CaptainBravo 0 Posted February 23, 2010 in init_upsmon.sqf there is a variable KRON_UPS_Debug//Enable messages and position marks. KRON_UPS_Debug = 1; //Disable messages and position marks KRON_UPS_Debug = 0; Thanks. I got it working. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monsada 10 Posted February 23, 2010 Hi bardosy, this seems you are not executing init_upsmon in init.sqf as I explain in main post. try to put this in init.sqf and only in init.sqf //Init UPSMON scritp call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf"; if it not solves the problem send me your mision by email to check it. [email protected] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bardosy 158 Posted February 23, 2010 (edited) I completly copied your init.sqf from your mission to mine. And - as I discovered this init.sqf - it uses that line. The only problem could be - but I don't think so - ArmA2 run just one init file... Because I use init.SQS too. I guess ArmA2 have to run both init.sqs and init.sqf. Edited February 23, 2010 by bardosy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monsada 10 Posted February 23, 2010 hola monsada, me lleve una grata sorpresa hace poco, hice una mision en razani, y puse varias casas con el editor, la sorpresa fue que al ponerle el parametro "fortify", la patrulla cogio los puestos dentro de ellas :D , con el UPS normal eso no pasaba, no funcionaba con las casas puestas del editor.y aca te hago una sugerencia. es posible hacer algo que haga que la AI al darle el parametro "nomove" sin el "fortify" verifique si dentro de su rango hay algun objeto con el cual curbrirse y asi evitar que queden parados y estaticos en medio de la nada ? ... tomalo como casas que no son habitables (que se ubiquen pegados a ellas) , vehiculos, torres, paredes, etc.... muy dificil ? la idea seria simplemente agregarlo al "nomove" dentro de un rango obviamente que verifiquen eso :D saludos wn :D Hola Mini, eso lo hace automáticamente la IA normal cuando detecta al enemigo, respecto lo de que se ubiquen pegados a las casas q no son habitables,no puedo indicarles que se aproximen ya que no tienen posiciones. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted February 23, 2010 hola monsada, me lleve una grata sorpresa hace poco, hice una mision en razani, y puse varias casas con el editor, la sorpresa fue que al ponerle el parametro "fortify", la patrulla cogio los puestos dentro de ellas :D , con el UPS normal eso no pasaba, no funcionaba con las casas puestas del editor.y aca te hago una sugerencia. es posible hacer algo que haga que la AI al darle el parametro "nomove" sin el "fortify" verifique si dentro de su rango hay algun objeto con el cual curbrirse y asi evitar que queden parados y estaticos en medio de la nada ? ... tomalo como casas que no son habitables (que se ubiquen pegados a ellas) , vehiculos, torres, paredes, etc.... muy dificil ? la idea seria simplemente agregarlo al "nomove" dentro de un rango obviamente que verifiquen eso :D saludos wn :D Hola Mini, eso lo hace automáticamente la IA normal cuando detecta al enemigo, respecto lo de que se ubiquen pegados a las casas q no son habitables,no puedo indicarles que se aproximen ya que no tienen posiciones. Now what does this discussion say? It would be nice to be able to read the question/answer in case one of us has the same question. Not the place for that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monsada 10 Posted February 23, 2010 Minimalaco would like to know if was posible to make "NOMOVE"squads to aproach buildings that haven't positions inside. I answered him that is not posible, I need positions in buildings to aproach and not aply either because AI does that automatically when enemy is known. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thedudeabides 40 Posted February 23, 2010 Monsada, I am new at using your script and am having a hard time with Spanish. I am using your script for my mission. I placed a empty Hind D just as part of a Russian Camp. My problem is, when we come into the area, the helicopter is flying and dudes start jumping out like it is Red Dawn. I used Random for the patroling Russians and fortify for the Camp Guards. How do I turn off the helicopters and the paratroopers? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monsada 10 Posted February 24, 2010 (edited) Monsada, I am new at using your script and am having a hard time with Spanish. I am using your script for my mission. I placed a empty Hind D just as part of a Russian Camp. My problem is, when we come into the area, the helicopter is flying and dudes start jumping out like it is Red Dawn. I used Random for the patroling Russians and fortify for the Camp Guards. How do I turn off the helicopters and the paratroopers? Hi Ramadi, Sorry, but I don't understand very well your question, you want paratroopers not to get out of hely? or not to get in hely? AI will use vehicles if they are far from next objective, which squad are get in the Hely? I supose that does the patroling squad, maybe the patrol area is so big, if distance to move is more than 600 m they will search for a vehicle. you may lock the hely in