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Okay thank you, I thought that may be the case. I just thought I would throw ideas out there for you.

About the barricades; I know about the markers, but I'd like the zombies to try and get past it, so it has to be defended, you know? Like, they rush it, and break out of the quarantine.

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Okay thank you, I thought that may be the case. I just thought I would throw ideas out there for you.

About the barricades; I know about the markers, but I'd like the zombies to try and get past it, so it has to be defended, you know? Like, they rush it, and break out of the quarantine.

In that case just delete or setpos the triggers to [0,0] then the zeds will rush it.

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In that case just delete or setpos the triggers to [0,0] then the zeds will rush it.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean. Could you please explain?

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I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean. Could you please explain?

If you desire to take away the safezonetrigger thereby allowing the zeds to rush in after a time you set for their attack to be successful, then just

execute the command in a script : NAMEOFTRIGGER setpos [0,0]

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Ahh, I get you. Thanks, that'll help.

I also meant how they can physically overcome the barricades. If they rush them atm, they get stuck. :(

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Ahh, I get you. Thanks, that'll help.

I also meant how they can physically overcome the barricades. If they rush them atm, they get stuck. :(

its game mechanics man, or should i say Arma2-mechanics :icon_rolleyes:

What you are having in mind is impossible with this physics engine.

And the safezones were made to make absolutely sure nothing gets in.

Still lag sometimes cant prevent an undead clipping through, everything only engine-caused script-lag-related

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Ahh I thought so :(

How about this (and this would be done on a mission-by-mission basis, so it'd be up to me to do, of course)...

Having it set so that if zombies get with x distance of a barricade or particular type of fence, etc, (and possibly if for y seconds), the fence is destroyed, much like a car ramming it.

Is this possible?

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Ahh I thought so :(

How about this (and this would be done on a mission-by-mission basis, so it'd be up to me to do, of course)...

Having it set so that if zombies get with x distance of a barricade or particular type of fence, etc, (and possibly if for y seconds), the fence is destroyed, much like a car ramming it.

Is this possible?

If you have a high end machine that can take additional script load then it is possible.

Name all barricades individually, put their names in an array, cycle through the array with foreach scopes, one for the name array, one for all zeds. Then check for proximity for each barricade with each zed, hang a variable to the zed that registers its proximity start time for that particular barricade and next check if enough time has passed since that starttime to destroy the barricade. However each cycle could easily take up to a minute depending on your machine and the number of zeds and barricades.

Hope that helps.

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No way Charon, it must be exactly the same.

I am respawning a couple more lads as humans same way, and also while refering to marker GetMarkerPos is more suitable than position, I am not pretty sure if positions works with markers.

When using game logics via position command there is no change.

That's not the point Charon. Maybe can you provide me full syntax used in respawn module? Maybe I miss some kind of eventhandler, whatever?

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Is there a way to make it so Zombies constantly spawn? Say after you kill 50, after 2 mins or so they will respawn?

This would be great for some zombie missions I got in mind.

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Is there a way to make it so Zombies constantly spawn? Say after you kill 50, after 2 mins or so they will respawn?

This would be great for some zombie missions I got in mind.

For that purpose there is a zombie spawn module, a explanatory demo mission and a documentation included.

---------- Post added at 08:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 PM ----------

No way Charon, it must be exactly the same.

I am respawning a couple more lads as humans same way, and also while refering to marker GetMarkerPos is more suitable than position, I am not pretty sure if positions works with markers.

When using game logics via position command there is no change.

That's not the point Charon. Maybe can you provide me full syntax used in respawn module? Maybe I miss some kind of eventhandler, whatever?

