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Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?  

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  1. 1. Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes

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Okay after some tests i think this is a ArmA 2 bug.

Looks like A.I. can't fire the D30 but the feature still works like it should only different is that the D30 gunner do not fire the weapon.

Artillery shells are impacting correctly.

That is, no any chance? Pity.:(

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Check how I have the GL4 .hpps setup in my SP mission Th Conqueror. I have forced the GL4 settings to use the .hpps in the actual mission folder. It seems to work very, very well with ACE2.

You actually don't have to include the .hpps (which in fact are .sqfs^^ ) into your mission folder, you can change all the settings directly from your init.sqf (like I did in my SP mission Take the Helo). Although I havn't tried it with ACE, as far as I can tell it should be exactly the same. ;)

However, I have one question:

How does the skill array stuff work? Do the "Rank" settings overwrite the "Class" settings or are the classes defined not affected by the ranks?

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I have been trying to use the new High Command features in singleplayer but am confused as to how to bring it up. I go to the Communication part of the radio, turn on HQ Radio. It asks me to use the "F -" key to set which players have access to the radio. What is the "F -" key? I have tried the "F" key and "F1-F5" and both do nothing. Keep in mind this is a downloaded mission, do I need to add to it or add artillery pieces/empty helicopter in order to make it work? I'm using CBA, btw.

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F-key = function keys. Select the unit you want to use the radio using the appropriate function key i.e. F4 and then turn the radio on. you have to select the unit before you turn the radio on.

Edited by stun

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This mod is, in one word, stunning. I am absolutely in awe of the amount of material it adds to ArmA 2. Thanks so much for this beauty! :D :yay: :bounce3:

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@Ben Endless

I've noticed when running or crawling through wooded areas, there is a "psht....psht..psht..." type sound, randomly.

Yes this should simulate twigs.

Well it's really hard to get a realistically twig sound from somewhere.

I wanted to go to the nearby forest myself and record one but i don't have anything to record it in good quality.

You can disable this "feature" only by removing the "GL4_Sound_FX.pbo" vecouse it is made config based.

But if you remove/delete the "GL4_Sound_FX.pbo" then you will lose all features which are based on this .pbo


I've been playing with the mod more over the last day or two. I really love the twig effects....they work exactly right!

I am still not too fond of that particular sound sample, as I mentioned before, but I would rather put up with it than disable the mod....the immersion and situational awareness it adds are superb!

Thanks for the directions, but I will not be disabling.

Now, as for the sound itself:

I actually do have access to quality recording equipment...a friend of mine is a professional audio tech by trade, and also a fellow ArmA2 player.

I was speaking to him about this very mod/sound today.

If you would let me know your audio file requirements, I might be able to provide a few "twig snapping" sound samples for you.

Actually, we were talking about doing just what you suggested...going out to the forest and recording it!

I hope I don't seem too pushy, here. This game, coupled with your (and a few other's) excellent mods, is pretty much the main staple in my gaming. I plan on using this mod for years to come, so anything I can do to help you would just be my way of saying thanks.

Anyway, if you would be interested, please let me know:

File type?

Maximum file size?

Any other requirements?

...and I'll see what I can do!!!

Thanks again for the prompt response!

Edited by Ben Endless

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Ben Endless

If you would let me know your audio file requirements, I might be able to provide a few "twig snapping" sound samples for you.

I can't speak for SNKMAN, but this is a lovely idea mate! If you want to help him make sure they are mono .wav files. I forget what sample rate SNKMAN uses for his sounds but I'd say send them to him in 44khz. If he wants to convert them down its easy enough to do.

Again, nice one. Its really nice to see people offering help !

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That is, no any chance? Pity.

Well i will keep a eye on it may one day i will find a tweak but so far i do not know how to fix it.


How does the skill array stuff work? Do the "Rank" settings overwrite the "Class" settings or are the classes defined not affected by the ranks?

Well you can overwrite bout "Classes" and "Ranks".

The "Class" will always be checked first. So if the class of the given unit was not detected in the setting array then Group Link 4 will look if the "Rank" was listed.

So first priority always goes to the "Classes".


I have been trying to use the new High Command features in singleplayer but am confused as to how to bring it up.

Answered by stun.

Note: There are some example missions which comes with Group Link 4 showing how to build up the "High Command" features.


Thanks. :)

@Ben Endless

I might be able to provide a few "twig snapping" sound samples for you.

Yeah this would be really awesome. :)

I really would love to use multiple different twig sounds.

If you would let me know your audio file requirements

Check Mark's answere he's the one who know's best. ;)

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Its really nice to see people offering help !

I'd be glad to help in any way I can, mate!

HiFi is another of my favorite mods at the moment, Mark XIII.

I was actually pondering the other night how HiFi and GL4 would coincide once HiFi goes final...?

As I mentioned earlier, all of my current mods are of the special effects/sound type (well...so far). I'm relatively new to ArmA2 (installed on my system about the same time patch 1.04 was released), and even newer to the mods, but ArmA2 has continued to amaze me for six solid months.

It just keeps unfolding, and expanding, and blowing my mind, again and again.

Anyway, love the HiFi.

I latched onto the GL4 just recently to fill some of the gaps in the current HiFi beta (in particular the shell whistles, etc....projectile sounds), as well as layer over the excellent Tracers/WarFXParticles by OpticalSnare.

These three (OpticalSnare, SNKMAN, MARK XIII's) mods make ArmA2 KICK so much ASS!!!

I'll also layer Tango Romeo's Vehicle sounds earlier in the command line to fill in the vehicles not in the HiFi beta...nothing personal ;)...just to round it all out. :)

Not that anyone is particularly interested, but: @CBA; @Tracers; @WarFXParticles; @GL4; @TRVehicleSounds; @HiFI; @JTD Smoke/Fire, Fat Rain, and Flies; if you are.

Plus, now that I'm finally feeling like I stand a fighting chance against the default BIS AI, it's exciting to know I always have the GL4 AI enhancements (not to mention ACE2) to blow my mind YET AGAIN sometime in the near future.

I've been PC gaming since 7 or 8 years old, when I had my Commodore 64. I've owned my fair share of computers and consoles, alike. I've played all the Battlefields, and all the COD's...even MW:2 (which is a steamy pile of excriment, I might add).

I've always considered myself more of a military enthusiast/gamer than a "first person shooter". I stay away from the HALOs, Quake Wars, etc.

At the moment, I'm a 35 year old man, and well...my point being, ArmA2 is the first MILITARY game I've played, as opposed to SHOOTER in a war-type enviroment, and I frickin' LOVE IT! I plan on sticking around for awhile.

This seems a truly fantastic community!

You gentlemen are all doing great work here...AND ALL FOR FREE! For the love of the game!! Words can't explain how awesome that is to me.

It's an attitude that is very much in stark contrast to all the Infinity Wards of the world, and their hatred of the "hardcore" gamer.

Then there's the "modularity", and the way you guys are all doing your own things, mod-wise, and yet working TOGETHER, as opposed to trying to outdo one another...

I'd really be honored to contribute. Like I said before...it'd be a way of saying thanks.

And if it improves the quality and immersion....well, then we all win!

Edited by Ben Endless

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I have got some interesting experiences to report with the new features.

Oh there is a lot but I dont remember all. Ok here the most important:

- the new helicopter high command is really great!

- especially in combination with force move...!!

I.e. I had a mission where I called the chopper for reinforcements it came, helped me with shooting the enemy units, then I released it and it flew back to the original position, because it was the chopper that should be used for extraction. I finished the mission went to the extraction point...and guess what? Nothing happend. The chopper didnt come. I used the H.C. helicopter function to get control over it. Ordered the chopper to come to my position and to land (very good SNKMAN that you can give orders to fly low or high and to land, even when NOT in the chopper!!). Guess what happend? Nothing the chopper didnt move. And yes, I used the force move command, and the chopper came to my location. Then regroup, then command to land, then board, then release again, and guess what? Mission completed.

Really very useful additions!

Also the force move action is very useful when units are being stuck for some reason and you cant get to get back to your position.

Ok now I have an idea what you can bring next, he he:

Sometimes there are ammo crates next to each other. When you want an AI to pick up a certain weapon or magazine and give the command to an AI to search for gear, AI will move to ANY gear he will find lying around on the ground. So you cant tell him to move to a specific crate, IF you are not nearby your AI buddy and point it exactly on the crate. Would it be possible to make more specific orders to the AI to move to a place?

Another thing: Would be realistic if the 0-8 high command features would only work with the HQ radio. I mean an physical addon which you would have to pick up, OR an AI in your group would have to carry it and you must be in the near of it to call for reinforcements or helicopter or artillery.

