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ArmA2: Operation Arrowhead Impressions - ALL OA Impressions/Videos/Screenies Here

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Besides a huge company like CM who wanted to make the ultimate ArmA killer also failed very hard as their game just didnt had the BIS flavour and also had bugs.

It seems its not so easy to make such big scale games afterall.

Especially not bugfree.

Considering the amount of new things added in OA its spectacular how well and smooth everything works.

Never had to restart any mission as all triggers and scripts worked perfectly in OA which often wasnt the case in the older BIS games.

Only mission where i had performance probs was the assault on the city where the hostages where held but there i know i have to blame my CPU and GPU as the rest of the game runs super smooth.

Edited by Shadow NX

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Hold on, Arma2 got over 40 patches (including all beta's), show me another developer who cares as much as this. BIS are the saving grace for pc gaming these days, makes up for all the poor games and shoddy console ports other devs churn out year after year. Its easy for devs to release a bug free game when they're making it for a defined set of 4 year old hardware (consoles)

Don't let the door hit You on the way out

Edited by PogMoThoin

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Maybe he is just mad becuase his computer can not run it with 30+ FPS? ;)

Just a suggestion

I get right on 31 with the new patch...and I'm not bitching like this guy is, Have fun playing an unrealistic shit multiplayer COD or BFBC2

BIS is a small company, I would like to see you try and make a non bugged game like this, and plus no matter what game you buy...there is always going to be bugs so yeah...

Small Companies are the best at making their customers happy, they patch the game, respond to posts, etc etc...Unlike Infinity Ward that just shits out Map Packs to try and make things better.

EDIT: Cossack pretty much said everything I just did in a previous post, so I agree with you cossack :)

Edited by todayskiller

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@FlashLightingStorm-No but...4srs. Try renaming your exe to BioShock2.exe. It worked for me.

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Perhaps you should read his rant instead of trying to join the thread-bandwagon?

And Lord Byte, I know where you come from, I've been there myself.

It's such a defeat trying to play this great game and always been stopped dead in your tracks by performance issues, bugs that ruin the experience, immersion or get you killed because the AI killed you through a wall ( *sigh* ) Ever since the release of OA, I've tweaked and tested the game to reach a PLAYABLE performance, I'm not kidding - Look at my specs for crying out loud!

But I always tell myself, there is no other game that provides what BIS offers, so I might as well suck it up and hope for the best. Plus, few other games have this level of developer support / feedback and third party modding support ( Although few games are this bug riddled ).

So for me it's a trade-off, I accept the ups and downs of the game and I also get to play and experience one of the few games in the business that provides me with a proper military experience and hasn't been "Call of Duty'ified" so to speak.

And to the people just writing out crap, at least read his rant and add something to the discussion, you sound like the people you'd find at the Modern Warfare 2 forums. I was sure people who play these type of games were in another maturity group.

So hopefully you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel and can except the flaws of the game because deep down inside, you know it's a diamond in the rough ;D

Like I said, apart from "I'm not happy, GHAAAA", his rant doesn't tell us anything.

I'm sorry you (OP) may have performance issue, or if I read better, you expect the game to run perfect at max, because of your uber-gasp-PC, and it isn't, it's "unacceptable" - and I'm getting really tired of this tirade being written by the same people.... get over it, BI didn't force you to buy your uber-PC, you bought the game from them, nothing more. And this game is running fine for most of us, judging by posts and comments around.

I've seen the game work on my PC and a better rig, it's far, far, far from anything unplayable.

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The problem for BI are, there are just so many bugs/imperfection that for some reason didnt get fix since OFP/ARMA1 days, and I dont know if its because BI couldn't recreat the bugs on their side(while almost all of us have notice that), have no idea what so ever about what our problem is, or just intentionally left it unfix. Yet in the end of the day we still rely on them to bring us/fix the product we loved for the last decade.

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Like I said, apart from "I'm not happy, GHAAAA", his rant doesn't tell us anything.

I'm sorry you (OP) may have performance issue, or if I read better, you expect the game to run perfect at max, because of your uber-gasp-PC, and it isn't, it's "unacceptable" - and I'm getting really tired of this tirade being written by the same people.... get over it, BI didn't force you to buy your uber-PC, you bought the game from them, nothing more. And this game is running fine for most of us, judging by posts and comments around.

