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Too bad BI dropped the ball ... great game now.

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Yeah dude always worth checking out. As its a Mod folder you can always revert to 1.04 if not satisfied.

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the only thing that'll make me walk away from this game is if they are unable to fix the lag. i mean honestly, crysis on high at 50 fps. and i can't achieve comparable performance in arma2?

outdated engine imo.

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the only thing that'll make me walk away from this game is if they are unable to fix the lag. i mean honestly, crysis on high at 50 fps. and i can't achieve comparable performance in arma2?

outdated engine imo.

there are already post talking about the issus in this part of forums, basicly, its all up to your HDD due to excessive data access on the files important for landscape steaming while crysis is by no mean come anywhere close on this area

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How much better did the 1.05 beta make the game? Anything significant in terms of performance?

Im going to have to try it out.

With last build (60588) i notice the a.i. doesnt affect fps as much as 1.4 did.

I tried this with a mission i saved in the editor (many a.i.) and unlike 1.4 i can get 60 fps staring at the sky running the beta.

The towns still bring my fps down alot and cause stutter, especially driving thru them but i think they are only improving game code and interface, not assets (objects and stuff) so theres still many bugged content in the game.

I believe 1.5 is going to be a great patch.

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With last build (60588) i notice the a.i. doesnt affect fps as much as 1.4 did.

I tried this with a mission i saved in the editor (many a.i.) and unlike 1.4 i can get 60 fps staring at the sky running the beta.

The towns still bring my fps down alot and cause stutter, especially driving thru them but i think they are only improving game code and interface, not assets (objects and stuff) so theres still many bugged content in the game.

I believe 1.5 is going to be a great patch.

i cant keep up!

i only downloaded the last latest patch the other day, installed it lastnight.. now i have to uninstall that one for this one.

man i never known a company work so fast on patches.

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I wouldn't say that BIS really dropped the ball with the release of ArmA II. In fact, I quite like what they did. When ArmA II was released we had an influx of people looking to play the "new best game". This meant that we got a few... Let's say... "Special" people. Many threads popped up asking how to change their name, their face, to get out of freelook... Plus, cheating and teamkilling was also an issue. I couldn't get on to a public server without some cheater or teamkiller ruining the game for everyone.

But ArmA II was indeed buggy, and proved too buggy for these "special" people. So they moved on to the next "best game", leaving behind the fans of the game who actually want to play and enjoy it. So now those who stayed behind 1) don't have to deal with said "special" people, and 2) get to reap the benefits of BIS' customer support.

I'd say it was a huge sign of BIS showing their concentration and their support of their fanbase.

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Honestly, campaign aside, Arma 2 was very good from the start.

If BIS had taken the easy road and stuck with a more linear and simple campaign it would never have had this reputation of bugginess, because I never had a single performance or bug in the single missions, and the editor does its job too. And as many people said, without the input and the pressure from the community, there's no guarantee that the game would have been in the state it is now.

Arrowhead will serve to boost people's attention on Arma 2 again, with all the fixes included and performance optimization.

With a lot less trees around + the natural increase in hardware performance and tweaks to the engine, it will probably get much better performance this time around.

I'm sure there will be a "Gold" version bundled with Arma 2 so that late comers will catch-up to chernarus too. So I'm confident we will have some more adepts.

I know I would have been very sad to wait another 6 months with all the fun I had in the editor since german 1.00 !!!

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And you can go back to 1.04 at any time by removing the beta Mod folder from your shortcut.


Nothing is tampered with when installing a beta. And it takes litteraly some seconds to install it. Skip the beta - your loss Drew.

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IMO it's a shame that it took 5 patches to get ArmA2 to where it should have been on first release.

With all the improvements it's now a phenomenal game/sim but for the most part , only those of us that stuck by them are benefiting from the improvements.

Hard to say what kind of reviews and sales numbers would have come out on first release if the game had been as awesome as it is today.

And in only a few short months ... we could have waited (at least some of us anyway :p ).

