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Australians at War Addon Team

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Units look mega lads. Very much looking forward to more AAW addons.

Bloody hell! Your lot wear some baggy trousers. Must have been a pain in the arse to rig those.

Yeah it was one of the reasons why I ended up creating the units from scratch.

I have rigged before using maya ... I used to complain about how hard it was, then I found out how O2 weights models,put a stop to any complaints I had with Maya haha.

I had a bit of an idea on how to do the weights because of the experience with maya which gave me a step up, probably took around 6-7 hours with 2 hours spent just getting a work flow worked out. I cant imagine how hard it must be for people who have never had any experience doing that kind of thing before.

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Hot DAMN those unit models look fantastic. Modelling them from scratch has paid off in spades, as they stand out immediately as ADF units.

Can't wait to get my raid on with these ones! :D

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Oh yeah the 3d resolution was on 200% for that one.

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Unreal :O ..... I mean.... Just look at those textures... Fantastic =)

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Looking awesome on the new screen shots :)

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Yeah it was one of the reasons why I ended up creating the units from scratch.

I have rigged before using maya ... I used to complain about how hard it was, then I found out how O2 weights models,put a stop to any complaints I had with Maya haha.

I had a bit of an idea on how to do the weights because of the experience with maya which gave me a step up, probably took around 6-7 hours with 2 hours spent just getting a work flow worked out. I cant imagine how hard it must be for people who have never had any experience doing that kind of thing before.

Just out of curiousity having come from a maya background myself how different is rigging in O2...i know its off topic but maybe if u cud pm me i'd be interested in getting an experts insight.

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Just out of curiousity having come from a maya background myself how different is rigging in O2...i know its off topic but maybe if u cud pm me i'd be interested in getting an experts insight.

Definitely not an expert but Ill pm you in the next day or so when I have time and give a basic over view of what I had to go through

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Hey guys so a bit of a heads up on where we are going next.

AAW will be moving on to Operation Arrowhead and will be making our release's from then on as a Mod not individual addons.

Some of the considerations for moving on are the extended features such as working night aiming devices and torches for weapons which we have on our weapons as well as thermal devices for different vehicle remote weapon systems.

Now this may all be for nothing how ever if the features of OA are not backwards compatible with Vanilla ArmA2 we wont be supporting it.

While Chenerous and the Russian army do make a great island and opfor they are unlike any terrain the ADF is currently involved in. The opfor and island of Takistan are a much better representation of the Australias highest intensity conflict zone.

We are not how ever going on hold like we did during ArmA1-ArmA2 period. During that time I personally was taking time out to learn a lot more about hi poly/lo poly modeling and next gen techniques. Despite saying we were on hold a few people liked to say we were dead. I think the difference in quality between the first F88 pack for ArmA1 and the Infantry weapons pack for arma2 shows that the time off was time well spent.

For the time being heres a few shots of the ASLAV-25 with normal maps applied ready to be ported to o2(note the pioneer tools, jerry cans and such haven't been put on yet, I am making a special set of models which are basically vehicle props which can be used across all the vehicles we make) and a few WIP shots of the the hi poly Bushmaster IMV.


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Thanks for the update Soldier X,

In my opinion your units and weapons pack are the highest quality user made addons for Arma 2, with awesome functionality and flawless attention to detail. Just take your time i think i speak for everyone when i say we have no problem waiting for quality like this, (especially when were getting it for for free!!!).

On a side note i was wondering if you will be including SASR, and or commando units to the pack, and what things can we expect to see in the mod units, vehicles, weapons, game-play changes e.g at this early stage.

Thanks in advance for all the hard work to you and the the AAW team,


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Good call waiting for Operation Arrowhead, I can't wait to see the ADF tearing up Takistan.

Also any time off was incredibly well spent, the quality of this mod is unfuckingbelievable! :D

I'd also say that the features offered have basically set the standard for other mods to follow in terms of allowing unit customisation without having to have hundreds of different units to represent some diversity. Now if only there was a script for randomising the appearance of any infantry unit (yes I'm a lazy bastard)... ;)

Edited by r3volution

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Now that these have started hitting the streets at home, are there any thoughts on eventualy including them in your mod.


Love your work BTW its great to see the bar raised so ..... perfectly

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if the army starts using it we will put it on the list, for now tho our priorities are on vehicles and gear that are being used on current deployments by the ADF.

Left one screenshot out


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soldier X brilliant work as usual...can't wait to see what else you boys bring to the table.

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I think r3volution hit what I wanted to express right on the nose. Everything so far has really exceeded how at least I thought it was going to. Not only that, but you guys really set the bar even higher and showed us that you not only are passionate about your work but willing to go the extra mile with it.

I liked the animations with the weapons and was really blown away with the customization capabilities with the units themselves. I'm curious how difficult it was to do that?

Anyways, just wanted to chime in with some of my own bit of praise for a job well done and my looking forward to the future of this project. :)

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I liked the animations with the weapons and was really blown away with the customization capabilities with the units themselves. I'm curious how difficult it was to do that?

We are very fortunate at AAW as we not only have an amazing modeller (soldierX), texture artists (Sabre, Harry and Azza) and serving members who can give us advice on how these things work and reference photos but we also know a thing or two about scripting for ArmA2.

Luckily using Doc_Eyeballs knowledge of intergrating dialogs with CBA we were able to present the uniform change options in a much nicer way than I had originally envisged.

When it comes down to it, its not difficult to do - you just need a single soldier model that contains all the helmet/hat variants and each one is config'd as hidden selections. Essentially the scripts, via the dialog, then tell the game which textures for the hidden selections to turn off and on. This system could be extended to include other items such as uniform camouflage patterns, back-packs and weapon pouches so that the possibilities of customising your units could almost be endless. To start with though we chose a fairly simple array of options as we wanted to make sure that the system did not cause too many problems in the MP environment. So far in our missions with XDF, with up to 12 players and a few AAW AI for environmental effects around bases, we haven't run into any problems and we may continue to develop this system in future.

Edited by norrin

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