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Dynamic-AI-Creator (DAC) V3.0 released

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I play with ACE and ASR AI. After some testing I have found that ACE and ASR AI don't seem to have an effect. These are my findings.

When DAC is not enabled or initialized everything works as it should.

When you change the Creator config to disable weather it does infact work.

When DAC is enabled you cannot change your viewidistance mid scenerio.

When I initially played with dac I had not disabled the dynamic weather. Then I did so and to test it I would go on a mountain top and raise the view distance. Since, for some reason Dac doesn't allow you to change view distance mid mission, when I saw that my view distance wasn't increasing I assumed it was because fog was blocking my field of view and assumed my modified creator file wasn't working. that's when I went here for help.

Could some one try to confirm this. bring up a dac mission with no dynamic weather and try changing the the view distance to max. it shouldn't change. save this viewdistance setting and restart the mission. the view distance should now be changed and the so called "fog" should be gone.

I don't know if this makes sense at all but this is what I am finding on my computer.

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Maybe it helps to change the last value to 0

DAC_Dyn_Weather= [0,120,1,0]

don't know if the first value disable only the weather or weather/fog together

Edited by TeilX

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By playing a little bit on the sector fight example mission, is it possible (using the same form or variation) to create CTI/Warfare missions?

I am new to this and will spend the next few days reading everything I can about DAC, but just wanted to know before hand if it is possible to create such missions.

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Hexerie - possible, yes. It's all a matter of using the DAC_activation and deactivation with your create areas. Throw in camps and stuff and you can easily fill the entire island of Chernarus. I know, because I've done it. You do have to be patient however since it takes a VERY VERY long time to load. My suggestion would be to learn how it works first before you venture into the area of spawning the entire island, otherwise it can get quite messy.

panther42 - Yes, DAC was added to ace as far as I know. I think a few of the test missions they released rely on DAC if I remember correctly.

Coulum - from my testing, setting that first number to 0 does disable DAC's dynamic weather. If you're getting shortened view distances, I would check and make sure nothing else is causing it (most likely your actual graphics settings, I think mine were being cut short due to my setting textures down a bit during a test).

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--Creating DAC zones mid mission--

I would like to use coordinates rather then editor placed anything. Is it possible? I tried fiddling with the position entries and it didn't like it.

_values = ["z1",[1,0,0],[5,2,50,8],[],[],[],[1,1,1,1]];
[(position player),250,150,0,0,_values] call DAC_fNewZone

// Cords I want to use: 2065.17,1010.91,0

I would think it's possible, but my syntax is wrong.


Skelt aka Bones

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_values = ["z1",[1,0,0],[5,2,50,8],[],[],[],[1,1,1,1]];
[[2065.17,1010.91],250,150,0,0,_values] call DAC_fNewZone

Maybe that works?

As a work around you could maybe create an invisible marker at your coordinates and then create a zone using that marker?

I mean if using coordinates is not working? I havent tried it myself so I dont know if its something wrong with the code or if DAC is not made that way?

Edited by andersson

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hey thank you for the reply, I tried something similar, however I don't believe I have the [] around the cords. I'll give it a go.

I was hoping to just be able to script all of my DAC zones in without editor placed assets. You know -- kinda how Domination dose with their zones. If they would allow for cords it would be piece of cake to get them all scripted in, - even for a novice like me.

thanks for your reply,

Skelt aka Bones

Edit: Seems to be working going to need to play with it, gave me the error about "unsuitable for this type unit" waypoint error.

Edit#2: If you ever thought DAC was picky about where it will place units, you have no idea until you attempt to insert a DAC zone mid mission on Thirsk via script. It's nothing short of Horrid. I keep getting a zero Devisor script error (in the DAC script not mine) using a DAC call that worked flawlessly the first few tests, and now will not run at all. I'll try to brute force them with setDir but I doubt it will work. Quite frustrating really.

Edited by Skelt

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Issue was you cannot call a DAC zone to early or it will throw all sorts of funny errors.

Problem I have now, is zone is created, waypoints in all, but the units just stand there =/

Ed: Stopped production on Thirsk, went to a different map, and had similar problems with DAC_fNewZone but I was able to createTrigger and eventually get around with help of the forums.


