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Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

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Sprocket will welcome you with open arms ;)

Heh, I'd have done this a week ago but I've just moved house and don't have the internet connected there yet. =(

Question, if I get a key from sprocket and use someone elses retail disc (bugger got it from amazon in the states quicker than the publishers could get it here!!), is there a way I can continue to play the game without the CD if I can activate it online somehow via sprocket?? Or alternatively, can I have someone else download the files for me from a mirror, then activate the game on MY pc?

I might beg my brother if I can borrow his internet connection to activate it, even if it means packing up my PC and going for a drive.

Sigh....I just want the game!:(

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Just had an unfortunate experience with GoGamer, where OA is $29.90+shipping -- bought OA online, only to receive the UK edition?!... absolutely gobsmacking, considering that the displayed cover art is of the US/Canadian version (with the ESRB "M" rating) and no mention of it being a UK or international version that would be bought. In contrast, they have separate US and "I" (international?) versions of ARMA 2. Therefore, since the game is still sealed in the shrink wrap, I'm looking to do a 1:1 exchange as soon as possible for the correct, US/Canada version. (WITHOUT a restock fee, thank you very much...)

In fairness, the "dirt cheap" shipping was $2.99 with a ETA of seven to fifteen days, but it actually arrived in only five days, so I must credit GoGamer where it's due. :) Nevertheless, as a warning, if you don't already have an account, use a credit/debit card to buy, not PayPal; if you use PayPal, your account won't be created, which means that your order will go through but that you won't be able to log in to track or cancel the order, or to do a "proper" return authorization # request. (I filled out the online contact form, sent an e-mail and will call by phone if need be.)

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Good news for those in Perth W.A Aus i was just in jb-hi ( osborune park ) at smoko and got a copy of op AH bad news is theres only four copys left !! i would give them a phone to hold a copy before there all gone.

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Just occured to me i bought ARMA 2 from cdwow (hardcopy) and it was a UK version. Will OA (hardcopy) work with it if its not the same regional version as i'm in Australia?

Edited by vasmkd

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Heh, I'd have done this a week ago but I've just moved house and don't have the internet connected there yet. =(

Question, if I get a key from sprocket and use someone elses retail disc (bugger got it from amazon in the states quicker than the publishers could get it here!!), is there a way I can continue to play the game without the CD if I can activate it online somehow via sprocket?? Or alternatively, can I have someone else download the files for me from a mirror, then activate the game on MY pc?

I might beg my brother if I can borrow his internet connection to activate it, even if it means packing up my PC and going for a drive.

Sigh....I just want the game!:(

Yes you can take your PC to your brother's, download the sprocket version and activate it then run it from your place without internet. You would need an internet connection the first time you run the game to activate Securom, but after that you're fine :)

Just had an unfortunate experience with GoGamer, where OA is $29.90+shipping -- bought OA online, only to receive the UK edition?!... absolutely gobsmacking, considering that the displayed cover art is of the US/Canadian version (with the ESRB "M" rating) and no mention of it being a UK or international version that would be bought. In contrast, they have separate US and "I" (international?) versions of ARMA 2. Therefore, since the game is still sealed in the shrink wrap, I'm looking to do a 1:1 exchange as soon as possible for the correct, US/Canada version. (WITHOUT a restock fee, thank you very much...)

Other than the cover (ie less US flaggage) there's no difference between UK/NA so not sure why the concern? :)

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I got a copy today at top ryde jb hifi in NSW australia for $47.99

they got their stock today after 1pm.

installing now.

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Other than the cover (ie less US flaggage) there's no difference between UK/NA so not sure why the concern? :)
I don't want to risk any incompatibilities or instability (mods or core game), even with display text/language. I have the North America version of ARMA 2, and want to do the Combined Operations installation.

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There will not be any incompatibility between those versions.

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sendit and and zavvi is out of stock :S

and i don't know another site which sends dvd to Turkey.

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Best Buy (USA) has it finally, just checked their site and they have copies available in my area (not all stores have them yet though). I'll be making a little drive tonight to get my hard copy of AO to add to my BIS shrine.

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Best Buy (USA) has it finally, just checked their site and they have copies available in my area (not all stores have them yet though). I'll be making a little drive tonight to get my hard copy of AO to add to my BIS shrine.

I just checked the Best Buys near me and the closest one that has it is 22.1 miles away. Closest Gamestop that has it is about the same distance away. Maybe my dad can get it on the way home from work one day, he drives past there every day. I'll have to ask :) but of course I'd have to pay him for it.

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At JB HiFi The Galeries Victoria branch in Sydney are now selling OA for AU$47.99 :yay::yay::yay:

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YES! just gotten my boxed copy of OA from playasia.com ... and DARN IT! the disc is scratched!

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I have been in email contact with Merdian regarding purchasing Hard Copies of Game and the following response are the responses.

My email was basically questioning the issues in getting the game in Canada and the frustation of the Canadain followers and supporters of the Game.

"Hi John,

Thanks for the update. We are doing our best to get the game into the hands of players here in Canada.

Wal*Mart should have it on shelves this week, we are quite upset about the delay.

Best Buy Canada’s order is expected any day so likely units will ship this week to their warehouse.

Future Shop is now considering carrying the franchise so we hope we can see this through in the next week or so.

The digital version is now available on our site and we plan to offer the boxed version soon as well.

As the publisher for North America we do not do the actual distribution, but I have the distinct honor of yelling at the people who do. I have been doing a lot of yelling for Canada lately, and it seems to have hit the target. We expect better coverage over the coming days/weeks.

Thank you once again for all of your input.


