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ACE 1.5 Beta (Advanced Combat Environment)

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;1704880']Been done...


Doesent help..FPDR

That's why they need to write a better one!

That, or clarify with the release of the next stable version.

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Can someone please explain to me how I start ACE once I have uploaded the files to my server ?

I have tried to find out myself but I am either blind or the information I have is not very noob friendly.

A basic step by step idiots guide to installing and running an Arma 2 OA or Combined Operations server would be appreciated.

As far as I can gather I just upload the ace and cba folders to the server (same ones I have on my game installation on my pc) then this is the part I don't know, how to get it started and running.

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Well I got 1.5 with SixUpdater working with Combined Arms. I have both Arma 2 & Arma2: Operation Arrowhead on Steam. To get it working let Steam update both games first.

Then install Sixupdater and click the shortcut that it puts on your desktop. Let it do its thing until it says starting webclient. When you get to the sixupdater suite click on the preset box and select A2 - OA - A.C.E and then click the Execute button. Let it install and then in Steam, right-click the Arma 2 - Operation Arrowhead title under your games library, select Properties, then click Select Launch Options in the General tab [which you go to when you click Properties anyway]. Type or copy this, -nosplash "-mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_SM;" into the Launch Options box. Include the first - and the last ".

Then you can right click the Operation Arrowhead title again in your games library and Launch Arma 2: Combined Operations.

By the way are there any particular conditions to deploy a tripod as when I try all I get is the get in and cancel buttons. Thanks.

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That's why they need to write a better one!

That, or clarify with the release of the next stable version.

Just use the "Search this thread" feature. There's plenty of explanations. I find it hard to believe that people have such trouble. I was just able to set up everything in just a few clicks once I installed the newest Six Updater. I just had to add ACE2/ACEX to a new computer with CO installed.

A piece of cake is all I can say. If people just take a minute to figure out what's written they'd find it just as easy. My bet is many of the repeat question askers and people simply whining about the set-up(these are 2 distinct groups of people obviously) didnt even bother to check the thread or the existing info.

There's a ton of us that had no trouble, I doubt it's cause we are special. ;)

Good luck.

Edited by Manzilla

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Can someone please explain to me how I start ACE once I have uploaded the files to my server ?

I have tried to find out myself but...

It's not your eyesight - ACE is not noob friendly. Sadly, both the user base and the developers contribute to that situation.

Documents on WAGN are official and should be consulted. But don't count on being spoon-fed by the ACE team, it's just not their way. Complaining about that to ACE will not change a thing and probably serve to irritate them more. So just let them focus on creating ACE code and models.

If you need more info, consult the various 3rd-party documentation sources. They compliment the official docs and can be easier to understand. There is a thread in the "ArmA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION" section devoted to this topic, please take any questions or comments about unofficial documentation there please.

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I have tried searching on my issue and its not helping one little bit nor are the so-called easy instructions on the official pages for the stuff in question.

Everything seams extremely vague and perhaps even slightly condescending.

Exactly where does it clearly state how a complete noob starts his ACE server ?

I am trying to search myself but its not working out for me, so can someone just answer my question without telling me to search a zillion page thread or look at a tutorial written by some superior being that's got so many acronyms and vagueness its borderline useless unless your familiar with the whole Arma 2 thing.

And I am sorry but I am a brand new arma player and have been trying for weeks to get stuff sorted and for the first time in my long gaming life I am unable to find my own help or get basic help from the community when needed.

I have learnt how to install ACE 1.5 on my pc, that's working fine now but no where can I see information that's clearly stating that once all the files are uploaded to your server go to file A and enter X information and then execute file B or something as an example.

I am certain that eventually I will laugh at my problems and think to myself "what an idiot I was for not realising this" but at the moment I am basically banging my head against a brick wall trying to find my own information and/or getting help from the community.

As I am also clearly useless at searching these forums can someone tell me what I should have put in the search for my problem of not knowing how to start my arma 2 server with ACE ?

I tried like an idiot to search for "Starting ACE server after file transfer" and about a billion other variants but nothing.

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1. Get your server running using vanilla Arma, in your case Operation Arrowhead or Combined Arms.

2. Install the ACE modules, preferrably via six-updater. Be sure the userconfig files were installed. Test using the ArmA client on your server machine to verify it's configured ok.

3. Add -mod=@CBA;@ACE;ACEX to your server startup.

4. Start server.

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Thanks, right, the sixupdater method, now I want to do the easiest method possible and if this is suxupdater then I want to do it this way however just like my past searches on the subject I cant for the life of me find out how I do this with sixupdater.

Where is the tutorial for this ? I honestly cant find it anywhere.

Also, step 3, does this get added to a config file or something ?

And many thanks, please take pity on a complete noob with a distinct lack of searching abilities lol

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Thanks, right, the sixupdater method, now I want to do the easiest method possible and if this is suxupdater then I want to do it this way however just like my past searches on the subject I cant for the life of me find out how I do this with sixupdater.