Edited by Skelt

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I hope someone can help me with this. I am trying to simulate reinforcements in a barrack building.

So far i have a zone around the barracks with a camp defined for respawns and 2 groups of infantry.

Now these zones are set as deactivated until the alarm condition is met. At which point they become activated.....simple so far.

At this point the camps in each zone are activated fine, but the infantry groups do not spawn (i.e men pouring out of the barracks).

It was probably too easy to expect this to work, but is there a way of doing what i need?

EDIT:- Have played around with call DAC_fNewZone, as a different method. But am running into the same problem of the units not spawning. Currently i have this:

[(position camp2),50,50,1,0,["camp2men",[1,0,0],[5,2,15,3],[],[],[],[0,2,0,0,4]]] call DAC_fNewZone;

which is activated again when the alarm condition has been met.

Now if the above is initialised along side the rest of the DAC (not what i intend, just did it as a test), then the units are created fine. But if this is activated mid-mission (after the DAC has initialised), which is what i want. Only the zone gets created, none of the infantry spawn.

Edited by Shadow.D. ^BOB^

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I've had the same issue with DAC_fNewZone. It's not just you. I dont know how to fix it either sadly.

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Yeah thats a shame....

Will just have to work around it for now by setpos on the units i need into the barracks then add them to the DAC system (hoping there isnt a problem with that).

EDIT:- Does anyone know if there is a waituntil check for ChangeZone as there is for NewZone?

I'm trying to change over multiple zones onto a new Behaviour config, but even with a sleep 10; i still get the message "ANY ZONE ACTION IN PROGRESS PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER". Maybe i'm missing something....

Edited by Shadow.D. ^BOB^

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i'm trying to get DAC units to use empty vehicles. i'm using a modified version of the "use empty things" DAC demo mission. i changed the faction to takistan army but still the LAV from usmc is the only vehicle they are getting in to. it's really strange. when i place an empty brdm from their faction and then a lav more far away from them they always ignore the brdm and go straight to the lav.

i really need this for distant reinforcement. because otherwise they have to walk 10km.

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i'm trying to get DAC units to use empty vehicles. i'm using a modified version of the "use empty things" DAC demo mission. i changed the faction to takistan army but still the LAV from usmc is the only vehicle they are getting in to. it's really strange. when i place an empty brdm from their faction and then a lav more far away from them they always ignore the brdm and go straight to the lav.

i really need this for distant reinforcement. because otherwise they have to walk 10km.

Hi Bad Benson

Have you checked the definitions in DAC_Config_Units?

See p39 of the full manual. The other factors that control which, if any, vehicles are entered are:

DAC_Config_Creator, p36

especially p36

DAC_VehAllowed = [1,2 ]

This line declares the types of (empty) vehicles that can be acquired by infantry.

Apply as many config #´s from the DAC_Config_Units as desired.

DAC reads all vehicles from the given configurations and combines them in a pool.

Any empty vehicle given in the pool will be considered usable by the AI.

& p42:

setEmpVeh [[150,100],[100,50]]

These arrays enable the boarding of empty vehicles and guns.

If you don't want to use one of these characteristics in the zone, you have to set the 1st value

to 0, otherwise as follows:

1st Array = radius of the detection of empty vehicles to board; probability %

2nd Array = radius of the detection of empty guns in order to board; probability %

Which vehicle types can be boarded, will be determined by the setting up

DAC_VehAllowed (page 22).

[p22 should read p36 AFAICT]

Which guns can be boarded, will be determined by setting up DAC_GunAllowed (page 22). [p22 should read p38 AFAICT]

When you switch the infantry units to a different faction, you may also need to add new unit configurations for any differences in vehicles, etc., and replace the original numbers in the relevant mission DAC strings with the appropriate new config numbers.

If you're not getting DAC error messages or errors in the .rpt (e.g., missing or invalid something or other config) then DAC may be loading a BLUFOR set into DAC_VehAllowed for your Takistani troops.



