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Why is this game not more popular?

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If you're suggesting arma habors a particularly ill mannered crowd, I'd suggest you're blaming a symptom rather than the cause.

Arma is made for critics.

When it comes to how the game works, the fanbase becomes a naturally rabbid bunch. Their reluctance to change should be understandable - if it is, indeed, at times, irrational.

And the harsh style of the game, if it doesn't outright scare you away, which it probably did, will easily make you aggravated.

Hence why some suggest you go practice your flying skills before hurdling for the helicopters on their server.

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Why this game isent more popular ?

Because its way too circuitous in any way

Because the campaigns are bad

Because the AI sucks (in all official missions)

Because without Mods and User-made missions it would be no fun in SP at all

Because its neither that realistic nor awsome action

Because most casual players dont care about Mods and the editor

Becasue its still OFP just with better graphics

Becasue the DLC campaigns were bad too

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Never has been, never will be, big deal. There is a reason you can play other games in addition to ARMA.

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[...]stole helicopters[...]

ArmA2 MP is about stealing stuff. :o

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Back to the matter at hand, I think that ArmA 2 MP is a fairly niche pursuit, similar in some ways to WoW raiding and the like only with more frustration, so I don't think it's much of a surprise that it's not a mainstream hit

Edited by DaveP

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Given its difficulty and complexity it seems plenty popular to me, extremely so in fact. I don't think that many titles, even quite populist ones, yield as many dedicated modders and fan sites two years after release as ArmA 2 enjoys. What effectively undermines its apparent popularity is the massive amount of choice it offers players;

- Very low barriers to modification and a high proportion of players with the technical skills to create their own modifications.

- The ability to mix and match modifications from differing sources to create tailored and unique variations on the game.

- A mission editor that means nobody needs to play the same dozen situations over and over the flipside to which is there can be a relatively steep learning curve involved in joining any new game.

- Highly capable A.I. meaning you can actually enjoy all of the above variety by yourself or with just a couple of friends. How enjoyable playing A.I. is might be open to debate but the important thing is that it clearly works for many players.

You could obviate much of the above by simply removing modding and self-determining A.I. and players would be forced to clump together as they do for other similarly limited titles but few would call this an improvement.

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Fun blame campaign. NOT.

ArmA has the flexibility to suit both realism orientated players and the more casual player, as

well as competitive players.

In terms of this very forum the problem is that some realism freakz try to expel the other two.

That said thankfully this forum has little influence in general to the normal player.

The actual problems lie in the game itself like the interface, the bad error messages,

the missing addon handling and all other well known issues.

In the end only BI can address these - if they will in a3, it is still to be seen.

Edited by .kju [PvPscene]

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+1. The game is something different for everyone, there is no right and wrong in this, just what you want from the game, and what other people want.

These interests can match, or be very different, just like the rest in life.

That's why it's so great that you can get (almost) anything out of arma as you desire, through modding, missions and playstyle depending on community/clan.

I also agree there are many factors in the multiplayer part of the game that could be improved to benefit the (public) multiplayer, no matter what kind of player you are.

Edited by Sickboy

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I also agree there are many factors in the multiplayer part of the game that could be improved to benefit the (public) multiplayer, no matter what kind of player you are.

I think if mod management and mission management was better then this game could appeal to more users. not only do you have to spend time learning the actual game but also how mods work etc.

Your six updater is a breath of fresh air and any new player wishing to play this i ALWAYS point them towards using your tool as the base of it all.

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How about an admin removing all these unrelated posts?

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I think if mod management and mission management was better then this game could appeal to more users. not only do you have to spend time learning the actual game but also how mods work etc.

Your six updater is a breath of fresh air and any new player wishing to play this i ALWAYS point them towards using your tool as the base of it all.

You cant blame the lack of popularity down to mission management and mod management.

The reason why this game isnt as popular is because its not on a console.

It doesnt look as good as CoD, or other alike it. The gameplay is completely different. The weapon select is easier (specially with ace, scrolling takes sooo long(custom boxes i know i know, ill never not use ace))

People play CoD for a quick gun and run fix. Playing in a clan where you have 25+ people fighting the same fight is sometimes slow because you need to organise properly. Which is the sole reason we are here. Properly organised warfare

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How about an admin removing all these unrelated posts?


Next person to continue this crap here will end up with a post restriction. ;)

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You cant blame the lack of popularity down to mission management and mod management.

The reason why this game isnt as popular is because its not on a console.

It doesnt look as good as CoD, or other alike it. The gameplay is completely different. The weapon select is easier (specially with ace, scrolling takes sooo long(custom boxes i know i know, ill never not use ace))

People play CoD for a quick gun and run fix. Playing in a clan where you have 25+ people fighting the same fight is sometimes slow because you need to organise properly. Which is the sole reason we are here. Properly organised warfare

LOL please be kidding me? i seem to recall battlefield 1942 up to BF2 being very popular and a console exclusive.

loads of popular pc only games. crysis another one dispite its NASA type requirements did alright. not COD numbers but a lot better then this.

