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ACE 1.5 Beta (Advanced Combat Environment)

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I just updated my ACE to 1.5 but I keep getting an error when I try to run it with combined Ops that means nothing will load, in the editor placing a unit and hitting 'preview' results in the normal loading screen, but then dumps you back in the editor to this error...

No entry '.modelOptics'

Arma2 and OA installed separately but junctioned to work as Combined Ops and other modfolders junctioned. It works fine with just OA, but the second I try to run it with Combined Ops and any other mods it won't work.

EDIT: Okay partially solved, apparently I'd installed the OA version of CBA by mistake... but even after installing the older version I'm still getting the error... There's also another error in the main menu about unable to create muzzle ir strobe or something like that..

Additional point, I think its a great idea to not bother about the mod supporting the DLC packs, it would take a lot of effort for each pack, and given the engine updates will be released in patches, its a good way to play it. This is spoken as someone who will probably buy the DLC despite not being a brit...

Edited by r3volution

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We will not support the first DLC as most of us won't buy the british DLC (we don't have british devs).

That may change for other free DLC.

The decision to not support payable DLC was allready taken when we first heard about it.

You don't want to support the engine development? We would have nothing without BIS, and expecting them to work for free and release content for free is short-sighted. Look at Silent Hunter 5 - their forums. We have an opportunity to support the good guys in the game industry and you thumb your nose at a very reasonable revnue model. Additionally, there's a lot more to the DLC than just a couple of units. BIS gave you the opportunity and flexability to mod their game and correct me if I'm wrong, they've helped you on many occasions. How many developers do that - on a personal level no less?

I almost sounds to me, like the Ace team is on a power trip trying to dictate terms to BIS. Could be more honest and just say, "It's too much extra work to integrate their new stuff." There's nothing wrong with that statement as you've already done amazing loads of work.

Honestly, I am continually appaled and disappointed when I see end-users demand mod-makers do stuff for them. I will be the first to support you and cut them down. But taking the stance that DLC is wrong is short-sighted and ludicrous as it applies to BIS's model.

This is their livelihood and they have to make a living. I'm guessing you all have other jobs and do this for fun (or the challenge). So it's unfair to expect them to sacrifice their salaries (which probably suck) to continually release free content. Especially when there are so many assholes out their who could buy the game that are pirating it.

Xeno - sorry to preach. You're good guys.

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But everybody is welcome to contribute all necessary changes for an additional ACEX_GB/ACEX_UK.
I am continually appaled and disappointed when I see end-users demand mod-makers do stuff for them.


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Honestly, I am continually appaled and disappointed when I see end-users demand mod-makers do stuff for them.

Yes this.

That said, can we have the woodland camo bradley back?

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1. BIS stated that all engine improvements coming with BAF DLC will be available via a patch to everyone, regardless of whether or not one buys the DLC. THAT will be supported by ACE.

2. The DLC content cannot be integrated into ACE for obvious reasons. You cannot force everyone to buy the DLC in order to use ACE.

Even so, everyone is welcome to get the BAF integrated into ACE, and guidance and support will be provided for it. (see ACEX_PLA for instance, which was done by fromz by himself, following ACE layout)

So please, understand the above, and get back on the topic.

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I almost sounds to me, like the Ace team is on a power trip trying to dictate terms to BIS. Could be more honest and just say, "It's too much extra work to integrate their new stuff." There's nothing wrong with that statement as you've already done amazing loads of work.

We are not on a power trip and we can't dictate what BIS does or not, it's their own decision. It's up to the end user who decides what to buy or not. And we are also only end users who can decide what we want to buy or not.

And it's not about supporting engine development (I personally have bought OPF, 2 times ArmA 1, QG, 2 times ArmA 2 and going to buy a second, this time boxed, OA version next month, I allways want to be on the safe side :)).

It's more a question of is it interesting enough or not. Sure, the UK DLC is important for the british players, but probably not so much for players from other countries.

I would gladly pay 30-40 Euro for engine improvements DLC like shooting out of vehicles. But I do not pay for some units and vehicles which I might never use, if I don't have to.

But, VKing repeated it allready, feel free to contribute the necessary changes for the british content.


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It's more a question of is it interesting enough or not. Sure, the UK DLC is important for the british players, but probably not so much for players from other countries.

I would gladly pay 30-40 Euro for engine improvements DLC like shooting out of vehicles. But I do not pay for some units and vehicles which I might never use, if I don't have to.

My thoughts exactly (well, maybe not 30-40 euros just for shooting out of vehicles).

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All engine improvements developed for A2: BAF will be released to all users in free game update/patch and BAF will use it from the updated main game executable directly (note that it does not mean all our previous official content will get proper configuration to use it...)

like the FLIR maybe ...the soldier models etc..

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We are not on a power trip and we can't dictate what BIS does or not, it's their own decision. It's up to the end user who decides what to buy or not. And we are also only end users who can decide what we want to buy or not.

And it's not about supporting engine development (I personally have bought OPF, 2 times ArmA 1, QG, 2 times ArmA 2 and going to buy a second, this time boxed, OA version next month, I allways want to be on the safe side :)).

It's more a question of is it interesting enough or not. Sure, the UK DLC is important for the british players, but probably not so much for players from other countries.

I would gladly pay 30-40 Euro for engine improvements DLC like shooting out of vehicles. But I do not pay for some units and vehicles which I might never use, if I don't have to.

But, VKing repeated it allready, feel free to contribute the necessary changes for the british content.


It's really too bad you guys still get these accusations. Thank you for the continued development of this free content. ACE2 has added so many extra hours of my time playing A1 and A2. BIS made one helluva game but it has been ACE/ACE2 that has kept me a huge fan.

Thanks again guys for all the hard work and dedication and all future work.

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Hi guys, i have a quick question for the devs.