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thx i have now bluefor that's able to use any kind of vehicle. but still the opfor doesn't do it.

also squads tend to not fully board vehicles which leads to awkward situations like one guy running 10km and the rest of his group slowly driving behind him in a truck. with helis that's especially weird looking.

is it possible to change that? in gl4 for example units seem to look for vehicles with enough cargo space and then use all the seats available which is nice cuz they are able to actually use vehicles for their benefit when they have to travel long distances. for that purpose it also would be nice to have them exit the vehicle when they reached a waypoint instead of trying to stay in the vehicle at all costs.

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thx i have now bluefor that's able to use any kind of vehicle. but still the opfor doesn't do it.

also squads tend to not fully board vehicles which leads to awkward situations like one guy running 10km and the rest of his group slowly driving behind him in a truck. with helis that's especially weird looking.

is it possible to change that?

Hmm, hard to say as I haven't seen that problem. Maybe its something in the behaviour config? It's possible, given your comment about units running after vehicles, that the vehicles aren't waiting long enough for the troops to get in. I don't know where/how one can controlthat, maybe it's the set_Pause option in the behaviour config? It might be worth looking in the files for demo #18, using empty vehicles. That works fine, vehicles wait long enough for troops to get in & get out.

I'm willing to take a look at & try out your mission to see if I can spot anything.

I'm by no means any sort of expert on DAC, though I'm slowly getting to grips with its complexity. I'm a novice at scripting but one of the things I really like about DAC is that one can get quite complicated & fun missions running rather quickly using stock DAC features (well, most of them :).

Currently I'm developing a sequence combining SF missions with large scale assaults as BLUFOR rampage across Podagorsk. One nice feature is that it's so simple to port a scenario to a completely different Island and have a completely different battle due to terrain, nature & density of buildings, etc. One problem I have is that I can't get the arti support to work correctly - every time I add it in the player & team-mates go mute which really screws up game play. Do you have this working, & if so would you post your arti_config plus whatever you add to the init?



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Hi there. So I'm trying to use an alternative to the ambient animals module since I don't want animals spawning around players (that's what it does, right?) and use DAC to spawn objects (animals). I am able to spawn them..halfway into the terrain. I have tried to use values for (from the pdf manual):

The inclination of an object. Only values form 0 to 1 are valid values.

Object sinking in the ground <0 = clear value / > 0 = random value.

The object alignment. 0 = fits to the surface / 1 = vertically aligned.

in my DAC_Config_Objects.sqf but they either won't work on animals or I'm not using correct values. I even try to call a script as he outlines:

- To handover a generated Object to a script by using the parameters function call / script call, you can use the

variable _obj as reference: " [_obj] execVM ""myObjFunc.sqf"" ... for example.

case 10:
	_Object_Pool =	[
						["Cow01",1,0,0,0,0,"[_obj] execVM 'lift.sqf'"]

The values 1 and 25 inside the brackets I am using as a test for:

1. The minimum range (in meters) to street segments

2. The minimum height (meters) above sea level


this setPosASL [position this select 0, position this select 1, 25];

I found that code example on the wiki. I can verify that the sqf is getting called and once again I'm trying to spawn the cows 25 meters in the air but no luck. Yeah, I'm a mediocre coder, and yeah, I have enough free time that I'm trying to make missions with hoaky things like this :p

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How do you only show your side, for example

_setshowunit = [0,1,0,0];

Still shows all sides.

Also it would be awesome if friendlies could reveal enemies on map when they know about them or are in contact, for example when they message through comms they are in contact etc the show it on map like when all markers are turned on.

Edit* so i found that the Module Military Symbols does exactly this, i didnt know you had to put this in the init

setGroupIconsVisible [true,true];

Where the first true is show markers on the map and the second is show markers in game

Edited by Katipo66
Military Symbols

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For some reason I cant run some of demonstration missions. Arma 2 complains about missing addons.

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For some reason I cant run some of demonstration missions. Arma 2 complains about missing addons.

Insufficient information - especially which missions!

At a guess, they are the ones needing the DAC pbo (the script versions do not need any addons at all).

The DAC pbo & the MAP_EU pbo should be placed in a separate modfolder in your main Arma folder (never put mods/addons in the default addons folder, unless you want to screw up the game), called, e.g. @DAC. Make another folder inside that called Addons, & copy both the DAC and MAP_EU pbos into the Addons sub-folder.