I for one am not the least bit sorry I stuck with it.:)

Its a shame you keep making threads like this... Heck its a shame the winter comes ... whatever

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Looking back across his history, he does come across as a bit of a cynic, doesn't he? lol.

However, I do agree if the publishers didn't cause the early release, the more attention deficit/less tolerant portion of the gaming community would have been hooked solid.

@Colt45 GTO: Complain complain complain! :p I know, it's like having variations of your favorite food shoved into your fridge. I love it.

Edited by Scrub

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Why would u want a bunch of MW2 players playing this, so far all I've seen from it is there potential hack, cheat it an break it. Just my opinion but I know BI needs the sales to but I like the the way it is now, less caos an mayhem. Don't forget what it was like at the German Release of A1 servers were filled with *************** galore.

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the only thing that'll make me walk away from this game is if they are unable to fix the lag. i mean honestly, crysis on high at 50 fps. and i can't achieve comparable performance in arma2?

outdated engine imo.

No. Actually it's more advanced than Crysis. For what it's doing, it's excellent. If Crysis had to deal with these many variables, AI, render depth, it wouldn't run at all.

Also FPS is so arbitrary, for me, I'm having a great time at 30fps on high/very high. I don't need 70fps... for one, my monitor can't display more than 60Hz. That's SIXTY CYCLES PER SECOND. Meaning a game that puts out anything higher than your monitors refresh rate is LOST. Meaningless. The higher the numbers past your monitors refresh rate, is nothing more than how much more room your processor/GPU has left. I love how people go, "I can see the difference between 60fps - 100fps. Bull. It's technically not possible since your monitor can only display it's refresh rate ie. 60. If you have a higher end flat panel, sure cause it's showing you more frames. So a 75Mhz monitor will at max show you 75fps.

Oh, btw, movie film I believe is 24fps +/- (can't remember) and that seems pretty smooth huh? So what's the big deal if it's over movie film speed?

---------- Post added at 03:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:36 PM ----------

How much better did the 1.05 beta make the game? Anything significant in terms of performance?

Im going to have to try it out.

Performance Performance. If you want performance with no content, DR is -> way. Sure performance is getting worked on and mine actually seems smoother than the prior 3 patches, but the AI is getting much better, silly annoying bugs gone.

I think you'll like the current state.

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Why would u want a bunch of MW2 players playing this, so far all I've seen from it is there potential hack, cheat it an break it. Just my opinion but I know BI needs the sales to but I like the the way it is now, less caos an mayhem. Don't forget what it was like at the German Release of A1 servers were filled with *************** galore.

Kind of lets you know what type of gamer he is.

Maybe if we ignore him, he'll go away ;)

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@Colt45 GTO: Complain complain complain! :p I know, it's like having variations of your favorite food shoved into your fridge. I love it.

haha they are like ninja patches.. one min they aint there next they are and they roundhouse kick ya into downloading them :lol:

is chuck norris on the BIS team or somethin? :p

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Lughnut, it is a very long time (10 years) since most CRT's couldn't handle 75hz. [/url]

Who uses a CRT anymore?

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Why would u want a bunch of MW2 players playing this, so far all I've seen from it is there potential hack, cheat it an break it. Just my opinion but I know BI needs the sales to but I like the the way it is now, less caos an mayhem. Don't forget what it was like at the German Release of A1 servers were filled with *************** galore.

Very true. But you have to admit, even the most run-and-gunner out there that gets hooked into playing A2 will have to eventually learn teamwork.. Or else. (ok, or they also could hack and crack the game like most of those asshole types do.)

It would take time to come around, but the core of BISs' gameplay model makes lone fragging difficult in the long run.

There are some here that were of this type, but have since calmed down to the metrics of the game. Meh, just different side of the same opinion. :o

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Very true. But you have to admit, even the most run-and-gunner out there that gets hooked into playing A2 will have to eventually learn teamwork.. Or else. (ok, or they also could hack and crack the game like most of those asshole types do.)

It would take time to come around, but the core of BISs' gameplay model makes lone fragging difficult in the long run.

