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Should I buy this game?

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I am one of many pissed call of duty PC gamers. I need a new online game to play.

does this game have dedicated servers? are there many people that play online? what are match sizes? what are the game types?

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Yes, dedicated servers (Windows and Linux). Given where you're coming from I would definitely recommend you try before you buy, it is nothing at all like COD.

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if it's a FPS that doesn't suck im sure it will be fine. im just wanting to know the multiplayer community. is it like hundreds or thousands of players?

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One thing you should be aware of is that this is not one of the many shooters out there. It's definitely not another BF/COD/whatever clone where run 'n gun is the standard gameplay.

Best thing is you get the demo and play it to get an idea.

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Hmmm, that's a hard one. I'll get back to you later.






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was lookin at the demo, is it always 3rd person?

No, you can switch between 3rd and 1st whenever you like (Except on the hardest difficulty and some servers).

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was lookin at the demo, is it always 3rd person?

Nope, you can do both. (hit the numlock Enter key and you'll go into 3rd person for player, armor, chopper, jet, etc) that is if the server has it enabled, some have 3rd person disabled, and you don't start in 3rd person, 3rd person is good for when your driving (is what I usually use it for) Other then that, you'll want to use first person to do all your killing, but again others might like 3rd person also, just a nice option to have.

Also, like the other said this game is TOTALLY not like the CoD run n gun series you might be use to. There's a good amount of people that give up on ArmA II cause it's NOT like that, their not use to the slower gameplay and they get killed and wonder why and get angry, etc. This is more serious mature type of playing (it's the kind of love, bullets that kill) but yeah, try the demo out, you may or may not like it, sure beats buying it THEN not liking it ^^

Edited by Trunkz Jr

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was lookin at the demo, is it always 3rd person?

Hi AmericanSkin

1st, 3rd, and Ironsights, for individual players, as well as Tactical view for squad command.

Also customisable camera scripting options along with various map view options.

But as others have said it is a simulation not a simple FPS. I am sorry but a simple FPS like COD will not have prepared you for ArmA II. The same engine as ArmA is after all used to train troops before they go off to Afghanistan and Iraq.

Try the Demo first.

Reading the linked page and the tips it links to may keep you alive a little longer when you first play ArmA.


Kind regards walker

Edited by walker

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Best way to find things out is to play.

Play damn you. Play. :D

Using the forums, make sure you also research how the game uses addons and mods.

Also patch it up to 1.04 and maybe tackle a beta patch if you fell inclined.

Enjoy and welcome. :)

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im at work on a linux box right now so cant test it yet haha. but i'll probably be joining you in the servers shortyl.

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let me answer your question!

i too am a BF/COD/AA gamer. excuse me mods while i clarify something...

my better half asked me what game i wanted for my b'day, i said ofp:dr so she bought me that, things didn't look good on the forum for the game, i was pointed in this direction by an A2 player, i downloaded the A2 demo on sunday gone. i simply can't turn it off. yes you only get two missions and limited bits to it but hell. we went today and swapped the game she bought me for this one.

CoD is a nadefest just as BF is for statpadding. this is a tactical sim in FPS and all ballistics are correct, all injuries are near as damit. if you take a hit to the leg your on your belly to the nearest outpost unless you have a medic on your team?

controls are nothing like cod or bf so you will have a huge learning curve with this. oh and just like bf all vehicles are driveable/flyable etc.

get the demo but be aware its not perfect play it for a few days and buy the game (i'm sure you will) i know i - well my better half did ;)

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Another thing most haven't really mentioned is not only is ArmA2 not a run and gun game such as COD, but its also not just team deathmatch/deathmatch all the time either. Most of the servers pretty much run user made co-op missions... which are a blast, but deffinatly different then COD. Theres also a healthy amount of Warfare, which is a semi-PVP semi-CooP capture the island game with NPCs and real players going at it. Then there are capture the flag and deathmatch games as well... they just aren't the majority like in COD.

ArmA2 is a good game, and far more flexable then COD. If you can accept that it doesn't play quite as smooth, close combat isn't great, and the fact that you actually have to think a bit when you play... you'll love it.

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COD is like crack : you get high very fast, it feels awsome for a couple of hours, but it doesn't last long.

Arma is more like a wine : it's strange the first time you taste it, you may not understand the point immediately, but the more you get into it the more you enjoy its subtleties, and last but not least it gets better and better with time (technology catches up, patches come along and modders do the rest).

If you have a creative mind, and liked to make up stories or build stuff to make them explode when you were a kid, you'll love the game.

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Ya know, I loved FP 1, and love ARMA 2 cause it reminds me of FP 1. lol But I wouldn`t coach anyone else on buying the game because of my love. No way. f it was a nOOb, I say again, wait for the next patch.

Of course if it was a Flashpoint 1 playa?? They wouldn`t be asking the question now would they?

Basicly, I would want the new buyer to get the best 1st time impression possible. And imho, I am hearing way better reaction to the Beta testers of the impending next patch, than I ever did from 1.04. So, wait for the next patch. hehhhehhe

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Why should he wait for the next patch? Everyone can use the beta patches right now. It's not that they make your PC go up in flames. And besides that, you can disable the patch and go back to 1.04 in just a few minutes.

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Go look up gameplay videos on Youtube. I usually do that before buying a game. Also gametrailers.com has a review.

It's a completely different kind of game to anything else. You'll love it or hate it.

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I echo everyone here about trying it. This game just rocks for immersion. The key with this game is you have to give it time to understand how to play it and make the most of all the views. 3rd Person, First person etc.... I use all the modes for a various things.This game really can grow on you and it has for me. I have spent countless hours of enjoyment. Does it have bugs? Sure it does, anyone who is a PC gamer knows that bugs come with the turf and none of the bugs have been a deal breaker for me. In fact the lastest beta patches are incredible. This is not a console game and it is not a quick gratification game. This game is deep and I mean really deep and if you don't play it long enough to realize what it is, your missing out. There is alot to learn in the controls and configuring for your personal style of play. My brother was impatient with the original Operation Flashpoint and kept saying it was c r ap. He just sucked at it and he managed to stick with it and he got better playing it. It grew on him too and he kept bugging me to hook up online in CO-OP. This is not an easy game and not a typical FPS. I think you'll either hate it or love it. One last thing, you will die a lot....lol

Edited by Stryker_1

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An additional note:

every key on the key board does something in game. EVERY KEY

this is not COD with 6 buttons

So as the others have said. Demo. You will love the game or hate it. rarely is there any middle ground :p

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Buy it twice.

LOL, I did. Now my Brother-in-Law and I can get lost in this huge world.

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You should buy it for the whole family ;)

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Should I buy this game?

Do not -DO NOT- deprive yourself of the best gaming experience you will ever have.

Buy this game man, the only thing you will regret is that you didn't buy it sooner.

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