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W.I.C.T -- World In Conflict Tool for ArmAII and OA

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Isla Duala sandbox is waiting for new WICT. It is illusory to make anything while engine is not finished...

Besides, making missions was never my primary objective. Therefore, first I will properly finish and release the engine, then I will consider making that sandbox.

I am really sorry for that kind of situation, but I have to make priorities --> engine > website (manual) > mission.

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How much will the engine be changed by the time that it is done? Will stuff feel more natural and will we be able to simulate actual frontline situations because it seems like the base taking is random whenever missions are created.

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That topic was already discussed -- base capturing is not purely random - your position as the player determines the "flow" of the battle.

Engine will be completely different, but "philosophy" stays the same.

New engine will be more stable, easier to understand and setup, but it will retain all "advanced" features. The main improvement is pool of units and vehicles, so it will be peace of cake to make new variants, squads / groups etc.

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Can you give us any release-date (approximately) for the new version? (I'm asking this in the public as I'm sure there are a lot of people waiting for your new release!)

Will there be a WICT x-mas surprise? :)

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I really don't know. I am giving a lecture on Wednesday, so I am preparing it.

Maybe I will find time to take a look at unfinished coding on next weekend, but probably I will have a plenty of time around New Year, especially first week of January....

But I really can't make any promise. Still, I miss the thrill of coding.............

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Thanx, I miss you too, and comments and ideas :D I will try with all my might to finally release the new version.

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What WOULD be cool mate would be a way to modify the starting values FROM a setup screen at the start of the mission.

It doesn't have to be a fancy thing but something similiar to what thomsonb does with his Flashpoint series.

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Big part of writing new script is done.

Hopefully I will have time to test it today and correct any bug that might appear.

The new version should be out by the end of this week - WICT 2011 (I am not sure whether it will be v4.5 as announced on website or brand new v5.0, it is really different coding, but still the same old concept).

Therefore, the manual won't follow the release immediately, but I hope it won't take me long to make a new one and that you fellows will help me.

See you soon...

P.S. and Katipo66 I still want to see your tutorial about calling random script :)


‎"When you find your path, you need to have sufficient courage to make mistakes "

Paulo Coelho, Brida

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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Welcome back bro! Great news, looking forward to trying this... Article still in the pipeline :D

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The new WICT v5.0 is officially released!!!

Please visit WICT homepage for download and instructions.

I am working on manual, demo and snippets.

I hope you will like it.

Thank you all for being patient.

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wow man, this is hardcore!


I've just scanned through the files: everything with nice comment lines.

Your whole work became open and editable, like a great dynamic mission reference.

It is a lot nicer than I would originally thought when I first heard about your idea about making it opensource.

Thanks again!!!

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You just need to put it into mission folder...

I will soon upload demo for Utes.

And FSMs are now open :)

Check website in half an hour.

And check WICT POOL :D

Cheers :)

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Very nice mate ! :yay:

Now i only must convert most of the mission with the new one :banghead:

However this doesn't matter, I'm dl now :)

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WOOHOO ! Excellent news ArmaIIholic ! Good to see you back mate - we have missed you !

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The demo says "WICT\start.sqf" not found when I try to test it in the editor.

Mods enabled: newest beta patch + CBA

Anyone else with this message?

EDIT: Well found it out myself... you should at least mention somewhere that manually putting in the WICT files is required prior to use the map ;)

Edited by MoS

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Excellent! :D

Will test this out after work!! good to have you back!!

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After setting up some basic bases and playing around with some settings I can truly say one thing: there is an urgent need of a detailed manual (and yes I´ve read about everything on the official page). It may be easy to adjust all the parameters but it is no use if one doesnt understand the logic behind the system and how it works.

For example: how is the spawning distance supposed to work? Do units respawn in bases or do they respawn in a defined area surrounding the player? What happens if several players play a coop together? Does everyones spawn distance count?

And btw what scale is the spawning cycle? seconds/minutes? decimal seconds/minutes?

But I guess it is a pretty handy and powerful tool once you understand the mechanics... so great work!

EDIT: I think I found a small bug. It showed me an error message adressing the setupE.sqf - to be precise it had something to do with the "E_reginf" variable. I guess it should say "E_inf" instead like in the section of the startSettings.sqf right?

EDIT2: Mhm no that didn´t do the trick either. The message stopped from appearing but the whole initialization doesn´t start either.

Here´s the message: errorl.png

"general error in the expression"

Edited by MoS

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Hi Mos,

In this link http://wicta2.wikia.com/wiki/Demo_1_Utes

it says

Please don't forget to put both WICT and WICT_data folders inside WICT.utes mission folder in order to properly run it from the editor.

However, I see there are still some problems with the site (Wikia maintaining their engine) so some links might not work properly (there is always a delay between my update and actual update of content).

I wrote several times that manual will come with delay. I made this release so that people who already worked with WICT can test it.

I found some things I will change, just minor tweaks, but there will be improved release and better manual.

Everything you asked has already being discussed several times on these pages and may questions are answered on the website. However I will try to clarify everything and to make it much simpler.

And I will check that error :)

Thanx for posting.

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Don´t bother looking for the error... it was my own pure dumbness!:o (forgot to declare some markers in the setupE.sqf :rolleyes: )

But this takes me to another thing (I´ve spent the last 8 hours playing around with your work - you may feel honored :D )


East manages to capture the first west base instantly upon initialization. This happens almost every time, also with different settings. Can you confirm this or is this another dumb fail of mine?

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