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Dynamic Sound System RC1

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Try this:


Then if it's good, you can add more mods before the last one.

Tried that now... Still doesnt work! WTF is going on???


@gulag; also tried that line.. Something is rlly fucked up here.... :S

Edited by -=anders=-

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Tried that now... Still doesnt work! WTF is going on???


@gulag; also tried that line.. Something is rlly fucked up here.... :S

Maybe you got the wrong CBA version....you need the ArmA2 one not the OA.

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I use @HARCP without ACE, my comm.: @CBA;@CSM;@TRTV;@HARCP......, works fine, only problem is that it takes a long time to init, especially in MP.

I have another and faster option for it. Maybe in next release i will do it but i don't have lot of time because i have a chance to get a job and now i need to focus on that.

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Tried that now... Still doesnt work! WTF is going on???


@gulag; also tried that line.. Something is rlly fucked up here.... :S

Yes I would say the only thing left is CBA incorrect version or something,

you need the following CBA version (Arma2 only) for this :


Select: v0.4.2 - A2 / CBA_v0-4-2.zip

Remove your old @CBA folder and then add this one, use the same config line as been shown (Robalo's post) and try that again.

Also are you making sure that you have the addon in its "Addons" folder? IE:


All pbo content should be in the "Addons" folder.

Also, before flying in and trying it with all other mods inc ace, copy a shorcut and just run it with CBA & the addon FIRST only, to make sure that's ok, then add back everything else once your sure.

Edited by mrcash2009

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I have another and faster option for it. Maybe in next release i will do it but i don't have lot of time because i have a chance to get a job and now i need to focus on that.

That is good news, given the limitations of the engine this mod is more than impressive, anyway good luck with your new job and köszönet újra.

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When will this be supported on Takistan or Zargabad??

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Yes I would say the only thing left is CBA incorrect version or something,

you need the following CBA version (Arma2 only) for this :


Remove your old @CBA folder and then add this one, use the same config line as been shown (Robalo's post) and try that again.

Also are you making sure that you have the addon in its "Addons" folder? IE:

All pbo content should be in the "Addons" folder.

Also, before flying in and trying it with all other mods inc ace, copy a shorcut and just run it with CBA & the addon FIRST only, to make sure that's ok, then add back everything else once your sure.

Yes! Txh mate! It sure was the CBA that was old. I tried to update via six-updater before, but I was told the mods were disabled.. :(

So I dled this CBA manually for A2 now and it worked!!!

Absolutely amazing work guys! Very impressed and surprised BIS havent made any progress with the sounds in the original game(s).

I will later try to make some new echoes as I have many waiting to get used. :)

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This mod sounds amazing!

It really does sound good, i like the epic feel it gives when an Abram fires its cannon and you hear the sound echo through the valley.

I cant wait till it supports more and more islands, with ofcourse preferences going to stuff like Takistan/Zargabad first, but also the more popular custom maps like Duala :)

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This is a great addon. My only complaint is the "Initializing DSS..." in the middle of my screen for who knows how long. Maybe I just have a donkey computer, but it takes forever for this to initialize, and it really hinders my aiming...

If you could have it display a hint, or something in chat, rather than in the middle of the screen, that's my only suggestion.


Edited by SpiritedMachine

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I would have to agree that the middle of the screen is a little too much. A hint would be so much better please.

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This mod sounds amazing!

It really does sound good, i like the epic feel it gives when an Abram fires its cannon and you hear the sound echo through the valley.

I cant wait till it supports more and more islands, with ofcourse preferences going to stuff like Takistan/Zargabad first, but also the more popular custom maps like Duala :)

Totally! Can't wait for support on OA maps and a few good User Made Maps! :D

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Feel free to open tickets for issues/features/suggestions etc at our issue tracker.

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What an excellent mod, the only thing I must agree with is the initialization takes a little while. And for some missions I have made or play, don't even last but about 5 minutes haha

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This mod is damn impressive. I never thought such an enhancement would be possible.

There are only two downsides that I see, which have already been mentioned. One being the loading time in game, but there is probably nothing that can be done about that. The other being the extra time and effort needed to add support for each individual map.