I've seen the game work on my PC and a better rig, it's far, far, far from anything unplayable.

Then you obviously didn't read the OP whatsoever or you clearly don't grasp the language.

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Perhaps you should read his rant instead

His game (for an unspecified reason) doesn't work properly and instead of posting in the proper (troubleshooting) section he posted a pointless rant here?

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Then you obviously didn't read the OP whatsoever or you clearly don't grasp the language.

well, if anyone contradicts them self with 1st and last lines, what falls between them, must also be mumbojumbo.

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Then you obviously didn't read the OP whatsoever or you clearly don't grasp the language.

Instead of trying to insult, could you bother to point out where he actually explains anything? I had to use the "search more posts from XXX" feature to have some kind of idea of his issues, which pointed me to a post where he listed his uber rig as "should play the game on max settings obviously"

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well, if anyone contradicts them self with 1st and last lines, what falls between them, must also be mumbojumbo.

Again, go back and read his post - He's making an imaginary conversation with himself to dismiss the rant being about performance and yet everyone acts like a 12 year old and screams "OMG UR PC MUST BE BAD!!!1" and what that guy quoted was MY post, not the OP.

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Try to understand that the Arma series is unlike regular, linear shooters. The huge sandbox approach to game design which BIS have pioneered creates enormous (unrivalled) player freedom but also, by definition, generates a vastly increased number of variables (i.e combinations of events which can cause unforeseen and undesirable outcomes, aka 'bugs').

'Open' games are vastly superior to closed games IMO, but by their very nature will always be more buggy. If you lack the patience to wait for the inevitable patches, or fail to understand the reasons why games like Arma can seem buggy at first, I respectfully suggest you stick to closed games in future. :)

P.S. Describing Arrowhead as a 'sub-par product' does not reflect my experience of the game, or that of many other players.

Edited by Mandrake5

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hey I'm happy they made this game..if you check there is absolutely nothing in this world like it. It is an ambitious project by a small firm...

if this were done by EA or Activision..then hell yeah, they have the money to have 100 testers playing night and day...they have 500 people at their studios.

A good game is simply a game is one that ouweighs it's flaws in pure fun.

I only got to play with my clan for a few minutes yesterday, but as we drove down the street in a Humvee through a middle eastern town, I was wowed again...

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Try to understand that the Arma series is unlike regular, linear shooters. The huge sandbox approach to game design which BIS have pioneered creates enormous (unrivalled) player freedom but also, by definition, generates a vastly increased number of variables (i.e combinations of events which can cause unforeseen and undesirable outcomes, aka 'bugs').

'Open' games are vastly superior to closed games IMO, but by their very nature will always be more buggy. If you lack the patience to wait for the inevitable patches, or fail to understand the reasons why games like Arma can seem buggy at first, I respectfully suggest you stick to closed games in future. :)

P.S. Describing Arrowhead as a 'sub-par product' does not reflect my experience of the game, or that of many other players.

I agree with the above, open-world games are based on so many more variables that tend to be dynamic thus rendered live, so there's a much bigger risk of something going wrong, bugs occurring and not to mention debugging it can be quite a mess.

Only problem is, from my point of view is the engine being used. Yes, the underlying technology has remained the same since OFP basically with many, many improvements but it's still sad to see many of the exact same bugs return time and time again which is my main gripe not to mention BIS always seemed to have trouble optimizing their games for the latest technology and notice how I said OPTIMIZE not just crowbar it into the engine.

So no, use the same engine but isn't it time to go back to the drawing board and perhaps optimize the engine properly, try and make use of new technology properly and stop with the half-arsed solutions.

Edited by Sethos

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Bye then.

OA is by far the most finished and well working product i ever bought from BIS.

I feel like they listen to what the community says and wants and add lots of contenteven if it isnt used in the campaign just so we have all possibilitys if we make our own.

I disagree to some extent... things that are in OA should have been in Arma2 in the first place already + many promised things are still not in OA and many other things are serious "non-thought-through" design-flaws as they were since introduced with OFP1.

But when you look at what BI answered in the AO-Answeres thingy, they stated that they have just 5 real programmers working on the engine. :eek::cool:

One is Suma, second is Ohara, 3 other unknown to me. Rest are "just" designers and content creators, etc (don't take that a a lower "evaluation" of yourselfs please).