the editor or reduce the dimensions of mark, aswell u can increase KRON_UPS_safedist or KRON_UPS_CLOUSENOUGH or both in init_upsmon.sqf, the sum of these (600) is the distance considered close, if distance to objective is greater than that then AI looks for vehicles. maybe I would have to add a global variable for controling that. KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist = 800. So u can put here the parameter that fits your mission. Edited February 24, 2010 by Monsada Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thedudeabides 40 Posted February 24, 2010 Thanks, you answered my question. The patrol area is pretty big, so that is why they get in the helo. I will just lock it in the editor. Love your script though. It is a big time saver. Keep up the good work. Adios Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monsada 10 Posted February 24, 2010 (edited) thanks Ramadi, Now I'm working in a system for surrender AI, all squads in UPSMON forms an army, so when debilited so much they will surrender, throwing weapons and raising arms. For knowing when AI has been surrended there will be these variables KRON_UPS_EAST_SURRENDED KRON_UPS_WEST_SURRENDED KRON_UPS_GUER_SURRENDED these will be informed to true when army of that side has been surrended and you will chek it for ending your mission. in this new version I will add variable KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist = 800 for avoiding that problem in big areas. Edited February 24, 2010 by Monsada Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MadMike-Brig2010- 10 Posted February 24, 2010 @Monsada "KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist = 800" and "KRON_UPS_XXX_SURRENDED" sounds like another great feature in your script! Cant wait! :) One question: In some missions i downloaded with your script used stands in the init of the leader "nul=[this,"town", "move","reinforcement", "delete:",600] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";" and in other missions stands this "nul=[this,"town", "move","reinforcement", "delete:",600] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf" spawn Upsmon;". Where is the difference between with or without "spawn Upsmon"? And sometimes (mostly in the init of vehicles) stands: "UPSMON = compile preprocessFile "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; nul=[this,"town", "move","reinforcement", "delete:",600] spawn Upsmon; Why is there a "UPSMON = compile preprocessFile "scripts\UPSMON.sqf";" in front and what does it do? Hope you understand me again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monsada 10 Posted February 24, 2010 Hi Madmike, nul=[this,"town", "move","reinforcement", "delete:",600] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf and UPSMON = compile preprocessFile "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; nul=[this,"town", "move","reinforcement", "delete:",600] spawn Upsmon; Are exactly the same. Last one was a test I did for check calling upsmon in a new thread as spawn does, but in the experiment I did not notice any diference, so u can exec UPSMON as always does :o Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MadMike-Brig2010- 10 Posted February 24, 2010 ok - thanks again my friend. When do you think the new version of UPSMON is ready? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
galzohar 31 Posted February 24, 2010 Yes they are the same, the only difference is that the second one will save the script into the variable UPSMON, and unless you intend to ever use that variable again there is no point storing it there. In general storing a script in a variable once and then just spawning that code instead of reading the script file helps performance, but to do that you would have to make sure the variable is defined before you use it which causes all new kinds of (usually unnecessary) complications, and in addition if there is an error you will not know what line in the .sqf file caused it because from the engine's perspective it is a compiled script variable and not an actual file. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MadMike-Brig2010- 10 Posted February 24, 2010 ok. thanks galzohar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monsada 10 Posted February 24, 2010 Yes they are the same, the only difference is that the second one will save the script into the variable UPSMON, and unless you intend to ever use that variable again there is no point storing it there. In general storing a script in a variable once and then just spawning that code instead of reading the script file helps performance, but to do that you would have to make sure the variable is defined before you use it which causes all new kinds of (usually unnecessary) complications, and in addition if there is an error you will not know what line in the .sqf file caused it because from the engine's perspective it is a compiled script variable and not an actual file. better explain is imposible ---------- Post added at 05:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:37 PM ---------- ok - thanks again my friend. When do you think the new version of UPSMON is ready? soon my friend, I espect will be released soon. