Placebo 31 Posted July 26, 2010 Well unless my memory is failing me there is no "English language unlocker" in the patches for ArmA2 and that it remains in the languages of the version bought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andysfile 10 Posted July 27, 2010 (edited) Is there any way I can access the cargo area of a C130J without three people in the front seats prior to my grandiose entry? There is a group of operators that ordered pizza but I can't quite get to them. Edited July 27, 2010 by andysfile Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Copat149 10 Posted July 27, 2010 Okay, so on the demo, i cant assemble the Mortar, i have the bag laid out and the tripod in my gear, i go to assemble, and the game freezes. Any fixes? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KaiserSkullz 10 Posted July 28, 2010 Ok since no one has had to the time to answer me yet, how do I get Fixed wing Aircraft in CTI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
c0mmanderKeen 10 Posted July 28, 2010 What EXACTLY does the SKILL setting do? How do the skill settings in the editor (slider) and the difficulty setting correspond? I understand how precision works, but "skill" is more of a mystery to me, I have tested several small situations and thereby learned that it affects the accuracy, detection etc but what else? Also the first part is important to mission making (slider/setting) thanks guys :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryguy 10 Posted July 28, 2010 Quick trigger question: In my condition I want to make it so that if an east player gets too close to a base they die, but the problem is I don't know how to make it specific to just an east player... I've tried making it activated only by OPFOR but no luck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackson006 10 Posted July 30, 2010 I am having problem in playing MP Warfare BE V2.060 I get into the server get into playing mode and a message comes up Missing CBA_MAIN. I have downloaded this CBA file followed the instruction for downloading. I have no other addons so what am I doing wrong. 2/4RAR Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greytega 10 Posted July 30, 2010 HI i bought this game on release and had to put it away due to intense bugs/performance issues. Since then i have upgraded my computer quite heavily and after allot of patches I see that arma 2 is now a wonderful if not still slightly buggy game. on a note arma2 runs fine with very few performance issues (i have no major mods installed((just a few user made scenarios)) and dont quite yet want to go into that area as i do not feel accustomed to vanilla aram2 yet) (ive got about 30hrs of gameplay in so im familiar with some basics) (also I like to play low level skirmishes like 5 quy teams, i am a big fan of the rainbow6 series and ghostrecon games, so i try to simulate my ghost recon gameplay with arma2 and it dose work quite well) However Questions when controlling back and forth with ai team-mates sometimes that assume positions that i didnt issue (or may have done without realising) like prone or crouch, gun aiming or gun down, (i know how to issue orders like stance (stealth/danger etc) (and also i know how to position formations like wedge) when i switch to another team member sometimes the one i just manually position wonders off (even though before i switch team-mates around i issue stop orders to everyone) the team leader will go into a nuetral standing/gun down postion, sometimes a prone position??? (that is once i am in control of another member) also i love to play in 3rd person and when switching back and forth between members the game defaults to first person/ is there a way to toggle 3rd person? thanks in advance for any replies or tips. i have to say that the entire amra community has done wonders for this game its amazing to see a whole community turning into a development team thanks to every and all modders/coders/map-mission creators all of you are amazing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BF2_Trooper 0 Posted July 30, 2010 Guys, I'm confused here. I want to know where to download missions if I want to open them on the editor (MP or SP) but I'm seeing ARMA 2 missions folder in the main ARMA 2 Dir and in My Documents. Now I have ARMA 2 + OA. Both on Steam. I see two ARMA Folders in My Documents - "ARMA 2" and "ARMA 2 Other Profiles". There are no missions folder in "ARMA 2", but in "Other Profiles" there is a folder with my profile name, and under that there is a "missions" and a "MPMissions" folder. I can see folders matching the names of missions I created in "missions" both from ARMA 2 and OA. In "MPMissions" I can only see missions I created from the editor. Now in the main ARMA 2 OA Dir I also see "missions" and "MPMissions". I only noticed one missions file in "MPMissions", and in only a readme file in "missions". Now, in my one year of playing and editiing in ARMA 2 vanilla, I have never downloaded anyone's missions from websites. Only from playing them online. So yeah, I am still kind of a n00b when it comes to downloading someone else's custom missions from links. So which "missions"/"MPMissions" folder are missions supposed to go? The one in your main ARMA 2 dir or the one in My Documents? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