And this while this massive, sick, complex, feature-rich engine would already have needed 15++ Engine Programmers all the time.

So how could we ever expect anything major anyway, with just 5 Programmers, and then they have to fix the some 800+ Bugs from Arma2 AND working on Arma2:OA AND working on Carrier-Command at the same time..... This is crazy i think.

So for such a low amount of Programmers, what they have created is simply stunning.:)

However the problem is the same since it was at the beginning - to less real Menpower...

I can see it for example in the Community-Issue-Tracker... I have the feeling, that Suma is the only one attempting to fix engine issues over there, and if this work-overload continues, this poor guy will have no cool curly hair anymore within the next 10 years. :(

BIS needs some 5 Sumas and 3 Oharas + the other programmers at the same time and i bet we would have those 800+ tickets (incl. all the OFP-Times Design-Flaws!) in the CIS all "resolved" in less than a half-year. ;) Not to speak about all cool suggestions made over there.

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I'm kinda happy with the new content,when BIS are making an expansion pack they sure as hell pack up lots of goodies.Also I didn't had as many issues as with Arma 2 on release day,compared to A2 it seems this is more polished.

But also I'm starting to get pissed with BIS(and OA confirmed this for me) because they seem to adopt an attitude "let's give them shitload of toys and maybe they won't see the worms in the apple".

I'm talking about features that are half-working and problems from the OFP era.

Examples like AI planes still can't fly for shit(in 1.7 or 1.52),engaging like dive bombers and getting splattered over mountains,AI driving or still getting vehicles\armor stuck in rocks or belly up(in Pathfinder I had 2 of those Bradleys belly up).

We are also given high tech toys that are barely usable like MQ9 uavs which aren't very friendly to actually use them or crashing 8 out of 10 times when engaging something.Besides the thing actually has 2 people in it because the engine is antique and doesn't support an "unmanned class".Most probabily the AH-6X works this way too.

Now don't get me wrong I also like the new stuff like FLIR,flares for choppers\planes etc.,it's just that some things works very ok while others not even ok after all these patches.

I don't regret buying OA because I never regretted buying an BIS game before and this Arma 2+OA superpack is wonderful but I'm getting annoyed with this engine and it's limits.

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But when you look at what BI answered in the AO-Answeres thingy, they stated that they have just 5 real programmers working on the engine. :eek::cool:


That is both impressive and somewhat disheartening. Impressive that basically 5 guys can reign over such a vast piece of programming but at the same time disheartening that this engine will ever move forward to "something new and awe-inspiring."

I've always loved and supported BI for the years of sheer joy and wonder in playing their very unique brand of gaming and as far as I can tell by players reviews, OA follows in the same steps of OFP type fun. I guess I'm just getting older as this is really the 1st time I'm just not that motivated to hit the "purchase" button. It just seems that BI is going to stay with their tried and true method of new units/maps/weapons (Flir does look cool), but not make any major evolutionary steps into something really tantalizing and revolutionary.

Maybe Arma3 will be that bear I'm waiting for, maybe not...

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Again, go back and read his post - He's making an imaginary conversation with himself to dismiss the rant being about performance and yet everyone acts like a 12 year old and screams "OMG UR PC MUST BE BAD!!!1" and what that guy quoted was MY post, not the OP.

Thank you, someone whom actually read the post ;)

That's the problem with the admin lumping everything in a topic filled with fan-boys I guess...

The point I was trying to make, although it feels like talking to the wall on my right will be a slightly more constructive use of my time, is that we should stop being BI fan-boys until they've made something one of the bigger publishing houses would dare to put in the shops.

It's for the common good. As long as we keep buying the games in the state they are in it can only get worse. BI isn't even trying to get a playable game out anymore, more of a "we'll fix it somewhere before we release the next game, we promise... maybe"

I love BI, I love what they're trying to do, it's an impressive piece of software but for the good of us AND possible future consumers (yes, the "noobs" *gasp*) we should stop tossing money at them until they polish up their act a bit. It got better but now it's steadily getting worse again. Arma 2 by far wasn't finished and now they're tacking on a big new map with lots of buggy additions...