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MadMike-Brig2010- 10 Posted February 24, 2010 sounds good... ;-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr.g-c 6 Posted February 25, 2010 Allright, Monsada your enhancements over the original UPS are superb. Nothing less, if then even more! It combines the original purpose of Urban patrol Script with Group-Link (2/3/4) style features and still stays as a script, which is perfect for MP compatiblity. Furthermore after excessive testing, it runs verrrrry performance friendly, at least i had no noticeable FPS difference when placing some 75+ AIs with or without the script running. Alright, but i have a couple of suggestions to make (and some possible bugs to report) which would further enhance this baby. All suggestions are doable theoretically AFAIK (i also have some scripting experience, so i think i would find a way). 1. First of all, get some project-space down at! I'm sure Sickboy or any other of its managers would gladly help you with it. It is very easy and much better then to keep overview over bug-reports, suggestions and whatnot else :D Sorry, i tried to bring the issues into this post with proper "Observed - Repro - Expected" Steps, but this will clutter the post(s) totally.... Can you confirm or deny that you will get project Space at devheaven? Because if not i try to format it different and spread the issues and suggestions over multiple post here. Thank you Monsada! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monsada 10 Posted February 25, 2010 Hi mr.g-c I uknown about, who can explain me how to make a project there? sickboy? what means developing in dev-heaven? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr.g-c 6 Posted February 25, 2010 Hi mr.g-cI uknown about, who can explain me how to make a project there? sickboy? Yes ask Sickboy or Kju. Dev-heaven offers you a full own "Issue-Tracker" System for bug/feature-request/support/etc Tickets. This is for better overview and makes developing from the organizing point of view much easier (IMHO). You can also have there a own Forum, Wiki-Space to write down instructions and examples how to use your great script, and so on. For example: Also the Arma2 Issue-Tracker is located there... look here: It has only advantages :D Best thing is to register an account over there and then ask Sickboy, Kju or whoever else is in the management. what means developing in dev-heaven? I don't understand what you mean? Dev-heaven is not a programming languge or something.... :confused: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monsada 10 Posted February 25, 2010 You answered me, I have sent a mail to sickboy to explain me if is posible to get a space for UPSMON project. Thanks for the info mr.g-c Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oldy41 61 Posted February 25, 2010 Thanks Monsada, UPSMON is absolutely great! I set up a few quick missions, and it really helps in making dynamic missions with very high replay fun factor :) One question: Did anyone test, how it interferes or with GL4 AI enhancements? Some of the features like flanking are included in both mods. E.g. I am not sure, whether GL4 considers groups running UPSMON as static? I used both together, and did not really observe problems, but it would be good to know, what really happens. Thanks for any help A. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monsada 10 Posted February 25, 2010 Thanks Monsada, UPSMON is absolutely great! I set up a few quick missions, and it really helps in making dynamic missions with very high replay fun factor :)One question: Did anyone test, how it interferes or with GL4 AI enhancements? Some of the features like flanking are included in both mods. E.g. I am not sure, whether GL4 considers groups running UPSMON as static? I used both together, and did not really observe problems, but it would be good to know, what really happens. Thanks for any help A. Hi oldy41, I don't know about GL4 but I can tell u about UPSMON. UPSMON only uses waypoints for moving squads and direct orders to soldiers from leader to make using of enviroment. Things you must know: -any waypoints put in UPSMON squads will be updated by UPSMON script. so if any script adds waypoints on squad leader they will get in troubles with UPSMON. litle example, "fortify" squads uses "hold" waypoints, if another script creates a waypoint of move squad, may be change actual waypoint of guard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
katipo66 94 Posted February 25, 2010 You answered me, I have sent a mail to sickboy to explain me if is posible to get a space for UPSMON project.Thanks for the info mr.g-c Would the updates still be available for easy download? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr.g-c 6 Posted February 25, 2010 Would the updates still be available for easy download? I think so.... Why shouldn't they? I don't think there is a general "need" to use the Six-Updater System, if you want to allude into that direction :p And neither would it makes sense, since its "only" a script... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites