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island : Six Little Green bag

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Released at Armaholic : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8547

Feedback for my released island Six Little Green Bag!

The name of the island is : Six Little Green Bag. Six for 6thsense and Little Green Bag cause thats what it is, a lot of green. When i took of on this island i had in mind something like the scottish highlands, rural area's, wild forest. So i am not trying to reproduce the scottish highlands or someting like that. Just the way the mountains shape there are incredible and its that what i wanted in the map.

The island has mostly dirt-roads, some militairy area's, some villages. All of the island is on the edge of old stuff and the step to modernisation. You can see modern world and the old in it, conflicting in many ways. Atleast that is the idea.

The small road network gives nice mountain drives.

So far the following has been build:

  • 1 Swamps, water area's with plants, scary terrain :P
    2 A couple of villages.
    3 Militairy base.
    4 Woodcutters area.
    5 a ruined castle of decent proportion to serve use for gaming.
    6 farm area's (pumpkins to be precise)
    7 Burned down/collapsed militairy training base. Its now a construction yard to tear it down.
    8 Carrier on south west placed

The terrain is 5.1 x 5.1 km and its having heights going from -280 meter into sea to about 285 meter hill tops. Having many terraces and round shaped mountains, this gives very nice effect for both game and eye candy. The most interesting part of this map (i think) is the terrain itself.

You can use and play the map at your own risk and if you dont do that then its your problem. Have fun, feedback welcome guys, by this i release version 1.0.

- Civ modules should be working! (alice)

- Keys included

Pictures are outdated (armaholic site) but i gues ya can see it soon enough ingame is it.

Thank you for your time!

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Just had a look at it, seems like a well designed island. Absolutely no performance issues (50-70 fps on medium to high settings), good layout, great attention to detail, town/villages are very lifelike. And a somewhat creepy atmosphere with bad weather/fog...

Definitely a keeper! Got any missions for it? :p

Edit1: Forgot to say thanks!

Edit2: Isnt the Khe Shan a bit too close to the shore?:D

Edited by malibu.stacey

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Definitevely a great Island, very well designed. I noticed AI having trouble with pathfinding while driving from woodcutter factory to Bossman village trying to shortcut the road curve. Anyway not a big mess. Great job, congratz. Thank you.

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Thanks for the nice first words guys. Just FYI:

Fix patch for all mentioned and to be mentioned bugs/issues i planned for beginning of january so just spit out your findings. If something major shows up i do it before that ofc.

Have fun!

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a really nice island :)

Many thx for this great work spirit!



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So... could new sheep models be far behind? :D

Just happened to see the vid of the WIP by bluescuba(?) recently. Looks great - will give it a run or three.

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Just had a look at it, seems like a well designed island. Absolutely no performance issues (50-70 fps on medium to high settings), good layout, great attention to detail, town/villages are very lifelike. And a somewhat creepy atmosphere with bad weather/fog...

Definitely a keeper! Got any missions for it? :p

Edit1: Forgot to say thanks!

Edit2: Isnt the Khe Shan a bit too close to the shore?:D

Thanks for you findings! Khe Shan???

Mission? Yes i do. At 6thsense i made MCC (mission control centre), with that you can dynamicly make missions for any island. Its the only mission that is played every night at 6thsense. I can publish a stripped version (without 6thsense mod needing) with the island soon. If ppl enjoy it i can release it for all islands btw, we have that on server. We use that already for 8 months or so. But thats a different story and a new thread. I update ya soon (although with incoming DAC we will quickly move into that direction) :P

Taht way you can make any coop mission you like in any role ya like, at any start ya like, with any unit ya like, against any force ya like, in any area(s) ya like. Sounds cool ?

And thanks all for the nice words!

Edited by spirit6

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Thanks for you findings! Khe Shan???

The carrier south/west.

I can publish a stripped version (without 6thsense mod needing) with the island soon

That´d be great!! :D

Just a quick question: are the onscreen names for towns/villages the same as the internal ones? I want to add some proper population and I need these for adjusting Alice a bit.

Btw, having a blast on this island. Six Little Green Bag + Urban Patrol Script + Alice + some FR dudes vs. Insurgents = pure win!

Edited by malibu.stacey

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Thanks for this. Glad to see a new island. Downloading now!