I hoped they would clean up their act, especially with getting better distributors for AO this time. (their cleanest release (not the best, that was Resistance) by far was Arma I imho, yes it was buggy but less so than any of their other releases, and much more playable out of the box, and I believe this was due to distributor pressure).

We blatantly tossed cash at them for the Arma 2 fiasco (come on, voice actors aren't that expensive, honest!), and now we're doing it again for AO.

Oh and once more, it runs perfectly on my machine, I'm getting a steady 60FPS sometimes hitting the 40's(yes it's useless to disable vertical sync.), with everything on high (and a couple on highest). I have not found many "crippling" bugs yet (except for general game instability online, ie regular server crashes and a lot people I know that hang quite often).

Getting combined operations (steam) to work is ridiculously convoluted, needs a lot of community help to even get partially working, UNTIL I JUST PLAIN REWROTE the .CMD (only way to get multi-core support working kids, I'll write a topic soon)! And don't even get me started how they did their mod and addon support (they changed enough for those to need changing too, but instead of disabling the already installed ones with CO, they plain enable them out of the box...)

Tl;dr stop being fan-boys, make BI earn their pay (I'm not saying it's not worth the money we paid, just... with a bit more effort on their side it can be so much more).

I'm kinda happy with the new content,when BIS are making an expansion pack they sure as hell pack up lots of goodies.Also I didn't had as many issues as with Arma 2 on release day,compared to A2 it seems this is more polished.

But also I'm starting to get pissed with BIS(and OA confirmed this for me) because they seem to adopt an attitude "let's give them shitload of toys and maybe they won't see the worms in the apple".

I'm talking about features that are half-working and problems from the OFP era.

Examples like AI planes still can't fly for shit(in 1.7 or 1.52),engaging like dive bombers and getting splattered over mountains,AI driving or still getting vehicles\armor stuck in rocks or belly up(in Pathfinder I had 2 of those Bradleys belly up).

We are also given high tech toys that are barely usable like MQ9 uavs which aren't very friendly to actually use them or crashing 8 out of 10 times when engaging something.Besides the thing actually has 2 people in it because the engine is antique and doesn't support an "unmanned class".Most probabily the AH-6X works this way too.

Now don't get me wrong I also like the new stuff like FLIR,flares for choppers\planes etc.,it's just that some things works very ok while others not even ok after all these patches.

I don't regret buying OA because I never regretted buying an BIS game before and this Arma 2+OA superpack is wonderful but I'm getting annoyed with this engine and it's limits.

Amen brother, that was the point of my rant. I never regretted buying anything from BI either but it's time for them to shift it up a notch or for us to do something or they'll just keep doing the stuff they've been doing up to now forever (for the same public). A bit more polish, a bit more play-testing and I guarantee you they'll1 double their audience and make us all a lot happier (instead of our usual defensive selves... but it's got only 5 programmers... but it's got FLIR... but... but...

Ooh ooh ooh, and although this will probably make even more of the fan-boys dismiss my arguments... BFBC2 is actually a pretty darn awesome shooter that actually tries to do something new and succeeds (RUSH baby!)

Yes the helicopter controls are awful, yes shooting 700 bullets into someone's face before they go down isn't realistic (play hardcore srsly) but it's a DARN good and fun shooter! And... pretty darn polished and accessible too! It works out of the box, no command line parameters needed, and it does what it says on the tin without umpteen patches... And oooh free extra maps (eat that MW2)

Edited by Lord Byte
Spoiler text!

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Well, seems the "ZOMFG THIS GAME SUX!!!11one" part of your posts was toned down. This was actually legible. Nice one. ;)

But when I saw you posted that you thought ArmA was the cleanest release out of all of BIS' games... I dunno... I... I just couldn't bring myself to read the rest of your post. For you to think ArmA was the best release I... God... I just can't wrap my head around that mentality... How late did you come to that party? I mean, my God man... I... I just can't...

... Overall we paid for OA because we believe BIS did earn it. In my opinion they exceeded all my expectations for it. I wouldn't throw money at anything unless I was sure I'd be getting what I wanted, and in the case of OA I got more.