Andy Sher




I asked permission to post here and the response

"Sure thing. If it helps feel free to pass this information on. One thing you can add, if gamers email Best Buy Canada and EB Games it is my understanding the information is passed on to the video game buyer for the chain. The more comments they get regarding product the more likely they will react to it by making sure they have product.




I guess we wait and see.

I will be sending off emails as Andy has suggested, it can't hurt.

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I've spoken to smaller independent stores and some distributors

they claim they can't even get copies from Meridian4.

This isn't about stores not wanting to stock the game, it's Meridian4's inability

to handle the job as publisher.

None of Merdian4's catalog of games are available in stores.

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For at least the next 30 hours GoGamer.com has the UK version for $29.90+shipping, the only notable/substantive discount I've seen for it. (I was at first apoplectic at the UK version part, because they advertise the US version / Meridian 4 as the publisher instead of 505 Games... but based on the mod's take I'm willing to give it a chance.)

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What was wrong with Akella? At least they had more or less decent translation.

The translation in 1C version of OA is beyond awful - it totally messes up classes in the editor by putting both US army and USMC under the same "USA" class totally messing up it all (f.e. both US army and USMC soldiers are called "soldier", same for everyone else - and I can't find Marksman class at all) and at some places translation gives me the impression that it was made using translation software ("Content IDs" in the editor is translated as "accounts" (yes I don't get it either), "militia" is translated as... "police" (so when killing militia I get poor fragged "policemen" (sic!) in my stats) - there is much more problems with it - some classes from ArmA2 aren't even translated, when I was ordering medic to heal some soldier (crewman iirc) the option in translation was literally "Heal that - ", while the voiceover said it properly "heal that crewman". I even have to guess which ammo box in the editor belongs to whom due to the translation being so bad.

I'm just very annoyed that I can't use the editor for several weeks due to the attrocious translation.

It wouldn't be such a problem if 1C had some kind of support, but they simply ignore complaints. They actually have a reputation of one of the worst publishers in the region.

Another thing is them totally failing at distribution of OA. When it came out I had to ask a friend from another country to buy the game for me and even weeks later he still says that OA is a big rarity even in his city (which is Moscow, aka the city where 1C prints all the stuff, oh snap!), not mentioning that it isn't in my town still. Now compare that to Akella which distributed AA2 well across its territory on the day of release.

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Glad to hear Canadians are gonna get some love soon, I've been looking on the major stores websites for a while now hoping they'd get it - I don't have access to my credit card sadly due to the incompetence of the provider ruining their payment methods for pre-paid cards :rolleyes: So a hard copy it shall be for me.

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What was wrong with Akella? At least they had more or less decent translation.

Perhaps they declined to make a publishing offer for OA? There seems to be a widely spread misconception that we get offers from 20 publishers for every country and we pick the ones we fancy using on a whim or whatnot, that's far from the case, in this current climate the opportunities tend to be pretty limited, more widely established publishers do not take risks on niche titles, I'm sorry the translation job done by 1C isn't up to your approval but I'm sure it's better than the translation job on a non existent version of the game which may have been the case of the agreement wasn't reached with 1C ;)

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It would help if Bohemia promoted the game a lot more then they do

instead of just relying so heavily on the community to propagandize it.

Maybe showing off the alternative modes of play like "Advance and Secure"

instead of just the hardcore simulation stuff might attract a lot more people

especially the older mature Battlefield crowd who are tired of the bunnyhopping

spray'n'pray crap going on now.

A lot of times even though people have seen the game videos who are very interested in giving Arma 2 a try the monotonous 2-4 week (or longer) hunt for copies is a real turnoff lots of people just give up and move on and the excitement is lost.

Then there's the demo...... Seriously, that critter needs to patched and a new one released. most of the reasons I've seen for not buying Arma 2 has been the demo

bugs and performance.

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OA is ment to be releasd in Australia today but i haven't checked, i hope it is. If BIS want to sell more copies of their game it means they will have to "streamline"the game more for the unhygenic goldfish that play games like COD, which means they are going to upset all of the current community.

I had a friend who currently plays BF2 come over to house, and he was eager to check out ArmA 2, so i showed him offline and online play and let him play it, and soon he got bored of it, i was fine im happy to have to drive, fly or even walk to the fight rather than spawn in the fight at the start, but my friend was very impatient and juststarted abusing the game "for how crap it is", and just played MW2 on my PS3.

I don't think BIS has much of a chance with getting more customers, because these days everyone wants their "instant action fix" which means they cant appreciate a game as good as ArmA 2, so i think BIS should just stick to trying to please the community theyhave at the moment, which is a excellent one. If someone wants to play a realistic shooter, they will eventually find ArmA, no need to try and get some fat COD bastard to stop eating KFC for breakfast and buy ArmA.

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It's nearly a month after release and it's the usual "where's Waldo" search for copies of the game the same thing we played with Arma 2 and Arma 1.....

Bohemia has forced Arma 2 into niche market more then games like this would be by it almost complete lack of advertising and using nearly useless publishers.

Rise of Flight, Race On and DCS Blackshark are niche market sim games but I can find copies just about everywhere and plenty of exposure for all of them

they were all available on release day or within a week of the release day while the excitement was still fresh.

Neobq even released a new version of the ROF demo in response to complaints about the first one.

There are thousands of mature players that would enjoy Arma 2/OA but they either don't know about it or can't get their hands on it if they wanted it

The costs of fixing the demo could easily be recovered from the sales they would normally have lost to the bugfest that is the existing one.

Edited by jblackrupert

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im probably going to check JB-HIFi tomorrow, because its the weekend, but if its not there i might just give up.:eek::eek::eek:

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