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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta!

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I use ARMA2 launcher to launch the game and I selected the ace mods. The game start correctly without errors but when I tried to start the mission, (NOT LOAD), it seems goes fine but at the end of scrolling bar an error occure (acex_c_men_usarmy file missing or deleted) and I'm back at selection mission menu.

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ACE is still under beta now guys and is being updated almost on a daily basis with elements being included and taken out all the time. As such, please try not to play long campaigns or missions with ACE which you see yourself saving and then coming back another day to resume as it may not be compatible with the new updates.

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ACE is still under beta now guys and is being updated almost on a daily basis with elements being included and taken out all the time. As such, please try not to play long campaigns or missions with ACE which you see yourself saving and then coming back another day to resume as it may not be compatible with the new updates.

I agree, however my saves that I am getting freezes on are all from 10 minutes ago. I have been tyring figure out what the problem is for 2 hours now, none of my load saves that are crashing are from prior versions of anything. Unless all the SP player missions currently available for ACE are incompatable with in game saves there may be a bug?

Edited by stevedrumsdw

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@Steve, I made a quick research on this error elsewhere in this forum and it seems like in this latest update, there is no way to save SP games at all. I will test it out and let you guys know my results. If verified, I will put up a bug tracker.

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@Steve, I made a quick research on this error elsewhere in this forum and it seems like in this latest update, there is no way to save SP games at all. I will test it out and let you guys know my results. If verified, I will put up a bug tracker.

Thanks man,:), hope the the team can solve it, I am caught in a brutal winter storm right now on the east coast in old America, boredom may set in:D

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Ok, after a brief testing, it seems like it happens only with missions that are "Made for ACE" in prior updates. I tested with normal SP missions like Devil's Peak and they resumed correctly. Only those Made for ACE ones like Road to Freedom didn't.

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Ok, after a brief testing, it seems like it happens only with missions that are "Made for ACE" in prior updates. I tested with normal SP missions like Devil's Peak and they resumed correctly. Only those Made for ACE ones like Road to Freedom didn't.

I tried it with sick's seal team 1 and 2 campaigns and it did it there as well, not sure if that means a whole lot though.

OK. I tried a bunch of vanilla missions from the game and those crashed as well when loading a saved game, tried devils peak with ACE mods and could not load a save in game or out of game.....hum?? I have tried many missions with mods or vanilla ones and can't load a saved game. well you got devils peak to resume, means somethings wrong with my files I guess?

Edited by stevedrumsdw

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@Steve, you are right. Devil's Peak loaded for me with restart of the game and without restart of the game perfectly... this bug looks pretty random... some people get it some don't... weird. Sorry, can't help.

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Tried to remove and reinstall ACE2 addons. Now game won't even start because of this error:" include file x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_common.hpp not found" . What's wrong now? I'm going crazy...

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About saved games. It's always a good idea to delete and not use old saves whenever an update or change have been made to a game or mod. The different versions can cause problems.

And if there is a problem with saving and loading games when using the same version as when first starting the mission, make a bug report at the proper place and it will be fixed.

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Sorted out. It was something with the launcher. Tried to start game with the string and everything goes fine. Apart from voices in mission. They are missing... don't know if its concerning only single missions I downloaded.

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Re Updater Skipping Mods;

This is a new feature. Autoskip is a checkbox on the Mainpage in the web-client.

When enabled, all mods who's versionnumber matches the online versionnumber, will be set to 'skip'.

If you do not want this behaviour, uncheck the checkbox, hit "Reset skip status", and execute/save once.

Future runs, like '2' in the launcher, will then run as before.

The autoskip feature massively speeds up the update process, when modversions match, especially with a lot of mods, so please do consider the feature seriously :D

Re the install process;

For those who want the easy way out, there's; http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/ace-mod2/Lazy

A 1.00 version might arrive as official setup, but otherwise 3rd parties are providing alternative means.

Re the warning about beta in updater;

I will improve on the warning, but it's mostly to warn people who are getting the shader error over and over, that it is because of mismatching exe / shader caused by incorrect mods/exe settings :)

Re missions becoming incompatible;

Please report these incompatibilities when possible. We strive to not break existing missions, even during development, altough it is not always possible.

Am I correct in assuming that these issues were mostly due to the updated /removed addonnames during the split to @ACEX_SM ?

Re MP Server/Client crashes;

Our latest reports indicate that these are largely resolved, with the latest ACE updates and Official ArmA 2 Beta patch.

Re the crashing when saving/loading;

Does this happen with or without the official ArmA 2 beta loaded?

I know this is a little cumbersome, but could you test it without ACEX and ACEX_SM ? Interesting would be to know if it also happens with only CBA loaded.

If that doesn't change anything, it would be extremely helpful if you guys could move 5-10 ace_sys_* or ace_c_* addons away at a time, until the problem goes away.

If the problem is gone, if you report the addons you moved away last, this will speed up the tracing/solving very much.

Savegame crash Ticket; please attach rpts and details with reports.

Re custom soundmods not working, even when ACE_SM is disabled;

Please setup a ticket with your rpt.

