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W.I.C.T -- World In Conflict Tool for ArmAII and OA

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My advice is to open other MP mission.sqm files and have a look, but basically yes that needs to be in the text. This is probably why it is screwing up.

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Here is what it says about multiplayer on WICT's homepage (and in Norrin's Revive) :

create markers (F6 double-click somewhere on the map for Norrin's Revive Respawn)

create respawn markers for each of the sides your playable units belong to (eg.respawn_west)

and a second marker on the map called boot_hill away from the action on an island for the dead units - make sure that the respawn marker and the boot_hill marker are more than 100 m apart and are at least that far from where the units start on the map.

create a marker on the map called center ; this is the point towards which a player's body will wash ashore when the respawn in water dialog is chosen

You get that message because your player is too close to those markers. So you have to fix that when you are creating mission.


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@ArmAIIholic Thanks that worked, my man was starting on top of respawn marker. Also is there a way to control the direction from where the supply plane comes from?

One other thing that i am having trouble with is the changes you have made to the revive init. do i still need to name each player and put them in the revive init. if so then where do i put them now?


Edited by LockJaw-65-
added another question

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Plane direction will be fixed in v7.0c -- fix is coming in two days approximately.

You just need to name players -- they will be automatically put into Norrin's revive (if it is ON).


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Release of v7.0c will be a little bit late, I am adding some new features and fixing old stuff.


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Has anyone tried to combined and configure MSO & WICT?:confused: Must be a interessting mission:D

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WICT v7.0c

v7.0c -- 12 March 2011

-- improved autoFlag -- other factions can no longer capture the flag accidentally

-- planes will not crash, nice clean drop out of supplies + ammo boxes will be now properly spawned and unlocked

-- removeBody.sqf won't use eventHandlers

-- I added more centers in init.sqf

-- placement radius workaround is now properly working (thanx to psvialli persistence) in Murklor's script

-- new time shifter - clouds are still moving with increased speed, but I fine tuned it so they move smoothly and fluently, so it is more natural, speed is fine tuned and there is periodical synchronization with server, so it ensures stable time flow on all clients

-- added ambient artillery by Igneous01

-- improved core script performance when all players are dead - WICT will continue spawning units!



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ArmaIIHolic; before I dig in too deep into the .sqfs; do the vehicles autopopulate with crew or do they need to be added to the arrays? Thinking about creating a 'standard' set of startsettings.sqf for different factions (including ACE vehicles) if you would be open to it (would include basic sets of squads / vehicles / crews for some of the different factions; essentially taking the group function of the 2d editor and placing / replacing the groups). Thanks in advance for your response and your excellent tool :)

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No, there is no auto-crew. Example :


First element is array of vehicles which will be populated with units that come after that element. WICT will take care of turrets and all seats. In that way you can make any combination you like and put any unit in any vehicle.

I didn't understand this :

if you would be open to it (would include basic sets of squads / vehicles / crews for some of the different factions; essentially taking the group function of the 2d editor and placing / replacing the groups)

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Firstly, thanks for the quick reply.

Secondly, editing the startsettings.sqf to replace and include all the BIS 'groups' by default for the different factions...i.e. using the 'groups' function in the 2d editor to place a group of infantry or vehicles down..then creating a 'standard' set of those SQFs for people to quickly replace to have different east/west factions fighting...i.e. having USMC vs Russia or USMC vs Takistani army or US Army vs Russia and having those factions' groups included.

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editing the startsettings.sqf to replace and include all the BIS 'groups' by default for the different factions...i.e. using the 'groups' function in the 2d editor to place a group of infantry or vehicles down..then creating a 'standard' set of those SQFs for people to quickly replace to have different east/west factions fighting...i.e. having USMC vs Russia or USMC vs Takistani army or US Army vs Russia and having those factions' groups included.

I didn't understand the first part, but I like the 'bold' part.

Do you have time to do that? It would be enormous help for me!!!!!!!

Let me know if you make such thing. I had that in mind since I've got first complain from users that they want to use WICT with OA.

If you make that please send me those templates so I can make a new update with your work (and proper credit for that, since there were some attempts before, for older versions, but it would be nice to have it for v7.0c).

Here is, for example, what I have for Marshal of savannah, with Duala units :

wict_w_inf = [

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For sure. I'll create new sqfs for the factions that I have that currently have groups defined for them in the editor.

USMC infantry section would look like this using only the editor groups.

wict_w_inf = [

first one is the USMC editor-placed Rifle Squad (could probably attach a medic to it to fill it out since the BIS placed group doesn't have a medic attached)

second one is the USMC editor-placed Fire Team

third is the Fire Team (Support) -- could replace the AR or LAT unit with an engineer or AA unit; or both to be perfectly honest; makes more sense as an "attached" support team in this sense...and no editor groups have AA by default.

I'll have to extrapolate some stuff with regards to the vehicles but I still want to retain realism in the sense of infantry and vehicle compositions (in the editor the placed vehicles are already manned with a driver / gunner and when placing the USMC Motorized Group there's only 6 infantry units (filling out the 10 slots in the vehicles); the USMC Motorized Group (AT) is even worse; at 6 units total. But shouldn't be too difficult to standardize it with i.e. a fire team + support team for both vehicles and for the single vehicle arrays having a fire team + a medic to fill it out.