Where is the tutorial for this ? I honestly cant find it anywhere.

Also, step 3, does this get added to a config file or something ?

And many thanks, please take pity on a complete noob with a distinct lack of searching abilities lol

I am assuming your server is configed properly, and works as it should, running OA or CO.

I am also assuming you got Remote Desktop Connection of some sort for your server.

FTP way:

a, copy paste @ACE, @ACE_X, @CBA or @CBA_OA (if you are running an OA server, and NOT a CO server).

b, edit the parameters of your server, adding -mod=@CBA;@ACE;ACE_X in your target line, after the lines you already go there.

c, start your server and test it

Six updater way:

a, install six updater

b, run it just like you did for installing the game on your own pc.

c, edit an existing shortcut, or use the one that will be created once six-updater finishes

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The six-updater is the easiest tool to manage ACE in my opinion. Details on where to get it can be found in the first posting of this thread. It has a myriad of options, including installing the userconfig data for you. Which I believe it does anyway the first time you install ACE. Learn about that first before playing with a server and life will be far happier.

Youtube has tutorials, people on this thread have mentioned tutorials, I run the FreeACE wiki for alternate documentation, etc. Sorry, but that is about all the pity we can spare right now.

The mod list is added to your server startup options and is part of any server installation. BI's wiki covers that quite clearly. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Server_configuration

and http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Startup_Parameters.

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Well I finally got tripods working. Now Im stuck on earplugs even though I changed my name in the clientside config. Currently it looks like this -


//CONFIG SETTING FOR : ACE 2 MOD - Changeable glasses ingame


//FEATURES: Lets you choose different glasses


//TO ENABLE: Please ADD your Player Profile Name




//class Identity


// name = "John Doe";






////////--E D I T below THIS LINE--//////////*/

class Identity {

name = "Ascythian";


Wheres the mistake or is it something to do with Combined Operations, Steam and/or the player face I choose?

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The entry looks fine, assuming your player name is Ascythian. The question is, did you edit the client config file in the correct spot. That being ...\ArmA 2\userconfig\ace. And are you sure it's not a copy in your virtual store - if so it'll look ok, but not run correctly.

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My userconfig is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\userconfig and not Arma2. Im using the ACE 1.5 Arma2 - AO, not the vanilla if thats any help? I have an afghan guys face.

Guess thats why the userconfig is in - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\userconfig.

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Ok, not sure if this goes here but I'm using ACE 1.3 for arma 2 standalone. For some reason i can't do anything that requires scrolling the mouse wheel with ace (none of the options show up) For example, i can't deploy claymores or put on balaclavas or pull out my huntIR monitor or anything else (even though i have entered my name in the config). I can do vanilla things with the scroll wheel like gear and stuff. I've done a fresh reinstall of the game and ACE 1.3 but still no luck.... I'm wondering if its just a really bad fluke or something?

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All of those things were moved to the ACE self-interaction menu which is accessed by using the self-interaction key.

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Ah, thank you so much!!!!! I was looking around all day and reinstalled ACE many times... I feel like an idiot now.

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Hi. Someone know how to prevent this display, when i start my mission:


Because it hides my intro

Thank you

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Are you previewing the intro in the editor or have you exported the mission? iirc the CBA post-init screen gets in the way of intros in the editor for a split second.

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i have those CBA screens a lot, is there any way to disable them?

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This is an intro a have made with the description.ext, not a true intro and this screen appear when i start the mission. Really annoying.:(

and Exported on my server.

oh yea and i have another problem when i use the TOW impossible to aim target the tow start flying like a rocket and come right on me lol :)

Edited by DarkEclip

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All of those things were moved to the ACE self-interaction menu which is accessed by using the self-interaction key.

Wich is the "Self-interaction key"?

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i have those CBA screens a lot, is there any way to disable them?

Nope, there was a large discussion on them in the CBA thread awhile back. They're necessary.

This is an intro a have made with the description.ext, not a true intro and this screen appear when i start the mission. Really annoying.:(

and Exported on my server.

Not too sure, they pop up for me in the editor but not once I've exported the mission.

Wich is the "Self-interaction key"?

Left or Right Windows key by default. See your ACE keys file to be sure.

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Not too sure, they pop up for me in the editor but not once I've exported the mission.

Lol i have no popup in editor only on my server :|

And for my tow problem, sometime i receive an error ACE_SYS_MISSILEGUIDANCE file missing.

Edited by DarkEclip

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Wish there was a way to change the button for the various grenade throws. Anyone figure out my goggles problem yet? Would I have to remove my userconfig out of Operation Arrowhead to the Arma2 folder in Steam or would that break my version of ACE 1.5?

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I play 1.2 Stable, and it is one of the releases where the little birds were removed from the unit editor, even though the pbo files are still in the mod. Is there some way I can get them back?

And I don't have a Right Windows key on my keyboard, so I can't use the Other Interaction menu. It isn't listed in the ace_keys config file. Is there a workaround for this?

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