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FV432 British APC

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To the sound of a badly played trumpet fanfare Tag BLX would like to introduce: The FV432 British APC for Arma2 and Combined Operations.

What is it?

Introduced in the 1960's the FV432 was the British equivalent of the American M113.

In it's long lifetime it filled many roles and is still in active service as the Mk3 'Bulldog'.

What you get:

A box with an engine and a machinegun.





version 1.2 (beta)

added new variants: ambulance, mortar carrier and a 'fun' multi-turret config



If anyone would be kind enough to give it a whirl I'd appreciate some feedback.

Edited by cleggy
new version available

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Oooo, Ill give it a try. This is a much better release thread than the one for that Challenger 2.

if only my internet would speed up

is there a desert skin as well? if not, one would be appreciated :)

ps noticed in the screen that the display name is the class, I think in config you have to set the display name to something like FV432 so taht it comes up in editor as that

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Nice. Now we need a desert version and all the variants :D

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nice job mate looks great

oh those BLX stand for something? ;) jk

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Incredibly piece of kit mate, nice one! Great detail on the interior as well, I wasn't quite sure what to expect from a first release.

Had to go and join an aviation wing didn't I. :p

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This'll go perfectly with the MTP infantry! Downloading...

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Brings a tear to my eye , last drove these in my service days in the late 80s early 90s , I am forever in your debt for you bringing these into the game , I take my hat off to you mate.

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Oo tried these out. Like the model, and the interior is a nice place to look into. The crewman are perfectly fine. Nice touch with the ILAW, good to have the right named equipment even if it is just the same as the M136


-display name (as I already mentioned)

-GPMG, the barrel goes back and forth into the receiver like the M2, don't think its supposed to do that!

-crewman are ok, maybe not needed, most people will just use the other units (like StalkerGBs MTP units)

-Please do a desert version for takistan!

-Also, itd be nice to have them under the faction "UK Armed Forces" as this matches pretty much all the other Brit addons that have been released so far, so itll be nace to have it under the same roof so to speak :)

Lovely Jubley, keep at it!!

EDIT: and thank you very much!

Edited by TomatoArden

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Really good model, nice work. The only thing i see needing attention would be the gpmg, the crew and it would be cool if there was a desert version. Nice 1 though great addition to the british kit. :)

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Very nice job! It brought a smile to my face to see another piece of britkit available!

Any plans for the up armored version in the future?

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Love'em matey great work. :)

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Nice one mate, need a desert and snow varients version now, lol...

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Great release! Thank you very much :)

EDIT: I love it!

Was probably never used by the Paras, but it fits them just well!

I'm off to create a mission :)




Edited by Dimitri_Harkov

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Great job on the FV432,inddeed great asset to the already growing UK forces,

Nice 1 Harkov, It fits really in with those paratroopers;

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These are Project '85 British Paras by Vilas. There's a link in my sig.


Do you plan more cold war suitable vehicles? I'd love to see more of those :)

At least some FV432 variants like e.g.: a variant equiped for swimming?

EDIT: great smoke launcher effect by the way.

Edited by Dimitri_Harkov

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This is brilliant Cleggy!

Mine hasn't broken down yet, thank goodness! :D Its only a matter of time!

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Great addon, the 432 is the only tracked vehicle I have driven so it has a special place in my heart. :)

It would be great if you could release a desert skin model with the air conditioning unit on the back for operation arrowhead. :cool:

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EDIT: nvm reply sent before me

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Thank you all for your replies/comments and big thanks to Foxhound and Old Bear for the mirrors - I've never been on a front page before!

Still trying to digest all the info in your replies ... but I just KNEW you'd want me to paint the bugger yellow!...

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Thank you all for your replies/comments and big thanks to Foxhound and Old Bear for the mirrors - I've never been on a front page before!

Still trying to digest all the info in your replies ... but I just KNEW you'd want me to paint the bugger yellow!...

Thats the trouble when modders like yourself do a good job! we all then want it in seven shades of sand! :D

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