One question: Several times after I called reinforcements, the answer was stand by until it is confirmed. It never was. When I called again, the anser was the last request was not confirmed. Is it kind of: sometimes you get reinforcements and sometimes not?

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I am using your formidable mod/Total Conversion/getanugame4free-device since 1.1.37.

What I liked especially is the easy-to-use configuration via the sqf files.

I.E. I dislike to get real time info about enemy groups when playing missions as a simple fireteam leader, but deem that feature "realistic" during some usermade SPECOPS missions where you are alone in enemy country and have to rely on technical gadgets more than on firepower.

Unfortunately, since using version 1.1.75 I seemingly can no longer disable features. I copied the new sqf files into my existing ArmA2/userconfig/GL4 folder, saying yes to overwrite.

Then I removed the comment marks, the // thingies, and proceeded with setting the variables to True or False as desired, plus copying in the additions to silenced weapons and launcher type weapons I had kept safe in another location.

I'll post copies of all the files into a spoiler box so you can check what went wrong. Only core.sqf and global in this post though, because of the posting character limit.


// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// GL4 v.1.1.75 Core Settings

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// The GL4 Core settings are stored in the global array GL4_Core.

// You can change settings of GL4 by editing the GL4_Core array.

// For each custom setting uncomment remove the "//" in front of the respective line and modify the value.

// GL4_Core set [ Index, Value ];

// In multiplayer all GL4_Core settings are used and synchronized by the server.

// Note: The core settings are only used by the "Default" initialize of GL4.

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// GL4 Default ( C.B.A. ) Initialize: ( New )

// ==============================================================

// Choose if Group Link 4 should be initialized by using the Community Base AddOns.

// Note: Set this value to False to disable the "Community Base AddOns" initialize completly.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Core set [0, True];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Enhancement:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Enemy A.I. Enhancement" should be used.

// Note: Set this value to False to disable the "Enemy A.I. Enhancement" completly.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Core set [1, True];

// GL4 Player and Friendly A.I. Enhancement:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Player and Friendly A.I. Enhancement" should be used.

// Note: Set this value to False to disable the "Player and Friendly A.I. Enhancement" completly.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Core set [2, True];

// GL4 Special FX:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Special FX" feature should be used.

// Note: Set this value to False to disable the "Special FX" completly.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Core set [3, True];


// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// GL4 v.1.1.75 Global Settings

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// The GL4 Global settings are stored in the global array GL4_Global.

// You can change settings of GL4 by editing the GL4_Global array.

// For each custom setting uncomment remove the "//" in front of the respective line and modify the value.

// GL4_Global set [ Index, Value ];

// In multiplayer all GL4_Global settings are used and synchronized by the server.

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// ==============================================================

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Enhancement:

// ==============================================================

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Reinforcement Request:

// ==============================================================

// Set this variable False to disable the Enemy A.I. Reinforcement Request.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [0, True];

// Enemy A.I. Reinforcement Request Groups:

// Choose how many enemy A.I. groups can be requested as reinforcement at the same time.

// 0 - 30, default is 3

GL4_Global set [1, 3];

// Enemy A.I. Reinforcement Request Knows About:

// Choose how much enemy A.I. must know about the target to set alert and request reinforcement.

// Note: The lower this value the faster enemy A.I. will request reinforcement.

// 0 - 3, default is 0.10

GL4_Global set [2, 2];

// Enemy A.I. Reinforcement Request Courage:

// Choose the courage of the enemy A.I. groups.

// The lower this value the faster enemy A.I. will request reinforcement.

// Note: If this value is set to 0.1 then enemy A.I. will request reinforcement even if they are not overmatched by a target.

// If this value is set to 0.5 or 0.8 then enemy A.I. will only request reinforcement if they are really overmatched by a target.

// 0.01 - 1, default is 0.10

GL4_Global set [3, 0.5];

// Enemy A.I. Reinforcement Request Distance:

// Choose the distance in which enemy A.I. should be able to request reinforcement.

// Note: Enemy A.I. which had spotted a enemy will be able to request reinforcement which is within this range.

// 0 - 50000, default is 50000 meters

GL4_Global set [4, 100];

// Enemy A.I. Reinforcement Request Delay:

// Choose how fast enemy A.I. can request reinforcement.

// Note: If this value is set too high and a enemy A.I. group was killed by the target within this time

// then may it can be that the enemy A.I. group has no chance to request reinforcement.

// 0 - 30, default is 5 seconds

GL4_Global set [5, 30];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Artillery:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. should be able to request artillery after a target was spotted.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [6, False];

// Enemy A.I. Artillery Chance:

// Choose the chance of how enemy A.I. should be able to request artillery.

// 0 - 100, Default is 50%

GL4_Global set [7, 50];

// Enemy A.I. Artillery Ammo:

// Choose the type of ammo which artillery should use.

// Available ammo classes: "Sh_105_HE", "Sh_120_HE", "Sh_120_SABOT", "Sh_122_HE", "Sh_125_HE", "Sh_125_SABOT", "Bomb", "Grenade"

// Default is "Sh_125_HE"

GL4_Global set [8, "Sh_122_HE"];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Airstrike:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. should be able to request airstrike support after a target was spotted.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [9, False];

// Enemy A.I. Airstrike Chance:

// Choose the chance of how enemy A.I. should be able to request airstrike.

// 0 - 100, Default is 50%

GL4_Global set [10, 50];

// Enemy A.I. Airstrike Ammo:

// Choose type of ammo which airstrike should use.

// Available ammo classes: "B_25mm_HE", "Bo_GBU12_LGB", "M_Sidewinder_AA", "M_R73_AA", "R_S8T_AT", "B_30mm_HE", "M_Ch29_AT", "B_30mmA10_AP", "M_Maverick_AT", "R_Hydra_HE"

// Default is "R_S8T_AT"

GL4_Global set [11, "R_S8T_AT"];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Smoke Man:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. without vehicle should use smoke for cover after a target was spotted.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [12, True];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Smoke Vehicle:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. with vehicle should use smoke for cover while unmounting the vehicle after a target was spotted.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [13, True];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Flare:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. should use flares at night after a target was spotted.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [14, True];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. House Search:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. should search for a target in buildings after a target was spotted nearby a building.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [15, True];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Car Weapon:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. should search and mount cars with empty weapon nearby their position after a target was spotted.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [16, True];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Helicopter Paradrop:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. which use a helicopter should be able to paradrop at the conflict point.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [17, True];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Helicopter Behaviour:

// ==============================================================

// Choose the chance of how enemy A.I. should react after the crew of a helicopter was unmounted/ejected.

// Note: High value means that the helicopter will retread to his original position after the crew was unmounted/ejected.

// Low value means that the helicopter will stay at the conflict point and randomly scout the area.

// 0 - 100, default is 75%

GL4_Global set [18, 75];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Advancing:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. should "hear" and "react" to gunfire. ( Even if not under direct fire )

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [19, True];

// Enemy A.I. Advancing Smoke: ( New )

// ==============================================================

// Choose which "Smoke" Shells/Grenades can be detected by enemy A.I.

// By default all Armed Assault 2 "Smoke" Shells/Grenades are listed in this array do only update this arrays if you like to use custom "Smoke" Shells/Grenades.

// "Smoke" Shells/Grenades listed in this array can be detected by enemy A.I. within a range of 100 meters.

// Default: ["SmokeShell","SmokeShellYellow","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShellGreen","SmokeShellPurple","SmokeShellBlue","SmokeShellOrange","G_40mm_Smoke","G_40mm_SmokeRed","G_40mm_SmokeGreen","G_40mm_SmokeYellow"]

GL4_Global set [20, (GL4_Global select 20) + [] ];

// Enemy A.I. Advancing Smoke Distance:

// Choose in which range enemy A.I. should react to dropped "Smoke" Shells/Grenades.

// Note: This value set how close "Smoke" Shells/Grenades have to be dropped within the enemy A.I. position.

// Warning: Do not set this value higher then 100 meters else enemy A.I. will react to "Smoke" Shells/Grenades even if it dropped more then 100 meters away from their position.

// 0 - 100, default is 100 meters

GL4_Global set [21, 100];

// Enemy A.I. Advancing Weapons:

// ==============================================================

// Choose which weapons should be heared by enemy A.I. within wich range.

// By default all Armed Assault 2 weapons are listed in thouse array do only update thouse arrays if you like to use custom weapons.

// Note: Weapons which are not listed in thouse arrays can heared by enemy A.I. from the maximum range distance.

// Some weapons can use suppressed and no suppressed ammo its possible to add the ammo classes in the given array too

// to make weapons which use suppressed ammo act like they are suppressed weapons.