c0mmanderKeen 10 Posted July 30, 2010 BF2 Trooper: The missions in your docs folder are the ones you created yourself. The "missions"-folder in your arma 2 folder holds alle the mission-.pbo's that you want accessible in single player via the scenarios button. the "mpmissions"-folder hold all the mission-.pbo's you want accessible when hosting a multiplayer game (coop, deathmatch etc). So if you download a single player scenario, it goes into /..../ArmA 2/missions, if it also has coop you could place a copy in /..../ArmA 2/mpmissions so you can host a game on it. greytega: I am unsure about your questions. however: -your units have more freedom in arma2 then in lets say the (old) rainbow 6 games I played. you can issue a stance to them, but when you use team switch and thin switch back out of them some orders are "reset"! positioning them carefully with team switch might not be as precise as you want it to be. try issuing move orders instead. -as far as I know there is no "global" third person setting -I congratulate you to good perfomance :D I want a new rig as well... 2/4RAR make sure your cba is up to date. download the newest one. make sure you have the right files installed: OA / arma2 / combined ops are all a tad different in their installation. make sure your folder structure is correct (addons folder). maybe the server has an older cba version. else... no clue :O Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greytega 10 Posted July 30, 2010 Thank you commanderKeen for your fast reply, i do have one remaining question that I have and ill rephrase it. this is the situation While in control of the team leader, I have him in a crouched position with the gun aimed (or at the ready) now once I switch to a unit (I use team select menu with 'T' and select the unit I want to control) once I am in manual control of another member, the Team leader assumes a Standing, Neutral and relaxed position. now I know there is a way to change this as I have done it before (the team leader was assuming a prone position when controlled by ai((this only happened the one time))) now I cannot issue orders unless I am the team leader, and the team leader cannot issue orders to himself. so my question is how do I get them to stay in the position I left them in? Thanks for any reply and thanks again to commanderKeen and a big thanks to everyone out there that makes efforts to improve this game every day. also on a note, positioning my team members manually dose work quite nicely its only sometimes that they wonder off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
c0mmanderKeen 10 Posted July 30, 2010 To be honest, I dont think you can solve this problem during a mission. All I can think of is using the editor to enforce a certain behaviour on a unit (e.g combat) via radio trigger which is not a good solution at all. You're very welcome btw :) Good luck with your problem. My question remains unsanswered and its been asked a year ago already. please, devs, what does the SKILL SLIDER do, how do the maths work (simplified ofc), what does the SKILL SETTING in my profile do... which one is used when etc etc thanks :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BF2_Trooper 0 Posted July 30, 2010 BF2 Trooper:The missions in your docs folder are the ones you created yourself. The "missions"-folder in your arma 2 folder holds alle the mission-.pbo's that you want accessible in single player via the scenarios button. the "mpmissions"-folder hold all the mission-.pbo's you want accessible when hosting a multiplayer game (coop, deathmatch etc). So if you download a single player scenario, it goes into /..../ArmA 2/missions, if it also has coop you could place a copy in /..../ArmA 2/mpmissions so you can host a game on it. If I wanted to see that mission in the editor first, can I just download them in the Missions folder in "My Documents"? And then just export it from the editor to SP and/or MP myself? Which folder do I use if I want to "see" that mission in the editor first? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackpulpit 10 Posted July 30, 2010 I downloaded YOMA addon tool but not sure exactly how to use it to download mods such as ACE and others, looked on the homepage as well but could not find directions on how to use, any help would be great, I have Arma2 and OA combined. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pipscouse 10 Posted July 30, 2010 I feel your pain mate :-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meade95 0 Posted July 30, 2010 To be honest, I dont think you can solve this problem during a mission. All I can think of is using the editor to enforce a certain behaviour on a unit (e.g combat) via radio trigger which is not a good solution at all.You're very welcome btw :) Good luck with your problem. My question remains unsanswered and its been asked a year ago already. please, devs, what does the SKILL SLIDER do, how do the maths work (simplified ofc), what does the SKILL SETTING in my profile do... which one is used when etc etc thanks :) From reading the Profile stats settings (via notepad)...I'm starting to believe the "options" setting only effects/affects generic games....and has no effect on "editor created" which the skill ratings are set within the placement of each indivudual units. Those units will play with their respective ratings given to them (regardless of what the options setting says). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
c0mmanderKeen 10 Posted July 31, 2010 If I wanted to see that mission in the editor first, can I just download them in the Missions folder in "My Documents"? And then just export it from the editor to SP and/or MP myself? Which folder do I use if I want to "see" that mission in the editor first? You can extract the mission file format (.pbo) with certain tools - just google un-pbo or similar search queries and you should come across an application that will suit you. These are usually small in size and self-explanatory to use. You can then extract the downloaded pbo-file with the unpbo-software and place this data in your missions folder in the "my documents"-part of arma 2 files. the missions in there are usually saved in folders with names like "mymission.utes" where the part after the "." can be any other island the mission was made on. edit: there is a tool for extracting the contents of a pbo mission file right here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M1Garand 10 Posted August 1, 2010 Hello, just purchased ArmA2 ( from Steam ) and currently have OA. was wondering a couple of things: - how do i get the ArmA2 Units and ext.. compatible with OA? - and i have ACE MOD 1.5 for OA, but i want to download ACE 2 for ArmA2, how do i get it compatible with OA. And do i need to delete 1.5? Any help wpuld be appreciated! