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Ovaron Island

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Btw. i was reading a comment on another Community Page that someones PC crashes when he loads the Map. Anyone else got that Problem?

I had no problems what-so-ever. Most likely the end user has an addon conflict or maybe an issue with their pc. I'm running the latest beta patch for arma II so unless there is something that patch has fixed/changed, I don't think it's an issue to worry about.

I think you might want to try mixing the trees/bush's a bit more before completely replacing them with all green vegetation. I personally think it adds a level of depth to the map and fits really well. Maybe trying merging or overlaying them a bit more.

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Moar green would be nice, but it's a great map regardless. Must of taken ALOT of time! :O

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Great island! I especially love that virtually every building is enterable! :)

A bit more terrain variation (in terms of satmap or whatever) might be nice but man...

One hell of an awesome effort! Very nice indeed!

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Really nice island, and with enterables buildings ! Thanks, I love it.

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Thank you all for your comments so far. They make me keeping my work up since i see its really apreciated.

However, some people where complaining about the townnames via pm, ts3 visits etc. so im going to change them in the next version. I hope you all understand that, since i not want to offend people with that map in anyway.

yours sincerely


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Great work,will test it out. and names are fine to me,what is offensive about those names?

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Yeah don't compromise the Humour for the majority for the sake a minority. Some people are just never satisfied.

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With a closer look at the map you will see that one piece is rotated/merged and the names of towns are renamed eg New York = Moscow. ;)

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Did some pathfinding testing on this nice island. vehicles find their way to the ordered location even over very long distances crossing several bridges. infantry actually cross the bridges instead of having "swim call". tested boats but with waypoints. will have to try simple go to orders next. Very impressive work! One thing I noticed which you prob already know: west airport is either too short or the trees at the end need to be removed. f35 and av-8 were the only planes i could get the ai to get successfully airborne with. Fine map Commander1985! btw, can you share the warfare mission for the island you mentioned some time back?

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i think some people get offended that we could blow up their city :P

personally i was looking for Dublin right away and thought cool...not aw now someone can blow up my home town

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i think some people get offended that we could blow up their city :P
Yeah don't compromise the Humour for the majority for the sake a minority. Some people are just never satisfied.

Well looks like your both right. I guess i have to look how many are against that or who want them to stay like they are and decide it before i upload the new one. I have enough to do for now^^

Im currently working on that Airport expansion. Its a bit tricky on that small groundstrip. Of course i will fix that issue with that starting planes. To bad the ILS System tells the planes to land north and start north. Landing north and starting south would be the best Solution but i dont know how to do that. I tried that allready on a new Island im working on but i found no way to realise that.

Maybe some other Mappers are willing to share their experience here with me :)



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Simple solution. Just change one letter in the name of the towns. IE: New York = New Pork, Moskow = Moscow, Paris = Faris. If they still complain after that they need to find a new game to play. You can't make everyone happy. No matter what you do someone will find fault.

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I guess i have to look how many are against that or who want them to stay like they are and decide it before i upload the new one.

Personaly, I don't mind. I prefer that you work on the island instead of searching random town names, and I wouldn't be surprised that you prefer that too. :D That's really nice to listen to the community, but it's your work. You have chosen these names, if you like them, keep them.

Edited by Kr3v

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Isn't Peking and Bejing is different names for the same city. The capitol of China? Looks a bit weird that its in two places on the map.

Swap out Peking for like New Delhi or something :) (London?)

But now i have to go bomb Oslo.

Edited by Angle

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I really don't see the problem of using real-life city names.

First of all, i'm Dutch. But what do i care if somebody completely levels Amsterdam on the Ovaron island? It's not like it's an exact replica, and even so: what's the problem?

What should i care that people might line up prostitutes and execute them in a fictitious Amsterdam?

People should get their priorities straight. The most important thing is we've got a fantastic new island to play on.

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Agree with SiC-Disaster. In fact I like having recognizable town names. Now lets all be super-sensitive and have a group hug, our bottom lips quivering, before (insert your town here) is destroyed in a virtual firestorm. Oh the horror...........

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What should i care that people might line up prostitutes and execute them in a fictitious Amsterdam?

lol got a new mission in mind? :p

Great work on the Island :thumb:

Also, I think it would be better with fictitious names instead of real ones.

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Hi Commander1985

really great work on your Island. just tested Ai driving skills on Ovaron. as long as you order the Ai with on map clicks to their destinations they have no trouble at all to reach the designated areas. They are crossing bridges without any problems and have no troubles with pathfinding.

in case you are using waypoints they are terribly in trouble.

I need to do some further testing though.

In any case thanks for your hard work, the island is really beautiful.

kind regards


Did some further testing with setting way points. I used a humvee but the AI driver crashed after while hitting trees which are placed too close to the road Grid 058077. AI pathfinding is working even using waypoints, fact is they crash, but as already mentioned there are some trees placed dangerously close to the road which gets the AI driver badly in trouble. So using conveys and support trucks will most probably be an issue for mission makers.

Edited by nettrucker
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Looks like most people dont care about the names or find it funny (like me).

I think Kruger would like fictitious names better but has no problems with em.

And because the people who are against it are only a very poor minority i will keep them as they are. Also i won't anger the people who already made or doing missions with the names since they dont need to rename anything :)

Did some further testing with setting way points. I used a humvee but the AI driver crashed after while hitting trees which are placed too close to the road Grid 058077. AI pathfinding is working even using waypoints, fact is they crash, but as already mentioned there are some trees placed dangerously close to the road which gets the AI driver badly in trouble. So using conveys and support trucks will most probably be an issue for mission makers.

Im aware of that problem that ki is crashing into trees and working on that. Thank you for telling me. I will check that Grid too.

Btw.fixes and changes so far:

Hopefully fixed bridge AI wont drive on (Villa Riba west Bridge and the counterpart on the east)

Removed some bushes who hopped on the roads.

Moved Airport a bit and added a Taxiway.

If i have enough time after work i might be able to upload an update this weekend or around next week, but i have a small problem with my satmap which is time consuming too so i cant promise.

Edit: Damn almost forgot that Armory Bug! I try to fix that one too but i have no Idea how it works etc.. So it might not be in the next update. Making this Map playable for everyone is my first priority. Hope you understand that.



Edited by Commander1985

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you ever update the map yet?

I didn't get a steam msg back from you that day.

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Looks like most people dont care about the names or find it funny (like me).

sounds groovy. will probably start a warfare port soon since the decision is made. intersted in seeing how it flows. thanks again.

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I found map itself pretty cool - probably not suitable for realism coop, but for Domis, CTI, C&H's, and Warfare...


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