Create a copy of the basic game shortcut, rename it something like ARMA-DAC, & add the @DAC to your start-up lin, e.g.:

"G:\ARMA II\arma2OA.exe" -nosplash --world=empty -MOD=@DAC

That should get those running.



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I'm in trouble with spawning a takistany arrmy base

I'm calling this code

fun=["z3",[1,0,0],[1,2,20,8],[],[],[1,2,50,0,100,3],[0,12,0,0]] spawn DAC_Zone

and naturally it's spawns a russian base. In my DAC unit config. takistany army has the class number 12.

Can anyone enlighten me how to get a takistany army base spawned.:confused:

thanks for your help.

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fun=["z3",[1,0,0],[1,2,20,8],[],[],[1,2,50,0,100,3],[0,12,0,[color="Red"][b]0[/b][/color]]] spawn DAC_Zone

This number says, which camp configuration is used. 0 is the number for the russian camp. To get an takistani base with the right ammo crates you have to use the number 3. If you also want to use a takistani flag, you have to change the classname for the flag in the camp config from "FlagCarrierOPFOR_EP1" into "FlagCarrierTakistan_EP1" (case 3 in the config).

So the right code is:

fun=["z3",[1,0,0],[1,2,20,8],[],[],[1,2,50,0,100,3],[0,12,0,3]] spawn DAC_Zone

Edited by Bier AIG Razor

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Why do the guys at the camps walk around crouched and with weapons raised?

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This number says, which camp configuration is used. 0 is the number for the russian camp. To get an takistani base with the right ammo crates you have to use the number 3. If you also want to use a takistani flag, you have to change the classname for the flag in the camp config from "FlagCarrierOPFOR_EP1" into "FlagCarrierTakistan_EP1" (case 3 in the config).

So the right code is:

fun=["z3",[1,0,0],[1,2,20,8],[],[],[1,2,50,0,100,3],[0,12,0,3]] spawn DAC_Zone

unfortunately it doesn't work. Dac regonizes only 3 factions East=0 West=1 Independant=2

3 gives a DAC config error. I had a look to the DAC config camps. it can't work because it isn't defined there. DAC accepts only the three above listed cases.

If I'm not wrong DAC was released before Operation Arrowhead came out therefore the OA classes haven't been defined in DAC configs. Gotta add a new case in the camp config to get it to work.:confused:

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unfortunately it doesn't work. Dac regonizes only 3 factions East=0 West=1 Independant=2

3 gives a DAC config error. I had a look to the DAC config camps. it can't work because it isn't defined there. DAC accepts only the three above listed cases.

You've misunderstood how it works - there are only three sides, BLUFOR ["West"], OPFOR ["East"] & Independent. There are multiple factions , e.g USMC, BAF, CDF, Takistani militia, etc., but the alignment of those is effectively preset.

You have to make sure that the side parameter in the spawn zone matches the faction's inherent alignment (so, 0 for Takistani army, RU, Chedaki etc., and 1 for US, BAF, CDF and so on).

I'm not sure how you select the alignment of Independents - probably in the DAC zone spawning parameters, but I haven't tried it yet.

If I'm not wrong DAC was released before Operation Arrowhead came out therefore the OA classes haven't been defined in DAC configs. Gotta add a new case in the camp config to get it to work.:confused:

DAC v3 was released this year (see first post in this thread). OA classes are defined, for example see MadRussian's Takistan mission in the DAC demo set.

You just need to add the appropriate configs, & there's great list of examples both for units and for camps here:


Posts there explain how to edit the config files if you're unsure.

Add the configs at the end of the main listing (before the "default" entry) & (re-) number the additions sequentially.

However, be careful when copying & pasting - some of the posts have faulty configs with 'extra' spaces here & there, & these screw up the config. I suspect this is because they've been edited in Notepad with word-wrap on; when the file is edited using word-wrap, saving results in extra spaces & line-feeds. Never use word-wrap when editing configs.



---------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 AM ----------

Why do the guys at the camps walk around crouched and with weapons raised?

Probably their behaviour is set to combat. If you want to alter that (though for playing rather than making a cut scene, why bother?), change the camp config behaviour to select whatever entry in the config_behaviour you want to use.



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