Here you go:

// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

// ++++++ UNDEAD_SPAWNMOD.sqf script ++++++++++

// ++++++ written by Charon October 2009 ++++++

// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

// ++ Adaption,modification or external use ++

// +++++++++++ is not allowed +++++++++++++++++

// Task: Spawn Module script

_module=_this select 0;

sleep 1;


_module setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_SM_ACTIVE",true,true];


if (typeOf CHN_UNDEAD_MAINSCOPE=="CHN_UNDEAD_Logic") then {_zedtype="Infected"};

if (typeOf CHN_UNDEAD_MAINSCOPE=="CHN_UNDEAD_Logic2") then {_zedtype="Zombie"};

if (_zedtype=="") exitwith {};

_interval= _module getvariable "CHN_UNDEAD_SM_INTERVAL";

if (isnil "_interval") then {_interval=180};

_number= _module getvariable "CHN_UNDEAD_SM_NUMBER";

if (isnil "_number") then {_number=12};

_grptype= _module getvariable "CHN_UNDEAD_SM_GRPTYPE";

if (isnil "_grptype") then {_grptype="MIGRATING"};

_wppos= _module getvariable "CHN_UNDEAD_SM_WPPOS";

if ((_grptype=="MOVER") and (isnil "_wppos")) then {_grptype="STATIC"};

while {!isNull (_module)} do


if ((_module getvariable "CHN_UNDEAD_SM_ACTIVE") and (CHN_UNDEAD_ZEDCNT < CHN_UNDEAD_ZEDLIMIT)) then


switch (_grptype) do


case "STATIC" :


_grp=[position _module,_number] call CHN_UNDEAD_fn_CRSTATZEDGRP;

_module setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_SM_CURGRP",_grp,true];




_grp=[position _module,_number] call CHN_UNDEAD_fn_CRTZEDGRP;

_grp setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_NONMIGRP",true];

_module setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_SM_CURGRP",_grp,true];


case "MIGRATING" :


_grp=[position _module,_number] call CHN_UNDEAD_fn_CRTZEDGRP;

_module setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_SM_CURGRP",_grp,true];


case "MOVER" :


_grp=[position _module,_number,_wppos] call CHN_UNDEAD_fn_CRTZEDGRPMV2;

_module setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_SM_CURGRP",_grp,true];



sleep _interval;


sleep 0.1;




private ["_spawnnumber","_spawnpos","_rd","_inftype","_group"];

_spawnpos=_this select 0;

_spawnnumber=_this select 1;

createcenter resistance;

_group = createGroup resistance;

_group setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_NONMIGRP",true];

_group setVariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_HUNTS",objNull];

_group setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_ONTHEMOVE",false];

_group setVariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_IS_UNDEADGRP",true];

_group setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_ENVOYGRP",false];

_group setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_ENVOYDEST",[0,0]];

_group setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_STATICGRP",false,true];

for [{_i=0}, {_i<_spawnnumber}, {_i=_i+1}] do


_rd = random ((count CHN_UNDEAD_INFTYPES-1));

_inftype=CHN_UNDEAD_INFTYPES select _rd;

_inftype createUnit [_spawnpos, _group];


So its:

_inftype createUnit [_spawnpos, _group];

For everything else i cannot guarantee functionality.

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A few questions:

1. Do it work on OA?

2. If so, do it work on combined ops?

3. Do we need combined ops to play with OA? Or can we simply play OA only with undead mod?

thx alot

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Don't think it works with standalone OA, yes it works with CO.

You probably need CO, because the zombie models used are those from ARMA 2

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is there a class-list around for this mod ?

I would need all the names like "CHN_ZOMBIE_xxx" and "CHN_UNDEAD_xxx" so i can include them into a spawn script.

Thanks !

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is there a class-list around for this mod ?

I would need all the names like "CHN_ZOMBIE_xxx" and "CHN_UNDEAD_xxx" so i can include them into a spawn script.

Thanks !

You can find the classes in the config file.

They are also stored in the global variable CHN_UNDEAD_INFTYPES which is

declared in the script UNDEAD_MODULE_INIT.sqf

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Is it possible to check if a unit is of an infected classname -without- listing them all? Like, a command to check if a unit's classname starts with 'CHN_ZOMBIE'?

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I downloaded and played this mod, but I have to say, as much work that appears to have been put into this, I'm not as impressed with the gameplay as the screenshots looked to me.