Doing all this will probably skew balance quite a bit especially considering the full squads, but at least the BIS factions will have all their groups and vehicles represented.

Edited by Shad0wCatcher

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I don't advise you to put AT units in plain infantry, because there is separate AT, and if you do that you will make it more unbalanced. As I created it support, specops, AT squads and snipers are separate groups, which is connected with spawning and throwing dice to see what will be spawned.

And I really didn't understand the part with vehicles. WICT offers you making convoys which doesn't even exist in the editor as a group... You can put 3x trucks and 30 units and they will all be in those trucks.

If you want to make it balanced stick to classes WICT has, because base configuration aka. base type determines what will be spawned, so if you have AT units in plain infantry squad, what do you need AT class for?

Although... you can put one AT in regular infantry, but e.g. 3x AT in AT squad, which is something different.


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I don't advise you to put AT units in plain infantry, because there is separate AT, and if you do that you will make it more unbalanced. As I created it support, specops, AT squads and snipers are separate groups, which is connected with spawning and throwing dice to see what will be spawned.

And I really didn't understand the part with vehicles. WICT offers you making convoys which doesn't even exist in the editor as a group... You can put 3x trucks and 30 units and they will all be in those trucks.

If you want to make it balanced stick to classes WICT has, because base configuration aka. base type determines what will be spawned, so if you have AT units in plain infantry squad, what do you need AT class for?

Although... you can put one AT in regular infantry, but e.g. 3x AT in AT squad, which is something different.


None of that was me 'freelancing' groups. That's how BIS has the editor groups set up. With regards to the vehicles; -- placing a vehicle group in the editor has the vehicles partially manned; with extra infantry to fill out the rest, you don't 'see' all the units in the vehicle group.

Not sure if you understand my point and/or my offer; which was to add all the editor-placeable groups for all the factions into the startsettings.sqf; without changing or altering group compositions; though not including the full squads of 12-14 units (which I think is where your issue lies) and just retaining the 'x number' man fire teams wouldn't be a problem; and would probably be easier on the group balance.

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Just a quick update: USMC is "complete" ACE / Non-ACE version. US Army is "complete" ACE / Non-ACE version. Takistan Army is "complete" ACE / Non-ACE version. USMC Desert (for ACE) is complete. Have sqfs ready for USMC v Takis (ace / non), USMC Desert v Takis (ace), and US Army v Takis (ace / non). Still working on the rest. Keeping some semblance of balance thankfully isn't too difficult :D Will be working on the rest; should hopefully **crosses fingers** have everything wrapped up by the end of the weekend and ready for you to look at / approve ArmAIIholic.

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I'm having a lot of fun with this. Because of this tool I've learned quite a bit more about editing Arma 2 than I thought I would. I have some questions for you (actually, a lot) but since this is my first post here I'll just say that I'm really enjoying these scripts. I set up bases at every town on the Chernarus map and customized the start settings so that they were spawning units in two, three, and four times larger than originally. This led to some pretty wild battles. Setting the spawn distance to 2km with 1km random (4km displacement for aircraft) gave me some room to detect the platoon sized units before they detected me. One of my Russian armor units has 12 T-72s. It's a lot of fun. I'm going to play around with the Fallujah map next.

Thanks for making WICT

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I'm having a lot of fun with this. Because of this tool I've learned quite a bit more about editing Arma 2 than I thought I would. I have some questions for you (actually, a lot) but since this is my first post here I'll just say that I'm really enjoying these scripts. I set up bases at every town on the Chernarus map and customized the start settings so that they were spawning units in two, three, and four times larger than originally. This led to some pretty wild battles. Setting the spawn distance to 2km with 1km random (4km displacement for aircraft) gave me some room to detect the platoon sized units before they detected me. One of my Russian armor units has 12 T-72s. It's a lot of fun. I'm going to play around with the Fallujah map next.

Thanks for making WICT

That sounds cool. You should upload it.

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Definitely MWPA it is a good method and you got it right --- increasing spawn distance will give you fantastic battles, they won't be obvious right on the start, but sure they will be wild after some time. Just be careful with "remove" distances -- make them match spawn distance.

I did something similar for Marshal of Savannah.

Now start asking questions :D

@Shad0wCatcher I will wait for your templates, then include them in release, and in mean time I will finish tutorials for v7.0c (for additional stuff).

Thanx to you we will soon have <5 min WICT setup for any map and A2/OA/CO :)

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My sentiments exactly ArmAIIholic. Working on CDF / Russia now. Once those are done I'll only have BAF and maybe ACR (not sure how complete ACR is) to do and the base stuff will be done (Takistani Republican Militia is too incomplete to try and finish [no armor / air / transport]; same with addon units [waiting on 1.9 to see what's been added for the duala units; Lingor has some infantry only; same with african rebels and molatian army for duala]).

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I have a question about how WICT works. Does it spawn forces all over the island where they dynamically fight for territory? Or does it just spawn forces around you?

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Update: Configs are up. Included are the following:

BAF Woodland / MTP / Desert v Insurgents
BAF Woodland / MTP / Desert v Russia
BAF Woodland / MTP / Desert v Takistani Army
CDF v Insurgents
CDF v Russia
CDF v Takistani Army
USMC v Insurgents
USMC v Russia
USMC v Takistani Army
US Army v Insurgents
US Army v Russia
US Army v Takistani Army

All have separate ACE and non-ACE dependent configs


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