For someone that wants that added ambience and immersion from long echoing sounds, would it be possible to enable ONE basic echo type (ex. the open field echo) to be used all the time for all non-supported maps. Either by automatically enabling the added echo or giving the user the option to enable this via their userconfig.

This would give everybody a basic atmospheric benefit of this mod on ALL maps until more maps are supported in full.

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Well, the loading speed may can be boosted up a little bit. Map support is not that hard; you can add support for an island in ~6 hours. Sadly, we dont have that much free time currently (its summer, holiday, RL stuff, work etc).

What I find strange is that I heard a few guys who have performance issues with it, but I dont experience any (only at mission start because of zone loading). Could you guys give us feedback on this?

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I am a very big fan of this mod, even before the release of RC1. I've gathered around some bugs or issues I found while using it.

Bug 1: Online Use

I noticed when playing online, the client using HARCP standalone without the server itself containing the mod ends up getting a harcp_sys loading error. In other words, online use doesn't support this mod if it isn't contained on the server.

Bug 2: Custom Players

I've noticed that when played as a Modded Character such as African Rebel or Navy Seal ACU or any other character that isn't originally created by BI, the HARCP won't load for those specific characters. Whether or not they are using original weapons or if they are using modded weapons too. But when I use the Team Switch option, and switch to a standard marine automatic rifleman. It seems to work fine, even after starting as a modified character.

I wish sincere condolences and hope for your mod to achieve even farther, this mod puts the sugar in coco cola ;]

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Initializing DSS is removed from the middle and added to the side chat. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/12146

New version of harcp_sys_dss.pbo

To be honest, I'd like to see this removed full stop. I don't need to be told whether or not the mod is working, if it's been beta tested half decently. :)

Anything else is just intrusive.

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I am a very big fan of this mod, even before the release of RC1. I've gathered around some bugs or issues I found while using it.

Bug 1: Online Use

I noticed when playing online, the client using HARCP standalone without the server itself containing the mod ends up getting a harcp_sys loading error. In other words, online use doesn't support this mod if it isn't contained on the server.

Bug 2: Custom Players

I've noticed that when played as a Modded Character such as African Rebel or Navy Seal ACU or any other character that isn't originally created by BI, the HARCP won't load for those specific characters. Whether or not they are using original weapons or if they are using modded weapons too. But when I use the Team Switch option, and switch to a standard marine automatic rifleman. It seems to work fine, even after starting as a modified character.

I wish sincere condolences and hope for your mod to achieve even farther, this mod puts the sugar in coco cola ;]

Please report these bugs on the dev-heaven!

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To be honest, I'd like to see this removed full stop. I don't need to be told whether or not the mod is working, if it's been beta tested half decently. :)

Anything else is just intrusive.

Its actually nice to know if the Sound system works or not, because in some occasions when you go online to a server it seems to fail. Or if you try to play as a modified character it wont work lol, there are many reasons to have it reporting, and btw... i submitted the bug reports guys. I think they are actually more of high priority. Since most people use modded units and squads, and a lot of people tend to play online.

Edited by DeclaredEvol

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its good but dont work for OA

From the 1st post.......

the system relies on pre-defined echo locations on islands. This means that we have to make the islands "echo map" first, to make it work on an island. Currently it only supports Utes and Chernarus, but we'll add support for more islands in the future.

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So, any word on new maps being supported?

I really like this addon, but i guess most of us now play on Takistan, Zargabad etc. It would be amazing if this mod would work on those maps too, instead of old Chernarus and Utes.

Ofcourse it would be great to have all the custom maps work with it too, but yeah... One can dream, right? :)

Speaking of others making the custom maps compatible with this, how would one accomplish that?

I know you can use echo objects in the editor but that needs to be done for each mission and i guess isnt the 'official' way of making a map work with it?

Maybe someone else (or maybe even me) could help with a bit of a tutorial on how to get maps to work?

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Speaking of others making the custom maps compatible with this, how would one accomplish that?

I know you can use echo objects in the editor but that needs to be done for each mission and i guess isnt the 'official' way of making a map work with it?

Maybe someone else (or maybe even me) could help with a bit of a tutorial on how to get maps to work?

I'll post a tutorial about that soon.

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