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W.I.C.T -- World In Conflict Tool for ArmAII and OA

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Thanks mate. I was so excited that I tried the ACE version. It was intense, but the nonACE will be even better for me. Thanks! Will test now.


Will add a respawn and perhaps some other goodies into there !

Edited by Kremator

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thanks. atm im working on 'populating' the map with things Wict can use (they seem to spawn on and mount empty statics like MG encampments).

and i need to find out if there is a way to have varible spawn distances for tanks and infanty like what air units have. Anyone who left or fought their way out the city knows that the units switch to vehicles. 150m spawn is cool for infantry in the city (or flying overhead of the tank battle) but far too close for open armored warfare.

unfortunately respawning is outside my skill limits atm. i been trying to figure out how.

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I ported it over to Fallujah and it is great ! Just changed the suffix and it works perfectly.

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Thanks dhellfox!

Loving this so far. REALLY intense firefights !

Thanks mate!

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I set NumAIG to 110 but why minutes later ... battlefield seems empty? (not dhellfox's map)

Edited by toonpc

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I've made a trailer for WICT. ArmaIIholic, you can use it.


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Is there anyway to set who influences the poisition of the battlefront? I'd like to remove some of the players from the list, as I wish for them to be elsewhere on the map without dragging the battlefront away.

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ArmAIIholic. How much NumAig should be?

From small-scale battle to large-scale battle. What number in NumAig should be?

(And your NumAig = 55, What kind of battle is it?)

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I've been gone for a while, but this is what I've found recently :cool:

Hey mate

I'm not sure if you've been following this MSO thread, but Highhead has been doing some great work integrating WICT into MSO so we can get the benefit of both of these excellent mission frameworks.

It's shaping up to be a very interesting game!

WICT is a great tool :)

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Welcome back! And yes, the combination of WICT and MSO is rather awesomely good fun. It's a full sandbox battlefield with all the goodness of MSO join in progress and support tools thrown in.

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I am still baffled by the vehicle removal.

Is there a way to force the cleanup script to ignore specific vehicles (such as named vehicles)?

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Where have you been!?

By the way ... Welcome back! :D

I've a best moment in WICT! .... US Army-USMC-BAF-Bundeswehr-ACR VS Russia.

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Oh I don't know if I will be back with programming here, but I was curious what is going on and then I found a message about MSO...

I have a lot of other things to do, I didn't have time to correct some bugs people found... But I might hang around now, just to see how this is developing...

Thank you guys, I thought this thread and using this tool are dead ;)

BTW thanks for trailer toonpc

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Well Crap. While this is a rather really late response (I've only very recently gotten back into editing after a few month break). Thank you for the corrections Zivo. Not sure how the old (nonfunctional) version of the CDF v Russia got packed up with the others (essentially for every faction I made a fully functional version and copy / pasted the groups / classes over; everything else that was already present was kept intact). And thank you again for a great tool ArmaIIholic.

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WICT is far from dead A2H ! It's still very much alive and kicking (and so are we :) )

Looking forward to seeing what else you can come up with ;)

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[screenshots] (After Action Report)

[battle of Dolores][Russian Invasion of Sahrani (part of World War 3)]

Days after the Russian landings on Northern coast of Sahrani. Russian forces have captured Corazol and Ortego.

And now ... They are proceeding toward the town of Dolores.

Following the fall of Ortego. the NATO forces are on the move toward Dolores, defeat is unacceptable.

The Russian army is about to feel the full wrath of combined NATO might.


-US Army and USMC

-British Army

-German Bundeswehr

-Army of Czech Republic


Russian Army



Czech soldiers at the outskirt of Dolores.


Proceed to the town! (on the left: Russian pilots bail out from their Mi-28 Havoc after been shot down)


American soldiers provide covering fire while they are securing the bridge.


Russian soldiers (by the blue smoke) are open fire upon us!


Long range attack from Russian BMP.


After a series of rocket and missile attacks. Our tank and humvee at the bridge is destroyed.


Hind spotted!


Some Spetsnazs managed to infiltrate another side of the bridge (side that held by NATO)


Time to cross the bridge (under the cross fire)

Edited by toonpc

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Another AAR with Screenshots (and Startsetting.sqf)

Chernarussian Civil War in South Zagoria (alternated setting)

The ChDKZ Insurgency in South Zagoria is begin to escalate into regional civil war and draw USA into the conflict in order to help their ally in Chernarus.