// Weapons and Ammo listed in this array can heared by enemy A.I. within a range of 15 meters.

// Default: ["M4A1SD","MP5SD","M9SD","MakarovSD","B_556x45_SD","RH_hk416sd","RH_hk416sdaim","RH_hk416sdeotech","RH_hk416sdgl","RH_hk416sdglaim","RH_hk416sdgleotech","RH_m4sd","RH_m4sdaim","RH_m4sdacog","RH_m4sdeotech","RH_m4sdgl","RH_m4sdglaim","RH_m4sdglacog","RH_m4sdgleotech","RH_mk12sd","RH_mk12mod1sd","RH_M4sdaim_wdl","RH_M4sdgleotech_wdl""RH_bizonsd","RH_bizonsdk","RH_rk95sd","RH_rk95sdaim","RH_rk95sdag","RH_aks74usd","RH_aks74uptsp","RH_aks74usdk","RH_aks74upt","RH_aks74uptk","RH_oc14sd","RH_gr1sd","RH_oc14sdsp","RH_m1911sd","ACE_M110_SD","ACE_TAC50_SD ","ACE_UMP45_SD","ACE_USPSD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSDSpr","RH_30Rnd_762x39_SDmag","64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon","RH_20Rnd_9x39_SP6SD_mag","RH_30Rnd_762x39_SDmag","30Rnd_545x39_AKSD","8Rnd_9x19_Mksd","15Rnd_9x19_uspsd","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","FFAA_507x28_p90SD","ffaa_9x19_UMPSL","FFAA_9x19_pistolaSL","30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","ACE_30Rnd_762x39_SD_AK47","ACE_12Rnd_45ACP_USPSD","ACE_20Rnd_9x18_APSB"]

GL4_Global set [22, (GL4_Global select 22) + [] ];

// Muzzles and Ammo listed in this array can heared by enemy A.I. within a range of 50 meters.

// Default: ["M203Muzzle","GP25Muzzle","G_40mm_HE","G_30mm_HE","1Rnd_HE_M203","1Rnd_HE_GP25","RH_1Rnd_30mm","1Rnd_Smoke_M203","1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203","1Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203","1Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203","ACE_40mm_Buck_M79","ace_1rnd_cs_m203","FlareWhite_M203","FlareGreen_M203","FlareRed_M203","FlareYellow_M203","ACE_HuntIR_M203"]

GL4_Global set [23, (GL4_Global select 23) + [] ];

// Weapons and Ammo listed in this array can heared by enemy A.I. within a range of 300 meters.

// Default: ["M136","JAVELIN","STINGER","RPG7V","STRELA","M9","Makarov","B_9x19_Ball","R_M136_AT"]

GL4_Global set [24, (GL4_Global select 24) + [] ];

// Enemy A.I. Advancing Suppressed Weapons Distance:

// Choose in which range enemy A.I. can hear/react to suppressed "M9SD/MP5SD/M4A1SD/MakarovSD" weapons.

// 0 - 100, default is 15 meters

GL4_Global set [25, 15];

// Enemy A.I. Advancing Grenade Launcher Distance:

// Choose in which range enemy A.I. can hear/react to Grenade Launcher "M16A2GL/M4GLAK74GL" weapons.

// 0 - 300, default is 50 meters

GL4_Global set [26, 50];

// Enemy A.I. Advancing Pistoles and Rocket Launcher Distance:

// Choose in which range enemy A.I. can hear/react to Pistoles/Rocket Launcher "M9/Makarov/M136/JAVELIN/RPG7V" weapons.

// 0 - 500, default is 300 meters

GL4_Global set [27, 300];

// Enemy A.I. Advancing Rifle Distance:

// Choose in which range enemy A.I. can hear/react to Rifles/Assault Rifles "M16A2/M16A4/M4AIM/M4A1/AK74" weapons.

// 0 - 1500, default is 600 meters

GL4_Global set [28, 500];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Suppressive Fire:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. should react to suppressive fire.

// If enemy A.I. is under direct fire ( with high frequence ) then they may will hit the ground and get to cover for a specific amount of time.

// Note: Enemy A.I. which was suppressed will try to suppress their target too.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [29, True];

// Enemy A.I. Suppressive Fire Rate:

// Choose how fast ( in which rate of time ) the bullets must be fired to suppress enemy A.I.

// 0 - 0.50, default is 0.20 seconds

GL4_Global set [30, 0.20];

// Enemy A.I. Suppressive Fire Bullets Requied:

// Choose how many bullets must be fired within the given "Fire Rate" to suppress enemy A.I.

// 0 - 15, default is 6 bullets

GL4_Global set [31, 10];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Combat Tactics:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. should split up the group into several smaller groups to advance from several directions.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [32, True];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Body Detect:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. should be able to detected dead body of their own side.

// Note: If enemy A.I. detects a dead body of their own side and do not know something about a target

// then they will randomly start searching the area for possible targets.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [33, True];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Detection:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. should hear/react if a vehicle explodes nearby their position.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [34, True];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Rearm:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. should be able to rearm if they are out of ammo/magazines and/or do only have a specific amount of ammo/magazines available.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [35, False];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Extraction:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. in helicopters ( which have already unmounted/ejected their original crew ) should be able to fly a extraction.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [36, True];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Body Remove:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if dead enemy A.I. bodys should be removed after a specific count of dead bodys was reached or if a player is in a specific range to the dead body.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [37, False];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Difficult Level:

// ==============================================================

// Choose False to disable this feature completly.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [38, False];

// Enemy A.I. Difficult Level Fixed:

// Choose the difficult level of the enemy A.I.

// Note: The higher this value the more aggressive the enemy A.I. will be.

// 0 - 1, default is 0.10

GL4_Global set [39, 0.10];

// Enemy A.I. Difficult Level Random:

// Choose the random difficult level of the enemy A.I.

// Note: This value will randomly increase the "Fixed" value given above.

// 0 - 1, default is 0.20

GL4_Global set [40, 0.20];

// Enemy A.I. Difficult Skill Types:

// Choose the difficult "Skill Types" of the enemy A.I.

// The difficult "Skill Types" set many abilitys of the enemy A.I. to the given level.

// Note: If the array contains only one value then this value will be used as "Fixed" value without any modification.

// If the array contains two values then the first value in the array will be randomly increased by the second value.

// Enemy A.I. Difficult "Aiming Accuracy" Skill Type:

// Choose the "Aiming Accuracy" of the enemy A.I.

// [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.35, 0.15]

(GL4_Global select 41) set [0, [0.35, 0.15] ];

// Enemy A.I. Difficult "Aiming Shake" Skill Type:

// Choose the "Aiming Shake" of the enemy A.I.

// [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.50, 0.35]

(GL4_Global select 41) set [1, [0.50, 0.35] ];

// Enemy A.I. Difficult "Aiming Speed" Skill Type:

// Choose the "Aiming Speed" of the enemy A.I.

// [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.50, 0.35]

(GL4_Global select 41) set [2, [0.50, 0.35] ];

// Enemy A.I. Difficult "Endurance" Skill Type:

// Choose the "Endurance" of the enemy A.I.

// [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [1]

(GL4_Global select 41) set [3, [1] ];

// Enemy A.I. Difficult "Spot Distance" Skill Type:

// Choose the "Spot Distance" of the enemy A.I.

// [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [1]

(GL4_Global select 41) set [4, [1] ];

// Enemy A.I. Difficult "Spot Time" Skill Type:

// Choose the "Spot Time" of the enemy A.I.

// [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.35, 0.15]

(GL4_Global select 41) set [5, [0.35, 0.15] ];

// Enemy A.I. Difficult "Courage" Skill Type:

// Choose the "Courage" of the enemy A.I.

// [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.75, 0.25]

(GL4_Global select 41) set [6, [0.75, 0.25] ];

// Enemy A.I. Difficult "Reload Speed" Skill Type:

// Choose the "Reload Speed" of the enemy A.I.

// [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.70]

(GL4_Global select 41) set [7, [0.70] ];

// Enemy A.I. Difficult "Commanding" Skill Type:

// [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [1]

(GL4_Global select 41) set [8, [1] ];

// Enemy A.I. Difficult "General" Skill Type:

// [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is 1]

(GL4_Global select 41) set [9, [1] ];

// Enemy A.I. Difficult "Class and Rank" Skill Types: ( New )

// Choose the difficult "Skill Types" of specific enemy A.I. classes and ranks.

// Available Skill Types: "aimingAccuracy" | "aimingShake" | "aimingSpeed" | "endurance" | "spotDistance" | "spotTime" | "courage" | "reloadSpeed" | "commanding" | "general"


// Info: ["Class", ["Skill Type", [Fixed Value, Random Value] ], "Rank", ["Skill Type", [Fixed Value, Random Value] ] ]

// Note: Defined "Class and Rank" skill types will overwrite the given skill types which was set above.

