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Is BI ever going to do anything about the voices?

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Just finished a 3 - 4 minute firefight in a scenario I set up and for 3 - 4 minutes I had to listen to that irritating "Go I'm covering" and "Moving" constantly.

3 -4 minutes of it...almost enough to make me want to go back to Silent Hunter for my simulation needs...:banghead:

Is BI EVER going to do anything about this..even after 5 patches and an upcoming expansion?

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Doubt it. To get a fully set dynamic voices set that is virtually seamless requires a heck of a lot of work, and very good voice actors which I doubt we'll ever get.

That said, you can always use a mod to disable radio spam (ACE 2 mod does it by default), and when you stack radioless with dynamic AI shouting thing (can't remember the name of it, the AI basically shouts out things like throwing a grenade, enemy spotted, etc, but no over radio) then it really adds to the immersion.

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There's a few rumours knocking around that BI are doing a rework of the sounds on the new expansion. I know what you mean though, ACE disables them by default which is my solution for now.

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Frankly, I think their time would be better spent on an actual funtioning AI driving model. This is a milsim however I'm pretty sure no military requires you to be drunk before driving.

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Frankly, I think their time would be better spent on an actual funtioning AI driving model. This is a milsim however I'm pretty sure no military requires you to be drunk before driving.

I'm guessing you've never served ;) :D

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What will we do with a drunken milsimmer, what will we do with a drunken milsimmer, what will we do with a drunken milsimmer early in the morning?

All board the car to our front, all board that car to our front, all board that car to our front, early in the morning!

Sorry, couldn't resist! :D

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What exactly though? The speech, the environmental effects? Audio system is a little vague therm ;)

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What exactly though? The speech, the environmental effects? Audio system is a little vague therm ;)

They didn't say exactly. It has to stay vague. ;)

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They didn't say exactly. It has to stay vague. ;)

Now you got me thinking you know more than I do ;)

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Just finished a 3 - 4 minute firefight in a scenario I set up and for 3 - 4 minutes I had to listen to that irritating "Go I'm covering" and "Moving" constantly.

That is an "error" because of the auto combat stuff they brought in:

[60718] Changed: AI now goes to Combat behaviour automatically only when under fire, not when player is prone.

When this happens they are more or less stuck in that mode.

Personally i don't care much about the voices as i have them disabled by ACE :)

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Now you got me thinking you know more than I do ;)

Haha, I seriously don't know more than you do. That's all I can state about the audio system, I just wanted to say that they're working on it and that they maybe also improve the voices.

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And hopefully more channels so we don't keep losing audio in big firefights

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They really need to fix it. Simply because it's going on my nerves too by now so I disabled them as well. And if a fanboi like me says that it means something. :D

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1: 2, Engage that, rifleman!

1: 2, Engage that, rifleman!

1: 2, Engage that, rifleman!

1: 2, Engage that, rifleman!

1: 2, Engage that, rifleman!

1: 2, Cease Fire Goddamit!

2: Oh no. 1...is down!

2: Taking command!

2: 3, Engage that, rifleman!

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They really need to fix it. Simply because it's going on my nerves too by now so I disabled them as well. And if a fanboi like me says that it means something. :D

Kozlowski - Hey Winchester, buddy are you nervous?

Me - If you talk to me again, I will throw you into the rotor blades.


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"And if yes, MEHTE, we'll show them who's the f*cking boss!"

*Throws out of helicopter into the water below*


*Fires a few rounds into the ocean where he landed*

I couldn't believe how bad that voice actor was. Seriously, some people are just in the wrong profession.

That said, while I would like to see much better voices for the radio, I tend to hardly notice them anymore and I don't play with them muted. Perhaps prolonged exposure to the madness makes you less susceptible. :p

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And hopefully more channels so we don't keep losing audio in big firefights

Doesnt happen on a properly configged system, dissapeared for me after i updated my X-fi drivers. (Also, x-fi settings have to be perfect)

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I would suggest that the player as leader should have an option to disable all AI shouting, yelling etc eg. "Shut up!" and to command his team/group.

Now even with muted AI voices you have to wait till they're done their shitchat before you can give orders....

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Doesnt happen on a properly configged system, dissapeared for me after i updated my X-fi drivers. (Also, x-fi settings have to be perfect)

Get in a Hind and fire off all the rockets, you'll lose sound and if you don't I'd love to know what driver you are using and what "settings" :)

Edited by BangTail

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Doesnt happen on a properly configged system, dissapeared for me after i updated my X-fi drivers. (Also, x-fi settings have to be perfect)

Wow, I have never experienced, nor seen in video, Arma 2 without too few sound channels. Not saying I don't believe you, but would you be kind enough to record yourself firing off every single Hydra in a Hind, at close range so you can also hear the impacts.

If this is true, you must share your secret :)

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The concept of "put together" voices isnt that bad imo, its just that the voice actors they use allready sound like robots, especially that one voice we heard in the royal flush campaign and is included as a general voiceset in ArmA2 and as the main character you play in ArmA2 (in royal flush=the leader of the mercs).

I cant start ArmA right now to test, but he sounds totally like Microsoft Sam, even if he speaks non-composed sentences (!!!). Very awful voice "acting". I really hate that voice and I was glad I didnt have to listen at anymore at some point in Royal Flush...

I think Dragon Using used a same technique for standard orders and feedback, but it sounds way better there.

Edited by Icewindo

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I agree that most of the voice actors are pretty bad (Corpse-man!), but that's only 25% of the problem. You can tell that the unfortunate voice actors are just reading verbatim the scripts BI have given them--which were written by Czech game designers. Game designers are not typically the best communicators even in their own native language, and these are game designers trying to write dialogue in a foreign language. So the best voice actor in the world would still sound ridiculous speaking some of Arma's dialogue. They really need to use native American English speakers--who are also decent writers--to write the dialogue. The BI crew may be very smart guys, and they all may speak three or more languages--but it's just not the same as being a native English speaker.

I used to teach English as a second language to international college students. I can tell you that it's nearly impossible for anyone not born and raised among English speakers to ever write believable English dialogue. Formal written English is hard enough to learn, but real conversational American English is nearly impossible, because it's just so sloppy and usually dripping with sarcasm and subtle idioms.

I'm sure BI could find many competent volunteers in the community who would be happy to act as script doctors. Hell, I would do it for free just so that I wouldn't have to hear the broken English in the next game.

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If the above is true, then BIS should contract the voice over talent and the scripting to someone else. :o

Corps man! Enemy MON!

Hode on weepa foa!

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There surely has to be enough people on these forums alone to cover most languages, surely it can't be too difficult to find decent voice actors?. With many games it seems the voice acting is the last thing they addressed, like an afterthought -'Ooh better do something about the voices now we've got the rest of it working- go and get the cleaner, he speaks English'.

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