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BIS Warfare in your Missions

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BIS Warfare Module

lkwarfare v0.5

You can set up a minimal warfare with 3-4 towns on your mission or an entire warfare mission like super powers, also you can set up your parameters like starting funds, location and how many factions will be in warfare, etc.


Some Parameters:

- set funds for East, West, Resistance, Defense Units

- set funds for commanders and subordinates

- chose your warfare zone (mark the area where the warfare will take place)

- supply trucks and bounties

- how many units will take place to your warfare

- voting time

- if the towns are occupied by resistance or not

Parameters are in lkwarfare folder/ init_common.sqf

*Note: you can create your mission normally and if you like you can add the warfare capability at any time in your mission.

**To add the warfare in your missions you need this:

/in editor=

- warfare module

- 3 or more units for commander and subordinates

- 2 mobile HQ`s

/in mission folder=

- 1 folder with 3 files that will contain the parameters

- init.sqf and description.ext



1. copy the example mission form the link below and put it in you "Arma2/missions" folder.

2. open the game editor and load the warfare LK mission

3. copy everything from the editor with "ctrl+c".

4. open your mission and paste it with "ctrl+v".

5. make the appropriate changes to fit your mission.

6. now in windows explorer copy form the example mission the "lkwarfare" folder in you mission folder that you want to use the module.

7a. if you have init.sqf and description.ext, open my files and just copy the lines to your files

7b. if you don't have init.sqf and description.ext in your mission folder, copy both files in your mission folder.

8. Launch the game and test it.


- when you open my example mission in your game editor you will see:

the warfare module (has some variables inside so be sure to put those in your warfare module or you can copy the entire module )

West and East units synchronized with the module (you can put as many as you want)

West mobile HQ and East mobile HQ synchronized with the module (they are needed for HQ deployment)

You will see a separate unit that will have in his init line: "Group this SetVariable["dedicatedMission","PatrolBase"];", this is the unit that will patrol the base, you cannot command this, you can remove it or add some more

Press "Markers" in the menu to see the markers on the map and you will notice there is a orange marker called "BIS_WF_InitRegion0" = this is for setting the Warfare Zone, if the marker is placed on the map it will only deploy depots meaning capturing towns inside it, if you make it larger and occupy a larger are you will see what i mean, if you remove this the warfare module will set the entire map as a Warfare Zone

Alternative i have put up some game logics to show you how you each faction can control Towns from the beginning of the game. They are OP(East) and BLU (West). You can remove those but doing so will enable the towns to be occupied by resistance.

Download Example Mission

Please report any bugs and ask for help if u need it.


Edited by lucilk

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Oh this is something I've been dying to figure out since day one. Can you set some up for SP missions? Thank you. I've struggled with this for months.

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Beautiful! Thank you!


Thanks for this. I just checked it out and it's what I've been trying to do for months. Now I gotta figure out the scripts.

Edited by Manzilla

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Cool man and thanx for the help! this hellps allot :)

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Brilliant! can anyone tell me how i can make specific areas on a map catchable as opposed to towns? im tryng to apply this to afghan village

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""i am afraid withowt the map config for warfare mode is not posible, my version only works with BIS configs for towns, so if the map doesn't have the towns defined you can not use the warfare with your locations...

The only custom map exept chernarus and utes that is posible what you want is Isla Duala, Icebreakr made those configs for the map that defines the cities, sorry man""

so that other knows whats going on

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Brilliant work so far!

A few questions;

1. How do I limit certain buildings/units from being built?

2. How do I artificially add supplies/money to the player?

3. Can I start warfare with some other building/unit as the HQ? I want to use a custom building to base everything else around, not an MHQ.

I'll think of more questions later.


- HateDread, NZARMA Commander.


- How do I give myself command of them? I want to be able to send squads places, to towns, etc. Would I have to combine the High Command module into it, or is there a built-in interface?

- How do I get AI to automatically man defences that are built? It occurs in Benny's Warfare, but I don't know how it works. Can it be applied to defences that are already in place before deployment?

- How do I start the mission with the MHQ deployed?

- When the MHQ is removed, and a HQ is placed instead, and synchronised to the warfare module, an MHQ is still automatically placed right in front of the player at mission start. There's no way to interact with it, either - it's just... there.

- How do I start the mission without any resistance units in the towns, but have them owned by neither Bluefor or Opfor? I just want empty, neutral towns.


Edited by HateDread

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How can I set AI as default commander?

Why doesn't civilian works?

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Using your template, I have created easily relocated singel town warfare missions with no resistance, just opfor and blufor duking it out.

I have also created "capture the town" co-op missions, warfare style. Capture the town from the resistance to win!

I can't thank you enough!!!

Now my question... using this in OA, why is it that all the warfare buildings in the editor are the ARMA2 ones from Chernarus when I place them in the editor? Where are the Tajikstan ones? In my capture the town missions, I start the team with the full base already built, so all you need is to build enough cash to buy what you want. But I cannot find the OA-style Warfare buildings anywhere, and the regular ARMA2 ones will not show any weapons to buy! So, I end up having to build the base using the mobile HQ anyway.