// Default: ["RU_Soldier_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.75, 0.25], "aimingShake", [0.75, 0.25], "spotDistance", [0.75, 0.25] ], "USMC_SoldierS_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.75, 0.25], "aimingShake", [0.75, 0.25], "spotDistance", [0.75, 0.25] ] ]

GL4_Global set [42, call compile preprocessFile "\UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Skill_Types.sqf" ];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Idle:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. should use the Human A.I. feature.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [43, True];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Garrison:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I should be able to garrison buildings nearby their position.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [44, True];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Static Weapons:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. should be able to mount empty static weapons.

// Note: By default all Armed Assault 2 static weapons are supported.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [45, True];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Surrender:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. should have the chance to surrender if they are fleeing.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [46, True];

// Enemy A.I. Surrender Courage Fixed:

// Choose the courage which the enemy A.I. should use.

// Note: The higher this value the higher the chance that enemy A.I. will surrender.

// 0 - 1, default is 0.1

GL4_Global set [47, 0.1];

// Enemy A.I. Surrender Courage Random:

// Choose the random courage which the enemy A.I. should use.

// Note: This value will randomly increase the "Fixed" value given above.

// 0 - 1, default is 0.5

GL4_Global set [48, 0.3];

// Enemy A.I. Surrender Rank:

// Choose the chance of how fast enemy A.I. with a specific rank should be able to surrender.

// 0 - 100, default is PRIVATE: 70% | CORPORAL: 60% | SERGEANT: 50% | LIEUTENANT: 40% | CAPTAIN: 30% | MAJOR: 20% | Colonel: 10%

GL4_Global set [49, [70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10] ];

// Enemy A.I. Surrender Group Size:

// Choose how much units of a enemy A.I. group must be alive till a unit of the enemy A.I. group will think about surrendering.

// 1 - 10, default is 3

GL4_Global set [50, 2];

// Enemy A.I. Surrender Friendly:

// Choose how much friendly A.I. units have to be nearby that the unit will not surrender.

// Note: If there are more friendly A.I. units nearby like set here then the unit will not surrender.

// 0 - 100, default is 3

GL4_Global set [51, 2];

// Enemy A.I. Surrender Captive Player:

// Choose how many captives each player can capture at the same time.

// 0 - 10, default is 3

GL4_Global set [52, 3];

// Enemy A.I. Surrender Fleeing:

// Choose the chance of how enemy A.I. which already was captured by a player will try fleeing.

// 0 - 100, default is 5%

/GL4_Global set [53, 5];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Simulate Dead: ( New )

// ==============================================================

// Choose if enemy A.I. should be able to simulate dead if no friendly units are nearby.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [54, True];

// Enemy A.I. Simulate Dead Chance:

// Choose the chance of how enemy A.I. should simulate dead.

// 0 - 100, default is 15%

GL4_Global set [55, 10];

// Enemy A.I. Simulate Dead Friendly:

// Choose how much friendly A.I. units have to be nearby that the unit will not simulate dead.

// Note: If there are more friendly A.I. units nearby like set here then the unit will not simulate dead.

// 0 - 100, default is 5

GL4_Global set [56, 2];

// ==============================================================

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Debug:

// ==============================================================

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Array Debug:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Array Debug" should be used.

// Note: This debug shows the most important enemy A.I. arrays. This debug also is available in multiplayer by set the multiplayer debug in "GL4_Local" to True.

// True / False, default is False

GL4_Global set [57, False];

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Map Marker Debug:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Map Marker Debug" should be used.

// Note: This debug creates a marker at the map for each enemy A.I. group and gives several informations about the group behaviour and moving direction.

// True / False, default is True

(GL4_Global select 58) set [0, False];

// Enemy A.I. Map Marker Type: ( New )

// "Dot", "Arrow", "Select", "Destroy", default is "Dot"

(GL4_Global select 58) set [1, "Dot"];

// Enemy A.I. Map Marker Size: ( New )

// [0.1, 0.1] - [1, 1], default is [0.5, 0.5]

(GL4_Global select 58) set [2, [0.5, 0.5] ];

// Enemy A.I. Map Marker Color: ( New )

// "ColorBlack", "ColorRed", "ColorGreen", "ColorBlue", "ColorYellow", "ColorWhite", default is "ColorBlue"

(GL4_Global select 58) set [3, "ColorBlue"];

// ==============================================================

// GL4 Friendly A.I. Enhancement:

// ==============================================================

// GL4 Friendly A.I. Recruit:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if friendly A.I.can be recruited by a player.

// Note: This feature gives a player the ability to recruit A.I. friendly to the player.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [59, True];

// Friendly A.I. Recruit Rank:

// Choose which ranks are allowed to recruit friendly A.I. beside the group leader.




// GL4 Friendly A.I. Advancing and Suppressed: ( New )

// ==============================================================

// Choose if friendly A.I. should be able to use the "Advancing" and "Suppressd" feature.

// Note: This feature gives enemy A.I. the ability to "hear" and "react" to friendly A.I. gunfire and gives friendly A.I. the ability to "Suppress" enemy A.I.

// True / False, default is False

GL4_Global set [61, True];

// ==============================================================

// GL4 System Enhancement:

// ==============================================================

// GL4 "GET IN" System:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if A.I. nearby ( within 10 meters ) to a empty vehicle should mount the vehicle at mission start.

// Note: This feature was made to overcome the assignment with the "moveInDriver", "moveInGunner" and "moveInCarog" command.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [62, False];

Thing is, I seem to get some options changed by my "True" or "False" settings, others not.

Mainly, I constantly get enemy markers (set to "False"), but they do not attack me with arty or air support (set to "False").

Probably I chose missions where no enemy air or arty units are available, if they need to be available the same way as for the player, like, physically there. I will make a quick editor test on that, though; up to now I just checked if I can request support via HQ radio if that is set to "True", and that works, but only if the respective stuff is there on the map, like a cannon with crew: then I get the option for arty request.

Will test what happens if I disable the HQ features. I have set Radio Chatter to "False" but it is there in the vehicles air or ground.

Anyway, while I test it, I'd be happy to get a hint on how I could've messed up with the userconfig. Just to clarify, I made cut-paste with the files inside the @GL4 folder when putting them into my userconfig/GL4 folder, so there aren't hanging around two sets of userconfig.

Also they use the GetIn System (set to "False") in various user missions where that is not desirable, such as Operation Ebony Gryphon, where the decorative personnel "steals" one attack plane and one attack helicopter before I can jump in.

They are meant to be all for the player; just in the "two-seaters" there is a gunner provided. But now the guys who where meant to walk around and pretend to do maintenance or whatever jump the pilot seats. Although GetIn it is set to "False"! If I want a helo, I have to kill the pilot:(

Hope there is an easy solution to this,


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Here is Local.sqf:

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// GL4 v.1.1.75 Local Settings

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// The GL4 Local settings are stored in the global array GL4_Local.

// You can change settings of GL4 by editing the GL4_Local array.

// For each custom setting uncomment remove the "//" in front of the respective line and modify the value.

// GL4_Local set [ Index, Value ];

// In multiplayer all GL4_Local settings are used by every player individual.

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// GL4 Player Map Marker:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if a player should use/get a marker at the map.

// True / False, default is True

(GL4_Local select 0) set [0, False];

// Player Map Marker Type: ( New )

// "Dot", "Arrow", "Select", "Destroy", default is "Dot"

(GL4_Local select 0) set [1, "Dot"];

// Player Map Marker Size: ( New )

// [0.1, 0.1] - [1, 1], default is [0.5, 0.5]

(GL4_Local select 0) set [2, [0.5, 0.5] ];

// Player Map Marker Color: ( New )

// "ColorBlack", "ColorRed", "ColorGreen", "ColorBlue", "ColorYellow", "ColorWhite", default is "ColorBlue"

(GL4_Local select 0) set [3, "ColorBlue"];

// GL4 Dubbing:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Dubbing" feature should be used.

// Dubbing Features A.I.: Dynamic Speaking A.I. Enemy and Dynamic Speaking A.I. Friendly.

// Dubbing Features Player: Reloading and Incoming Rocket.

// Dubbing Features A.I. and Player: Grenade Thrown.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [1, False];

// Choose in which distance to a player the "Dubbing" feature should be used.

// 0 - 500, default is 200 meters

GL4_Local set [2, 200];

// Choose if groups leaded by player should use the "Dubbing" feature. ( New )

// True / False, default is True

(GL4_Local select 3) set [0, False];

// Choose if groups leaded by A.I. should use the "Dubbing" feature. ( New )

// True / False, default is True

(GL4_Local select 3) set [1, False];

// Choose the chance of which the "Dubbing" feature should be used.

