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Advanced Combat Environment (A.C.E.) 2 - v1.0 stable

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Ehm... am I missing something? 6updater allowed to download v1 and after this overwrites it by next betas?

Doesn't be a good idea to have two profiles in 6udater: for update stable version and for update beta version separately?

Why would you use an updater for the stable version? Just download and stick to it if you prefer to use that. Or use the updater if you want to keep updating and use the latest version.

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How come ACE2 isn't more popular, hardly any servers are running it, it's disturbing

When i look in the server browser list filtering coop most servers are running ACE!

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Re Mod versions, as said, you can run the v1.0 stable version next to the development version.

If a server follows the development version but doesnt update regularly enough, this is something you should take up with the server Admin.

In this modern age, with tools like AddonSync and Six Updater, incl basic linux support, it is easy and simple to keep Server and Client up2date,

with easy scheduling and automation options.

Im talking about those radio-triggers !

If you dant add one from the beginning you are nat able to add one later which is a big problem i think !

If you think it's a big problem, maybe, just maybe, you should properly report it on our bug tracker.

That counts for all of you. We are happy to solve your problems and support/assist, if you follow the proper procedures.

Edited by Sickboy

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Why would you use an updater for the stable version?

I believe, to be up-to-date with the stable version, don't you?

Or I have to track Ace2 thread, read milion posts each day to make sure I have latest stable version installed?

Especialy there is no single downloadable ACE2 package as far as I know.

Edited by MaXyM

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Presenting our NewTech Wagn: http://ace.dev-heaven.net

Added the "How to ban ACE from your Server" to our Server Issues FAQ: http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/FAQ

I believe, to be up-to-date with the stable version, don't you?

Or I have to track Ace2 thread, read milion posts each day to make sure I have latest stable version installed?

There is only 1 Stable version available, and a new one only comes out every 2-6 months.

And no, no need to follow a discussion thread, that's senseless :)

Releases overview is here:


Especialy there is no single downloadable ACE2 package as far as I know.
What be this then:


Edited by Sickboy

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ACE2 itself is just pure awesomeness, cannot play ArmA2 without it, BUT you guys have some serious problems with PR, easy downloadable and updateable stuff, so everyone can easy use ACE.

At the moment its just like everyone got diffrent versions, diffrent updates, diffrent packages, problems to find a download, problems to find a server with the right version etc.

(not me, i am fine with it)

I suggest you:

1st Page: BIG DOWNLOAD BUTTON for 1.0 stable, which actually BRINGS you to the download, not just to a WIP site.

Only 1 Update a week (just in case of serious bugs faster).

-Updates with simply download and overwrite, or just make a small .exe file (also bring downloadlink on 1.st page)



so noone has to search and read around for ages to find a small downloadbutoon and hoping for the right version.

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Well sorry but I find that bull.

There are 2 versions of the Mod, v1.0 Stable, and the Ongoing Development.

You either follow 1, or you follow both.

We already reduced to a two updates a week for the Ongoing Development, really, if you guys find that too much, then stick to v1.0 Stable with your clan, server, community or whatever.

The ongoing development is the most easiest option even, with the Six Updater Suite or AddonSync. Setup once, update forever.

Also, we have described more than often enough why we will never support casual/legacy updating methods, this will not change.

We provide comprehensive systems and documentation, and options. It is really up to you, server admins and other players, to use it best to your situation and wishes.

(An example is for instance "Cant find server with right version" etc... Well if the server admin would add it to his server title if he runs the ongoing dev or v1.0 stable, that problem would already partially resolve).

And actually, if everyone would simply have their act together, and update promptly, via AddonSync or Six Updater, there wouldnt be any of these problems, as these systems were specifically designed with that purpose!

I'm actually quite annoyed with what you guys want and expect from us. Shall we play the game also for you? Buy it? Rub your backs? Lol!

Edited by Sickboy

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Don't let it get to you Sickboy, our community is sticking with the Ongoing Development simply because you've made it so easy, we're always uniformly in-step with the latest feature set. Some people just want to blame others for their own inabilities.

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I'm actually quite annoyed with what you guys want and expect from us. Shall we play the game also for you? Buy it? Rub your backs? Lol!

As i said, i am totally fine with it, just wanted to suggest how you can make it easier in a very simple way without much timeeffort (nothin to do with play the game for them, rub your backs...).

Because lot of people find it too complicated.

The wiki etc. is really nice and usefull, but the most players are at first just interested in finding a Downloadbutton within a second. AFTER that they are interested in wikis, howto, release notes and so on.

Was meaned as contructive critism, but If you feel offended or annoyed by that, just forget what i said, i am sorry then :)

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Ah no worries, it's more a generic thing :) It just seems that whatever effort we invest, it seems never to be enough, and more seems to be expected.

While there are certainly areas to be improved, I sincerely believe we supply enough documentation and means for anyone to deal with it, except those that won't read a single line of readme :P

Though I will admit, I would've hoped to be further with the Updater Suite, so that Server Admins and Mod Managers can manage their own servers (+required mods), and mods,

but I hope to get to that in the next weeks :)

Download and Releases button should be pretty straightforward though :O


@Defunkt: Glad to hear :)

Edited by Sickboy

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Shall we play the game also for you? Buy it? Rub your backs? Lol!

