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Where did you grab the @Thirsk from? I grabbed it from armaholic and it is not even showing up as a selectable terrain in the editor for me.

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I got it from armaholic, same download as that of Arma 2. See that you have the pbo's in an addons folder which is inside a @Thirsk (or whatever) folder, and that you activate correctly. If you have have AiA TP running you should see two islands, Thirsk and Thirsk winter.

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Do you mean that the Thirsk you have is the Arma 2 unedited one? & you just have to have AiA_TP running? If so Isladuala, & Queshkibrul, etc, will work also yes????

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Do you mean that the Thirsk you have is the Arma 2 unedited one? & you just have to have AiA_TP running?

Yes, exactly.

If so Isladuala, & Queshkibrul, etc, will work also yes????

I guess so. I can only confirm that the method I described is working for (at least) the following islands on the CiA coop server:

F.A.T.A. – Federally Administred Tribal Areas, Pakistán + no-ponds patch

Hazar-Kot Valley

Aliabad Region


PR Afghan Village


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Sorry for digging this up. I'm trying to get Thirsk working on a Arma 3 server. Can anyone confrim it is still working and if so, what mods are required?

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Sorry for digging this up. I'm trying to get Thirsk working on a Arma 3 server. Can anyone confrim it is still working and if so, what mods are required?


I got it working with CUP Terrains. In the summer version, the ponds glitch when seen from the air, but the winter version seems ok from a quick fly around.....

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We do aswell, no issues with CUP terrains. 


With Caribou Frontier one of the best maps for Arma. Too bad Raunhofer isn't in the scene anymore. Never played other custom-maps on such a high level.   

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On 19/9/2016 at 1:35 AM, dreadpirate said:


I got it working with CUP Terrains. In the summer version, the ponds glitch when seen from the air, but the winter version seems ok from a quick fly around.....


On 19/9/2016 at 10:32 PM, Marduk1813 said:

We do aswell, no issues with CUP terrains. 


With Caribou Frontier one of the best maps for Arma. Too bad Raunhofer isn't in the scene anymore. Never played other custom-maps on such a high level.   



I'm trying to put it on our server, but it says that the keys aren't signed...


How do you did it?



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12 hours ago, Xevi said:

I'm trying to put it on our server, but it says that the keys aren't signed...


How do you did it?

I was running single player, so I can't be much help, I'm afraid.....

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we just didt a 5 part winter campain on the winter edition with out problems!

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Is this map still bug-free? Is it viable to use at this time?

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There aren't many things which can go wrong with a map. 


I personally had no problems with this map when playing on it about a month ago. Best thing will of course be to download and test it yourself, see if it suits your needs et cetera...

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is Raunhofer still around? Does anyone know how I can contact him? I found an email for him but it was no good. I'm trying to get ahold of him.

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The Scenario seems very nice but I think there's no more support on it from the dev. 

Workshop inform that Thirsk Island mod is not more compatible with Arma3.

Raunhofer are you available to help to give some advice on it ? If not anybody have solved it or know how to fix it ?


Thank you


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On 4/20/2020 at 8:50 PM, BunkerBuster73 said:

Workshop inform that Thirsk Island mod is not more compatible with Arma3.

works just fine here

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On 4/24/2020 at 2:45 PM, Dedmen said:

works just fine here

ok, thank you I will double check.

I'm running a scenario where it's used but Is not loading.

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On 7/28/2020 at 5:50 PM, BunkerBuster73 said:

ok, thank you I will double check.

I'm running a scenario where it's used but Is not loading.

Just noticed now, may have understood what you meant. Illegal unauthorized reuploads to the workshop might indeed be marked as "incompatible". Download the real official Thirsk from a official source. See first post in this thread.

You might also need to run CUP Terrains mod in addition, because Thirsk might require Arma 2 content that CUP is adding back to Arma 3.

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14 hours ago, Dedmen said:

Just noticed now, may have understood what you meant. Illegal unauthorized reuploads to the workshop might indeed be marked as "incompatible". Download the real official Thirsk from a official source. See first post in this thread.

You might also need to run CUP Terrains mod in addition, because Thirsk might require Arma 2 content that CUP is adding back to Arma 3.


ok, thank you!

I will try

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