// 0 - 100, default is 50%

(GL4_Local select 3) set [2, 50];

// GL4 Blood FX:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Blood FX" feature should be used.

GL4_Local set [4, True];

// GL4 Bleeding FX:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Bleeding FX" feature should be used.

// Note: The "Bleeding" feature requires the "Blood FX" feature.

GL4_Local set [5, True];

// Choose in which distance to a player the "Blood FX" feature should be used.

// 0 - 500, default is 200 meters

GL4_Local set [6, 200];

// Choose the chance in which the "Blood FX" feature should be used.

// Description: The lower this value the more the "Blood FX" feature will be used.

// 0 - 100, default is 50%

GL4_Local set [7, 50];

// Choose how much "Blood FX" particles should be spawned.

// Description: The higher this value the more "Blood FX" particles will be spawned.

// 0 - 70, default is 30

GL4_Local set [8, 30];

// Choose how much "Blood FX" objects can be created at the same time at all.

// Description: The higher this value the more "Blood FX" objects can be created at the same time at all.

// 0 - 500, default is 300

GL4_Local set [9, 300];

// GL4 Blood FX Particle Front Spread:

// ==============================================================

// GL4 Blood Particle Degrees:

// Choose the degrees angle of how the blood particles should spread.

// 0 / 70, default is 35

GL4_Local set [10, 35];

// GL4 Blood FX Particle Degrees Factor:

// Choose the degrees factor angle of the blood particles defined above.

// 0 / 10, default is 2

GL4_Local set [11, 2];

// GL4 Blood FX Particle Speed Factor:

// Choose the factor of how to spread blood particles.

// 0 / 10, default is 1.5

GL4_Local set [12, 1.5];

// GL4 Blood FX Particle Minimum Speed:

// Choose the blood particles minimum spread speed.

// 0 / 10, default is 1

GL4_Local set [13, 1];

// GL4 Blood FX Particle Maximum Speed:

// Choose the blood particles maximum spread speed.

// 0 / 50, default is 10

GL4_Local set [14, 10];

// GL4 Blood FX Particle Minimum Speed Vertical:

// Choose the blood particles minimum vertical spread speed.

// -10 / 10, default is -2

GL4_Local set [15, -2];

// GL4 Blood FX Particle Maximum Speed Vertical:

// Choose the blood particles maximum vertical spread speed.

// 0 / 10, default is 2

GL4_Local set [16, 2];

// GL4 Blood FX Particle Back Spread:

// ==============================================================

// GL4 Blood FX Particle Degrees:

// Choose the degrees angle of how the blood particles should spread.

// 0 / 100, default is 35

GL4_Local set [17, 35];

// GL4 Blood FX Particle Maximum Speed:

// Choose the blood particles maximum spread speed.

// 0 / 50, default is 10

GL4_Local set [18, 6];

// GL4 Blood FX Particle Misc:

// ==============================================================

// GL4 Blood FX Particle Minimum Size:

// Choose the blood particles minimum size.

// 0.01 / 1, default is 0.5

GL4_Local set [19, 0.5];

// GL4 Blood FX Particle Maximum Size:

// Choose the blood particles maximum size.

// 0.01 / 1, default is 0.7

GL4_Local set [20, 0.7];

// GL4 Blood FX Particle Color:

// Choose the blood particles color.

// [ [start Color], [Middle Color], [Middle Color], [End Color] ], default is [ [0.1,0,0,1], [0.1,0,0,1], [0.1,0,0,1], [0.1,0,0,1] ]

GL4_Local set [21, [ [0.1,0,0,1], [0.1,0,0,1], [0.1,0,0,1], [0.1,0,0,1] ] ];

// GL4 Radio Chatter:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Radio Chatter" feature should be used.

// Description: The "Radio Chatter" feature add different "Radio Chatters" to "Tank" and "Air" vehicles.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [22, False];

// GL4 Sound FX:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Sound FX" feature should be used.

// Sound FX Features: Sound FX Artillery Shell, Sound FX Explosion and Sound FX Explosion Sparks.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [23, True];

// Sound FX Bullet:

// Choose if the "Sound FX Bullet" feature should be use.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [24, True];

// Sound FX Bullet Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Sound FX Bullet" feature.

// 0 - 100, default is 50%

GL4_Local set [25, 50];

// Sound FX Shell:

// Choose if the "Sound FX Shell" feature should be use.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [26, True];

// Sound FX Artillery Shell Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Sound FX Artillery Shell" feature.

// 0 - 100, default is 50%

GL4_Local set [27, 50];

// Sound FX Flies Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Sound FX Flies" feature after a soldier was killed.

// 0 - 100, default is 50%

GL4_Local set [28, 50];

// Sound FX Flies Maximum:

// Choose how many killed soldiers can use the "Sound FX Flies" feature at the same time.

// 0 / 10, default is 5

GL4_Local set [29, 5];

// GL4 Weapon FX:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Weapon FX" feature should be used.

// Weapon FX Features: Weapon FX Impact Sparks and Weapon FX Impact Mud.

// Note: The "Weapon FX" feature is used by high caliber weapons mounted on vehicles only.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [30, True];

// Weapon FX Intensity:

// Description: The higher this value the lower the "Weapon FX" feature will be used.

// Note: The intensity of all "Weapon FX" features will be divided by this value.

// Set this value to 3 or 4 to reduce the CPU load of the "Weapon FX" feature.

// 1 / 5, default is 1

GL4_Local set [31, 2];

// Weapon FX Impact Sparks Change: ( Bullet )

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Weapon FX Impact Sparks" feature.

// Description: The "Weapon FX Impact Sparks" feature do spawn "Weapon FX Impact Sparks" at the position of where a bullet was impacted.

// 0 - 100, default is 50%

GL4_Local set [32, 50];

// Weapon FX Impact Mud: ( Bullet )

// Choose if the "Weapon FX Impact Mud" feature should be use.

// Description: The "Weapon FX Impact Mud" feature do spawn "Weapon FX Impact Mud" at the position of where a bullet was impacted.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [33, True];

// Weapon FX Impact Sparks Change: ( Grenade / Rocket / Missile )

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Weapon FX Impact Sparks" feature.

// Description: The "Weapon FX Impact Sparks" feature do spawn "Weapon FX Impact Sparks" at the position of where a grenade / rocket / missile was impacted.

// 0 - 100, default is 75%

GL4_Local set [34, 75];

// Weapon FX Impact Stones: ( Grenade / Rocket / Missile )

// Choose if the "Weapon FX Impact Stones" feature should be use.

// Description: The "Weapon FX Impact Stones" feature do spawn "Weapon FX Impact Stones" at the position of where a grenade / rocket / missile was impacted.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [35, True];

// GL4 Shell FX:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Shell FX" feature should be used.

// True / False, default is True

/GL4_Local set [36, True];

// Shell FX Intensity:

// Description: The higher this value the lower the "Shell FX" feature will be used.

// Note: The intensity of all "Shell FX" features will be divided by this value.

// Set this value to 3 or 4 to reduce the CPU load of the "Shell FX" feature.

// 1 / 5, default is 1

GL4_Local set [37, 2];

// Shell FX Impact Sparks Change:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Shell FX Impact Sparks" feature after a shell was impacted.

// Description: The "Shell FX Impact Sparks" feature do spawn "Shell FX Impact Sparks" at the position of where a shell was impacted.

// 0 - 100, default is 50%

GL4_Local set [38, 50];

// Shell FX Impact Mud Change:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Shell FX Impact Mud" feature after a shell was impacted.

// Description: The "Shell FX Impact Mud" feature do spawn "Shell FX Impact Mud" at the position of where a shell was impacted.

// 0 - 100, default is 75%

GL4_Local set [39, 75];

// Shell FX Impact Mud Trail Change:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Shell FX Impact Mud Trail" feature after a shell was impacted.

// Description: The "Shell FX Impact Mud Trail" feature do spawn "Shell FX Impact Mud Trail" at the position of where a shell was impacted.

// 0 - 100, default is 75%

GL4_Local set [40, 75];

// Shell FX Impact Stones:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Shell FX Impact Stones" feature after a shell was impacted.

// Description: The "Shell FX Impact Stones" feature do spawn "Shell FX Impact Stones" at the position of where a shell was impacted.

// 0 - 100, default is 75%

GL4_Local set [41, 75];

// Shell FX Impact Shock:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Shell FX Impact Shock" feature after a shell was impacted.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [42, True];

// GL4 Impact FX:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Impact FX" feature should be used.