Yes please sickboy, my back is itchy and i would love if you would pay for my OA when it's out :D

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...And that BIS hopefully could update the MP browser so its easier to get all information needed out to the players. As we have it now it is like SB says: Server admins can put the version number in the servername/mission name and it would confuse much less. The option is there. But it would be superb if the browser could support additional information that server admins can add any info they want and even links to download areas for the mods in use. An INFO button that brings up a window that can be customized to hold the info needed (Radical Ghost's great idea).

But you (ACE team) are doing a superb job with both the mod, software to keep it updated, and the information on how to install it all to classnames, and information on the features... Thats even an outstanding work in my eyes. Though better support in the MP browser made by BIS and i think life would be even a little bit easier still. :)

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As announced a few posts ago, we have upgraded our Wiki to Wagn: http://ace.dev-heaven.net

And to top that off, we have now the means to access all the information in our configs, and make it available to you dynamically :)




WIP WIP WIP though ;)

@JW ;)


Thanks! Altough I think it would be a nice feature, I personally have more faith in the continued development of Six Updater and Addon Sync.

Reading the gamespy serverlist, making all servers available from within the software, and loading the correct mods based on the server settings, gives you all you want/need, but outside the game.

I hope to focus on this and more, soon.

Edited by Sickboy

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As announced a few posts ago, we have upgraded our Wiki to Wagn: http://ace.dev-heaven.net

And to top that off, we have now the means to access all the information in our configs, and make it available to you dynamically :)




WIP WIP WIP though ;)

Wauv that freakin' nice, nice work there guys(and girls?) :cool:

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@Sickboy: This more belongs in here than in the PR thread:

Altough not wanting to participate in the discussion, I would like to put some details straight

There's 2 different topics that are being mixed up


a) Your addon can not use all of the features that are supplied by another mod/addon.


b) Your addon can't work/initialize, when a certain mod/addon is loaded.

Incase of a) this is not really incompatibility IMO, this simply means there are specific properties required to make certain (advanced) systems work with your addon.

Incase of b) this is imo really a compatibility issue, as your addon (or at least the system initialization) will not function at all.

for b), Solus and Killswitch designed XEH (Extended Eventhandlers) for ArmA1, and we took that to the next level, and extended on that with CBA for ArmA2,

which a great many addon makers and mod teams have adopted, including ACE.

So basically what i'm saying, is that to be "ACE Compatible" or maybe better called "Community Compatible", one would have to be "CBA" or at least "XEH" compatible.

And to be able to USE some of the (advanced) features of the Mod, with your addon, you would have to apply certain properties.

IMO that's a big difference

b) is not the problem with ACE. It's clearly the fault of the addon-maker if he can't set up a proper addon. So I agree with you here.

a) is the problem. So many vehicles won't hardly work with your damage system unless people change only-god-knows what.

If there IS a simple explanation and/or tutorial how to make vehicles ACE-compatible, I'm very sorry for my (little :)) 'rant' and would be happy if you could point me to it.



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Some documentation for among other things the armour stuff is forthcoming, I think.

Also, if the vehicle in said mod inherits a vanilla vehicle class close to the vehicle in question (say a Leopard 2 (or some other modern tank) inherits from the M1A1 class), then it'll inherit the armour values as well, and while they won't be perfect, at least it's something.

OTOH, if the addon's not XEH compatible that's not going to work, as many if not most of the ACE features depend on the XEH.

So if said example Leo2 addon didn't use XEH for any eventhandlers, the armour system wouldn't work for that unit since the armour system is eventhandler based.

(ps: I could be not totally correct about all this, as my knowlegde of eventhandlers isn't perfect by any standard)

Edited by VKing

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Some documentation for among other things the armour stuff is forthcoming, I think.

I'd call that great news.

So if said example Leo2 addon didn't use XEH for any eventhandlers, the armour system event handler wouldn't work for that unit since the armour system is eventhandler based.

If the LEO in your example had no custom eventhandlers whatsoever (no matter if CBA or not), he would still inherit the eventhanders of your modified base M1A1, and so he should work with your damage system - no?


I was just typing, Sickboy. Thanks for the link.

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If the LEO in your example had no custom eventhandlers whatsoever (no matter if CBA or not), he would still inherit the eventhanders of your modified base M1A1, and so he should work with your damage system - no?

As far as I know, yes.

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If there IS a simple explanation and/or tutorial how to make vehicles ACE-compatible, I'm very sorry for my (little :)) 'rant' and would be happy if you could point me to it.

Here's a thread with some explanations: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=94679

I'll try to add documentation on setting up armor sytem and FCS to our wiki some time soon. You can figure out most things already just by unpacking pbos and looking at configs.

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As announced a few posts ago, we have upgraded our Wiki to Wagn: http://ace.dev-heaven.net

And to top that off, we have now the means to access all the information in our configs, and make it available to you dynamically :)




WIP WIP WIP though ;)

Simply excellent!!!

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You will need to download atleast CBA and ACE. ACEX is the extra vehicles and stuff. ACEX_SM is an optional soundmod. ACEX_PLA is chinese units and vehicles (also optional).

I suggest you download it all.

ok so its best to download everything then

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If I start ACE 2 it has start the game and crash with message: "include file ca\editor\data\scripts\dikcodes.h not found". I have ACE,ACEX,ACEX PLA, ACEX SM & CBA. help me please

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If I start ACE 2 it has start the game and crash with message: "include file ca\editor\data\scripts\dikcodes.h not found". I have ACE,ACEX,ACEX PLA, ACEX SM & CBA. help me please

Here ye goes:


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