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Has anyone tweaked the police addons from ARMA 1 to work in ARMA 2 yet?

They add nice atmosphere to a zombie mission.


The police suburbans seem to be ok to port with a lil work.

Not sure about the squad cars though.


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Any way I could get a copy of this mission you guys are using? I've been waiting for a zombie mission forever for ArmA 2.

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Any progress made on 0.85?

Yes, the entire damage system has been re-written, to balance it

with the new feature of players being able to play as zombies.

This is the version history for the newest version which i decided to

name V0.9 due to the huge amount of changes:


The Undead V0.90 (19/09/2010):

- Damage system rewritten, undead attacks are now projectile-based.

Damage and blood effects show up without delay that way

- Zeds check for target proximity with FSMs resulting in a significant

lag reduction for their attack movement

- "Bucket Brigade" script syncing minimizes zed group target selection time

- Fixed an animation inaccuracy when eating zombies would stand up

and play the animation for holstering a handgun

- Added the "undead Attack" map marker and location status prior to

a location becoming infected

- Fixed a bug that would spawn the infection counter every time when

a player is hit (resulting in flashing text)

The Undead V0.89 (21/08/2010):

- Multiplayer Respawn Bug fixed. Players that were infected prior to their death

will now respawn without infection or infection timer counting down

- Substantial script lag reduction by further code optimization

Undead now update their target position faster even in dense combat environments

Infected Towns spawn now an undead group as soon as a player is in range of the town

through the virtual infection system

The Undead V0.88 (05/08/2010):

- Mission makers can now define custom infectable locations on their maps

(like HQs, bases) which are not already defined in the island config as locations.

To do so, he uses the command : http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createLocation

and adds the locations(s) to the array CHN_CUSTOMINFLOCS=[MYCUSTOMLOC1,MYCUSTOMLOC2,...]

If an undead resurrects in the area of that location it will be marked as infected on the map

and spawn Undead units just like infected towns. Note the array has to be existing at mission

startup/Undead module initialisation

An even easier way to do it is to put this in the init line of a game logic etc. :

MYCUSTOMLOC1 = createLocation ["NameVillage", position this, 100, 100];

MYCUSTOMLOC1 setText "Name of My Loc";

The location will then be treated just like a village.

If the mission maker wants to make a location/locations infectable only AFTER a certain time

through the course of a mission he can use the function : [MYCUSTOMLOCARRAY] call UNDEAD_add_customloc

to add that/these location/s to the array of infectable locations.

MYCUSTOMLOCARRAY is an array itself with either a single location or many.

The Undead V0.87 (01/08/2010):

- Civilians that are inside a safezone trigger

won´t run away or try to pick up weapons

if a human gets killed in their vicinity anymore

- Significant delay reduction in the virtual infection system

The Undead V0.86 (30/07/2010):

- Added a function, that prevents the player getting shot at by AI team mates

if he executes an infected same sided soldier by keeping the rating

from dropping

The Undead V0.85 (29/07/2010):

- AI soldiers will now headshoot died infected humans to prevent them

prematurely from coming back undead (only when there is NO "alive" undead close)

- Added an optional cleanup function to prevent FPS drops due to

too many zombie corpses on the ground

- Empty groups will be deleted in regular intervals to prevent

running into the Arma2 group count limit of 144 per side

which would lead to new groups not being spawned anymore

- CHN_LOCNOSPAWN=["Names of Locations"] array can be filled with location names

that will not spawn undead when an infection occurs in the area.

Useful for camps,bases etc.

- Players can now play as infected or zombie units. To hit a human use the weapon

"Undead Stroke". The kills will be counted, for some reason as friendly kills though?!

Edited by Charon Productions

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amazing indeed! I'm looking forward to this.

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Any way I could get a copy of this mission you guys are using? I've been waiting for a zombie mission forever for ArmA 2.

Yeah, I'll try to look for some. Try armaholic in the mean time. Also I found this really cool W.I.P zombie mission.


Edited by Raserisk

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Amazing. Dare I say...When can we expect a release? :)

Hard to say, still a couple of bugs that even i am already aware of, before

i can give that version to the beta testers.

Arma2´s animation handling is a nightmare :/

Maybe a week or two.

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I remember when I downloaded this for the first time and I remember seeing that you would not continue to work with this. and now an another realese is comming and thats GREAT! ;)

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Hey Charon! I am back from the dead! Haha, just posting to show my support still. Keep up the good work.

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Hosting 32 player Undead Mission "Nightmare" Beta testing tonight at 7:30 EST.

www.clan-chk.com for server info.

added BAF, weapons, vehicals and new Zombie spawn points.

Cool stuff, I will have to join you guys sometime :D

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With the next update, what will we have to change in our current zombie missions for the updated version to work? Not alot I hope as I'm currently working on a campaign with the current version. Please could someone let me know, thanks:)

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@ Charon

Would it be possible to make the hole infection stuff optional ?

So the player can choose between "just zombies" and the infection system.

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Would it be possible to make the hole infection stuff optional ?

Would be very appreciated. Something like "this allowInfection false" would be enough for my like... :)

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Would be very appreciated. Something like "this allowInfection false" would be enough for my like... :)

Yeah, I think you can simulate this with an absurd long infection time. Or I believe there is a command you can constantly run on the players to set their infection status to 0

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Well, I must say, great work on the mod, and it's nice to hear about another release on the way :) Keep up the great work.

Also, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I thought it might be appropriate, here's a little review of the mod I did.

<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgAUuYAcOSQ&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgAUuYAcOSQ&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>

Edited by Happy Chappy

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I thought it was pretty fair however for your game footage you should of filmed some nice Zombie missions or made some yourself ;)

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Update: In a painstaking effort the functionality of the antidote action

as well as the respawn have been made sure for hosted games. It took a while because the interchange of variables between various undead scripts

is hard to keep track of. Genesis92x helped a great deal achieving this.

Now only a test run for dedicated server situations is needed.

I wanna ask all the kind folks that offered some dedicated server testing again if they would like to test V0.9 for dedicated server functionality.

Please PM me.

Edited by Charon Productions

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Hi there. I would like to beta test you new undead version. :)

I can offer a powerful dedi for testing (i7, 12gb ram, 1gbit...).

I have about 6 people almost playing every day, i'm sure they would like to test it. We were playing the old version often...

I'm also a experienced mission maker and can try out the functions if needed. :)

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