// Description: The "Impact FX" feature do spawn "Impact FX Sparks" and "Impact FX Debris" after a vehicle was hit by a projectile.

// Note: This feature require the "Explosion FX" feature to reach the full range of intensity.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [43, True];

// Impact FX Intensity:

// Description: The higher this value the lower the "Impact FX" feature will be used.

// Note: The intensity of all "Impact FX" features will be divided by this value.

// Set this value to 3 or 5 to reduce the CPU load of the "Impact FX" feature.

// 1 / 5, default is 1

GL4_Local set [44, 2];

// Impact FX Sparks Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Impact FX Sparks" feature after a vehicle was hit by a projectile.

// 0 - 100, default is 50%

GL4_Local set [45, 50];

// Impact FX Debris Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to spawn "Impact FX Debris" after a vehicle was hit by a projectile.

// 0 - 100, default is 35%

GL4_Local set [46, 35];

// GL4 Explosion FX:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Explosion FX" feature should be used.

// Explosion FX Features: Flash, Shock Wave, Fire Flash and Sparks, Debris, Stones, Leaves, Mud, Dust Wave, Fire Light and Fuel Smoke.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [47, True];

// Choose in which distance to a player the "Explosion FX" feature should be used.

// Note: By default the view distance which was set in ArmA 2 is used as default value.

// This means you can see explosions as far as you can see.

GL4_Local set [48, viewdistance];

// Explosion FX Intensity:

// Choose how intensive the "Explosion FX" feature should be.

// Description: The higher this value the lower the "Explosion FX" will be.

// Note: The intensity of all "Explosion FX" features will be divided by this value.

// Set this value to 3 or 4 to reduce the CPU load of the "Explosion FX" feature.

// 1 / 10, default is 1

GL4_Local set [49, 2];

// Explosion FX Small Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use Small Explosion FX.

// Description: The higher this value the higher the chance to see a Small Explosion.

// 0 - 100, default is 75%

GL4_Local set [50, 75];

// Explosion FX Small Size:

// Choose the size of which vehicles should use the Small Explosion FX.

// Description: This array contains all small size vehicles.

// Info: Traktor, UAZ, HUMMWEE and BRDM

// 0 / 30, default is [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

GL4_Local set [51, [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] ];

// Explosion FX Medium Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use Medium Explosion FX.

// Description: The higher this value the higher the chance to see a Medium Explosion.

// 0 - 100, default is 50%

GL4_Local set [52, 50];

// Explosion FX Medium Size:

// Choose the size of which vehicles should use the Medium Explosion FX.

// Description: This array contains all medium size vehicles.

// Info: URAL, T90 and M1A1

// 0 / 30, default is [8,9,10,11,12,13,14]

GL4_Local set [53, [8,9,10,11,12,13,14] ];

// Explosion FX Large Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use Large Explosion FX.

// Description: The higher this value the higher the chance to see a Large Explosion.

// 0 - 100, default is 35%

GL4_Local set [54, 35];

// Explosion FX Large Size:

// Choose the size of which vehicles should use the Large Explosion FX.

// Description: This array contains all large size vehicles.

// Info: T90, M1A1, MI-24D, MH-60S and SU-34

// 0 / 30, default is [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21]

GL4_Local set [55, [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21] ];

// Explosion FX Flash:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Explosion FX Flash" feature.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [56, True];

// Explosion FX Shock Wave Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Explosion Shock Wave" feature.

// 0 - 100, default is 35%

GL4_Local set [57, 35];

// Explosion FX Fire Flash and Sparks Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Explosion Fire Flash and Sparks" feature.

// 0 - 100, default is 75%

GL4_Local set [58, 75];

// Explosion FX Debris Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Explosion Debris Fire" feature.

// 0 - 100, default is 75%

GL4_Local set [59, 75];

// Explosion FX Debris FX Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Explosion Debris FX" feature.

// 0 - 100, default is 50%

GL4_Local set [60, 50];

// Explosion FX Stone Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Explosion Stones" feature.

// 0 - 100, default is 50%

GL4_Local set [61, 50];

// Explosion FX Leaves Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Explosion Leaves" feature.

// 0 - 100, default is 50%

GL4_Local set [62, 50];

// Explosion FX Mud Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Explosion Mud" feature.

// 0 - 100, default is 75%

GL4_Local set [63, 75];

// Explosion FX Dust Wave:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Explosion Dust Wave" feature.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [64, True];

// Explosion FX Fuel Smoke Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Explosion Fuel Smoke" feature.

// 0 - 100, default is 35%

GL4_Local set [65, 35];

// GL4 Wrack FX:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Wrack FX" feature should be used.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [66, True];

// Wrack FX Player Distance:

// Choose in which distance to a player the "Wrack FX" feature should be used.

// Note: By default the view distance which was set in ArmA 2 is used as default value.

// This means you can see the "Wrack FX" as far as you can see.

GL4_Local set [67, viewdistance];

// Wrack FX Fire Sparks and Ashes Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Wrack FX Fire Sparks and Ashes" feature.

// 0 - 100, default is 75%

GL4_Local set [68, 75];

// Wrack FX Hot Ground Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Wrack FX Hot Ground" feature.

// 0 - 100, default is 35%

GL4_Local set [69, 35];

// Wrack FX Sparks Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Wrack FX Sparks" feature.

// 0 - 100, default is 50%

GL4_Local set [70, 50];

// GL4 Burning FX:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Burning FX" feature should be used.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [71, True];

// Burning FX Camp Fire:

// Choose if the "Burning FX Camp Fire" feature should be used.

// Description: Adds Sparks and Ashes to burning camp fire.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [72, True];

// Burning FX House:

// Choose if the "Burning FX House" feature should be used.

// Description: After a house was hit by a shell/or damaged the house randomly will start burning.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [73, True];

// Burning FX Player:

// Choose if the "Burning FX Player" feature should be used.

// Description: If the "Burning FX Player" feature is used then a player will get dammage if the player is too close to any kind of burning object.

// Warning: If a player is very close to a burning object ( Car, Tank, House, Camp Fire ) then the player will start burning too.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [74, True];

// GL4 Crew FX:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Crew FX" feature should be used.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [75, True];

// Crew FX Chance:

// Choose the chance of how to use the "Crew FX" feature after a vehicle was destroyed.

// Description: After a vehicle was destroyed the "Crew FX" feature will randomly eject the crew of a destroyed vehicle and let them burn to dead.

// 0 - 100, default is 15%

GL4_Local set [76, 15];

// GL4 Backblast FX:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Backblast FX" feature should be used.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [77, True];

// Backblast FX Flash:

// Choose if the "Backblast FX Flash" feature should be used.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [78, True];

// Backblast FX Dammage:

// Choose if the "Backblast FX Damage" dammage feature should be used.

// Description: If a soldier is inside the "Backblast" angle then the soldier will get dammage from the "Backblast".

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [79, True];

// GL4 Artillery FX:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Artillery FX" feature should be used.

// Note: This feature require the "Shell FX" feature to reach the full range of intensity.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [80, True];

// Artillery FX Shock:

// Choose if the "Artillery FX Shock" feature should be used.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [81, True];

// GL4 Autumn FX:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Autumn FX" feature should be used.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [82, False];

// Autumn FX Interval:

// Choose the time interval in which the "Autumn FX" feature should be used.

// 0 - 300, default is 50

GL4_Local set [83, 50];

// GL4 Simulate Dead:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Simulate Dead" feature should be used.

// Note: This feature gives the player the ability to simulate dead if the player was hit by a enemy and if no allied are nearby.

// Warning: While a player do simulate dead there is a chancse that enemys do recognize the simulating player.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [84, True];

// Simulate Dead Allied Distance:

// Choose how far each allied of the player group must be away from the player that he get the ability to simulate dead.

// Note: If there are no units of the player group within this range to the player then the player will be able to simulate dead.

// 0 - 300, default is 100 meters

GL4_Local set [85, 100];

// GL4 Force Move: ( New )

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Force Move" feature should be used.

// Note: This feature gives the player the ability to force each units of his group to move to his position.

// Warning: After forcing units of a player group to move the units will totally ignore each enemy and/or dangerouse event.

// Info: After forcing units of a player group to move the only intrest of the units is to reach the players position as fast as possible.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Local set [86, True];

// GL4 Multiplayer Debug:

// ==============================================================

// Choose if the "Multiplayer Debug" should be used.

// Note: This debug requires the "Array Debug" in "GL4_Global" to be set to True.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [87, False];

And here High_Command.sqf:

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// GL4 v.1.1.75 High Command Settings

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// The GL4 High Command settings are stored in the global array GL4_High_Command.

// You can change settings of GL4 by editing the GL4_High_Command array.

// For each custom setting uncomment remove the "//" in front of the respective line and modify the value.