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Noraf 0 Posted August 1, 2010 Hello, just purchased ArmA2 ( from Steam ) and currently have OA. was wondering a couple of things:- how do i get the ArmA2 Units and ext.. compatible with OA? - and i have ACE MOD 1.5 for OA, but i want to download ACE 2 for ArmA2, how do i get it compatible with OA. And do i need to delete 1.5? Any help wpuld be appreciated! tread about making a2 and oa = a2co Steam tread, in troubleshooting ( huge tred btw ) Ace for oa and the old, locked ace tread you can also head over to dev heaven for the best, and latest about ace ---------- Post added at 09:16 ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 ---------- wuts FLIR Forward Looking Infra Red wiki link Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Midniterider 10 Posted August 1, 2010 is there a way to take an in game screenshot? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fraghetti 10 Posted August 1, 2010 how do i control the UAV in the pathfinder mission? could not figure out how i can set waypoints for it (the uav tutorial is not working for me - just a black screen...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Warlord_1011 10 Posted August 1, 2010 If there is an AI wearing a bag, i.e. the 2b14 82mm mortar, how do i make them assemble it ready for firing?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ranger67kb 10 Posted August 1, 2010 (edited) Hey Ive been asking around to see if my computer can handle arma 2 without it looking crappy, i can play arma on very high though. Im also planning on buying another g210 and bring them together. Here are my specs Windows 7 64bit Nvidia G210 AMD Athlon II X4 Proscessor, 2600 Mhz, 4 cores 2.60GHz Ram: 6.00GB Edited August 1, 2010 by Ranger67kb Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
viper[cww] 14 Posted August 1, 2010 Hello, I recently bought this game and i have a couple of questions about how things workHow do i get down ladders? every time I try my character just falls to his death Are the bombs on aircraft all GPS guided or something, they always seem to find their target. Is there any way to fire single rockets from aircraft (rocket pods) it currently fires 2 per trigger press. Are there no radar/missile lock warning on aircraft? its kind of annoying being suddenly swatted out of the sky because you didnt know there was a missile after you Warfare Mode How do i rearm my squad in warfare mode - tell them all to refill their ammunition Is it possible to destroy the enemy HQ? In the 'war welcome' single mission i've captured all objectives but it still does not complete. The only thing left standing is the enemy HQ that i've bombed, mortared, rocketed and fired shells at, and enemy units keep spawning there indefinitely - bug?. I somehow managed to 'distance' myself from my squad is there anyway to get them back. By 'distance' i mean on my portrait on the bottom left it has STOP, and when i tell everyone to return to formation it issues the orders, "ALL FOLLOW ALL" or "ALL FOLLOW 4". They will still respond to my commands but they won't follow me and it sill has STOP on my portrait. (in warfare mode) Is there anyway to create a new 'element', for example i build a new AH-1Z that is currently attached to my squad, can i make it a separate unit that is not in my squad? 1.To get down ladders make sure your back is to the ladder go to you action menu then select climb down ladder 2. The only bombs that I am aware of that are not GPS guided are the GBU-12 but these can be guided by laser target ( a man on the ground uses a laser designator) perfect for blowing up secondary missions for Domination2 :) 3. You can fire single Hydra's with the AH64 Apache Longbow any other aircraft its the standard two hydra's per mouse-click 4. You get a radar warining (a orange flash in the direction of which the target is locking you) press R to deploy counter-measures and get low (as low as possible away from that target or alternatively fly at a very safe 1000m+ I'm not to familiar with warfare so i will leave that for the community to tell. Hope this helps ---------- Post added at 00:14 ---------- Previous post was at 00:13 ---------- Hey Ive been asking around to see if my computer can handle arma 2 without it looking crappy, i can play arma on very high though. Im also planning on buying another g210 and bring them together.Here are my specs Windows 7 64bit Nvidia G210 AMD Athlon II X4 Proscessor, 2600 Mhz, 4 cores 2.60GHz Ram: 6.00GB yea that spec computer should be able to handle ArmA II easy :) ---------- Post added at 00:16 ---------- Previous post was at 00:14 ---------- how do i control the UAV in the pathfinder mission? could not figure out how i can set waypoints for it (the uav tutorial is not working for me - just a black screen...) pathfinder is the campaign mission yes? if it is (long time since i played campaign) then get out of your TUSK and go to one of your linebackers and scroll on the action menu, command them to stop first so they dont move and push you out of the UAV cam, to control the flight path just click one place on the map and it will adjust its flight path, only needs oneclick as it already has a perfect square/circle waypoint set up ---------- Post added at 00:19 ---------- Previous post was at 00:16 ---------- is there a way to take an in game screenshot? yes you can and videos too but it uses another program named FRAPS here is the site you can get a free download but the video cap-time is set to 30seconds and is watermarked :( here it is the setup is pretty much self explanitory so you should have no trouble there if you do PM me hope this helps Share this post Link to post Share on other sites