Edited by Sickboy

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Can anybody tell why the ACE keys that require pressing 2 buttons (SHIFT + SPACE for weapon resting) aren't working for me? The one-button, like the NV adjust, work just fine

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hi all i need advise im trying to get my man to fire on a specific target even when it aint a enemy/threat like a building or a tree etc.

i was trying to do this when he was in a morter or even with his weapon? is this poss and i dont mean the supress option.

cheers all

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Was the latest update meant to fix the sound bug for the Viper? because mine still has no sound after the update...

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Hello, I have a question regarding helicopters in singleplayer.

I tried search for it in this thread but the only thing I found was an unanswered question by Petek "Issue a target" or something like that.

Question: When player is a pilot in a helicopter, the co-pilot (gunner) doesn't seem to engage armor. You can issue an target order for the co-pilot, which results in him firing the cannon at the target. How do you make the AI switch to Hellfire without using "Manual Fire" option? Is it possible?

If you have a helo which is flown by AI pilots, it engage targets as it is supposed to.

Or have I missed something critical?

I'm truly sorry if this have been mentioning several times in those 332 pages, but the search function didn't come up with anything good.

Best regards

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Massive thread and lots of tickets ... so .....

Has anyone had issues firing the HuntIR round? It doesn't seem consistent, always it explodes like a M203 round before deploying (in stealth situations that's not right im guessing). Also its ad-hock that the round will deploy a HuntIR in the gear, or it will simply be a m203 round .. even though in gear its a HuntIR round for the next 4 m203 rounds on reload.

I can ticket this but was interested if people having it working perfectly. I have the latest update synced and running. I can ticket this, but again I just would like to see if someone has it running flawlessly every time. Maybe an update (for ticket) would be to show it as HunIR round in the list when you select "f" to scroll through gear instead of it reading as m203 (or is it supposed to read as m203 anyway?).

Ok realised my problem ... use the "action menu" to load HuntIR rounds.

Something to help sound issues

Make sure once you have updated with the new update including the "ACE_SM" folder that you don't have "_sound_" PBO's still sat in you "ACEX" folder. When I updated, all worked ok but the original sound ACEX pbos were not removed, (I thought I had manually done it but didn't). This caused no weapon fire/reloads and missing on/off sound issues if you dont remove the old ones. I use Yomas update, I guess it doesn't look for the old ones to delete or had an error removing them? Anyway just thought Id report it.

BTW to Sickboy and the crew id like to say a massive thanks to you guys and the way this mod is deployed + Yoma. I think the dust is starting to settle getting the sync converts on side (me for one) and its by far the best method. Your making leaps and bounds with this all the time for free so much respect for that chaps. I can see how this thread can become a "facepalm torrets" session sometimes LOL :)

Edited by mrcash2009

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OK< guys, I ahve seroius troubel.

This topic a to long to search for any bugs releated to gas maks. My problem is that it should work, but I cant use any masks :(

Here is cut from @ACE/userconfig/ace_clientside_config:

FEATURES: Lets you choose different glasses
TO ENABLE: Please ADD your Player Profile here + Your name
class Identity
name = "SaSTrooP";


////////--E D I T below THIS LINE--//////////*/
class Identity
name = "SaSTrooP";


And here's cut from Arma 2/userconfig/Ace/ace_clientside_config:

FEATURES: Lets you choose different glasses
TO ENABLE: Please ADD your Player Profile here + Your name
class Identity
name = "SaSTrooP";


class Identity
name = "SaSTrooP";


And here's header from SaSTrooP.arma2profile:

class Identity

ACE2 just ignore it. What should I do to fix all head wear? I am really out of ideas.

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Can the simple miss-match of everything in client profile but the "name" field cause ace to ignore? They are the only things that don't seem to be the exact same thing, trivial and I guess not, but maybe? Is the name field the main link ... or does it have to be "exact" to profile?

Edited by mrcash2009

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OK< guys, I ahve seroius troubel.

This topic a to long to search for any bugs releated to gas maks. My problem is that it should work, but I cant use any masks :(

Here is cut from @ACE/userconfig/ace_clientside_config:

FEATURES: Lets you choose different glasses
TO ENABLE: Please ADD your Player Profile here + Your name
class Identity
name = "SaSTrooP";


////////--E D I T below THIS LINE--//////////*/
class Identity
name = "SaSTrooP";


And here's cut from Arma 2/userconfig/Ace/ace_clientside_config:

FEATURES: Lets you choose different glasses
TO ENABLE: Please ADD your Player Profile here + Your name
class Identity
name = "SaSTrooP";


class Identity
name = "SaSTrooP";


And here's header from SaSTrooP.arma2profile:

class Identity

ACE2 just ignore it. What should I do to fix all head wear? I am really out of ideas.

hi i guess u is trying to mod it to allow u to use goggles etc

are you modding the client file in

C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\userconfig\ACE


C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@ACE\userconfig

hope this helps

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Before I did exactly same thing, but I put same data to profile and to cielntside config (in all 3 fies identity was exactly the same) - no change.

What you mean with name. I cant understand that's problem.

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just looked at yor paths and yes u is modding the wrong file do as i say above ;)

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try updating the other parameters in the userconfig to reflect your arma2profile. I.e. face, pitch, etc

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Can anybody tell why the ACE keys that require pressing 2 buttons (SHIFT + SPACE for weapon resting) aren't working for me? The one-button, like the NV adjust, work just fine

Bump, so it is

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