// GL4_High_Command set [ Index, Value ];

// In multiplayer all GL4_High_Command settings are used by every player individual and by the server.

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// GL4 High Command Reinforcement:

// ==============================================================

// High Command Reinforcement Default:

// Choose if the "High Command Reinforcement" feature should be initialized by default.

// Warning: The default initialize do not work in multiplayer.

// True / False, default is False

GL4_High_Command set [0, True];

// High Command Reinforcement Groups:

// Choose how many friendly A.I. groups can be requested as reinforcement at the same time.

// 0 - 30, default is 3

GL4_High_Command set [1, 3];

// High Command Reinforcement Distance:

// Choose the distance in which a player should be able to request reinforcement.

// 0 - 50000, default is 50000

GL4_High_Command set [2, 5000];

// High Command Reinforcement Map Marker:

// Choose if friendly A.I. groups should use/get a marker at the map.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_High_Command set [3, True];

// GL4 High Command Helicopter:

// ==============================================================

// High Command Helicopter Default:

// Choose if the "High Command Helicopter" feature should be initialized by default.

// Warning: The default initialize do not work in multiplayer.

// True / False, default is False

GL4_High_Command set [4, True];

// High Command Helicopter Groups:

// Choose how many friendly A.I. helicopters can be requested at the same time.

// 0 - 10, default is 2

GL4_High_Command set [5, 2];

// High Command Helicopter Distance:

// Choose the distance in which a player should be able to request helicopters.

// 0 - 50000, default is 50000

GL4_High_Command set [6, 10000];

// High Command Helicopter Map Marker:

// Choose if friendly A.I. helicopters should use/get a marker at the map.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_High_Command set [7, True];

// GL4 High Command Artillery:

// ==============================================================

// High Command Artillery Default:

// Choose if the "High Command Artillery" feature should be initialized by default.

// Warning: The default initialize do not work in multiplayer.

// True / False, default is False

GL4_High_Command set [8, True];

// High Command Artillery Request:

// Choose how much artillery can be requested by a player at the same time.

// 0 - 10, default is 3

GL4_High_Command set [9, 3];

// High Command Artillery Accuracy:

// Choose how accurate artillery will hit the target.

// 0 - 100, default is 50

GL4_High_Command set [10, 50];

// High Command Artillery Round:

// Choose how often artillery should fire per request.

// 0 - 10, default is 5

GL4_High_Command set [11, 5];

// High Command Artillery Ammo:

// Choose the artillery ammo.

// Available ammo classes: "Sh_105_HE", "Sh_120_HE", "Sh_120_SABOT", "Sh_122_HE", "Sh_125_HE", "Sh_125_SABOT", "Bomb", "Grenade"

// Default is "Sh_125_HE"

GL4_High_Command set [12, "Sh_125_HE"];

// High Command Artillery Fire Pause:

// Choose after which amount of time artillery should be available to be requested in again.

// 0 - 1000, default is 240

GL4_High_Command set [13, 300];

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@Ben Endless

Yes that's really true.

OFP / ArmA really is a kick ass game.

I too play since the commodore / amiga / atari ages but so far there was no game where you could do what you can do in OFP / ArmA.

You are free to do what ever you like to do it got weapons and pretty cool vehicles.

There is no fixed way you have to take and it's very atmospheric.

And yes HiFi really is kick ass. :D It changes the whole game.


Thanks for your feedback. :)

Would it be possible to make more specific orders to the AI to move to a place?

Yes it would be possible but this could be very tricky becouse enemy A.I. for example is local to the server in mp and A.I. in a player leaded group is local to the player group leader.

Would be realistic if the 0-8 high command features would only work with the HQ radio. I mean an physical addon which you would have to pick up.

Yes basically this was the plan.

I wanted to use a "Radio Backpack" which the unit could take and then use the "H.Q. Radio" feature with it but i have no skills to create a model.

Several times after I called reinforcements, the answer was stand by until it is confirmed. It never was.

Yes this is a known but of the latest version will be fixed in the next version.


Here are some examples:


// GL4 Default ( C.B.A. ) Initialize: ( New )
// ================================================== ============
// Choose if Group Link 4 should be initialized by using the Community Base AddOns.
// Note: Set this value to False to disable the "Community Base AddOns" initialize completly.
// True / False, default is True
GL4_Core set [0, True];

Why did you remove the "//" and set it to True? By default this variable will be set to True.

You don't need to do something to set it to True:


// GL4 Enemy A.I. Artillery:
// ================================================== ============
// Choose if enemy A.I. should be able to request artillery after a target was spotted.
// True / False, default is True
GL4_Global set [6, False];

This by default is True which means if you set it to False then this feature will be disabled.

That's really good. :)

Yours: ( Wrong )

// Weapons and Ammo listed in this array can heared by enemy A.I. within a range of 15 meters.
// Default: ["M4A1SD","MP5SD","M9SD","MakarovSD","B_556x45_SD", "RH_hk416sd","RH_hk416sdaim","RH_hk416sdeotech","R H_hk416sdgl","RH_hk416sdglaim","RH_hk416sdgleotech ","RH_m4sd","RH_m4sdaim","RH_m4sdacog","RH_m4sdeot ech","RH_m4sdgl","RH_m4sdglaim","RH_m4sdglacog","R H_m4sdgleotech","RH_mk12sd","RH_mk12mod1sd","RH_M4 sdaim_wdl","RH_M4sdgleotech_wdl""RH_bizonsd","RH_b izonsdk","RH_rk95sd","RH_rk95sdaim","RH_rk95sdag", "RH_aks74usd","RH_aks74uptsp","RH_aks74usdk","RH_a ks74upt","RH_aks74uptk","RH_oc14sd","RH_gr1sd","RH _oc14sdsp","RH_m1911sd","ACE_M110_SD","ACE_TAC50_S D ","ACE_UMP45_SD","ACE_USPSD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagS DSpr","RH_30Rnd_762x39_SDmag","64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon ","RH_20Rnd_9x39_SP6SD_mag","RH_30Rnd_762x39_SDmag ","30Rnd_545x39_AKSD","8Rnd_9x19_Mksd","15Rnd_9x19 _uspsd","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","FFAA_507x28_p90SD","ffa a_9x19_UMPSL","FFAA_9x19_pistolaSL","30Rnd_9x19_MP 5SD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","ACE_30Rnd_762x39_SD_ AK47","ACE_12Rnd_45ACP_USPSD","ACE_20Rnd_9x18_APSB "]
GL4_Global set [22, (GL4_Global select 22) + [] ];

Corrected: ( Right)

// Weapons and Ammo listed in this array can heared by enemy A.I. within a range of 15 meters.
// Default: ["M4A1SD","MP5SD","M9SD","MakarovSD","B_556x45_SD"]
GL4_Global set [22, (GL4_Global select 22) + ["RH_hk416sd","RH_hk416sdaim","RH_hk416sdeotech","R H_hk416sdgl","RH_hk416sdglaim","RH_hk416sdgleotech ","RH_m4sd","RH_m4sdaim","RH_m4sdacog","RH_m4sdeot ech","RH_m4sdgl","RH_m4sdglaim","RH_m4sdglacog","R H_m4sdgleotech","RH_mk12sd","RH_mk12mod1sd","RH_M4 sdaim_wdl","RH_M4sdgleotech_wdl""RH_bizonsd","RH_b izonsdk","RH_rk95sd","RH_rk95sdaim","RH_rk95sdag", "RH_aks74usd","RH_aks74uptsp","RH_aks74usdk","RH_a ks74upt","RH_aks74uptk","RH_oc14sd","RH_gr1sd","RH _oc14sdsp","RH_m1911sd","ACE_M110_SD","ACE_TAC50_S D ","ACE_UMP45_SD","ACE_USPSD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagS DSpr","RH_30Rnd_762x39_SDmag","64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon ","RH_20Rnd_9x39_SP6SD_mag","RH_30Rnd_762x39_SDmag ","30Rnd_545x39_AKSD","8Rnd_9x19_Mksd","15Rnd_9x19 _uspsd","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","FFAA_507x28_p90SD","ffa a_9x19_UMPSL","FFAA_9x19_pistolaSL","30Rnd_9x19_MP 5SD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","ACE_30Rnd_762x39_SD_ AK47","ACE_12Rnd_45ACP_USPSD","ACE_20Rnd_9x18_APSB "] ];

Another mistake: One weapon class has a empty space:

"R _hk416sdgl"

This do not work it have to be in one line without any empty spaces:


Another one:

Yours: ( Wrong )

