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UPSMON - Urban Patrol Script Mon

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ok - i have sent you the complete mission.

thx again!!

No UPSMON in the mision u sended me :confused: I put ups and runs ok.

I think u sended me an incorrect mission. Please don't make me waste my time. Send me a mission in wich I can see the problem easy no need complete mision.

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New version 5.0.1 released

MadMike.48th has a very good idea and told me to implement multiple reinfocement squads, thanks MadMike. Im uploading a video to show u how new functions "fortify" and "reinforcement:",1 runs, be aware

//Version: 5.0.1

// Added

// Mulitiple reinforcement reinforcement:x, now you can put an id of reinforcement for calling only this groups later:

// nul=[this,"town", "move","reinforcement:",1, "delete:",600] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

// nul=[this,"town", "move","reinforcement:",2, "delete:",600] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

// Modified:

// Fixed fortify squads don't get defence positions until known enemys

// Fortify squads leave fortify status when called for reinforcement




Edited by Monsada
adding video

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Great Work. And a BIG THANKS again for implementing this great feature!!! It´s a very useful script for mission making.

Edited by MadMike[Brig2010]

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seems that megaupload takes a long time to activate link, in main post there are two links for download, now are ok.

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buenas monsada, una cosa que seria buena implementar, algun parametro que haga mover a las patrullas, pero no puedan ir de refuerzos, por que lo que tengo entendido es que al darle el parametro "move" este aunque no tenga el "reinforcements" acude igual a reforzar no ?

esa seria bueno. asi nos evitamos tener que ponerle "nomove" y dejen toda la zona del marcador descubierto :S

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Maybe this is a stupid question but if I call reinforcements, where do the reinforcements go? Sorry, I'm kinda of new to this and there's a lot to absorb. I see the groups defined as reinforcements 1, 2 etc but will they go to the marker when called?

Edited by nuggetz

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Reinforcement units will go to the point where the enemy has detected you.

Ok, but I called in the reinforcement via radio trigger and the enemy hasn't detected me yet. In that case, where will the reinforcements go?

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Ok, but I called in the reinforcement via radio trigger and the enemy hasn't detected me yet. In that case, where will the reinforcements go?

If no enemy known squads Will go no no where else. Think at the situation, all squad gets a call by radio for getting reinforcement, then they ask, where is the enemy position? and answer, no there is no enemy. Nobody will go for this call.

Minimalaco si tu no pides refuerzos "kron_ups_reinforcement=true" las unidades sin el parámetro "reinforcement" no acudiran a la llamada, otra cosa es que se encuentren dentro del radio de influencia y por su naturaleza movil acudan para atacar al enemigo. Lo que puedes hacer es reducir el área de influencia "kron_ups_sharedist" puedes bajarlo de 1500 metros a 1000, pero no recomiendo bajarlo mucho más o se perderán otras funcionalidades.

If reinforcements are called "kron_ups_reinforcement=true" only units with reinforcement will go to atack enemy at enemy position. If u have units with "move" parameters and without reinforcement only will engage enemy if is in his inflence dist "kron_ups_sharedist". If u fell this área is so high u can reduce it, but dont recoment downloading less than 1000 for no losing other functionalities.

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I assume because of this:

KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [east];

That both sides cant run upsmon - limited to one side only?

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I assume because of this:

KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [east];

That both sides cant run upsmon - limited to one side only?

KRON_UPS_Res_enemy is a parameter for resistance squads.

u need to especify the enemy of UPSMON resistance squads.

In editor u can put east or opfor, west or bluefor and independent or resistance squads. If u put resistance squads u must especify wich one is resistance enemy:

KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [east];


KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [west];


KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [east,west];

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Excellent work! The only thing needed is artillery. AI spots you and calls in artillery.

How do u spect will run artillery? may explain a detail example?

when u say artillery this means that AI needs a static weapon no? if is it ok, I will say that am working on implementation for AI using static weapons on battle field.

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I don't really get this example mission. How do I set this up for the enemy to call the reinforcements?

