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W.I.C.T -- World In Conflict Tool for ArmAII and OA

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Thx for the quick solution, it works.I get the message and flag changes color and the blinking circle.

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@TeilX thanx for testing and confirmation -- I will make an update v5.4a tomorrow or on Thursday.

@all of you --- does anybody know:

1) is it possible to load and edit a pre-created mission into MCC Sandbox or VTS3.5

2) what do you do with player from that loaded mission??

I ask because I am preparing 3 new tutorials (one is especially for zapat and Katipo66 ;), one for Kremator, one for Velocity).

Also update : tutorial about time shifting is rewritten, and COIN and HVT are working.

Already updated rEXECVM and Dedi with info that [nil,nil,rEXECVM ... is confirmed to work on Dedi.

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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Working WICT into VTS should be possible as long as we can move the markers once set. Don't know if that is possible. Best to ask in VTS thread.

Would be good if it did.

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@TeilX thanx for testing and confirmation -- I will make an update v5.4a tomorrow or on Thursday.

@all of you --- does anybody know:

1) is it possible to load and edit a pre-created mission into MCC Sandbox or VTS3.5

2) what do you do with player from that loaded mission??


ArmA, Yes you can load and edit MCC missions. If WICT is depended on markers there is a whole marker generator that works for JIPS in MCC Sandbox. Plus MCC Sandbox is all about markers and zones.

Well about the players. MCC Sandbox only load things that spawned by MCC Sandbox UI. The player was there from the mission.sqm. If you have in mind to combine them together let me know and we'll see how we do it.

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@shay_gman thanx for fast response.

WICT uses markers and triggers to setup bases and spawns units, from new version it supports large number of markers. As Kremator said it would be great to move them.

Yes, player would be there from SQM, does it make a problem?

What I was thinking about is to make pre-defined world with bases and sectors, and then save it like as a template, so game-master doesn't have to place all bases every time when he makes a game (but he can move them if he wants on other positions).

But there will be a story, task, situation that is predefined and you jump in the MCC game.

It would be nice to integrate MCC and WICT.

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Well I have to admit didn't find the time to look over your tool. So I tell you what I'll take a look at it tomorrow.

I got good feeling about it so probably it will take no time to combine them.

About storym task situastion and exc. All this are available in MCC Sandbox. You can place everything you can in 2nd editor with it and much more. So you got it cover.

I think this hold a great potintial. I'll be in touch soon.

BTW downloaded it and i'm going over your scripts I see you use F2 framework so we allready have one less thing to integrate ;)

Edited by shay_gman

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This all sounds great, Will a version of MCC Sandbox be made independent of Ace in the future?

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Take a closer look :D

That's why I want to make a tutorial. WICT can eeeeasily be adapted to fully cooperate with MCC. It has many features, but the backbone is providing dynamic battlefields and warfare.

F2 was there for multiplayer support and WICT actively uses only Body Removal (because it spawns units on-the-fly it needs to report them). But I already made a replacement for that. Nevertheless, I redesigned some F2 features, so WICT can be used with F2 too.

I want to make step-by-step tutorial what to tweak in WICT, so it can be used within MCC.

Are you an author? :) this will be great. It would be nice I can place some MCC logo when I make that tutorial how to integrate WICT with MCC -- do you have one?

I made some interesting scripts for spawning scripted missions from 3D editor and also made a script that can do it on Dedi -- you can see some snippets about rEXECVM and also tasks are made dynamic in that way, with nice popups about status (will work properly in tomorrow's release).

Anyway, take a look when you have time, I will tomorrow make an update, since, as I said, there are some minor corrections with Dedi server.

Looking forward to cooperate on this!

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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This all sounds great, Will a version of MCC Sandbox be made independent of Ace in the future?

Well I'm planing on releasing a v1.51 with some new goodies some fixes and no ACE dependency. But, still this only means you can use some of the function because some required ACE (such as: IEDs, road charges and some cluster bombs as far as I remeber, also the gear loadout have to be change because it is using ACE weapons, you can do it by editing the F2 gear script)

IMPORTANT: You'll still need CBA for the extended event handler.

Are you an author? :) this will be great. It would be nice I can place some MCC logo when I make that tutorial how to integrate WICT with MCC -- do you have one?

Yes I and Spirit are. I'll send you a logo. But first I'll look over WICT and see what should be done. I believe I should make UI for placing West,East, Independet base and creating zones for it.

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I believe I should make UI for placing West,East, Independet base and creating zones for it.

That would be nice (but not absolutely necessary) :

AutoFlag function could be tweaked to take the value for maximum number of bases, so creating flags would go automatic. These two numbers would be values for for loop in this tutorial.