// Muzzles and Ammo listed in this array can heared by enemy A.I. within a range of 50 meters.
// Default: ["M203Muzzle","GP25Muzzle","G_40mm_HE","G_30mm_HE", "1Rnd_HE_M203","1Rnd_HE_GP25","RH_1Rnd_30mm","1Rnd _Smoke_M203","1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203","1Rnd_SmokeGreen _M203","1Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203","ACE_40mm_Buck_M79" ,"ace_1rnd_cs_m203","FlareWhite_M203","FlareGreen_ M203","FlareRed_M203","FlareYellow_M203","ACE_Hunt IR_M203"]
GL4_Global set [23, (GL4_Global select 23) + [] ];

Corrected: ( Right)

// Muzzles and Ammo listed in this array can heared by enemy A.I. within a range of 50 meters.
// Default: ["M203Muzzle","GP25Muzzle","G_40mm_HE","G_30mm_HE"]
GL4_Global set [23, (GL4_Global select 23) + ["1Rnd_HE_M203","1Rnd_HE_GP25","RH_1Rnd_30mm","1Rnd _Smoke_M203","1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203","1Rnd_SmokeGreen _M203","1Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203","ACE_40mm_Buck_M79" ,"ace_1rnd_cs_m203","FlareWhite_M203","FlareGreen_ M203","FlareRed_M203","FlareYellow_M203","ACE_Hunt IR_M203"] ];

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SNKMAN can you please tell me a fix for this

Error in expression <.35], "commanding", [0.75, 0.25] ]


["RU_Soldier_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy",>

Error position: <["RU_Soldier_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy",>

Error Missing ;

i cant figure out wich file is...

i get this everytime i start the editor and the game


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  // Skill Types Example:
 // ==============================================================
 ["RU_Soldier_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.75, 0.25], "aimingShake", [0.75, 0.25], "spotDistance", [0.75, 0.25] ],
  "USMC_SoldierS_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.75, 0.25], "aimingShake", [0.75, 0.25], "spotDistance", [0.75, 0.25] ],
  "PRIVATE", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.10, 0.10], "aimingShake", [0.10, 0.10], "commanding", [0.35, 0.35] ],
  "CORPORAL", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.15, 0.15], "aimingShake", [0.15, 0.15], "commanding", [0.50, 0.50] ],
  "CAPTAIN", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.35, 0.35], "aimingShake", [0.35, 0.35], "commanding", [0.75, 0.25] ]

 // Skill Types Default:
 // ==============================================================
 ["RU_Soldier_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.75, 0.25], "aimingShake", [0.75, 0.25], "spotDistance", [0.75, 0.25] ],
  "USMC_SoldierS_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.75, 0.25], "aimingShake", [0.75, 0.25], "spotDistance", [0.75, 0.25] ]

Replace / Overwrite it with:

  // Skill Types Example:
 // ==============================================================
 ["RU_Soldier_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.75, 0.25], "aimingShake", [0.75, 0.25], "spotDistance", [0.75, 0.25] ],
  "USMC_SoldierS_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.75, 0.25], "aimingShake", [0.75, 0.25], "spotDistance", [0.75, 0.25] ],
  "PRIVATE", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.10, 0.10], "aimingShake", [0.10, 0.10], "commanding", [0.35, 0.35] ],
  "CORPORAL", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.15, 0.15], "aimingShake", [0.15, 0.15], "commanding", [0.50, 0.50] ],
  "CAPTAIN", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.35, 0.35], "aimingShake", [0.35, 0.35], "commanding", [0.75, 0.25] ]

 // Skill Types Default:
 // ==============================================================
 ["RU_Soldier_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.75, 0.25], "aimingShake", [0.75, 0.25], "spotDistance", [0.75, 0.25] ],
  "USMC_SoldierS_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.75, 0.25], "aimingShake", [0.75, 0.25], "spotDistance", [0.75, 0.25] ]

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ok thanks i will fix that and i got another one..

Error in expression <his select 0;
_b = _this select 1;

if (local _a) then
if (typeName _b == "Arr>
 Error position: <local _a) then
if (typeName _b == "Arr>
 Error local: Type Number, expected Object
File GL4_System\GL4\GL4_Features\GL4_HC_Reinforcement\GL4_HC_Reinforcement_Map.sqf, line 12

this is when i sync me and a squad with the Reinforcements Module, it stops here at this error

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Hello again SNKMAN and thank you for the quick help with my customized advancing lists.

Regarding the other issues: I find it easier to maintain my .sqf files if I remove EACH and ANY // marks so I do only have to worry about setting numbers or setting "True" and "False" flags. This relieves me from checking a) is value in default mode and b) was default mode "enabled" or "disabled" for that feature.

Still, after some testing I made an interesting discovery: The same .sqf settings yield different results in campaign missions (Chesty Puller, ST6) than in SP missions (BIS and some usermade ones like Ebony Gryphon or those converted OFP missions like Heavy Metal and Commander).

While the enemies AREN'T marked in campaign missions, they ARE in the SP missions.

While Radio Chatter is OFF (that's what I made it in the .sqf) in the campaign missions, it's ON in the SP missions. Plus I cannot use the NUMPAD keys for volume, although they should work by default.

Although set to "True", I do not get HQ options in campaign missions. On the other hand, I can enable or disable the HQ Features in SP missions via setting them to "False" or "True".

To me it seems I cannot change every setting from what was originally defined as the default.

Hope that gives some directions,


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Hi. How can I disable enemy group markers that are showing on the map? Very good mod :)

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Just to check it, I started the 3rd of the ST6 campaigns fresh - boom, same behaviour as in SP missions.

While Chesty Puller campaign and ST6 2 were started with GL4 1.1.37 and didn't show the markers even after the 1.1.75 update, the ST6 3 campaign started freshly with GL4 1.1.75 showed them up although I had them set to false like seen in the sqf files I posted here.

Well, hopefully some easy trick will help here,


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Wel i really have no clue what happend with your Group Link 4 but there seriously is something wrong.

The setting and values do work all correctly.

There should not be any different if you play SP or a campain becouse Group Link 4 is initialized the same way.

So there really is something wrong.

Where have you changed the settings? in the "UserConfig\GL4\" folder?

Do you use C.B.A. or do you initialize Group Link 4 with modules?

Hmm... thats really strange becouse scripts aren't dynamic they always do the same.


Go to "UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Global.sqf" and remove the "//" in front of "(GL4_Global select 58) set [0, False];"

Should then look like this:

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Map Marker Debug:
// ================================================== ============
// Choose if the "Map Marker Debug" should be used.
// Note: This debug creates a marker at the map for each enemy A.I. group and gives several informations about the group behaviour and moving direction.
// True / False, default is True
(GL4_Global select 58) set [0, False];

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Excellent new version!!!

The one question I have is the Friendly Module? IN mission friendly when you load up you get error saying friendly_GL4 has been deleted and I do not see it in module menue.

I scanned through past pages and did not see a reference.

Any tips on how to fix this error are appreciated.

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Excellent new version!!!

The one question I have is the Friendly Module? IN mission friendly when you load up you get error saying friendly_GL4 has been deleted and I do not see it in module menue.

I scanned through past pages and did not see a reference.

Any tips on how to fix this error are appreciated.

I think the mission is just outdated and uses a gamelogic instead of a module.

Just an idea.. activate HQ radio on unit x(not specop) at missionstart

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Changed: "Group Link 4: Friendly" module to "Group Link 4: High Command Reinforcement".

The "Friendly" module do not exist any longer it has been changed to "Group Link 4: High Command Reinforcement".

Thats why you get this error.


In the mission go with the mouse over the position where the "Group Link 4: Friendly" module was placed and press delete.

Now you can re-set your friendly A.I. Reinforcement by using the "Group Link 4: High Command Reinforcement" module.

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Some strange behaviour with the H.C. Helicopter. In the mission 4 of the seal team six campaign, eagle claw, I requested a helicopter. I was granted the helicopter, but no icon in the AI buddies appeared. I mean F6 for example or whatever. In the status it told that I (my group) is the helicopter...distance to me was 0. Then I requested again a helo and guess what happened?

I got an enemy chopper under my control! The marker was blue though...it was an MI17. It crashed, he he. Then I requested again a helo, and then got another blackhawk under my control which was working ok. For the first one I never got an icon to control and it didnt obey any order like fly high low or land. Any idea what this is?

PS. There is another problem with GL4 too: When the mission designer adds action menu entries, like air support in this mission and GL4 is adding action menu entries, then the ones from the mission designer get overwritten or something. After calling the chopper via 0-8 I lost the air support in the action menu.

Edited by Kroky

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Yeah well i think you are using the "Default" initialize of the "High Command" features. Right?

May there is something wrong with the friendly detection of the "Default" initialize. But it should be fine...

Well i will check it. ;)

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