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[R3F] Artillery and Logistic: Manual artillery and advanced logistic (mission script)

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You need to add a semi-colon ( ; ) at the end of the execVM of the arty&log :

ExecVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf";

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Wow. Really? Sometimes I think Im a little slow. Thanks Mad :)

EDIT: Still not working. Added Colon

Edited by Cards525
dont want to double post, still not working

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There is no reported errors in your RPT during the latest mission launched.

I don't know how to help you with ACM. But it's a strange and "interesting" problem.

Is your mission ACE dependant or can it be played without ACE ?

I don't have ACE and I have no time to install it.

Is the problem still present without ACE ?

Can you send me the mission PBO to have a look on it ?

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Its ACE Dependent. Highly, ACE dependent. And requires half the USSOCOM Modpack, which is somewhere around 12 GB. No clue why R3F Is NOT working during this, Ill try calling the ACM functions thru its own SQF see if that works

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Are anyone familiar with using the cargo feature together with RHS BTR70...? - I can easily make it work with one (1) BTR - but with several BTR's the cargo feature disappears from ALL vehicles in my game...?!? (I've used ""rhs_btr70_base"" in the arma2_CO_objects.sqf)

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@Major Woody :

By one BTR do you mean one BTR classname or one BTR in the game ?

It shoukd work in any case (several BTR classnames and several BTR in the game).

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One BTR in the game... - several BTR in the game swipes the Cargo feature from all vehicles... - kinda odd I think... :|

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Is there a valid download link for this module? I tried the link on the frontpage, but it only opens a page in French on r3f.org, asking to register. The armaholic page only contains the hotfix: R3F_Arty_and_Log_1.6_hotfix.zip

Edit: Background is that I modified the Workhorse mission by BTK to Chernarus and a Hip. It uses the lifting script, but very often there is no lifting menu entry when approaching a piece of cargo. One needs to exit and enter the helo before it starts to work. I wondered if there's a newer version of your script around, that fixes this issue? I wonder if calling heliporteur_init.sqf for the player's helo when in proximity to the cargo will fix it as well - but then I do not want to have two or more lift entries ;)

Edited by TeTeT
add more context

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To my knowledge the hotfixed version on Armaholic is the whole package! The author himself sent it to Armaholic and should be the latest public version :)

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The "R3F_Arty_and_Log_1.6_hotfix.zip" file on ArmaHolic and R3F forum is the complete and latest Arty & Log package.

Thanks for reporting that a login is needed to download on our forum. It's due to a recent forum access rules modification. We will fix it.

About your lift problem : are you sure to wait enough (up to 1 minute) after the mission start before trying to lift ?

Do you use addons ? What is the chopper used and the lifted object ?

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About your lift problem : are you sure to wait enough (up to 1 minute) after the mission start before trying to lift ?

Do you use addons ? What is the chopper used and the lifted object ?

Thanks for the clarification on the hotfix! Seems it's already integrated into workhorse then. On your questions:

1) Wait one minute - yes, the missions is played for longer for sure. Or does the object age play a role? The objects are created dynamically for each task assigned.

2) Mods - I played with vanilla Arma CO.

3) Helos and objects - I had this problem with CH_47F_EP1 in workhorse and with Mi17_rockets_RU in my modification of workhorse, nicknamed 'hip hip hooray'. The objects to be lifted are various: HMMWV, UAZ, Barrels, Misc_cargo_cont_tiny, Land_Ind_BoardsPack2, and so forth. If you want to try to reproduce it, download links are here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=117752. But you'll need to be patient, I see about 1 problem in 10 lifting attempts. It never failed for me when I land the helo besides the object, exit, enter the helo again and take off.

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I've added some variable tracking to the script, when the helo gets close to the cargo object. It seems the object is entirely unmanaged by R3F and will stay so, until the player exits the chopper. I hovered for several minutes besides the cargo and nothing happened.

