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War sim...Nope...

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This is getting more and more out of hand.

I say this isnt a war simulator anymore. Its moving towards

a "GET BALANCED warsim Arcade"...

Everything is supposed to be so balanced and shite. It isnt balanced

out there..Get real. The strife should be to get it as close to real as

possible without ruin the player experience. And im not talking about

what is possible for a human being in the real world, like shooting with

out a dot and stuff. Im talking about Flightmodels, Carspeeds, Blackouts

in planes, the ability to control you squad and so on...

Were getting closer and closer to BF...

christ :j:

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Eh what are you talking about?

I agree with your principle though.

Edited by sparks50

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Heh, I don't know what was that about either...

I'm sure I disagree, though :p

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I think the series is moving towards the opposite direction you're claiming. Just look how much more realistic infantry combat elements like movement, suppression, AI, aiming etc. has come since OFP. Also there's now much more difference between different firearms how they behave.

Plus we're getting significant avionics improvements and FLIR with OA among other features so I really don't know what you are talking about.

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Are you talking about BIS, mods or missions?

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Oh, two andersson's. I was confused there for a moment.

The reason we've got Russia involved in Arma 2 in the first place is to provide a somewhat realistically balanced counterpart to the USMC; if you play the campaign you'll notice there's like one or two missions where you're actually even close to fighting the Russkies - the rest of the time you're basically killing a bunch of people with machineguns mounted on cars with your M1A2 TUSK Main Battle Tanks - the factions, in vanilla, are definitely not even close to 'balanced'!

That said, the balance issues between individual units, e.g. an insurgent and a USMC soldier, or the aforementioned MBT compared to a Russian one (the T-90, say), I think is actually mostly due to the fact that these things -cannot- be compared. A T-90 has never met a M1A2 in battle, and if you put a bunch of experts from either country in a cage and ask them to rationally discuss which tank is better, there will be a Battle Royale before the first T or M. Likewise, if you want more skilled soldiers and less skilled ones, use the sliders. Same thing with any of the issues you've mentioned, really.

Finally, there is of course an -element- of balance, meaning that it is -possible- to set up two teams fighting one another without one having a significant advantage over the other when it comes to equipment (e.g. CDF vs Insurgents, or USMC vs. Russia). But I really don't mind this. Ultimately, it's the mission designers' job to decide how 'balanced' or 'unbalanced' the forces deployed are (both in SP and MP). :)



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Might have been an outburst in a moment of dispare..

I think im talking about missions and mods.

But sure its a problem with BIS aswell. The idea of AI is truly great.

But the problem remains, you cant control the AI to the reality.

Most of the times in use of AI you are the leader, there should be

LOTS of more comands and more indepth control of the AI. The AI

programing is a task of its own im aware of that. Thats why it should

never halt or end.

Keep the AI actions/control coming please. Updates, patches whatever.

Just dont stop.

And then we have the mods and addons. If i have a weapon with BIPODS,

Calculating wind and drift, there shouldnt be ANY dispersion.

A carrier ship is more than 200m long in the real world, not in ArmA.

Real life sizes please. I know theres a problem with making LARGE maps.

Im talking REALLY REALLY LARGE. But with the stream that shouldnt be

a problem. Computerpower? Sure i can buy that, but there has to be

a workaround. Maybe a linkingtool inside the game, were you can link

maps together into one. Planes like Fuel/Tanke Planes get a meaning.

Antonovs, CJ´s, Trains and more. Now i cant see the purpus of makin

such items..Aaarhg...Im lost...Sorry..

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And then we have the mods and addons. If i have a weapon with BIPODS' date='

Calculating wind and drift, there shouldnt be ANY dispersion.[/quote']

Just to nitpick about terminology : Bipods have nothing to do with weapon dispersion (in terms of MOA). They would change in-game recoil, and afaik it is the case currently. But dispersion will remain the same. There's no weapon shooting always perfectly straight bullets. There's always some dispersion

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I think it should be noted that this product is, first and foremost, a game. As such, some amount of balance is desirable or otherwise you get an imbalance of players in PvP games.

That said, imbalance can easily be modded in :) ArmA2 must be viewed as a base product that works as a game out of the box, but can be modified to suit other purposes.

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Most of the time any imbalance between equipment is offset by even small amounts of better, tactics, marksmanship, general use of equip, etc etc.

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@Andersson[sWEC]: I still don't follow but maybe it's my limited knowledge of English. You keep talking about BIS balancing the game? Compared to what, OFP:CWC, ArmaA1? The things you mentioned, how did it change from previous games from the series? Except for the chopper fm it's pretty much the same. And ability to control squad? As far as I know it has been vastly improved, not simplified (improved context-sensitive menu, team-switch, AI movement precision etc). I don't see where do you get the "getting closer and closer to BF..." from. And as DMawrick said, if you're not satisfied with the vanilla game (teh game is not realistic enuf!) you can always use mods.

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We all have bad days, its clearly frustration. Remember this game is a drug and sometimes you get a day like that. :)

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Yes, i think it is..Frustration.

The game itself is awsome, but the fact it lacks some parts is

really anoying and frustrating.

Edit: You know when you are ordering an AI to drive to Place A and he keeps turning and twisting and

you go "What the * is he doing?"..Or "For god sake, STAY ON THE FRIKIN ROAD"..OR, "Turn OF the goddamn

Engine". Or, "2 stay above the treeline this time"..Or, when you order AI to watch in a direction and he turns

his head the other way when you are in Unit cam..christ i can go on and on and on..

Edited by Andersson[SWEC]

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Take a break and play something different. No need for getting frustrated and annoyed and wasting time with it. A2/OA will be available no matter what other things you do. ;)

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I been making missions since 2001 and believe me I had my days of frustration!! Trying to build a mission and suddenly after 2 hours of tweaking one part of it, an old one that worked bugs out for no apparent reason, and then it just keep coming... The rage... So after many hollow eyed hours of tweaking and fixing I give up, shut down the comp and go away. 10 min later I start up the comp and continue. Like an addict..

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This is the carrier in game, and it clearly states that it is 250m long. It's not a full aircraft carrier, but an Amphibious Assault Ship.

Wrong, actually. It is a Wasp class amphibious assault ship (LHC-designation, while Tarawa is LHA-designated). The length is still about 250m though, so that is still true.

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Again with the claiming that Arma 2 isn't a military/war simulator, yet still no one has answered me what's changed from OFP to now to make it less of one.

Therefore, my opinion of the matter is that it's the community becoming increasingly anal retentive. :p

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It's a game and there's war in it. Good enough war simulator for me.

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No bunnyhopping, no emptying an entire clip into someone only to have them snap around and headshot/knife you. Works for me.

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