Point is, PC exclusive games can still be popular. Whether its on pc, console, gameboy etc means nothing as there is a crap load of players for each platform.

Lets not mention loads of mmo's like world of warcraft :)

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The reason why this game isnt as popular is because its not on a console.

I think we are all relating this to the PC world, console numbers dont mean anything cause it doesn't affect PC servers... ie dedicated pc servers.

It doesnt look as good as CoD, or other alike it.

Strongly disagree, I think ArmA 2 at near full specs looks better than Crysis 2... but then I'm not a fan of bright vibrant colours, I like the more natural dare I say 'realistic' lol colouring of the armaverse.

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True. This thing has nothing to do with consoles nor graphics ( well maybe a bit with flipping LODs)

What ever the problem is, it is feeding a loopback system that makes the whole issue worse; Low player amounts keep new players from not joining.

This holds true in my case at least, every time I check to see if there is any I44 (or some other) action going on I find that there are servers out there, but with max 30ish players and they all play against bots (blaah). So I just start PR and go play 64 or 128 PvP without f*cked up netcode.

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It doesnt look as good as CoD, or other alike it.

Oh my god dude, wash your freaking glasses.

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Oh my god dude, wash your freaking glasses.


IMO. arma 2 is the most beautiful game out at the moment. Nothing wrong with the graphics and to say the graphics and the fact its not on consoles is the reason why this game aint popular is pure fud.

Surprised the guy thinks that way.

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IMO. arma 2 is the most beautiful game out at the moment. Nothing wrong with the graphics and to say the graphics and the fact its not on consoles is the reason why this game aint popular is pure fud.

Surprised the guy thinks that way.

What it is, is subjective ;)

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Unfortunately is a fact that the console market is far larger than PC.

And within the PC games market 'military sims' is a very small proportion of the total....



Console=$6.6 Billion

PC = $0.9 Billion

January 14, 2010 - According to leading market research company, The NPD Group, U.S. retail sales of video games, which includes portable and console hardware, software and accessories, generated revenues of close to $19.66 billion in 2009, an 8 percent decline over the $21.4 billion generated in 2008.

Retail sales in the PC game software industry also experienced declines, with revenues down 23 percent, generating $538 million in 2009. The total console, portable and PC game software industry generated $10.5 billion, an 11 percent decline vs. the $11.7 billion

generated in 2008.


Console=$19.66 Billion (including hardware sales)

PC = $0.538 Billion

Edited by EDcase

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AA2 is popular enough as far as I can see, but I wish the developers would pause for breath and fix some bugs instead of rushing to bring out new expansions and addons and stuff

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Unfortunately is a fact that the console market is far larger than PC.

And within the PC games market 'military sims' is a very small proportion of the total....



Console=$6.6 Billion

PC = $0.9 Billion


Console=$19.66 Billion (including hardware sales)

PC = $0.538 Billion

No one said the console market is nto larger then pc. this topic is about how popular this game is not how many copies it has sold worldwide.

There are plenty of other pc games that are very popular

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I think this unfortunately links here, the bigger console market grows on the head of PC games in a bigger extend every year. Ten-six years ago there was a big quality difference between PC and console games, but since the second half of the 2000s, game developers spend less and less to please the more quality demanding PC market. I give you some examples.

GRAW was made as a TPS action shooter for consoles, for PC (I know they didn't reach to the original) they made bigger levels, they've added tactical map, more realistic weapons and overall made the campaigns much more realistic. Nowadays the console overgrew PC so much that it doesn't worth for these big game companies to care about the PC-gamer minority, see Modern Warfare 2 and its lack of dedi servers.

I'm happy that there are a few vertebrate companies like BI and 1c Maddox Games who seemingly don't forget about the PC.

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IMO. arma 2 is the most beautiful game out at the moment. Nothing wrong with the graphics and to say the graphics and the fact its not on consoles is the reason why this game aint popular is pure fud.

Surprised the guy thinks that way.

IF this game was on the console it would be a hell of a lot more popular.

I never said the graphics is what makes this game unpopular.

All i said was

It doesnt look as good as CoD, or other alike it.

I never said its graphically inept, or that it was actually better.

It 'looks' better because there is a lot more eyecandy in the game. Im not stating my own personal preference here as I do not play CoD or MoH or that type of shoot 'em up.

I play arma with 10k view distance and everything on full and get 60fps and i love the game, I will buy Arma3 and any subsequent DLCs for it, Even if i dont play the campaigns

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