And as a side note, what Arma 2 fiasco are you referring to? I was here way before and still am here after Arma 2's release and I can't recall any "fiasco"? Was it your own private fiasco or what am I missing? If I recall correctly Arma 2 was decently received by the community and press. Much more so than ArmA was (again... What are you smoking? :confused: ). In fact, Arma 2 got BIS a lot more positive attention from major publications and such. OA seems to be doing even better.

Edit: Jesus, I just saw what you edited onto your post. I agree Bad Company 2 is a lot of fun, I play it a hell of a lot. But no, it's nothing new. It was designed as a competitor to MW2, and it's simply that style of gameplay with a little more "realism" (read: bullet physics... Kinda), larger maps, and vehicles (that I must admit I never use). Plus, it's not more polished than this game. There are still tons of issues with it and the community supporting it are very pissed off that DICE seem to have dropped support and moved on to Medal of Honor. Oh, and MW2 isn't polished. Not. At. All.

Edited by Zipper5

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I don't get it....

it runs perfect, there's no crippling bug

and we should stop buy it....

To prove what? That the only way to sell a product is the EA/IW way?

I'll point at "the other attempt" by a respectable big company with money, and how it ended up, because you cannot get together "publisher pressure" (ie sales needs) and simulation and dev vision (large scale, simulation) in today's market.

I'm not a fan boy and hate many of BI's decision about this product, but I always end up at the same conclusion: no one has even tried doing the same, there is clearly a reason why.

When one tried, claiming for having real dev backup and quality, it ended horribly, because of the publisher pressure for a playable thing instead of a feature-paced thing.

I'm afraid such a project is far too large and too complex to have the required quality , without many more people working on it, and many more time, simply killing its ROI. Or, you'd need to remove features to polish others. So, what do we remove first? MP? moddability? Mission editor? Simulation aspects?

Quality-wise, we're screwed. BI would have done it long ago, otherwise. VBS has quality, look at the price....

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Well, seems the "ZOMFG THIS GAME SUX!!!11one" part of your posts was toned down. This was actually legible. Nice one. ;)

But when I saw you posted that you thought ArmA was the cleanest release out of all of BIS' games... I dunno... I... I just couldn't bring myself to read the rest of your post. For you to think ArmA was the best release I... God... I just can't wrap my head around that mentality... How late did you come to that party? I mean, my God man... I... I just can't...

... Overall we paid for OA because we believe BIS did earn it. In my opinion they exceeded all my expectations for it. I wouldn't throw money at anything unless I was sure I'd be getting what I wanted, and in the case of OA I got more.

And as a side note, what Arma 2 fiasco are you referring to? I was here way before and still am here after Arma 2's release and I can't recall any "fiasco"? Was it your own private fiasco or what am I missing? If I recall correctly Arma 2 was decently received by the community and press. Much more so than ArmA was (again... What are you smoking? :confused: ). In fact, Arma 2 got BIS a lot more positive attention from major publications and such. OA seems to be doing even better.

Edit: Jesus, I just saw what you edited onto your post. I agree Bad Company 2 is a lot of fun, I play it a hell of a lot. But no, it's nothing new. It was designed as a competitor to MW2, and it's simply that style of gameplay with a little more "realism" (read: bullet physics... Kinda), larger maps, and vehicles (that I must admit I never use). Plus, it's not more polished than this game. There are still tons of issues with it and the community supporting it are very pissed off that DICE seem to have dropped support and moved on to Medal of Honor. Oh, and MW2 isn't polished. Not. At. All.

On BF2:

RUSH was something new imho. The context sensitive button works wonders for teamplay (I really can't understand why every server and their mother switches it off... probably for the 90% immobile snipers on those servers I guess)

Polish imho is that everything works as advertised, no ifs and buts, yes it has bugs, what game doesn't... But at least noone falls through maps, I haven't seen any flying tanks (the backstab bug was iffy though), and when you shoot someone they die. Most of that is missing in AO.

