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Australians At War Addon Team - Infantry Weapons Pack

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Weapon pack features the following

After a few months the AAW Team is proud to release Version one of there Infantry Weapons pack.

This is the first release of the pack. We will be making updates to it.

First release does not feature NZDF variations of the F88.

The pack currently comes in 2 forms. Vanilla and ACE compatible

Vanilla Beta 3 - Requires CBA and Inkos disposable launchers




ACE Compatible beta 3 - Requires CBA and ACE



Kellys heroes yoma addon sync link



Weapon Pack features the following


F88A1 Carbine


F88S 1.5 optic

F88S 1.5 optic Carbine

F88S 1.5 optic GLA

F88S Elcan

F88S Elcan Carbine

F88S Elcan GLA


F88S ACOG Carbine


F88S Aimpoint

F88S Aimpoint Carbine

F88S Aimpoint GLA

F89 (Placeholder) 1.5 optic

F89 (Placeholder) ACOG

F89 (Placeholder) Elcan

F89 (Placeholder) Aimpoint

Mag 58 (Placeholder)

Mag 58 (Placeholder) ACOG

Mag 58 (Placeholder) Elcan

Mag 58 (Placeholder) Aimpoint


L14A1 SRAAW Carl Gustav

L14A1 SRAAW Carl Gustav - Desert

L14A1 SRAAW Carl Gustav - Optic

L14A1 SRAAW Carl Gustav - Optic Desert

F1 Hand Grenade


Sabre: ACOG, 1.5 optic, F88 rail reciever, barrel, NAD, Torch

F88 magazine placeholder, Mag58 placeholder, Carl gustav, M72a6 textures

Norrin: Configs, All Scripts, O2 Weapon set up, hand animations

Harry: F88 Stock, F88A1 Reciever, various materials.

SoldierX: F88, M72a6, l14a1, F89 Parts, Mag58 Flash suppresor

and F1 grenade models and normal maps. Various build parts.

Oni: F88 Sound

Uziyahu--IDF: M72A6 loading sound

Synide: F88 Shadow Lods


Inko: For letting us use his disposable launcher config

[XDF]Azza: help with reference material

[XDF]Mad: help with reference material

[XDF]Casey: help with reference material

Arron Duke: For help with teaching hand animations

Synide: For original config on the AAW ArmA1 weapons

BIS: For use of models

Dev Heaven: Config advice

ACE2: Config advice, CQB sight concept

F2: drag crate concept

Edited by [XDF]Kanga
Updating download links

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Woo! will be testing these out quick-smart :yay::yay:

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Nice. I was thinking when I'm gonna shoot'em and *puuf* it's today. Great job!

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Awesome, been lookin forward to this - Always good to see more Aussie equipment :)

Thanks AAW team, keep up the good work

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Looking awesome. Just wondering what's the 203 magazine name? also, to add that is it this addmagazine "aaw_203 [whatever the name is]"; ??


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Really impressive work. Always awesome to see modders really paying attention to detail :)

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Just had a quick look at the weapons in the editor, really HQ stuff. Loving the CQC/handgrip features, btw! Definitely a keeper, thanks :)

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Now that's quality. Very good job guys! and thanks :)

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Thanks guys, hope you enjoy them and they get plenty of mission time :), and thanks for the mirror Foxhound.

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yes yes yes...there is a god!!!!!

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AAW gents,

Thanks for the weapons. Well done. I'm a big fan of these. Most of all, thank you for making an ACE compatible version.

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Rockin'! Cheers guys! (Wish six would hurry up so I can see them!)

What chances are there for the guy who did the Aus SASR to set these to the default weapons? (Aussie grunts will come out when they come out. But using these:) )

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Rockin'! Cheers guys! (Wish six would hurry up so I can see them!)

What chances are there for the guy who did the Aus SASR to set these to the default weapons? (Aussie grunts will come out when they come out. But using these:) )

Someone can easily make a replacement config that does that. I think Cole or someone has made them in the past. Basically all someone needs to do is change the class names in one of the existing replacement configs and swap in these class names. There's probably a bit more to do as well. I tried to look but I'm not too good at doing this sort of thing. I tend to f%#k it up. ;)

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They look absolutely perfect, can't wait to try them... too bad I'll have to do just that :(

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Was looking forward to these for awhile, and my heart almost stopped when I found out you released them. Thanks a ton for working on them and releasing them! :)

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