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About RobinhoOdX

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  1. RobinhoOdX

    Warfare BE

    hey can you upload the mission file all links are dead since i cant acess
  2. are those cracked? because dedicated server cant seem to open up
  3. RobinhoOdX

    warfare benny

    hello greeting anyone i have some questions in warfare mission by benny, can be it possible to have 2 or more MHQ like one will be me to build and other my bro will build building, secondly is it possible to have GUE faction addon so we can choose gue over east and west, thirdly is it possible to add float object script to warfare benny like i wanna move and float bunker on some building rooftop, fourtly is there any map bigger like cherenus but will be big island like more water around it?
  4. RobinhoOdX

    warfare benny

    hello greeting anyone i have some questions in warfare mission by benny, can be it possible to have 2 or more MHQ like one will be me to build and other my bro will build building, secondly is it possible to have GUE faction addon so we can choose gue over east and west, thirdly is it possible to add float object script to warfare benny like i wanna move and float bunker on some building rooftop, fourtly is there any map bigger like cherenus but will be big island like more water around it?
  5. RobinhoOdX

    WARFARE BE2 *Rubber Ed*

    hello greeting rubberkite i have some questions, can be it possible to have 2 or more MHQ like one will be me to build and other my bro will build building, secondly is it possible to have GUE faction addon so we can choose gue over east and west, thirdly is it possible to add float object script to warfare benny like i wanna move and float bunker on some building rooftop, fourtly is there any map bigger like cherenus but will be big island like more water around it?
  6. thanks for guide, is it possible to add 3rd faction a Resistance faction bdrm as HQ? if yes how can, just create and named the bdrm?
  7. RobinhoOdX

    1S91 Fire Control Radar

    thanks you so much anyway why not share it on armedassault site and jerryhopper site for backup incase of suspension site?
  8. RobinhoOdX

    1S91 Fire Control Radar

    hello i need 64N6E acquisition radar addon for arma 2 oa since armaholic site is down and i can't seem to find it anywhere, if anyone have this addon in drive please make sure upload it to jerryhopper site or can upload to any site and post link here i will be very gratefull for that