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The settlements are very well built. But change the town names man, The ruined castle of Lord Sickboy and Bossman, Id mash out a few missions then .

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The settlements are very well built. But change the town names man, The ruined castle of Lord Sickboy and Bossman, Id mash out a few missions then .

Ya have to live with the names man, the map has 6thsense members as names, so nohting serious here :)

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Iv made one anyway, its going well so far, just havent refered to any of the towns by name lol. It should be up in a few days if you wanner see how your Island is being put to good use. That swamp place is excellent though man. Really immersive when your sneaking through it.

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Don't mind them map, visually its lovely. Although I found the terrain isn't overly suited to Infantry warefare due to the ammount of hills. And yes I understand its a highlands based map, that just my opinion, so maybe next time try do a few less slopes instead more Hills or something. Although the steepness may just be because its not the hugest of maps.

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Don't mind them map, visually its lovely. Although I found the terrain isn't overly suited to Infantry warefare due to the ammount of hills. And yes I understand its a highlands based map, that just my opinion, so maybe next time try do a few less slopes instead more Hills or something. Although the steepness may just be because its not the hugest of maps.

Hey mate,

Well its for each his own to like or not to like ofcoure but the infantry is doing quite good on the map. We have been using this map for 2 months already at 6thsense doing countless of infantry missions with no problem.

Ofcourse some loctations are problematic but the mission maker has his own responsibiltiy in that. Just like noticing that tanks fall off cliffs if you send them on the top hill. Tanks will do the same in real life, they are not mountaineers. Most of terrain is quite round shaped, giving no problems for the ai at all.

In fact this terrain is 100% suited for infantry for the above reason. And next time the hills will be bigger:D I like that just a lot and thats basicly the reason, not the fact that the map is relative small. (25 square km). Also the steepness is not a map size limitation but a matter of choice as intended.

Edited by spirit6

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This terrain is sooooo undulating, there's plenty of places to hide and shoot from, very very suitable for infantry combat! I had fun on this island in my armoury game. :) Great work!

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Looks good dude. Cant wait to have a game :D

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spirit6, sometimes the AI gets stuck moving up and down the big hills, just standing there or getting stuck in loops. in v2 make it so its more passable please mate.

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Rough terrain - this island could be a nice refugee for outlaws. :n:

Will your next project include some plateau's and mountain roads/pass?

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oh one more thing... don't accept the kill house mission (guess this applies to all custom islands) or you will just end up in the sea...hehehehe

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Down under my mission geneator MCC for use of this island, only usmc side made public atm. YOu can make missions with it on the fly. Its the only mission file we play every night at 6thsense for months already.

By here i give you my mcc stuff. I dont have much to time write but ere we go. Currently you have the usmc version for my island only. If its fine and tested by one of you guys i publish you all missions. NO modification please! This is the MULTIPLAYER version btw. So if you like to test solo then create a new local server.




We use it for months already and i promise i go explain a bit more later on. Just put in your mp mission folder. Later i can give you an up to date one as i now quickly stripped an older version to not use the 6th sense mod. Its meant for coop gaming btw.

-You can click a start location

-You create a zone

-You spawn in it what ever ya like (units groups etc)

-The spawn empty option you can use to spawn cars etc empty for use

- YOu can spawn all dynamic objects

- The zone that is active is yellow on the map. So you can just go to select zone two for example, resize it and place it, then spawn in it

- You can move zones when ever ya like, the units will go to the new location (only non static shit ofc)

Basicly this will give you unlimited mission fun if you give it time to understand. The first person that uses the mission generator (move your mousewheel to see the menu to start it) is considered the mission maker.

At 6th we dont use respawn and a spectate script kicks in, this has been changed to respawn at the start location for now. Keep in mind that i didnt make this for the public but for use of the 6thsense gameplay.

You can see the whole hierarchy that we use, so you can basicly use any role ya like to play the mission. Also JIP will start at the start location btw.

It uses kronzy's ups script to make it all work.

Again i dont have time to fully explain it and its only there for you enjoyment. Later i go explain more if ya guys fail at its use lol. Have fun!

Edited by spirit6

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just downloaded and tested - nice atmosphere and this castle ;)

and coasts and ... lovely for some WW2 missions :)

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