I think the best thing woul have been to have a night time mission with the mod for use in multiplayer (because the daylight doesn't add any suspense) and to have "limited" speed on the zombies. Most of the time they simply run past you back and forth without hurting you. The only time I got hurt was by a soldier zombie that could run as fast as I could.

My two cents. :(

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I downloaded and played this mod, but I have to say, as much work that appears to have been put into this, I'm not as impressed with the gameplay as the screenshots looked to me.

I think the best thing woul have been to have a night time mission with the mod for use in multiplayer (because the daylight doesn't add any suspense) and to have "limited" speed on the zombies. Most of the time they simply run past you back and forth without hurting you. The only time I got hurt was by a soldier zombie that could run as fast as I could.

My two cents. :(

If you don´t like it, don´t play it then.

Concerning your statement on "limited speed" zombies, you might not have realized that this mod comes with two modules where the zombie module is realizing slow "Romero" type zombies. If that is still too fast for you, then i dont know what you are after. Then you would be better off with a shooting range with zed targets or something.

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I downloaded and played this mod, but I have to say, as much work that appears to have been put into this, I'm not as impressed with the gameplay as the screenshots looked to me.

I think the best thing woul have been to have a night time mission with the mod for use in multiplayer (because the daylight doesn't add any suspense) and to have "limited" speed on the zombies. Most of the time they simply run past you back and forth without hurting you. The only time I got hurt was by a soldier zombie that could run as fast as I could.

My two cents. :(

Well, the ArmA engine has it's limitations and as I recall some new stuff and the limitations (pathfinding?) in ArmA2 wrecks the zombie behavor.

But who would play a zombie mission in broad daylight anyway? Download this addon and play at dark: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7122

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If you don´t like it, don´t play it then.

Wow, what a great way to get more people play and enjoy your hard work in your mod by starting to sound arrogant, lol.

Concerning your statement on "limited speed" zombies, you might not have realized that this mod comes with two modules where the zombie module is realizing slow "Romero" type zombies. If that is still too fast for you, then i dont know what you are after.

Why was this not listed in the readme or in your post? The lab coat, soldier, and most of the zombies run far too fast? They run similar to 28 days later rather than like a zombie.

Then you would be better off with a shooting range with zed targets or something.

What are zed targets?

Well, the ArmA engine has it's limitations and as I recall some new stuff and the limitations (pathfinding?) in ArmA2 wrecks the zombie behavor.

This is a perfect example of what a constructive reply looks like! Lol!

Anyway, that sucks. This only applies to the "old scripts" right? If the Russian soldier, by default, attacks both independent and us forces, then couldn't a "new" Zombie be created with limited speed and a "translucent" close range weapon?

Maybe something with a grenade throw animation (that forces the zombie to be in place to hit, giving the play time to get away), and a small radius projectile.

But who would play a zombie mission in broad daylight anyway? Download this addon and play at dark: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7122

That was my concern when playing one of the demo missions. It just didn't set the right mood for zombies. Plus the fact that my troops wouldn't obey me and follow me to rescue the scientists when all they would do is lay down int he grass with zombies running around them in signals, lol.

The fog following the player sounds intriguing though. Could this be used in multiplayer though? For example, if a zombie is to the left of a player, the another player comes close and blocks the view of the zombie with their "fog" around them, or does the fog work only client side for each player?

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Any updates yet?

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Any updates yet?

Hey Chammy,

V0.9 update is pretty close to being finished.

Last problems are with dedicated server games not enabling players

to use the antidote.

Once that is fixed, i would say this is ready to be released.

It will also come with a nice big zombie mission.

@ Crimson_Raptor:

Had you taken the time to play ALL included demo missions before posting you would have noticed that there IS slow zombies.

That´s the reason for it to come with 2 modules.

The fact has been discussed in this thread multiple times, nearly every youtube video related to this mod SHOWS slow zombies.

It would have been advisable to actually familiarize yourself with this mod better, before suggesting slow zombies that are ALREADY included.

Edited by Charon Productions

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@ Charon Productions

Will you include a full classlist in the new version ?

That would be cool ! :)

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