But... shot version of the process is :

  1. create and place generically generated markers
  2. split them into BLUFOR and OPFOR group = 0-mid and mid-max (boundary values)
  3. put mid and max numbers into loop
  4. put max into AutoFlag
  5. configure bases

Since bases must be configured anyway, maybe, just maybe, there is to many data for UI. But I never made one, and your in-game UI looks pretty amazing... :o

I will make a tutorial today and I will post a link here when I am done.

P.S. WICT doesn't depend on any other addon, not even CBA. Therefore, I let that to F2 and MCC.

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New snippet (for zapat and Katipo66 especially)

Camps made easy

---------- Post added at 04:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:31 PM ----------

WICT v5.4a available for download

-- fixed core files sandbox_exe.sqf and capture.sqf; now rEXECVM calls all start with [nil,nil,rEXECVM, etc.

-- fixes tested and working on Dedi [by TeilX]

-- added hintC to Debug Demo mission

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Most excellent!!! This is what I was going to look for soon, but there is no need anymore, since it seems better than my original thoughts! :) THX A2H.

and all you dynamic guys make sure you check this tread of Ruebe's:


There is a function (randomCirclePositions), that is a lot better then the sometimes buggy findSafeBos with that blacklist thing. It can return more safe positions at a time, and it can take more things (like roads) into consideration, which is great.

A2h: I can totally understand your need to retire a bit, although I am not happy about it. (Anyhow if this is retirement, this is fine by me. :p )

Not being able to stop my brain thinking on scripts is one of the main reasons I am afraid of making complicated missions. :)

Anyhow, I started "World on Fire". :) Mainly for me, but I will release it for you WICT guys for sure.

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New tutorial WICT going LIVE about integrating WICT with MCC -- for Kremator :)

@zapat thanx man, I will put that link in tutorial. And really thanx for support!!!

New tutorial Reinforcements -- I hope Velocity I answered all your questions there -- and thanx for comments and help man!!!

I have to add some lines in acknowledgments for you 4 fellows (will do it tomorrow).

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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New video tutorial available

WICT dynamic battlefield 101 in 90 sec in HD

first time explained how does actually WICT spawning system work and what are dynamic battlefields :cool: :yay: :bounce3:

HD and background music will be available after processing....


Edited by ArmAIIholic

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Come on A2H .... get it integrated into VTS and I will love you forever :) (in a pure platonic sense of course !)

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You can do it already, the procedure is the same as for the MCC, I wrote how.

You said that mission can be loaded it VTS, right?

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Thanks for the vid. Even I found new info in it!!!

A bit off question for english native speakers: "is "in the field" a valid and used expression for "being on the battlefront"? Or does it rather mean being in a combine harvester. :)

I couldn't find a better place to ask, I feel at home here :)

Edited by zapat

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Yes it is a valid expression. If you have any other questions about english PM me and I'll help if I'm around.

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Nice video bro, that explains it very well... now i know what i only thought i knew :)

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Thanks for the vid. Even I found new info in it!!!
Nice video bro, that explains it very well... now i know what i only thought i knew :)

That part is in FSMs. Vid graphically explains what's happening during spawning process and I hope it will, with help of Velocity's illustration, once for all clarify what is scan distance and what is spawn distance.

It also shows how battlefields are constructed on-the-fly at any point of the map. After spawning, units will come a little bit closer and then they attack enemy base.

Maybe I will make some more graphical tutorials like that. If anybody has any idea, or you have questions / doubts about WICT system, please tell me.

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Im getting script errors with this latest release regarding the hintC from the init

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The error given was this: Type array, expected string "];

Also is it possible to use setpos (getmarkerpos "b_1"); but instead of b_1 i want get position of the current active marker for units side

Reason is because i have created a mission.sqf which only has one unit as player named p1, and in the mission.sqf i have

_this = createCenter east;
_this setFriend [west, 0];
_center_0 = _this;

_group_0 = createGroup _center_0;

_unit_13 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["Russia_rpg", [-329.7832, 7181.313, -1.5258789e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_13 = _this;
 _this setVehicleVarName "p1";
 p1 = _this;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (true) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};
 if (true) then {selectPlayer _this;};
p1 setpos (getmarkerpos "b_1");

And in game i have a unit named p1 with a trigger condition of !Alive p1, so when p1 dies mission.sqf is fired and p1 is spawned at b_1... this works no problem, what i want though is for him to spawn at what ever marker is active for his side... is that possible?

EDIT: Maybe its not the best idea as this gives zero divisor errors with the core script

Edited by Katipo66

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Current active marker (base) of the unit's side is WICT_wb or WICT_eb :

first check if (WICT_wb != "none") then {getmarkerpos WICT_wb};

This SQF is from 3D editor, right? It should work without problem.

It is best to run it via this addEventHandler ["killed", ] :) it should work on both SP and Dedi.

Core script will give the zero divisor error with script, but you can try this :

with addEventHandler "killed" start sqf that :

  • stops WICT
  • creates player
  • waits until player is ready
  • starts WICT again

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