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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta!

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does anyone else have a problem where the Mp5k has no fire sound ? think i have had same issues with a couple of other weapons as well...

anyway to sort it out ? im not using any sound mods btw

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ok i see the real-life ACOG now has the weird diagnonal red thing on it - can someone explain what the hell it's for and how you are supposed to aim with it?

The ACOG CQB sight in ACE1 was fantastic, a simple notch sight, perfect, why have they changed the design to something you cant even see past (and could we have the older variant as well please)?

Are you talking about the Fiber Optics(Red line/tube on the top of the scope? It's not a CQB sight, it's a fiber optic tube that helps the reticle get brighter or darker depending on the lighting conditions. Basically it just lets light in and it can pick up low light levels to provide better display of the reticle. You can go to the Trijicon site and read about it in the brochure they have there.

To be honest, I'm not sure that type of ACOG even has CQB sites, does it? I'm not exactly sure what rifle/scope combo you are talking about but it could be the case. I'll have to check them all out in game to be able to provide a better answer though.


Just cause I'm a nice guy I'll post the brochure for you. ;)


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ok i see the real-life ACOG now has the weird diagnonal red thing on it - can someone explain what the hell it's for and how you are supposed to aim with it?

The ACOG CQB sight in ACE1 was fantastic, a simple notch sight, perfect, why have they changed the design to something you cant even see past (and could we have the older variant as well please)?

The reticule is a range finding reticule. The average width of a man's shoulders is 19 inches. The space at the bottom of the chevron represents 19 in at 300 meters. After that the horizontal lines below that represent 19 inches at range out to 800? meters.

So if you place the line with the 4 next to it on a mans chest and the line smaller than the shoulder width but larger than the 5th line ( representing 500 m ) then he is around 450 M, so you put the target halfway in between the 4th and 5th line ( 400 and 500 m )

As for as the red reticle, the tip is 100 m, inbetween the tip and the bottom is 200, and the bottom of it is 300 m.

EDIT - Usually with soldiers that know what they are doing will tape up most of the fiber optic wire, since in the scope the red reticule is too bright and will often be fuzzy because of this. Covering it so only an inch or so of fiber optic wire is exposed makes it much more crisp.

Edited by usarmy19dsniper

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For the inquisitive, there is no iron sight on the modern ACOG represented in ACE2. If you had to, you could look over the top of the scope like in the game. The fiber optic wire is accurately modeled, though, and looks good in game.

As for taping up part of the fiber optic, I haven't seen MPs or infantry doing that, and I've never seen a fuzzy red chevron, even during mid-day.

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no way currently, unless you are gonna use script it via attachTo command.

Too bad I don't know how to script :S

None yet managed to write such a script :P ?

It would be so useful (It would be even better if it was made through script...).

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Hi, when I join some servers appear to me a message: "Cannot open object bmp.p3d" and the game crash to destock with a windows error.

This happens to me since I have pach 1.05 with ACE2 mod.

What I can do?

thx and sorry my English is not my lenguage

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For the inquisitive, there is no iron sight on the modern ACOG represented in ACE2. If you had to, you could look over the top of the scope like in the game. The fiber optic wire is accurately modeled, though, and looks good in game.

As for taping up part of the fiber optic, I haven't seen MPs or infantry doing that, and I've never seen a fuzzy red chevron, even during mid-day.

its a personal preference, try it sometime. We did it for our designated marksman class.

MPs? lol

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im having a strange issue with the mh6 since the update ive only just recently noticed the issue, basicly ive been workiing on a misson for quite some time involving littlebirds i worked fine up until the latest update i presume now i get a error message and when im in game i cant see the littlebirds at all, and if i place the littlebird on the map and me as the driver it just freezes at recieving and then crashes


Edited by Pauld

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im having a strange issue with the mh6 since the update ive only just recently noticed the issue, basicly ive been workiing on a misson for quite some time involving littlebirds i worked fine up until the latest update i presume now i get a error message and when im in game i cant see the littlebirds at all, and if i place the littlebird on the map and me as the driver it just freezes at recieving and then crashes

The config in latest version says:

model = "\x\acex\addons\m_veh_mah6\ace_ah6_lb";

Also verified the release files.

If you use the Six-Updater, click Main, disable auto-skip, click "reset skip status", wait until it shows you the list of mods to be checked, click main, click execute.

This should heal your installation.

(You can enable autoskip again on next run)

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i can place all littlebird without errors, wich updater do you use?

wich arma2 version? wich other addons are installed? Do you have the errror still with vanilla ArmA2?

Update: Six was faster :D

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Love the mod, but it has totally ruined the brand new apache. With Ace enabled, the Apache gunner will not fire any weapons, and i cannot command him to fire by clicking my mouse.

Instead I have to switch to manual fire, which allows me to LOCK ON with the machine gun, but won't let me lock on with hellfires? Please ACE, put the chopper back how it was!

My AI gunner was amazing before ACE, he fired on targets from huge distances just like you would expect. Now he never fires at all.

That is my only issue, other than that, fantastic mod.

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Ä° think tehre is an m4a1 RCO config bug or just my misatke but,

Without ACEX there is an m4a1 M203 RCO model in basic weapon box with both optic and iron sight.But with acex i couldnt find this weapon.With acex in same box,same wepaon has only optic sight,acog.



Acex replaces this sight with new one,which doesnt have that iron sight on top of it.But i think,only with this, you can really use and take advantage of cqb sight option.otherwise acogs with that red chevron are useless.Keeping both of them suggestion was rejected form devheaven but i think this must be in game.


Edited by snakedoctor34

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1. hellfires have been fixed already, will be back as they were in tomorrow's update

2. control over the FFAR is now pilot's job. You can still control the AI gunner using the CTRL+command (switching gun, firing weapons etc)

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And indeed merry Christmas from everyone this side of the digital divide too :) I think that, all things considered, the ACE2 product and it's delivery system will prove to be a major turning point in what has already proven to be a really driven and ambitious game system. OFP/ArmA/ArmA2 has to be without doubt the most well supported and provided for game installation service available. I speak as a VBS2 owner when I say that ArmA2 has proven to be the single most well-supported and developed game environment I've encountered. I'm proud and happy to be a part of it, and I hope to see it supported so into the future, whatever that might bring. As long as BIS provide the base structure, I hope to see such endevours continue.

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The config in latest version says:

model = "\x\acex\addons\m_veh_mah6\ace_ah6_lb";

Also verified the release files.

If you use the Six-Updater, click Main, disable auto-skip, click "reset skip status", wait until it shows you the list of mods to be checked, click main, click execute.

This should heal your installation.

(You can enable autoskip again on next run)

Edit i found what was conficting with the mh6 config and sorted it... thanks for you help anyway i learned something new about your updater :)

Edited by Pauld

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Is there any problem with FDF Podagorsk using the Six Updater?

I tried to download it today twice and after finish the download there were some errors and the download started again.

Best regards

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so no one elses gun sounds have disappeared ?

No :)

Are you using ACEX_SM too ?


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Hi guys! Im new to the forums. I have played ArmA ever since it came out but only recently got broadband so now Im looking into mods for my games. Im unsure exactly what this mod does to the game. Can anyone fill in a noob?

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