Anyone know where they are in the editor?

---------- Post added at 01:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 AM ----------

  HateDread said:
Brilliant work so far!

A few questions;

1. How do I limit certain buildings/units from being built?

2. How do I artificially add supplies/money to the player?

3. Can I start warfare with some other building/unit as the HQ? I want to use a custom building to base everything else around, not an MHQ.

I'll think of more questions later.


- HateDread, NZARMA Commander.


- How do I give myself command of them? I want to be able to send squads places, to towns, etc. Would I have to combine the High Command module into it, or is there a built-in interface?

- How do I get AI to automatically man defences that are built? It occurs in Benny's Warfare, but I don't know how it works. Can it be applied to defences that are already in place before deployment?

- How do I start the mission with the MHQ deployed?

- When the MHQ is removed, and a HQ is placed instead, and synchronised to the warfare module, an MHQ is still automatically placed right in front of the player at mission start. There's no way to interact with it, either - it's just... there.

- How do I start the mission without any resistance units in the towns, but have them owned by neither Bluefor or Opfor? I just want empty, neutral towns.


Great info here:


To have towns start as neutral with no resistance:

1)place a game logic (unit menu, set side -> game logic) and set the unit to "Owner" civilian

2)play! The town will start out owned by the non-existent civilians, and either Opfor or Blufor can then capture it

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I decided to play and edit a bit with the "lkwarfare - BIS Warfare Module" but I'm having the following problem:

As desired, I managed to limit one or both sides to having a barracks building only by "disabling" supplies and by sincronizing a Barrack Warfare building to the Warfare module and so far everything was OK (infantry soldiers were automatically created as well) but the problem is that those infantry soldiers automatically created in the barracks don't move to occupy the town objectives (they don't move at all!).

I noticed that only if there's a vehicle building present that those same infantry soldiers board the created vehicles and advance (mounted on the vehicles) towards the town objectives.

So what I would like to know is how can I make the infantry soldiers created by the barracks to move ON FOOT towards the town objectives (without the need of vehicles)?

Thanks in advance for any replies....

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does the link still work? can't download the demo mission!

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Say, does someone have a working link to this file? I would love to access it...


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  On 11/29/2009 at 1:30 AM, lucilk said:

BIS Warfare Module

lkwarfare v0.5

You can set up a minimal warfare with 3-4 towns on your mission or an entire warfare mission like super powers, also you can set up your parameters like starting funds, location and how many factions will be in warfare, etc.


Some Parameters:

- set funds for East, West, Resistance, Defense Units

- set funds for commanders and subordinates

- chose your warfare zone (mark the area where the warfare will take place)

- supply trucks and bounties

- how many units will take place to your warfare

- voting time

- if the towns are occupied by resistance or not

Parameters are in lkwarfare folder/ init_common.sqf

*Note: you can create your mission normally and if you like you can add the warfare capability at any time in your mission.

**To add the warfare in your missions you need this:

/in editor=

- warfare module

- 3 or more units for commander and subordinates

- 2 mobile HQ`s

/in mission folder=

- 1 folder with 3 files that will contain the parameters

- init.sqf and description.ext



1. copy the example mission form the link below and put it in you "Arma2/missions" folder.

2. open the game editor and load the warfare LK mission

3. copy everything from the editor with "ctrl+c".

4. open your mission and paste it with "ctrl+v".

5. make the appropriate changes to fit your mission.

6. now in windows explorer copy form the example mission the "lkwarfare" folder in you mission folder that you want to use the module.

7a. if you have init.sqf and description.ext, open my files and just copy the lines to your files

7b. if you don't have init.sqf and description.ext in your mission folder, copy both files in your mission folder.

8. Launch the game and test it.


- when you open my example mission in your game editor you will see:

the warfare module (has some variables inside so be sure to put those in your warfare module or you can copy the entire module )

West and East units synchronized with the module (you can put as many as you want)

West mobile HQ and East mobile HQ synchronized with the module (they are needed for HQ deployment)

You will see a separate unit that will have in his init line: "Group this SetVariable["dedicatedMission","PatrolBase"];", this is the unit that will patrol the base, you cannot command this, you can remove it or add some more

Press "Markers" in the menu to see the markers on the map and you will notice there is a orange marker called "BIS_WF_InitRegion0" = this is for setting the Warfare Zone, if the marker is placed on the map it will only deploy depots meaning capturing towns inside it, if you make it larger and occupy a larger are you will see what i mean, if you remove this the warfare module will set the entire map as a Warfare Zone

Alternative i have put up some game logics to show you how you each faction can control Towns from the beginning of the game. They are OP(East) and BLU (West). You can remove those but doing so will enable the towns to be occupied by resistance.

Download Example Mission

Please report any bugs and ask for help if u need it.


thanks for guide, is it possible to add 3rd faction a Resistance faction bdrm as HQ? if yes how can, just create and named the bdrm?

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