On Arma:

It was less buggy than OFP day one! Multiplayer actually worked, and was fun! The campaign worked(though it was umpteen times crappier than OFP, at least I didn't get irrevocably stuck in parts (check ARMA 2, I can still do certain missions that cannot be finished in certain situations, OFP had the background scoring system that could get you stuck if you did badly in some mission, but it only showed 7 missions later...) There were a lot less performance issues with Arma when it came out compared to Arma 2 (if I compare the forums from that time)

On OA:

It's a grand piece of work, I bought it too for that reason, but most of the parts don't work as advertised half the time, and one of the most basic things, the combined operations is a REAL hassle to get to work... Unless you know where to look. So yeah it's great for us cuz we know where to go and whom to ask. But imagine not knowing about BI, and buying arma 2 and the expansion pack. I think you'd bring it back in the next day. I don't want that to happen to BI! I want them to get bigger, make more money, actually be able to hire more than 5 programmers (PICK ME!), get some real voice actors (yes I know Mark Spaniel can speak decent English, no I don't trust US personnel that sound like him...), get in the top 10 of every gaming media's best games ever. But we need to help them do that because they apparently can't do it themselves. And by reinforcing their current behavior it's not going to happen.

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But also I'm starting to get pissed with BIS(and OA confirmed this for me) because they seem to adopt an attitude "let's give them shitload of toys and maybe they won't see the worms in the apple".

Maybe they are adopting this attitude because a shitload of toys is what people want? Oh, and don't forget FPS, other essential priority.

I might be wrong, but I would say that they are just following the market. Look for example at the posts about OA before it came out

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Polish imho is that everything works as advertised, no ifs and buts, yes it has bugs, what game doesn't... But at least noone falls through maps, I haven't seen any flying tanks (the backstab bug was iffy though), and when you shoot someone they die. Most of that is missing in AO.

Tell me... When has anyone fallen through a map in Arma 2 or OA? When have you seen flying tanks in OA? That was mostly fixed in ArmA... Did you actually play it at all? And since when do people not die when shot to an extent that they should die in OA? :confused:

Rush is nothing new. It's Sabotage from MW2 on huge maps with a linear progression. Oh, and people hardly die when you shoot them in BC2. Not if your ping isn't exactly 100ms, or whatever you manage to hack that value to...

On Arma:

It was less buggy than OFP day one! Multiplayer actually worked, and was fun! The campaign worked(though it was umpteen times crappier than OFP, at least I didn't get irrevocably stuck in parts (check ARMA 2, I can still do certain missions that cannot be finished in certain situations, OFP had the background scoring system that could get you stuck if you did badly in some mission, but it only showed 7 missions later...) There were a lot less performance issues with Arma when it came out compared to Arma 2 (if I compare the forums from that time)

The campaign didn't really work that well, and yes, it was very crappy. There were many, many issues with the campaign in ArmA. I can't believe you can do OFP's and ArmA's campaigns but you cannot do Arma 2's... The game isn't that different. Oh, and ArmA had way more performance issues than Arma 2 has, mainly because people weren't expecting it to be as performance demanding as it was for it's time.

Seriously, if you need proof of ArmA's issues just search this forum for posts circa ~2006. Many bitching threads, many angry community members, tons of disappointment...

... and one of the most basic things, the combined operations is a REAL hassle to get to work... Unless you know where to look.

I didn't have to look anywhere to get mine working. I had the 505 Games retail version of Arma 2 and I bought OA over Sprocket. Ran the installer fine, waited until the 29th, activated and the game ran completely fine. Didn't have to do any workarounds. The only people who seem to be having issues for the most part are Steam users.

(yes I know Mark Spaniel can speak decent English, no I don't trust US personnel that sound like him...)

While I do know that Marek did Czech and some English voice acting in the pre-release versions of Arma 2 (the end of the Arma 2 uncut HD trailer comes to mind. Wish they kept those voices...), none of the voices in ArmA, Arma 2 or OA are done by him.

And by reinforcing their current behavior it's not going to happen.

Aaaand we reach the juicy part of your post. I do not think their games are perfect. I do think there are many issues that are still in it that nag at me all the time (trying to get convoys working, anyone?), but that's the thing - I don't dislike BIS' current behavior. They gave us a lot with OA, a lot of stuff from VBS2 as well. When you think of that and you look at the price of OA no one can deny that's one hell of a bargain. Unless the minor background things that can be worked around fairly simply (ungroup the cars and have them move at "LIMITED" speed, or use forceSpeed, you will get a working convoy) annoy you so much then I don't think you should be thinking BIS' current attitude is bad.

Edited by Zipper5

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