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Zeus AI Combat Skills

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Some missions rely very strongly on the default AI behavior, and any change to AI behavior will break those missions. Nothing that can really be done. If mission maker assumes AI are blind in a certain situation, not because they should be but because they just are due to bad configuration from BIS, then when you fix this problem that BIS caused you break the mission. Even the slightest change to detection range or AI communication can break such sensitive missions.

The only solution I can suggest is either play missions that don't rely on the AI to do very specific (and usually stupid) things, or play them without Zeus AI.

Of course this is different from stuff in Zeus AI that make the mission maker completely lose control of the AI, which I hope will be improved in the future.

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Yeah I actually now play default BIS missions without Zeus where it hurts.

I had to remove sys_AI in the end though. With it tanks constantly run for cover, exposing their rear to the enemy and AT gunners take waaaaay too much time looking for cover before they engage an enemy vehicle - and as a result dying in 95% of cases. Without sysAI they react quick enough to an enemy vehicle - even when it faces the infantry they manage to destroy it in 3/4 cases which is fine. And AI still acts quite nicely, didn't notice much change in anything else since I've removed sysAI.

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With it tanks constantly run for cover, exposing their rear to the enemy and AT gunners take waaaaay too much time looking for cover before they engage an enemy vehicle - and as a result dying in 95% of cases.

This really needs to be fixed!

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thanks for the reply. i will test it again but this time only with certain pbos. will report the best results.

which pbo is respnsible for the ai spotting or engagement ranges??

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Maybe a change to the find cover function to fire first and run for cover after? It makes more sense after all. First make the enemy feel the need to take cover, and only then take cover yourself. At least in cases where the nearest cover is further than 1 second of running time.

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Is this Zeus AI less agresive and more slow than the old one? or its just my imagination? :s

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I am using A2 AO, what version of zeus I should use ? Zeus OA or Zeus Ace ?

Also AI is smoking everything, how can I turn off this feature ?


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Ummmm smoke is great! In a battle you would WANT them to be throwing it.

Sheesh !

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I think deep in this thread there is a debate about having smoke throwing optional to the addon (switchable) ... but I feel this will stay fixed as it is :)

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I am using A2 AO, what version of zeus I should use ? Zeus OA or Zeus Ace ?

That's been addressed so many times here already. Just use the search feature for that proper answer. I couldn't tell you which one to use cause you didn't mention if you use ACE2. If you do use ACE2 you can't use certain vanilla Zeus AI files so you gotta use the files from the Zeus ACE2 version. If you want to find out which files need to be used together if using ACE2 then you gotta check the thread. I can't remember the proper set up anymore and I've already provided it in this thread so I'm not taking any more time to look it up again.

The answer is here though. It only takes a few seconds to find it out.

For the latest working ACE2 version look for the link AnimalMother provided some pages back.

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My problem seems to have magically fixed itself lol, I won't complain.

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If they seem to be moving in circles - the last beta patch fixed that.

I finally got around to trying the latest patch and I still have the same problem: after standing down from a fight, some of my guys just stand around and don't do anything when I give them orders. Then when I save and load, they start running around in circles.

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I have the same issue. Sometimes after a fight I will have a squad member who refuses to move. It seems like if it was a situation where they shot a lot of rounds it is worse or more likely to happen.

Also, it seems to happen to mainly marksman and machinegunners.

I'm not sure if this is an Arma issue or something caused by Zeus. It sure is a bummer though when you get into a mission, survive a fight and then the AI breaks and you have to either leave a man behind or restart the mission.

"Where are you?"

Well 4, I told you to get in and you shrugged me off. Now you can walk home:p

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AI seem to spend a lot of time shooting at your last known position, even after you are long gone. Cutting down on how long they continue to do so could be an improvement. Currently if I distract them I can take a big detour and hit them from the side/behind while they're still engaging my very very old position.

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People who have issues with AI getting stuck after the combat try playing without zeu_sys_AI

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Is there a definitive explanation of each pbo's function and what it actually carries out much like the SLX thread that describes each pbo in full.

I see allot of comments and people mentioned taking certain things out, but I dont see any place that really explains them individually in much detail.

If I have missed a trick please post a link as I have completely missed it I think.

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People who have issues with AI getting stuck after the combat try playing without zeu_sys_AI

Tried this for about half an hour or so and it seems to work. Of course, the frustration with the AI doesn't end here, but it's a step forward.

Oh, and I guess the "causes no known issues" bit in the readme is now a lie :)

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People who have issues with AI getting stuck after the combat try playing without zeu_sys_AI

I will hopefully try it tonight. The only reason I haven't so far is because I would rather have a glitchy zeus than the standard AI.

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I also hope you are using the very latest version of Zeus from TS3, because the version from Oct 5 available on Armaholic has the AI getting stuck issue which was fixed since.

If you are using the latest one however - zeu_sys_AI may be at fault, because it actually forces the AI to take cover by its own rules and it's possible AI may get stuck in that position for some people. Wasn't happening for me though.

Note that AI is still very competent without sys_AI, they just don't take cover so eagerly (down to grouping under the same cover which has its drawbacks) anymore - a small price to pay for tanks not turning their backs at enemies while seeking cover before engaging (which gets them wiped out) and AT gunners instafiring at tanks, instead of running around looking for good cover for good 10 seconds (which gets them wiped out)

Edited by metalcraze

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You can use TS3 to download stuff? :confused: Awesome, I'll have to look into that.

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