAmmo 0;
_plane setFuel 0;
{_plane removeWeapon _x} foreach (weapons _plane);
_plane commandChat "Changing load out, Please wait";
sleep 15;
_plane addmagazine _x;
sleep 0.1;
} foreach ["500Rnd_20mm_M61A1_GLT", "2Rnd_Sidewinder_GLT", "GLT_2Rnd_AIM120", "GLT_2Rnd_AIM7","120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"];
_plane addWeapon _x;
sleep 0.1;
} foreach ["GLT_M61A1", "GLT_SidewinderLauncher", "GLT_AIM120_Launcher", "GLT_AIM7_Launcher","CMFlareLauncher"];
_plane setFuel 1;
_plane setDamage 0;
_plane commandChat "Loadout has been changed!";

We do use many other mods or I would just post the mission for ya. I run with script errors and I get nothing when it crashes others out. I can also get some dump files for ya soon if needed.

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Hi Mike and Sickboy I've a little request concerning the F16

if it's possible to address this rpt problem maybe be simple stringtable fix

Version 1.57.76815

Item str_disp_server_control listed twice

Item STR_GLT_F16_LIBTEXT listed twice

Item STR_GRP_USAF listed twice

Item STR_CFG_MULTIROLE listed twice

Item STR_CFG_CAP listed twice

Item STR_CFG_LGB listed twice

Item STR_CFG_MK82 listed twice

Item STR_CFG_AGM listed twice



Item STR_COL_BLACK_MR listed twice

Item STR_COL_BLACK_CAP listed twice

Item STR_COL_BLACK_GBU listed twice

Item STR_COL_BLACK_MK listed twice

Item STR_COL_BLACK_AGM listed twice

Item STR_COL_EURO_MR listed twice

Item STR_COL_EURO_CAP listed twice

Item STR_COL_EURO_GBU listed twice

Item STR_COL_EURO_MK listed twice

Item STR_COL_EURO_AGM listed twice

Item STR_COL_GREY_MR listed twice

Item STR_COL_GREY_CAP listed twice

Item STR_COL_GREY_GBU listed twice

Item STR_COL_GREY_MK listed twice

Item STR_COL_GREY_AGM listed twice

Item STR_CFG_FACTION_BLACK listed twice

Item STR_CFG_FACTION_GREY listed twice

Item STR_CFG_FACTION_NATO listed twice

Item STR_DN_VEHICLECLASS listed twice

Conflicting addon CA_CruiseMissile in 'ca\air2\cruisemissile\', previous definition in 'x\cba_oa\addons\main\'

Conflicting addon CATracked2_AAV in 'ca\tracked2\aav\', previous definition in 'x\cba_oa\addons\main\'

About F16 if you can I ask you to mod two little things in your plane:

1 the turning value with wheels 1.75 it's too high the plane roll too much easy if possible to reduce it a little

2 the Afterburner action will be showed only over 50 km/h speed, If you want and like I suggest you to remove the speed check to ab action and allow also the AB when plane is not moving.

Thank you a lot for GLT Missile Box and F16 really great quality work.

small OT for Sickboy

can those rpt flood releated to CBA ?







Client: Object 18:1 (type Type_268) not found.

Client: Object 15:1 (type Type_268) not found.

Client: Object 9:1 (type Type_268) not found.

Client: Object 8:3 (type Type_268) not found.

Client: Object 6:3 (type Type_268) not found.

Client: Object 31:1 (type Type_268) not found.

Client: Object 28:3 (type Type_268) not found.

Client: Object 2:1874 (type Type_268) not found.

Client: Object 30:1 (type Type_268) not found.

Client: Object 11:1 (type Type_268) not found.

Client: Object 23:1 (type Type_268) not found.

Client: Object 16:1 (type Type_268) not found.

Client: Object 24:1 (type Type_268) not found.



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The Free fall Iron Bombs aren't, they're more accurate than Mavs with the lock etc! Any chance of just being proper free fall with a CCIP to aim with?:)

Other wise Good Job there Dudes:yay:

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The Free fall Iron Bombs aren't, they're more accurate than Mavs with the lock etc! Any chance of just being proper free fall with a CCIP to aim with?:)

Other wise Good Job there Dudes:yay:

Mando Missile ;)

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Myke;1868989']The GBU-43/B can't be loaded into the B-52' date=' only the C-130.

And excellent error description. What did you try or what did you expected to happen?[/quote']

Well as you said previously in the forums you walk up to the MOAB and look at it and it should appear in the action menu to load it, within 25m of the C-130.

Well I have tried placing it all around the C-130 and looking at it, not looking at it, shooting underneath it, getting inside the plane and looking for the action menu. I even tried placing the thing on top and underneath the C-130, but no luck.

What else would you like for a error description?

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Well as you said previously in the forums you walk up to the MOAB and look at it and it should appear in the action menu to load it, within 25m of the C-130.

Well I have tried placing it all around the C-130 and looking at it, not looking at it, shooting underneath it, getting inside the plane and looking for the action menu. I even tried placing the thing on top and underneath the C-130, but no luck.

What else would you like for a error description?

Is it one of BIS's default C-130 or an addon/reskin?

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Myke;1869298']Is it one of BIS's default C-130 or an addon/reskin?

Sorry mate its both the standard ARMA2 and OA.

Ok maybe I was looking at it wrong but this might sound stupid. Do you have to animate the doors and have the ramp down to load it?

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No. You place it to the rear and then when you play you get option to load it in c130.

Just tested it again and had no problem loading it.

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