I would like to look at rolling ACE2 out onto a number of dedicated servers. The problem is some are Combined Ops and others are standalone OA. Is there a way to do this with the seperate CBA versions?

I take it running CBA & CBA_OA on the same server would not work?

Thanks in advance for any help...

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I take it running CBA & CBA_OA on the same server would not work?

You only need CBA_OA on an OA only server.


OA standalone = CBA + CBA_OA

So on a CO server you start ACE with:


OA only server:



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Ok thanks for the reply Xeno. I have another question, its more related to the Six Updater so i hope you dont mind me asking here.

Could you direct me on how to point Six Updater to a custom install location?

I have read the documentation, but it appears the section for custom installs is either not present or the link to it does not work.


Edited by Shadow.D. ^BOB^

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I don't know if that problem has been discussed before, but here it is:

I got ArmA 2 installed in the Program Files folder.

I got ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead installed in the steam folders.

ArmA 2 Combined Operations works fine.

Here is my question:

Does the ACE Mod can easily be installed with this kind of configuration?

I already know how it worked on ArmA 2 only, using Six Updater.

I won't take any risks, i do not want my files to be fucked up.

That's why i'm asking you, does the ACE Mod can handle it?

If yes, can you tell me how to proceed? It would be really appreciated.


Oh, and sorry for my english.

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[uGAF] OA + A2 Public & YAS Repo updated to 381 A.C.E.

Use the link bellow and save to favourites:


Auto config URL:


For those who just have ArmA2 the ACE stable 373 can be found at the following:

[uGAF] @ACE Server & YAS Repo

Use the link bellow and save to favourites:


Auto config URL:


For a guide and info to use YOMA's addon sync to join our server follow this link:http://www.ugaf.co.uk/forum/viewthre...d=591#post_591

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I don't know if that problem has been discussed before, but here it is:

I got ArmA 2 installed in the Program Files folder.

I got ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead installed in the steam folders.

ArmA 2 Combined Operations works fine.

Here is my question:

Does the ACE Mod can easily be installed with this kind of configuration?

I already know how it worked on ArmA 2 only, using Six Updater.

I won't take any risks, i do not want my files to be fucked up.

That's why i'm asking you, does the ACE Mod can handle it?

If yes, can you tell me how to proceed? It would be really appreciated.


Oh, and sorry for my english.

I'm pretty sure it has been discussed here. I believe you should be fine. I can't say for sure though.

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Okay, asked this the other day and got no reply, so here we go again :)

Is there any reason I can't get earplugs working? I've got my profile name in the userconfig file in the right place (Under glasses, in the 'second' name down) and uncommented it, yet I still can't seem to equip them. Do they work in the beta? Am I missing something?

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comparing OA/ACE with OA/vanilla or with OA/beta I recognized that in ACE you have more weapons with optics of which you can change the "Haltepunkt"(german // english = hold point ? point of aim ? sry, dont know the correct expression, it's the distance that your weapon matches the optics and varies in 100m-steps, default keys are "page up/down").

For example the AK74_GP-25_Kobra comes in OA/ACE with the option for triggering the "Haltepunkt" but not in OA/Vanilla, right ?

this feature is :D

EDIT: just looked on the keyboard layout flyer that comes with the DVD-Box, I'm talking about "weapon zeroing distance" :-)

Edited by langgis08

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Okay, asked this the other day and got no reply, so here we go again :)

Is there any reason I can't get earplugs working? I've got my profile name in the userconfig file in the right place (Under glasses, in the 'second' name down) and uncommented it, yet I still can't seem to equip them. Do they work in the beta? Am I missing something?

Post what you have in the userconfig and make sure it's the right userconfig folder.(Not the userconfig folder in the @ACE mod folder but the one in the main A2 directory.)

Also are you pressing the right key? You use them by pressing the Right Windows key(by default) and selecting them from the menu that appears.

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Post what you have in the userconfig and make sure it's the right userconfig folder.(Not the userconfig folder in the @ACE mod folder but the one in the main A2 directory.)

Also are you pressing the right key? You use them by pressing the Right Windows key(by default) and selecting them from the menu that appears.

That got it, thanks! :D

I last played when back when I just had to hit the enter key. Also on a Logitech G15, the key is the silly rightclick context key to the right of the Right hand windows key. Least it is for me.

Either way,all working now.

Thanks Manzilla! ^^

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Any way I am able to get ACE_SM to work without the ACE dependencies?

Basically what I'm asking is for an ACE SM...for vanilla OA/ArmA2.

If someone can tell me how to do this (guessing it's just config work) then it would be greatly appreciated. Another way to do it would be for ACE to release a vanilla one as well :)

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Just start OA with -mod=@ACEX_SM

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Today no official update news by the ACE-Team?

I read the changelog for ACE 1.5 Beta Update 2.

Great work (incl. Six Updater). :respekt: Thank you very much ACE team!

Just update using the SixUpdater. I got a new build through it, build 381.

There's just no announcement for what ever reason. That may well be listed early but I haven't read back yet.

h2. Fri Jul 23 17:23:52 +0200 2010

Build 381

Updated to source:@8b3be1942f7d8c40cafeeb463e5fa5c0d900f2a6

h3. Changed

* Tracking Markers will now also be shown for vehicles. Vehicles get numbered from 1 to xx. Vehicle markers atm take precedence over group markers (c/d/g). closes #9249 [sickboy]

h3. Fixed

* PGO-7 shadow bug #12208 [zGuba]

* Tracking Markers didn't come back after certain conditions [sickboy]

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Just update using the SixUpdater. I got a new build through it, build 381.

yep, today's update is 381 - had updated tonite the same way

thx, Ace-Team

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Also, the ACE M4/M16 range now uses the official back-up sights method, which is a nice touch.

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