The log had this messages up until the player got out of the helo:

1:24:20.574 (0:07:01.818) cba_diagnostic - Checking cargo 12240f00# 2600798: usvehicleammo.p3d

1:24:20.575 (0:07:01.818) cba_diagnostic - Cargo disabled: <null>, transported by: <null>, remorque: <null>

Then the <null> changed and the lifting subsequently worked:

1:24:22.589 (0:07:03.820) cba_diagnostic - Checking cargo 12240f00# 2600798: usvehicleammo.p3d

1:24:22.590 (0:07:03.820) cba_diagnostic - Cargo disabled: false, transported by: <NULL-object>, remorque: <null>

Here's the code for checking the cargo variables:

 [_cargo] spawn {
   _cargo = _this select 0;
   while {true} do {
     _msg = format ["Checking cargo %1", _cargo];
     _dis = "NOTHING HERE"; _par = "NOTHING THERE";
     _dis = _cargo getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled";
     _par = _cargo getVariable "R3F_LOG_est_transporte_par";
     _rem = _cargo getVariable "R3F_LOG_remorque";
     _msg = format ["Cargo disabled: %1, transported by: %2, remorque: %3", _dis, _par, _rem];
     sleep 2;

And here are more excerpts of the log:


Can I force the initialisation of this particular object by R3F? - I think I have found a way to do it and work around the problem:

[_cargo] execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\R3F_LOG\objet_init.sqf";

Edited by TeTeT
found answer to own question

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hi everybody and good job for your work , i have a bug with a A10 look the picture http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/703979bug.jpg >100kb!

thanks for your reply ,

salut les français , c'est possible de bien accrocher le A10 ? la AV8B2 se remorque nickel mais avec le A10 ca me fait ce bug , :mad:

Ce serai possible de mettre un cable qui relie les deux quand on remorque ? comme dans le lift ce serai pas mal de voir un cable relier .

Edited by Foxhound
do not hotlink images over 100kb!

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hi everybody and good job for your work , i have a bug with a A10 look the picture http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/703979bug.jpg >100kb!

Please do not hotlink images over 100 kb!

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salut les français , c'est possible de bien accrocher le A10 ? la AV8B2 se remorque nickel mais avec le A10 ca me fait ce bug , :mad:

Ce serai possible de mettre un cable qui relie les deux quand on remorque ? comme dans le lift ce serai pas mal de voir un cable relier .

Also, please write in English on these forums!

§13) Write in English

Please write only in English on the public forums. Avoid writing in any other language or any kind of slang or txt speak since the majority of the members most likely won't understand. In private messages you are of course welcome to write in any language you wish.

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I recently replaced all the globalchat entries with groupchat entries.

This has ensured my foo actually communicates properly where and when he is firing artillery. Works fine and adds just a tiny bit more realism to this wonderful script.

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only seen one question regarding it... no answer - sorry if i have missed any other response.

any way to get objects which are loaded into vehicles to respawn, if that vehicle is damaged carrying said object?

awesome script by the way

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Madbull and R3F: Just wanted to add another great big MERCI for your excellent work. We at TAW.net are going to make good use of the logistics system in an upcoming campaign.

The campaign will be played in sessions, and at the end of each session, I'll track what supplies (e.g., fuel barrels, medical supplies, repair supplies, fortifications, cash) players have accumulated. Then they'll be able to make use of them for future sessions. R3f Logistics is a huge help for this. Thanks!

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i am loving this script!!!

thanks so much:)

couple of questions though, may have been asked and answered, but with a 70 page thread its not easy to find:

1. can i lock individual objects i placed on the map from being moved by players? (i'd hate for some plonker to tear my base apart)

2. can i assign the ability to move objects to individual players or classes only?

if so and anyone cares to answer would you mind giving me the lines and explain where to place them as if you would talk to a 5 year old :)

i suck at scripting and i am only slowly getting my head around this.

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Am I missing something here?

I have downloaded three times and the demo editor missions just have a collection of empty folders?

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Yes, all the files that go in them :)

Either broken download or your machine is borked!

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I'm using ace and your script on a dedi server, the log part works very good, but if i enable the arty, and use it with the m252 mortar, as soon as i fire the round blows at my feet, is there any fix for this ?

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Having snags with supply helo's.

All goes ok until they get near drop zone then they stop short and just hover?

Also sometimes when support is called it says the aircraft is airborne and cant be tasked when its clearly on its pad idle?

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