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TR Soundmodules: Fixed/Rotary Wing AC & Tracked/Wheeled Vehicles

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It seems from my search that the in flight sounds you have are correct,

I honestly don't know if the engine sounds for the SU-25 are correct. :D

Fat chance that someone visiting this forum has the recording equipment and access to a {insert vehicle here} for a recording session.

Like they did for F...Point


Best thing that could happen would be the sound guys, and people who heard these things in RL, sticking heads together. I hope it's better than the default though.

Hope someone ports over the weapon sounds from BC when it arrives. And the audio engine too. :D


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Wow very good job sir. Always used your tracked since start and this was welcomed big time. :)

One thing i however think BIS got down better is the offroad sound when going over fields etc because you can clearly hear small stones kick up against the metal. Your were (on my soundcard) a bit "murky". Im not saying its bad - its not - just that i think BIS clarity where i can hear all small stones etc flying around hitting the vehicle is a bit better.

Never the less - this is a sure keeper cause it is brillant. Thank you very much for the hard work. :)

And i agree on the sound of BFBC2. THAT is immersion. The reverb and the big scope of the sounds are incredible. Hopefully we can nick it and use for ourselves later on. :D



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Downloading now, if it's anything like your Tracked Sound Mod then this will rule.

and from what I heard in the vidoes it's gonna rock just like the Tracked SM... ;>

Thank You SO MUCH.

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Can you mirror these downloads... that site is such garbage. I download the first file and now I have 1140 seconds till the next download...

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Have to admit TangoRomeo you have done a excellent Job here....one of the most top items I look for in games is sound effects and true sounds and what you have done here is pretty well close to nailing it... congratulations !!! job well done.;)

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My goodness these are good. I agree, the Ace2 team and you need to be cooperating to associate these, with full credit to you. Gosh I wonder how you invent this magic noise. :)

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Thank you and great job! And yes this was put together very nicely. This is some high caliber stuff and should be implemented with the top rated Mod out there and that is ACE. There needs to be some type of contact made by either of you on this. Awesome work.

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I prefer TRSM seperate from ACE2. TangoRomeo needs to be able to develop his own works in his own way under his own brand. Its not good that everything we think is top notch goes into ACE2... just my 2 cents. ACE has their own team working on sounds the way they want it to be. I am really not so much for ACE being a compilation of good mods but for them to become their own good mod. As it is now, TRSM is compatible with ACE as long as you place @TRSM after @ACE_SM.

Edited by jasonnoguchi

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Dont get me wrong, I want definitely for TR to get full credit for his wonderful work. I am suggesting more or less to the contrary of this

I am really not so much for ACE being a compilation of good mods

ACE has a great foundation to itself and to surround it with other pieces of superb work can only bring more to the ArmA community. For example, I am using TRSM (all components), however the A-10 engine sound is great, but the weapon sound of the cannon is vanilla arma2. (by the way TR you should fix that cannon sound) So I took the @HiFi_Vehical_Weapons from the HiFi_A10_v1.3 and put it into the @TRSM Addons folder. So now I have a A10 that engines and cannon sound great, and also kept all of the other great sounding TRSM fix winged (MV-22) sounds.

Man that was kinda hard to explain... I am out of breath.

So in all TangoRomeo can still and should always get full credit for his work, but teaming up with ACE makes a better and easier addon for the community as a whole. They both are professionals that can benefit from each other.

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These almost made me cry... I raise the volume on my phones just to sit and shiver and get shocked by the massiveness of these big tanks... Also the planes have become so much powerful, when they fly by with this pack.


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OMG what have you done? Damn I cant decide which one is better your rotary Ac or the ones from Rober hammer. I´m going crazy...

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Best helicopter sounds in a game EVER!

First time they sound like freaking loud engines, it's fantastic.

Thank you!

MfG Lee :)

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Well Ive been using a mixture of ace helis and your original tracked vehicles and then also hifi fixed wing bits and bobs.

But now ... well ... this opens up a whole new bag of mix and match possibilities :)

So far from those videos (which are very well created for the demo purposes BTW) pretty much blow things away in terms of immersive sound use. The thing that strikes me as a keeper is the internal sound as much as external especially in the helis and fixed wing craft.

Never thought Arma could get a mod (mods) to such a level as they are now.

You are the vehicle audio mod don :)

BTW I disagree with the ACE comments. I feel that "if" ACE included this it would be for the good of the community. People thinking ACE should go thier own way etc is still the same as this is all about sound and a seprate mod in ACE anyway. ACE would still go its own way script/feature wise, for it to have the best audio sounds sourced from the community is a good thing as it promotes it and also keeps it alive. Then again they may not and that cool too.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Thanks all.

is Tracked SM updated too?

My plan is to keep updates brief, and compatibility to future A2 versions, eventually OA - though i have high hopes for the stock sfx department in the latter:


ATM i´m looking for a, preferably complete, .cfg sound reference. It`s still alot of trial and error fiddling with the parameters. You´ll especially notice with accelleration and startup/shutdown sounds.

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Thanks, TR, great addon!

My plan is to keep updates brief, and compatibility to future A2 versions, eventually OA - though i have high hopes for the stock sfx department in the latter:

Yup, judging by the war sfx samples OA should offer quite realistic sounds out of the box.:)

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Yeah these sounds are top top top notch. I think however with ACEX_SM activated there are still some vehicles with the ACE sounds. Dont want to deactivate ACESM completely. Noticed when i played that the Apaches were ACE and i think i could hear some other vehicles also ACE. Not that they are bad, but TRSM is friggin amazing.

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You can write a config that has "acex_sm_c_sound_veh_helicopters" in the requiredAddons line, that's basically a copy of TangoRomeo's config, but with that in the requiredAddons. Then it overwrites it and you can hear TangoRomeo's epic sounds.

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You can write a config that has "acex_sm_c_sound_veh_helicopters" in the requiredAddons line, that's basically a copy of TangoRomeo's config, but with that in the requiredAddons. Then it overwrites it and you can hear TangoRomeo's epic sounds.

Your talking to someone that actually knows how to do that right and not to me? :D I wouldnt have a clue mate. But it would be nice indeed to be able to have all vehicle sounds from TR and the rest ACE. :)

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Best sound module i never see in ArmA (1 & 2) for heli, tank, truck, car....

Really nice work TangoRomeo.

You build an rifles sound pack in future ???

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