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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta *2*!

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+1 for Manzilla

With Javelin or Stinger I do black out after a 20-30 metres in game.

A stinger launcher + missile weighs 15 kgs, the Javelin system 25 kgs (and the Javelin missiles 11 kgs each). How many extra missiles are you carrying?

Add to that your other weapons, ammo, helmet, body armor, clothes, vest, grenades, binoculars, and whatever other stuff you carry. How far do you think you could run with all that in real life?

In real life, no one will sprint around and fight while carrying a heavy AA or AT launcher or a heavy backpack. You might carry those things and WALK to your destination when you're out in the field, but if the enemy shows up and you need to run and fight, the first thing you will do is drop all those heavy things.

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@Johan, dropping the heavy items and my ruck sack was what I did ingame but my fatigue kicked in as if those items are still on nonetheless. Have you tried?

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No, haven't tried to run just after dropping stuff, if that is a bug I'm sure it'll be fixed.

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The reason why I say that the 30kg (standard combat load more or less) is unrealistic when it comes to exhaustion in ACE2 is that when I was a M60 gunner, during one particular training exercise at Ft. Hood, I was able to jog up and down a hill with close to that load of ammo and gear (probably around 27kg) for about 300 meters with a sprint towards the end. Yeah I was exhausted as hell and thought I'd have a heart attack, but I didn't stop as it was a simulated assault and we had to cover ground very quickly. That's why I thought it was absurd that you pass out so quickly now in the new version. It was fine how it was before as it stopped the dreaded ".50 cal sniper with Javelin" noobs and forced long range missions to use proper walking marches. Now however, you have to walk everywhere and God help you if you hit a large enemy patrol and have to sprint. Generally you end up dying trying to drop your ruck after going to the gear screen. If you forget and pass out, you are still exhausted even if you manage to drop your ruck.

So I REALLY hope that they go back to the original fatigue settings. It was fine as it was.

If not, then that will be a huge disappointment as even a MG gunner will be almost useless without a backpack. Right now NOBODY takes the MG spot because of this issue or they dump it very quickly after realizing that they can't run at all with a realistic M240 ammo load.

So with that said, I hope that the ACE2 Dev team listens to one of their biggest end-users (Tactical Gamer.com) as we have a large number of veterans and active duty soldiers from around the world and only wish for ACE2 to be as excellent as possible. We also have a profound appreciation for the hard work that has gone into this mod so far and wish the best for everyone on the ACE2 dev team.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I just did some testing in the editor, and both as a standard USMC Stinger and Javelin soldier I had no problem jogging 400+ meters. No blacking out, just breathing heavily. I could probably have gone on quite a bit further before blacking out. That was with about 30 kgs of gear screen stuff, plus maybe another 20 of the things that does not show up there. Did you carry 27 kgs total, or 27 kgs + helmet, body armor, vest, etc?

Whatever the case, it seems that what you did is not something that is impossible to do in the game. As long as we are talking about jogging, sprinting is another matter, but I'm quite sure you will not sprint high speed for very long with 50+ kgs of stuff.

Edited by Johan S

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A stinger launcher + missile weighs 15 kgs, the Javelin system 25 kgs (and the Javelin missiles 11 kgs each).

Actual weight in real life is 15.6 kg

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We have been running ACE2 from home with no issues. Quite remarkable. However, at work we are on a closed, secure network, very capable systems (Falcon MACH V Quad GPU) but with no outside access to the internet. We cannot take these systems out of the building nor can we bring in a system that has been loaded and has run ACE2 from home.

Is there a method to enable ACE functionality with no internet access for the systems? Thanks.

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Ok, I just read that the littlebirds are gone....

Why remove content at all, I mean have the littlebirds received poor feedback because I can tell you now they simply are the best set of choppers in this game :D

Adding the 50. cal Minigun was class too :)

Put them back in.... Pretty please :D

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Ok, I just read that the littlebirds are gone....

Why remove content at all, I mean have the littlebirds received poor feedback because I can tell you now they simply are the best set of choppers in this game :D

Adding the 50. cal Minigun was class too :)

Put them back in.... Pretty please :D

Apparently there's not enough SOAR content to warrant them being in game 'yet'. Why they'd remove them before they add them back in again when the extra stuff is added is beyond me. But yes, I have made a quick config to add them back into the editor again. Check your PMs. :)

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Just to give some feedback from the Tactical Gamer server regarding ACE2.

I am a supporting member of the Tactical Gamer community which uses ACE2 beta.

There have been alot of nice things added in the latest betas, however there are also some severe changes that people are extremely unhappy about.

1. Removal of MH-6 (the rationale behind this is bizarre and this was one of our primary transport helicopters in MP missions).

2. Fixed bipod that does not swivel on certain MG's. This is absolutely wrong. As a former M249 gunner, I can tell you that while the bipod did not move much side to side, it did slide on the ground or you could simply lift the weapon and put it on the next target (there is also a little left to right play in the bipod). Doing this with the current ACE2 beta is extremely difficult as it often takes 3 or 4 tries before the bipod works on a sandbag wall for example and even then it may not be exactly where you needed it. Older MG's like the M60 (which I also used for many years) had a Harris style bipod with springs on the bipod that allowed for traverse very easily.

3. The backpack system is now next to useless other then carrying a few extra mags. At 30kg even short sprints cause you to black out. That is a typical combat load and yes, if you're in shape, you can run a fair distance with that much gear. You won't run fast, but you can jog for at least 300 meters. At the very least a shift/key combination should be done for a backpack quick-release system. In real life, the rucksacks actually have this.

Anyways not sure if I should send that to the ACE2 bug report site as these are really more of an opinion and not a bug. I know you guys have military consultants, but I hope that you will take this advice from an ex-military member and also look at the issue of "fun" as this is still a game and not every aspect of realism can be perfectly simulated.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>


Would say more but Miles Teg covered everything.

Edited by Daniel

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I've had that bug, my MP5 jammed and I automatically switched to my handgun. So it's not just for the Para.

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For what are the ropes which I can pick up from the rope ammo crate? :D

Dunno for what they are. ^^

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Kellys Heroes ACE Servers & YAS Repository updated to b.225

Subscribe to KH-RSS -> http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/forum/rss.php

Kelly's Heroes ACE2 YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL - sponsored by Nat & Whisper


Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL - sponsored by Nat & Whisper (Repo for Islands & other Mods)


URLs are case sensitive (ie lowercase & uppercase matters). So make sure the Auto-Config-URL is entered exactly as above, otherwise may result in 404.

YAS users: Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS after updated.

AddonSync Usage-> http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/forum/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=3212

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As a note, its not in the change log, but I was playing around with the size of the aimdot and eotech reticule. People were complaining they were too large. After actually playing with them a couple times, I found the aimdot to be particularly annoying when engaging targets outside of 200m.

Hopefully its better.

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Great update, love the new choppers. Thanks everyone!!!

Is there any way to get targeting for the Little bird weapons without turning crosshairs back on? I was hoping to not have to change that setting in the config file every time I switch from shooting rifles to flying.

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They're for fastroping mate. :)

So does this mean if none of the soldiers have a rope with them no one can fastrope?

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What is the Point with th new UH-60L? isn´t it just the same as MH-60S with a different painting?

Edited by Tonci87

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As a note, its not in the change log, but I was playing around with the size of the aimdot and eotech reticule. People were complaining they were too large. After actually playing with them a couple times, I found the aimdot to be particularly annoying when engaging targets outside of 200m.

Hopefully its better.


Its only here(mixed mods) or should I create a ticket?

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