Also when I call the reinforcements and the guys get in the truck(I assume these are the reinforcements.) it takes forever for the driver to get to the drop off point. He doesn't take the roads and prefers to drive off road. I know the AI driving is bad but that is terrible. Do more wp's need to be added?

I understand most stuff in the readme but the way the mission is setup confuses me. Can you make one that uses all the features but have it set up for the enemy side defending.

Also one of the guys in the mission keeps getting hurt at mission start so he wouldn't enter the truck and the truck wouldn't move. I had to move the players group just a bit to stop this from happening.

Edited by Manzilla

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I don't really get this example mission. How do I set this up for the enemy to call the reinforcements?

Also when I call the reinforcements and the guys get in the truck(I assume these are the reinforcements.) it takes forever for the driver to get to the drop off point. He doesn't take the roads and prefers to drive off road. I know the AI driving is bad but that is terrible. Do more wp's need to be added?

I understand most stuff in the readme but the way the mission is setup confuses me. Can you make one that uses all the features but have it set up for the enemy side defending.

Also one of the guys in the mission keeps getting hurt at mission start so he wouldn't enter the truck and the truck wouldn't move. I had to move the players group just a bit to stop this from happening.

Hi Manzilla,

for calling reinforcements all u need is to set true the variable u want KRON_UPS_reinforcement1 for groups with paramenter "reinforcement",1

KRON_UPS_reinforcement2 for groups with paramenter "reinforcement",2

KRON_UPS_reinforcement3 for groups with paramenter "reinforcement",3


or KRON_UPS_reinforcement for all groups and all ones with parameter "reinforcement".

for truck movement AI uses careles if far away of enemy or AWARE for avoiding roads if near. No waypoints will solve this.

When getin in a vehicle low level commands of arma waits until all are inside. No way to solve this, this does arma by default. If driver is not inside, when pased a minute another soldier takes driver and goes on leaving people not inside.

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Will this script be able to (or have an option to) make transport helicopters unload their troops at the patrol area regardless of enemy detection? I want to spawn helicopters far away and then send them to patrol in a small town by dropping off their troops somewhere in the area and then flying around supporting them while they patrol on the ground. Also I need to have similar behavior for trucks and APCs.

Currently with the original UPS the helicopters will only unload their teams if they make enemy contact (same as when not using any scripts).

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Will this script be able to (or have an option to) make transport helicopters unload their troops at the patrol area regardless of enemy detection? I want to spawn helicopters far away and then send them to patrol in a small town by dropping off their troops somewhere in the area and then flying around supporting them while they patrol on the ground. Also I need to have similar behavior for trucks and APCs.

Currently with the original UPS the helicopters will only unload their teams if they make enemy contact (same as when not using any scripts).

I will implement this on next review.

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How do u spect will run artillery? may explain a detail example?

when u say artillery this means that AI needs a static weapon no? if is it ok, I will say that am working on implementation for AI using static weapons on battle field.

Hey Monsada:

Artillery I mean static artillery that AI will use when enemy is spotted.

Perhaps a priority can be given to targets, armor highest priority then light vehicles then infantry with a small inaccuracy to add suspense.

Great work over all!

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New version released: 5.0.2

Changes in version:

//Version: 5.0.2

// Added

// KRON_UPS_useStatics, enables AI to use Static weapons.

// KRON_UPS_useMines, enables AI to put mines when enemy armored vehicles near

// Now vehicles can be used for patrol, not only with target.

// Modified:

// Fixed Bug that do not sent reinforcement if parameter "reinforcement"

// Fixed bug with random 1 ocasiolly has been returned more than 1.

// Fixed bug that eventually do not change dead leader


From CHS: http://www.simulacion-esp.com/v3/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=1448

Megaupload: UPSMON.RAR


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I really liked! Always use in my mission! Thank you!

But how to change the zone patrols?

Patrol zone "town1" and how to patrol the new zone "town2"?

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I really liked! Always use in my mission! Thank you!

But how to change the zone patrols?

Patrol zone "town1" and how to patrol the new zone "town2"?

Hi Pioneer I like u like it, it means my work is well done.

About patrols canot be changed, sorry, but u could define diferent patrol squads but each one in his zone.

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