There are some here that were of this type, but have since calmed down to the metrics of the game. Meh, just different side of the same opinion. :o

i have never seen the point in hacks in a game especially an MP game, it cant be much fun for those with hacks due to no challenge, and its deffinately no fun for us that are on the recieving end of the hacker. its just lame seriously!

ok now to one of my previous replies in this thread about BIS warking to the bone to make the game perfect.....

they have created how many patches in total? and its been out how long?

this isn't a question with a complaint its more of an appraisal to the work they do for us.

EA have made 8 patches for BF2 and its still no good. they do not make beta patches, they just release a patch and be done with it. the game came out 2005 and things still dont work right.

this shows good testiment to BIS and how hard they ARE working and HOW much they ARE listening to its comunity.

way to go BIS keep it up..... it will soon be xmass and you can go get drunk all you want :D :yay:

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Who uses a CRT anymore?

I still use one. Not going to buy a new screen until this one dies.

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i have never seen the point in hacks in a game especially an MP game, it cant be much fun for those with hacks due to no challenge, and its deffinately no fun for us that are on the recieving end of the hacker. its just lame seriously!

Most of the time they aren't hacking to get good at the game, they're hacking to piss people off. They get pleasure out of people getting pissed off at them. Most of the time these people have ADD, mild or serious, so it's better to get bad attention than no attention at all. At least, that's my theory.

But best not to talk about hacking much further, as it's against the forum rules and is derailing the thread.

Yes, BIS are not only one of the few remaining PC-only developers, but they're also one of the few remaining developers who actually care about and listen to their community. Genuinely. Not like this DICE crap where they're trying to capitalize on their competitor's mistakes. Therefore, BIS will always get my cash if they continue on this path.

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I still use one. Not going to buy a new screen until this one dies.

One order of eyeball cancer coming up....

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Who uses a CRT anymore?

heh, my point, ok so you have a CRT at 75Mhz. so your fps is at 75Mhz, but it's not as bright and crisp.

---------- Post added at 09:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 AM ----------

Lughnut, it is a very long time (10 years) since most CRT's couldn't handle 75hz. Also you should have a read of http://www.100fps.com/how_many_frames_can_humans_see.htm

yeah, I know, you could probably see much greater than 100fps, but your monitor cannot show it to you.

CRT's and LCD's same but different, the CRT "gun" goes from the top of the screen, and runs down to the end of the screen in 75hz. or 75 times a second. So your screen is displayed 75 times a second. No more, no less.

LCD's pixels react in a similar fashion, sure the pixels adjust quicker, but still the screen is updated (most lcd's) 60Hz. So 60 times a second, your graphics are updated.

Doesn't matter if your game can run greater than 60Hz (if your on LCD) or 75Hz, if CRT. You simply cannot see what isn't there. So, if you have a 60hz, LCD, PERFECT (in your case) animation, is 60FPS. 75FPS if you have a CRT. Anything above your monitors refresh rate is nothing more than a benchmark on how efficient your machine is.

A person playing say Crysis at 100fps, see the exact same thing as someone on a system that shows 80fps. It's limited by the bottleneck, you're display.

So I chuckle when people say "I can run Crysis at 120 fps." and another guy says, "I only get 75fps, my machine must suck." (then the first guy laughs) No.... you're seeing exactly the same thing if you have the same speed displays.

So guys, don't get all bent if you're machine can't show you more than 60fps because if you're on an LCD, it's perfect. That's in any game. For myself, I'm getting 30fps on average on Arma2 with full graphics at 1920x1080.

so I'm smoother than movie film, which is pretty good for me. So I'm at half of what my display can show me. If I dropped the resolution down off this big ass LCD (25 inch HDMI) by getting a smaller display I can probably get much more. But this LCD rocks.

And I"m on a little Athlon 4400XP ... so I'm happy. You don't need a monster rig for Arma2 contrary to what people say. They are basing their judgment on what they THINK is good game optimization.

Edited by [RIP] Luhgnut

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