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Anyone willing to trade me their ArmA 2 ?

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Perfect, I'm sure you can forgive me for requesting that you receive some kind of receipt for your donation? Which we can post here and show the world something good was done for the helpless animals for only the price of a computer game :)

Obviously no need to do anything yet, next step is for me to arrange a version of the game for you, TBH I think Sprocket is best because then we avoid postal costs, is that fine with you? :)

Yes,ofcourse it's fine :) Just tell me when and I'll go there and get everything sorted out :) It will be my pleasure.

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Damn Placebo, reading that just brightened up my day! :D

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I'll tell you what I'll do, I'll arrange either a boxed A2 or Sprocket A2 for you and as payment you can make a donation to http://bulgariadogs.webs.com/ which is an excellent cause as I know there's a problem with stray cats/dogs in Bulgaria and they don't get treated particularly well, I don't have a spare A2 myself as I gave my "employee" copy to my nephews, but I'll try to get one sent directly from a BIS colleague, or alternatively get a Sprocket A2 bought then we'll work out how much you shall donate to the poor dogs of Bulgaria (I saw on their website you can donate via your bank), how does that sound? :)


I can't believe this is happening.

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Good stuff here, hope it all works out. :)

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Here's a little update: I talked to the people and to make a donation I'll just have to send them the money through the bank :) I'm just awaiting the "go ahead" order from Placebo to make the investment.I still can't believe that this is happening :bounce3:

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Never notice Placebo could be that nice ....surprisingly stunning!

Again an evidence for the great BIS Comm.

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That sounds..unexplainable.I have to say,I've always believed that there are good people on this planet and I'll keep believing in that.For you choosing such a truly great cause,to help the animals in our country and an unknown stranger like me,you sir have my utmost respect!

P.S. I just saw the site and the address.It's in my hometown,so I can even go there and pay them personally :)

Tzvetoslav, it's not unexplainable. It's Placebo. Take my word for it. :)

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T his really made my day! I would have never thoght to see such a noble gesture from a game developing company. Just another example of how awesome BIS is. Thank you Placebo for helping this guy. You are a good man :rthumb:

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Ahh that brilliant well done Placebo :)

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Niiice, we could start some sort of help ring over here :)

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Placebo is now my favorite mod of all time. Nice one!

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My ego thanks you all for the kind words ;) But seriously, if anyone else feels inspired to donate something to the cause they accept Paypal etc. and I'm sure any amount would be gratefully received! http://bulgariadogs.webs.com/donate.htm the stray cats/dogs situation in Bulgaria is really bad and there are thousands of animals being discarded to suffer alone on the streets or even worse culled by being randomly shot or poisoned :(

A small update on Tzvetoslav's ArmA2, turns out yesterday and today is a public holiday in CZ so my colleagues who'd arrange this are not in the office so hopefully we can sort it tomorrow :)

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My ego thanks you all for the kind words ;) But seriously, if anyone else feels inspired to donate something to the cause they accept Paypal etc. and I'm sure any amount would be gratefully received! http://bulgariadogs.webs.com/donate.htm the stray cats/dogs situation in Bulgaria is really bad and there are thousands of animals being discarded to suffer alone on the streets or even worse culled by being randomly shot or poisoned :(

A small update on Tzvetoslav's ArmA2, turns out yesterday and today is a public holiday in CZ so my colleagues who'd arrange this are not in the office so hopefully we can sort it tomorrow :)

You are a good man Placebo.

P.S. I was going to write a longer comment,but I think that explains all ;)

Edited by Tzvetoslav

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There is still good people in this world! :shine:


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LOL Placebo you need this as your new Avatar^^

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If I looked like the "sexy Nun" I'd get no work done ;)

For an ontopic update, Tzvetoslav is at the bank today making the donation and I have his A2 Sprocket download link and CD Key waiting for his confirmation :)

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Oh hell, haven't laughed that much in ages. Good one Jelliz, you sick, sick little puppy.

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Donation is complete!

First,I would like to thank Paul (Placebo),for his amazing act of charity,which seems to be unknown to other game companies,which are going only for the money.I also want to thank you all for your support.This is truly a great community in which I am proud to be in.

I really hope,that not only game companies and such,will take note from this act,but just the normal people as well :rolleyes:


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That's great to hear thank you :)

Some of the stuff on their website and in the blogs is really heartbreaking, I read on there yesterday a story of how they rescued a dog that had been beaten so badly it's spine was broken and it's rear legs didn't work, over the months they describe how they helped it recover and learn to walk again, I'm not ashamed to say it made me cry to read it, on the one hand such horrible cruelty to abuse a defenceless animal in such a way, and on the other hand the incredible kindness in the people that run the shelter and foster the animals to try to help them recover over many months of hard work and commitment.

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Fantastic news. This is an example that more should follow. :D

And I agree with you, Placebo. I have a dog of my own, who I love very much, and to think of anything of this magnitude happening to her just breaks my heart. Heck, thinking of it happening to any dog has the same effect. It's great to see people volunteer to help these poor animals, and I tip my hat to them, as do I to anyone who supports their cause. :)

Edited by Zipper5

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