USMC had landed on the shore of Chernogorsk, Electrozavodsk and Solnichniy before they proceed to the north of the province, to combat the enemy on the frontlines alongside with CDF.

The combat is difficult and very dangerous, rebels are fighting in the woods and thick forest of the northern province. CDF and USMC cannot put them down easily.

[intelligence][Opposing Force]

ChDKZ forces can be divide into two groups.

1st - Chernarussian Red Army

Regular army wing of ChDKZ, made out from defectors from CDF and foreign volunteers from Russia. They have secretly received training and equipments from Russia, upgrade and standardized them into a regular army ready to fight in a conventional warfare. Some says that there are Russian Spetsnatz detachments in this army.


[-Chernarussian Red Army assemble after finished their training on the Russian-Chernarussian border-]

2nd - ChDKZ Local Army

Local army made out from militia and armed civilian. They are capable for guerilla warfare rather than conventional warfare. They will cooperate with the red army who send them supplies, arms and instructors or advisors.


[-Local troops at Prigorodki (before USMC arrival)-]


[screenshots from the battle of Staroye]


US marines patrolling the woods.


Contact! Insurgents on the field!


Patrolling the house in the forest.


Contact! (again) Peasants armed with hunting rifle! (they are local snipers)


Red Army's UAZ.


USMC Avenger came to help but.... (Chedaki in forest got them)


Red Army soldier close up.


We got them running.


Chernarussian Civil War Startsettings (ACE only)


-USMC - CDF vs Chedaki - Red Army. (have 2 versions, with or without USMC)

-Both sides has militia at their disposal. (Militia for CDF and Armed civilians for Chedaki)

-Spetsnatz and Mi-28 Helicopter for Opfor side if BLUFOR had USMC on their side. (to counter USMC's superiority)

Required mods

-Rellikki's Chernarussian Red Army troops (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7133)(Don't use replacement!)

-Mi-28 (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6595)

Download - http://www.mediafire.com/?sucn9uz6pkqc6cc

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I've been working on a MP mission. It works allright locally when I set up a Lan game.

When I put it in a Dedi Box the spawning stops as soon as the players are dead. After they respawn WICT seems to stay paused. I read something about this being fixed on the changelog but there is no explanation.

At first I thought it was due to a collision with Norrin's Scripts. I disabled them but I still have the problem.

Any ideas?

WICT is such a fun tool. It is a shame that nobody supports it. Do you guys know about anything similar that is still supported? (Apart from MSO!)

Edited by firemane

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I've been working on a MP mission. It works allright locally when I set up a Lan game.

When I put it in a Dedi Box the spawning stops as soon as the players are dead. After they respawn WICT seems to stay paused. I read something about this being fixed on the changelog but there is no explanation.

At first I thought it was due to a collision with Norrin's Scripts. I disabled them but I still have the problem.

Any ideas?

WICT is such a fun tool. It is a shame that nobody supports it. Do you guys know about anything similar that is still supported? (Apart from MSO!)

I think there is none.

WICT is easiest sandbox tool to play with. It's support nearly all mods and its fun!

I think more people should pay more attention to this mod and ArmAIIholic should be more active. (releasing GUI Version of WICT should bring more attention)

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I love the idea, but I just can't make it work on a Dedicated Server.

I made a new, plain vanilla mission on the Zargabad map to see if somehow on of my additions to the mission was causing the problems. By plain I mean a bare-bones PC squad of four guys and four same-type WICT flags per side.

That one still stops spawning altogether after a while. Usually after the some of the PC's respawn, but not necessarily.


1. Do any of you guys have a mission that is stable on a dedi box? If so, I'd like to try it in ours.

2. The only addons we run on the dedi box are jayarmalib and CBA. However, I run those on my own machine too and the mission works without problems there. Are they known to cause any trouble with WICT?

I'd truly hate to abandon WICT and go with WARFARE or MSO.

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-Used the WICT MP folder.

-Followed the tutorial (1-2-3 steps) on the WICT website

-Made a russian MVD guy as player and called him p_1


Clouds moves really really fast over the skies and time goes crazy fast. This magically dissapeared. I have no Idea of what i did to change it.

"Reinforcements are coming!" and a few C130's drops HMMWV's and US trucks down on my pos, and I get a few AI dudes under my command. I found this under loader.sqf and deleted it.

No matter what, it keeps saying that neither side has no bases, and Ive followed the tutorials.. I give up on this tool, and I guess the owner did too :)

Edited by MugAben

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